The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 400 Sacred Crown

After the Dictionary Elf was released by Ivita's light soul, he floated into the air, looked at Ivita very seriously, and then said: "Are you talking about the Sun God Cult? You mean that outside the library, there is a group of people holding and Are the people with the same pattern on the goddess statue’s head on the wall of the library now making trouble everywhere?”

Ivita nodded. "They seem to have found a way to break free from the iron crown's shackles in the library's mark by burning themselves."

"But I don't know what connection those people have with this library."

The Dictionary Elf said: "The Iron Crown has nothing to do with the library, but the second floor of the library contains many books related to the Iron Crown. This is probably the biggest connection."

"But, I know the people you say are the Sun God Cult. Because in history, they should have burned down the Great Library."

"I still remember that they once broke into the Great Library, set fires everywhere in the Great Library, and eventually destroyed the entire Great Library. And their origins are indeed closely related to the Great Library."

The Dictionary Elf said: "There was probably a flaw in the thousand-year seal of the Great Library. Once upon a time, a ragged old female beggar passed through the thousand-year seal and entered the Great Library without completing the inheritance ceremony."

"As the elf in the book on the first level, I definitely wanted to kill her."

Ivita raised a brow.

Could it be said that this was the purpose of Iron Crown letting him come.

The dictionary elf continued: "But that woman had no fear of death. I was moved by her numb expression. I began to be curious about her life and experiences. I asked her what kind of life she lived."

"The woman told me that in her hometown, to get married, you need to give money to the lord to buy the right to get married, and for burial, you need to give money to the lord to buy the right to allow burial. She was too miserable and had no money to give to her husband who died of illness from overwork. He spent money to buy a tomb, but the earth refused to bury his husband. Even though his husband had been buried in the earth for three months, there was no trace of decay."

"The priest said that in her country, if the body does not rot, it means that there will be a huge disaster."

"Her husband's nails gradually grew longer and sharper in the earth, and his skin began to turn black and hard."

"Later, she returned home one day and found that her husband, who had turned into a living corpse, had killed all the livestock in her house...including her children, and chased her until she accidentally ran into the great library."

Ivita raised a brow. "What does this have to do with the Sun God Religion?"

The Dictionary Elf said with some shame: "After I heard it, I thought she was too miserable, so I did a stupid thing. I didn't want to kill her anymore. Instead, I was trying to think of ways to persuade her and let her live."

"I made a lot of nonsense about the statue of the goddess, distorting the meaning of the statue, and told her that as long as the sun still rises tomorrow, it means that she still has hope of living. I told her that the sun has infinite mysteries and can Help her to be free and get rid of the troubles of life. But this is not enough, I started to teach her how to read magic texts, which allowed her to learn magic with the rich magic library here."

The look in Iveta's eyes towards the Dictionary Elf seemed wrong again. "So, you are still her teacher. You master and disciple have the bond to unite against me."

The dictionary elf quickly picked up his own dictionary, flew to the other side, and said to Ivita: "No, no, I fell out with her later. Because I found that after she got married again and gave birth to a daughter, that daughter You can actually ignore the thousand-year seal and enter the Great Library."

"I realized that the flaw in the Thousand-Year Seal lies in the bloodline. I am afraid that the bloodline in her and her daughter may be the descendants of the witches who were recruited by the Conqueror Xiao to set up the Thousand-year Seal in the Great Library thousands of years ago. .”

Ivita thought. "If that witch also covets the books inside the Great Library, she is likely to leave loopholes when establishing the seal, such as allowing herself to enter the Great Library."

"So, she may have set up a back-up plan to allow people with her own bloodline to enter the library. Moreover, she has not dared to go near the big library in the past few decades or even a hundred years. So as not to attract the attention of Conqueror Xiao. Therefore, she probably set a time limit at that time, for example, her bloodline can enter the Great Library after a hundred years."

The Dictionary Elf said excitedly to Ivita: "As expected of the successor of the ancient great library, he is full of wisdom. My guess is very similar to yours."

"But there's one thing you don't know."

"After Xiao the Conqueror completed the construction of each large library, he buried all the relevant personnel alive and killed all the witches involved with sunlight and iron swords. Therefore, the witch who participated in the thousand-year seal has not yet completed the My ridiculous plan has already been killed by Xiao.”

The Dictionary Elf continued to Ivita: "After I discovered this, I immediately asked the woman to kill her daughter and promised me not to have children again. I even forced her to drink the sterilization potion I made. But I What I missed is that she has changed from a refugee to a witch."

"She attacked me and ran away with her daughter. From then on, she and her descendants would return to the big library at a specific time when I fell asleep, borrowing books on the basement floor of the library and refining their magic. "

"Later, I also vaguely discovered that she established a religion to win over civilians and even nobles who wanted to resist the Iron Crown. But I didn't expect that she would actually send people after she didn't need the magic book on the underground floor. There was a fire here, so much so that the Thousand-Year-Old Library was destroyed because of her."

Ivita listened to the dictionary elf lamenting on the side, while she scanned the more than 10,000 books on the bookshelf, feeling a little speechless.

Most of the magic books here are almost only for apprentices, and many of them are casual in nature.

Unexpectedly, the Sun God Cult attached so much importance to the books here in the early days, and even relied on the magic books here to make their fortune.

Ivita continued to ask: "After fighting against the Sun God Cult, I discovered that they have the ability to be immune to damage. Since their gods are all made up by your little dictionary elf, obviously, their This ability to be immune to spells and physical attacks, and even bad energy attacks, is most likely found in the book here."

"And it seems that they can do terrible things with the candidates for the Iron Crown's heir. Do you have any impression of this?"

The dictionary elf held his own body tightly and said to Ivita in fear: "This is no longer my responsibility. There are more than 13,000 books here, you can read them slowly."

"As long as you read them all, you should gain something. But I can remind you, if you read here, don't blame me. Because Xiao has set it up, only you have read more than thirteen thousand books , to enter the next level, or to go out."

The dictionary elf was afraid that Ivita would take offense at it and its body, so she had already hid far away.

After all, in its eyes, Ivita may have to spend a year or two here.

You need to remember them all, word for word.

In its eyes, if Ivita is unlucky, it is possible for her to be trapped on the first floor for several years.

Just the thought that such a kind-hearted dictionary elf would have to stay with that vicious and terrifying human being for several years made his heart tremble and he was very scared. He only felt that the future was dark.

Ivita gave the dictionary elf a cold look.

I had already prepared myself for this situation.

If you don't have a light soul, you may be really trapped in this situation.

But the light soul can establish idealism, and knowledge is experience. With experience, you can interfere with phenomena, so using the light soul to learn knowledge is a matter of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Ivita closed her eyes.

The dictionary elf was stunned for a moment. Does this wizard no longer even use his eyes to read?

Ivita grabbed two hundred books with two hundred magic hands, spread the light soul all over the two hundred magic books, and quickly analyzed and deciphered the contents of the two hundred magic books, and then used the light soul to record them in The interior of the Soul Palace and the Light Soul body. "Reading with your eyes is too slow."

Iveta closed her eyes and said, "This is much faster."

Forty minutes later, Ivetta had read two hundred books.

Then, in the dictionary elf's widened eyes, he used his light soul to read two hundred magic books at the same time as before.

The Dictionary Elf squatted in the corner of the bookshelf and wiped the sweat from his head. "Is this guy's light soul a perpetual motion machine?"

"Ordinary wizards should use it sparingly. This kind of usage has long been out of date."

"But if he continues with his view, he will have read all the books here in just a few days. No, he definitely won't be able to hold on for that long. He might not be able to do it soon. He must read with his eyes. "

But for the next whole day, Ivita spent the whole day brushing books with her light soul.

Two days later, Iveta sat on the ground and stretched, "I have never sat on the ground for such a long time, just to read. Hey, it reminds me of when I was in school."

Iveta looked at the dictionary elf on the bookshelf beside her and said, "I have finished reading thirteen thousand books."

"And I know the origin of the Sun God Cult's ability to be immune to damage."

"Well, that's a freak who pieced together the god-sacrifice rituals in more than a dozen books. The founder of the Sun God Religion that you took in at the time was that woman. She was quite smart."

"What’s wrong with you?"

The dictionary elf, which had been carrying its own body, looked at Ivita blankly, and even dropped the dictionary in its hand on the ground because it was so absorbed.

"You have memorized all 13,000 books in two days?"

Ivita nodded as it wished: "In order to prevent forgetting, I also remembered it twice, once in the soul palace and once in my light soul. To be honest, if you look at the real I would definitely not read ordinary books for so long. But because they are all magic books, it is still difficult to understand, even if they are relatively elementary magic books and biographies of magical characters."

There was something scholarly about Ivita. "I now understand why I must read all these thirteen thousand books. These books look simple, and indeed only apprentices read them, but none of them are repeated, and none of them are not carefully written."

"I even learned three ancient languages ​​while reading."

"And I learned a lot of common sense about ancient magic, and also understood that the magic used by the Sun God Cult is actually not advanced, because ancient magic is not only inseparable from medicine, but also from worshiping gods and intoxicating drugs."

"The rituals they use are actually very primitive magic rituals for worshiping gods. They have extremely serious side effects. They are destructive to the body and soul and will make those who use those ancient and imperfect magic rituals for worshiping gods gradually turn into crazy beasts. The gods of the wilderness fabricated by those believers are alienated."

The Dictionary Elf stared at Ivita, dumbfounded.

It asked dozens of questions as if taking a chance, but Ivita's answers were so fluent that it just sat down on its own dictionary in depression. "I worldview has collapsed."

"As the Dictionary Elf, I have nothing more to say to you now."

Ivita said to it: "It's a pity that I didn't find any information related to Dark Souls and Witch Marquis in these books, nor did I see any mention of the Iron Crown. No, there is actually a book called "The Lord of All Things" The book "Celestial City" mentioned that the sacred crown, which is like a mountain, is a tool used by the church to select kings."

"Although we are talking about the Holy Crown here, the only crown that is like a mountain is the Iron Crown."

"But now the Iron Crown, you say it is the Holy Crown... I can't believe it."

"Do you know why?"

The dictionary elf shook his head decisively at Ivita. "I've been staying in the library and don't know much about the outside world, but the Iron Crown I heard from that woman is indeed different from the Iron Crown I know."

"The area of ​​territory governed by the Iron Crown Law that I know of is more than ten times larger than it is now."

Iveta said: "It is not an exaggeration to say that the current Iron Crown is a fragment of the main body of the past."

The Dictionary Elf pointed to the ground on the first floor of the library, in the middle of which there was a staircase that appeared at some unknown time. "As long as you read more books in the library, you will always know the truth."

"I originally thought it would be a few years before I saw the steps leading down. Unexpectedly, it was two days ago."

Iveta walked down the underground steps. "Hmm. Maybe I can take you with me when I leave the library. You're quite interesting and useful."

On the first floor of the library, the Dictionary Elf just breathed a sigh of relief after seeing off Ivita. Who knows, a woman wearing a black robe suddenly fell from the sky.

The first thing she said when she stood up was to say to the Dictionary Elf: "Long time no see."

"Old friend, it seems that you are alone again during this period. I told you that except for me, you no longer have any friends."

"I'm here to borrow a book!"

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