The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 402 Attack on the Iron Crown Mountains and Manipulating the Leader of the Sun Cult

Almost as soon as the portal opened on the second underground floor, Iveta saw a bolt of lightning coming towards her, followed by a high-speed rotating orange fireball that appeared in mid-air in the library on the second floor and was spinning at high speed. Countless fireflies were released from it.

In the air, those fireflies all smashed towards Ivita.

Every firefly besieged Ivita.

At this time, Iveta no longer seemed to have been overthrown. He was a wizard who only knew a few high-level magics. He threw out three defensive magics as a test.

The first defensive magic is the apprentice-level [Magic Stand].

Can deflect attacks.

The second defensive magic is the apprentice-level fire escape magic.

The third defensive magic is apprentice-level magic cancellation magic.

Although they are all apprentice-level magics, with the blessing of Ivita's Light Soul and Soul Palace, their power has long exceeded the magic used by ordinary wizards.

Ivita is not trying to use these three magics to resist the opponent's spells.

This is a temptation.

Exploring the magic direction that the opponent is good at and testing for any magic traps.

His three magics were broken as soon as they touched the fireflies released by lightning and fireballs, but the magic cloak of destruction protected Ivita.

Ivita thought to herself: 'The main direction of magic is fire magic, and the thunder magic used is just in vain. ’

‘The opponent’s fire magic contains a unique concept, which cannot be underestimated. ’

Ivita chanted a spell, and her ten magic hands caught the fireball that was constantly rotating in the sky. "This fireball is very much like the sun. So you should be a witch from the Sun God's religion."

"I didn't expect that the cultists have some powerful people in their hands."

The Mimic snapped at the woman walking out the door. "This is the big library, what qualifications do you have to dare to walk in here!"

The leader of the Sun God Cult sneered. "What qualifications or disqualifications there is? It's just robbery. The rules are just something made by you vested interests to enslave us."

"Are you the candidate to be the heir to the Iron Crown who has entered the Great Library? Your magic power is pretty good, but you underestimate my [Solar Series Magic] too much."

Ivita looked up and saw that the magic hand holding the fireball was also burning.

A black hole suddenly appeared on the surface of the high-speed rotating fireball, just like a stain on the tablecloth. Then, a fierce light flashed on the surface of the fireball that could not be directly observed by the naked eye.

Ivita had to close her two physical eyes, open the devil's eye on her forehead, and observe her surroundings.

The light should be the energy explosion in the fireball. From there, high-level particle flows and electromagnetic waves were radiated directly towards his body.

Ivita quickly realized that the cult people in front of her might have used magic to simulate the solar storm of the sun. The energy intensity might be as powerful as the energy generated by a nuclear bomb explosion.

This should be the opponent's advanced magic!

High magic is a completely different kind of magic from natal magic. It comes from the influence of the wizard's heart on the world, and entrusts this influence into a magic item, leaving a personal imprint on the history of history.

To have this kind of power is indeed something that advanced magic can do.

But Ivita's light soul enveloped the intruder's light soul, and she noticed that the other party's light soul was like the difference between the sun and a firefly in front of her own light soul.

In other words, the opponent's light soul should not be able to support such powerful advanced magic.

Ivita drew the image of the Dark Door in the void in front of her, and chanted a spell, opening a small Dark Door in front of her, allowing all the high-energy particle flows to be swallowed by the Dark Door.

‘I can also guess the reason why weak light souls are used to support such powerful magic. It is because the bodies of the believers are used as sources of magic power. ’ Ivita thought: ‘If you think about it carefully, her magic is not of a high level. It's just a pile of numbers. I just don't want to be in too much trouble, so I'm not prepared to resist this magic. But as long as I use the light soul to slightly change the laws of physics, the energy released by her magic can be turned into nothingness. ’

'She's still too weak. ’

‘But the structure of that woman’s soul is very interesting. Is she preparing to create Dark Soul? ’

When the leader of the Sun God Cult saw that Ivita was trapped by her high-level magic and her body was covered by the energy flow, he burst into laughter, looked at the Mimic and said, "You see, you have to grab things by yourself. There are never any rules. I don’t care whose legacy this library is, since I discovered it, everything here is mine.”

The Mimic looked at her strangely.

It's like looking at a monkey.

That's a ruthless person who uses his light soul to read difficult magic books continuously.

It felt like it was watching the birth of a young wizard archduke.

The Mimic felt that it was still kind-hearted, so it said to her: "Don't be too happy. Maybe you are a figure in the desert, but in the world, you are just a cult leader in a corner."

"I suggest you stay humble."

The leader of the Sun God Cult looked at it doubtfully. "I do not know what you're talking about."

"You don't know what it's saying, but you should see the truth." Ivita stood unscathed.

The leader of the Sun God Cult's pupils suddenly dilated. She looked at Ivita in horror and said: "How is it possible? You are still alive after being hit by my high-level magic. Even if you are a high-level wizard, you should be strong and weak. "

"You are weak and I am strong. I have an entire sect of blind faith as my backbone."

Ivita brushed through the air, as if wiping away dirt that should not be present in the air, and the Dark Door immediately moved to the sun fireball in mid-air.


The sun fireball disappeared.

The leader of the Sun God Cult immediately felt the backlash of magic. One of the characteristics of high magic is that it can be transformed into objects, which means that it can be transferred and captured.

Ivita used the Dark Portal to transmit her high magic, leaving her high magic in a semi-captured state.

The leader of the Sun God Cult looked at Ivita in horror.

"I clearly used my light soul to sweep your light soul, but I can barely feel the existence of your light soul. You are a weak high-level wizard..."

The corner of Iveta's mouth twitched. This is actually the reason why you attacked me when you saw me.

Iveta said to her: "The air is everywhere, but it is always ignored. The sun's rays are the most dazzling, but they are always ignored. Is there a possibility that it is because the gap between you and me is too big? So you can’t feel my light soul?”

When the leader of the Sun God Cult saw Ivita walking towards her, he immediately took two steps back.

It turns out that she is the weak one and Ivita is the strong one!

Although this sounds like a fantasy, it is a reasonable explanation now.

The leader of the Sun God Cult whispered: "This is impossible. How can there be a high-level wizard as powerful as you in this world. I thought I was already the most powerful at this stage. I am already very close to the Witch Marquis."

Ivita looked at her speechlessly.

How do you get the sense of self that you are very close to the Witch Marquis?


Ivita said to her: "I also have a good high magic here."

Ivita took out the Book of Death from her arms, and the strong breath of death suddenly came like a stormy wave. Behind Ivita, there seemed to be a Death holding a sickle.

The Mimics were surprised. "It's almost like borrowing the power of the God of Death."

The leader of the Sun God Cult swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The moment Ivita's Book of Death appeared, the aura of death entangled the pagan's light soul and continued to corrode her soul.

There are two ways for the Book of Death to lock a person, one is by date of birth and name, and the second is to directly use the breath of Death to forcibly invade the other person's body and soul.

In this way, the opponent can be killed directly.

However, the second method is just a method of using the strong against the weak. In other words, it can only play a downwind game.

But the leader of the Sun God Cult, the moment he saw Ivita take out the Book of Death, he felt as if his soul was about to fall into the hands of the God of Death.

She forcibly drives all the power in her soul to protect the core of her soul from being captured by the breath of death.

Because once the core of her soul is invaded by the breath of death, her life and death will be just a matter of Ivita's thoughts.

"Let me think about it, what is an unexpected way to die for a high-level witch?" Ivita used her devil's eyes to see the fate line on the second underground floor.

His own death aura was contaminating the fate of the witch in front of him.

"Ah!" The leader of the Sun God Cult raised his head, his hair disheveled, and screamed. "No~ I don't want to die. You can't kill me. I have no enmity with you."

Ivita raised a brow. "Isn't this what you meant? You like to break the rules, but you have forgotten that breaking the rules means losing the protection of the rules."

"But I do have a reason not to kill you. Let me ask you, what is the purpose of your secret cult to kidnap the candidates for the Iron Crown's heir? This is your last chance."

The leader of the Sun God Cult said bitterly: "There are two purposes. The first is to prevent someone from inheriting the Iron Crown; second, in their eyes, using the Iron Crown's heir candidate as a sacrifice can summon the Sun God. But that is I made it up. I am the end of that ritual, and I can use that ritual to shape Dark Souls."

Ivita looked strange. "But according to history, it seems that you failed and were destroyed along with the entire sect."

The leader of the Sun God Cult strangled her neck. This behavior seemed to increase her soul's resistance to the breath of death. "It failed. In normal history, I turned into three black sheep during the ceremony, and became an evil god who was unconscious and controlled by some evil force. In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, I I just came to the library, trying to find the gaps where I failed to break through.”

"Please don't kill me..."

"I...I can support you and inherit the Iron Crown. Although I am a rebel in this country, I am also a citizen of this country. I can increase your probability of inheriting the Iron Crown."

Ivita seemed not to hear her. "Then let me ask you, why did the Iron Crown lead me to the Great Library?"

The leader of the Sun God Sect has turned green and black on her forehead, which is a sign that the aura of death has penetrated deeply into her body. "I don't know, sir, I don't know. I don't know why the Iron Crown led you here, but it must have a deep meaning. Because I have received a lot of information before, and many heir candidates have been led in this way, but they have not passed. Test, unable to enter the Great Library.”

"Maybe... maybe it's too dangerous outside... I'll guide you into the big library for refuge..."

Ivita looked at her. "What nonsense are you talking about."

But seeing as she is so afraid of death, she can compete with the Hearthstone Witch, and she doesn't seem to be able to lie.

"You seemed to have said just now that you wanted to support me?" Ivita said: "Then you want to lead your church to come and support me?"

The leader of the Sun God Cult immediately said: "No. Because my sect has been captured, that is me in the future. According to normal history, the failed ritual caused very serious consequences. All the strangers present at the time included... Including me, it was like being blown by a gust of wind of death, and everyone who was hit by the wind died directly, without any room for change."

"The consciousnesses of the dead combined, with me as the leader, and became the three black sheep. But now the three black sheep have reappeared in my sect, taking away most of the members. Now only the My most loyal people still obey my orders.”

The leader of the Sun God Cult looked at Ivita in horror.

Because just now, Ivita finally planted the aura of death into the core of her soul and suppressed her light soul.

In this way, she only has the magical abilities of a great witch.

Moreover, Ivita could kill her at any time.

Ivita looked at her. "You must not want to die. Then you'd better listen to me. From today on, you will treat me as your master."

In desperation, the leader of the Sun God Cult could only nod.

She didn't expect that her visit to the library would actually turn her into someone else's slave. Her fate in this world was really unpredictable.

In the Iron Crown Mountains, dozens of heir candidates parked their armies near the mountains, but because there was nothing unusual in the Iron Crown Mountains, they had no choice but to wait.

But just today, a group of zombies suddenly attacked here with an army.

The Tomb King and his invulnerable zombies rob the heir candidates and their armies here, leaving rivers of blood flowing.

The zombies who did not enter the reincarnation controlled by the Iron Crown showed amazing fighting power.

The noble disciples, whose faces were covered in blood, screamed and ran out.

The Tomb King floated in the air, watching the deaths of these heir candidates indifferently. "The heirs of the Iron Crown... I'll kill them all on sight. From today on, no strangers are allowed to enter the Iron Crown Mountains!!"

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