The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 401 Heavenly Body Magic and Burning Magic

In the basement of the Great Library, the Dictionary Elf was obviously very angry. "Get out of here, you are so embarrassed to ask me to borrow a book."

"Haven't you already read the magic book here once, and even burned this place down?"

The woman in black robe seemed to enjoy every detail here. "Although according to the original chronological order, I have read all the magic books here. But magic books are not ordinary books. Some books must be read personally before they can be effective."

"Since I was born, I have never felt the dignity of a human being. I am like an object of the feudal lords and landowners, with no dignity or personality. It was here that gave me the dignity of a human being for the first time. It was magic that brought me this exalted status."

The leader of the Sun God Cult said: "I don't regret burning this place. All this is to promote me to the Witch Marquis."

"If there were any mention of how to make Dark Souls, I wouldn't have to go to such great lengths to create a sect out of nothing."

The dictionary elf sighed. "You have forgotten your original intention. You need dignity, don't your followers need human dignity?"

The leader of the Sun God Cult said: "I have always believed that one thing is that everyone needs something to prove the value of their existence, and then gain their own position in this world."

"So I gave those ignorant people the courage to resist the Iron Crown - religion. I brought religion to them, relieving their confusion about their own understanding and bringing them happiness."


"The problem is, I can't use religion to gain happiness and satisfaction. So I need to take a few steps closer, and they will make sacrifices for me in self-satisfaction. If the inside of the large library on the first floor mentions To pass Dark Soul, I don’t need to use such a roundabout method at all.”


The leader of the Sun God Cult saw the undead creature nailed to the ground by the light soul in the corner of the library, a skull. She showed a confused look, and after a few seconds, extreme greed was revealed in her eyes. .

"A stranger has entered here, and the breath of strangers on his body has caused the reaction of the breath of death. But since he is not here, it means that he has already descended to the second level."

"The second layer probably records information about the Dark Soul."

"As long as he has gone down to the second floor and the passage down has been opened once, I can deduce the route down from the traces on the scene."

The leader of the Sun God Cult bit her thumb, and her blood dripped on the stone floor. Then her blood rolled on the ground, like drops of blood, automatically and slowly moving towards the book. The middle position of the pavilion floor.

This is blood divination.

"Found it, right here." The leader of the Sun God Cult showed a happy expression. "Fortunately, the door was closed not long ago. The remaining traces are enough for me to recover."

The Dictionary Elf warned her: "The Great Library is the place left by the conqueror Xiao to his successors and to help the successors complete Xiao's great cause. This place does not belong to you. The fact that you can enter the first floor is already a shameless act by your ancestors." ”

"And I want to warn you. If you go down, you will definitely be killed by the heir."

"Don't seek death."

The leader of the Sun God Cult chuckled. "The heirs below are also candidates for the Iron Crown. Hmm, you people just choose from the same group of people."

"Do you think I'll be scared?"

The leader of the Sun God Cult recited a spell, and suddenly the dark evil spirit that had been driven away by Ivita's light soul descended on the underground floor of the library again.

The undead skeleton, which only had a skull left, was also wrapped in evil energy, and the evil energy formed its new body. It was a body of a strong man that was too strong to be human, but the head was still a skull. .

A phantom of light soul also appeared behind the leader of the Sun God Cult.

It was a black sun.

Amidst the incantations of the leader of the Sun Cult, the Dictionary Elf gradually dozed off, and the dictionary beneath it automatically closed.

The Dictionary Elf managed to utter a sentence before going to sleep. "Please remember your original intention...otherwise you will not have good results."

It's a pity that the leader of the Sun God Cult only wants to intercept Huivita and usurp the ancient great library, so he is already focusing on the remaining traces of the portal.

The second floor of the underground library.

Iveta glanced around and found that this place was similar to the structure on the first floor. It was a huge patio-like building with bookshelves on the walls covered with dusty books.

But in the corner, Ivita also saw a bronze treasure box.

‘I don’t know how many floors there are in the library, but we should meet up with the Hearthstone Witch as soon as possible. ’ Iveta had an intuition that if she stayed in the library for too long, something bad might happen.

He is already a high-level wizard and has a [Light Soul], so his strong intuition cannot be ignored casually.

Ivita used her light soul to scan the second underground floor of the library and discovered who the guardian of this floor was.

He used his light soul to lock the bronze treasure chest over there. "Aren't you coming out yet?"

The lock of the treasure chest suddenly opened automatically, and then the bronze treasure chest opened automatically, and a pink monster came out. The treasure chest monster said in surprise: "It's amazing, it found me in an instant. I originally wanted to scare you. your."

"It's so abominable. I've been waiting here for a thousand years, preparing to scare people for a thousand years, but you suddenly saw through it."

Seeing that it was really disappointed, Iveta had no choice but to follow its words. "Well, the way you appeared just now was very impressive, and I was indeed frightened. So, how do I get to the library on the next floor?"

Mimic was surprised. "It turns out that I am not so worthless. You have passed the first level of test, which is also an opportunity given to you, so the second level is the same."

"The second floor is full of spell books. There are eight thousand books in total, but you only need to memorize one thousand of them word for word. Then you can enter the last floor of the library, which is where the truly precious readings are placed. That level.”

Ivita raised a brow.

Also, if it is a spell book, even if you just memorize a thousand books instead of learning them, that is a very exaggerated thing.

Conqueror Xiao should be calculating the ability of the entrant.

If you pass the first level, even a great wizard may take time to get past it.

But at this level, ordinary great wizards cannot memorize a thousand complete spell systems. There is a limit to human power. Only wizards with light souls can deconstruct the spell book and turn it into an ordinary book. , it is possible to do this.

The Mimic looked at Ivita with an expression of fun. This condition was so harsh, and it seemed to it that it was completely embarrassing.

The Mimic said to Ivita: "If you give up and want to enter the next level, I can send you out at any time, and you can come back in the future, but you will never be able to enter the next level. In fact, the magic of this level Books have become extremely precious. Although most spell books can only be considered average, there are a few spell books that are very powerful and cannot be found outside."

"As long as you come over to play with me often in the future, I won't give you some pointers to help you see those spell books."

Ivita didn't look at it, "Mimic, you've also learned magic, right? It seems like you should be a good high-level wizard."

The Mimic laughed and puffed out his chest. "That's right. Some of the spell books here are very powerful. If you don't find a high-level wizard or above to look at them, you can't control them at all."

Ivita nodded. "Then don't worry. Pay attention, I'm coming."

The Mimic Monster said "Ah", "Wha...what? What are you talking about?"

next moment.

Ivita used her magic hand to extract two hundred spell books at the same time. Many of the two hundred books were like animals, struggling in the magic hand, trying to run away and play.

When the other spell books saw this scene, they seemed to be extremely envious, so they rioted.

The Mimic was about to explode. He yelled, and then used his magic to control the books that broke free from their chains and ran off the bookshelf.

"Wizard, what are you doing? If you want to read a book, just read it carefully. Why do you have to take down so many books at once? These children are very naughty. I spent a lot of energy to ensure that they stay on the bookshelf."

Ivita didn't care about that much.

Reading so many spell books at the same time was also very stressful for him.

So he immersed himself in reading these spell books.

‘Sure enough, although they are all spell books, some spell books are powerful and some are weak. ’

‘If you go down to the third level, you can do what you can. ’

Ivita soon realized that although they both memorized a thousand spells, there was a difference between memorizing a thousand difficult spells and memorizing a thousand low-difficulty spells.

About half a day later, Ivita memorized two hundred wizard apprentice level spells.

Ivita put the two hundred magic books back on the bookshelf and locked them up with chains.

Ivita stood on the ground with her eyes closed. "Although it only takes me two or three days to memorize all the low-level spells. But this is too wasteful."

"Those low-level apprentice-level spells, I know two hundred, which is enough. They are just used to expand my knowledge. For me, they are not of much use."

"Now I'm going to read spells above the official wizard level."

Thinking of this, Ivita used her magical hands to grab fifty official wizard's spells and illuminated them with her light soul.

The Mimic, who originally wanted to chat with Ivita, suddenly started to curse when he saw this scene. "Is this guy really reading? Why can he read so fast?"

"Perhaps it's just an act?"

"Damn it, it took so long for someone to show up, but in the end he didn't even ask me for advice."

This time it took Iveta five days to read fifty official wizard-level spell books, but this can only be equivalent to knowing, not knowing.

Because Iveta only read it once and did not study it formally.

However, just by doing this, he felt that his horizons had been opened, and he felt very familiar with magic.

This made him look at his original magic and start looking for gaps.

Then Ivita began to read higher-level spell books.

On the bookshelf on the second underground floor, there are actually several spells that caught Ivita's attention. These spells should have been restricted magic during the ancient civilization.

A magic called [Burning Magic].

This seems to be just an ordinary magic, but in fact it is a magic that enhances the power of magic by burning one's own lifespan.

The terrifying thing about this magic is that a person who burns his lifespan to gain power can easily turn into ashes by forgetting to confirm how much lifespan he has left while burning his lifespan.

However, this magic was used in ancient civilizations to push the limits of magic.

That is to say, this magic is needed when advancing to Witch Marquis.

The second magic is [Heavenly Body Magic].

This magic allows wizards and witches to transform into giants in the world and strengthen their magic in all aspects.

However, it seems that most of the materials needed to learn this magic can no longer be found in today's era.

Otherwise, once Ivita uses this magic, it will definitely have the effect of destroying the world.

"The three most important materials are difficult to find in the current Magic Black Forest."

Ivita looked at the missing materials and said: "The core stone at the beginning of the world's formation, and there are two auxiliary materials, Wentianhua and Sun and Moon Grass. Legend has it that Wentianhua can divine the past and the future, and it is extremely accurate. In prehistoric civilization, It was often used by primitive wizards to predict the future, and it even left several very important prophecies that have influenced the current era."

"As for the Sun and Moon Grass, it is said to be a special magical material formed by the intersection of the dead sun and the remains of the moon. It is so precious that it is not certain whether it still exists in this world."

Ivita thought. "It seems that heavenly magic cannot be learned. Otherwise, after I learn it, I might be able to compete with the Witch Queens."

"But I can learn burning magic. This magic does not require any magic materials, but it is very dangerous."

"It's better to wait until you leave the library and find a safe place to study again."

Ten days passed, and Ivita found that she had only memorized three hundred spell books.

Sure enough, the books on the second level are much better than the books on the first level.

Iveta was about to continue reading when she suddenly heard an overjoyed voice coming from mid-air.

Iveta looked up and saw a portal appearing in the middle of the library on the second floor.

"Hahaha...knowledge is here." A crazy woman's voice appeared. "Ah, these are all spell books. Oh my god, they're wonderful. They're all mine. They're all mine."


Ivita looked at the woman speechlessly.

‘This guy can actually enter the library. Could it be that she has something to do with the Sun God Cult? ’

‘That’s fine, I’ll catch her and torture her, and then I’ll know everything. ’

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