The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 403 The Origin of Dark Soul

In the Iron Crown Mountains, thousands of zombies knelt on the ground to welcome the Tomb King with a rusty iron crown on his head.

The Tomb King slowly walked up the mountain road.

From his eyes came the green tomb fire, and these two green flames fluttered in mid-air, like a gorgeous aurora.

Wherever the Tomb King walks, the rocks there will automatically disintegrate and turn into sand, and then even the plants will wither and die at a rapid speed.

"What has been lost will surely come back."

"What I have not obtained will surely come back to me."

The Tomb King's feet landed on the ground. It no longer floated forward, but walked steadily on the road up the mountain with its feet, stepping on every stone step.

At the same time, green flames burned on the bodies of the corpses he passed. These green flames burned the clothes of the corpses, and penetrated from the mouth, nose and eyes of each corpse like thin snakes.

The corpses that were originally lying on the ground suddenly got up, breathing hard, and then looked at their hands, in disbelief that they were alive.

"Didn't I just be bitten to death by a monster? Why am I still alive now? Where is this place?"

"I want to go home, I want to go back. This place is too perverted. Why do you have to encounter so many dangers when inheriting a territory! This place is different from what I imagined."

"Wait a minute, we seem to be dead..."

The common people, who had become zombies for a long time, looked at the panic of these nobles with a joke.

A zombie wearing an old straw hat explained the current situation to them.

"Don't worry, we are not enemies now. After all, you have become the same thing as us. We are a group of people who escaped reincarnation to avoid the Iron Crown. That is, zombies."

"Infinitely powerful, unrestrained, and extremely difficult to kill, vampires are nothing in comparison."

"Now that you have been transformed into the same zombies by the Tomb King, you must forget your previous identity, because it is no longer a life that has nothing to do with you. You are no longer candidates for the heir to the Iron Crown, but represent freedom. Zombies.”

The old zombie with the straw hat explained: "Because we have parents, relatives and friends, we will be hijacked by others and no longer free. Therefore, we will no longer have children, lose our fertility, and no longer have relatives and friends. In addition to respecting the ancient tombs, Under King’s leadership, we will not have a second outlet for community, family, and social interaction.”

"We only have ourselves and the Tomb King."

Many of the new zombies still cannot accept this. They whisper and even take extreme actions.

But the Tomb King ignored them.

Because among the spells used to resurrect them and turn these people into zombies [Zombie Immortality Curse], there is a section that strengthens the control of these zombies, which causes all zombies to naturally listen to the Tomb King from their hearts. words.

The most brilliant thing is that this kind of control does not seem to be coercive behavior, but the individual's will.

There is also a spell that prevents low-level zombies from harming high-level zombies.

In this way, the Tomb King, who stands on top of all zombies, does not have to worry about whether low-level zombies will resist him.

The Tomb King saw a dozen newborn zombies running towards the desert. He sneered a few times and didn't care.

Sooner or later the wanderer will return again.

All zombies have only one path, and that path is the common destiny of all zombies, the destiny given to them by their ancestors - to resist the Iron Crown.

The Tomb King continued walking up the mountain, but was stopped by an invisible barrier.

The Tomb King suddenly raised his head angrily. "The Iron Crown refuses me the right to go to the top of the mountain. Doesn't it mean that I don't even have the right to return to my home?"

"damn it."

"But it doesn't matter."

"As long as you stay here, I can expand my zombie family by hunting down your heir candidates. As long as all your heirs die, this country and this land will usher in the law of zombies."

"But I want more than this."

"The zombies will start from here and march to every corrupt country in the world."

The Tomb King angrily knocked on the invisible barrier in front of him.

Suddenly, he heard the cries of griffins coming from the distance.

The Tomb King and many zombies saw about fifteen griffins flying in the sky two hundred meters away, and there were people sitting on those griffins.

The Tomb King figured it out after a little thought. "It's the gryphon knight from the Holy Empire Emperor. It seems that the Principality of Lombardy has become a favorite."

"If they dare to get close, they will all be destroyed."

The old zombies looked at the Tomb King worriedly.

The Griffin Knights are one of the most powerful knights in the world.

With their current zombie army, let alone annihilating all fifteen gryphon knights, it would be very difficult even if they could resist it.

However, what made the old zombies breathe a sigh of relief was that the Griffin Knights over there circled twice in the sky and seemed to have noticed something happening in the Iron Crown Mountains, so they did not approach for a long time.

Instead, he stayed away.

The Tomb King looked at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly there was a voice in his ear.

"Lord Tomb King, I think you seem to be worried about something. I always like to help others. Especially a great person like you."

The Tomb King turned around and found that what he just said was actually said by a puppet man in the mountains.

There are hundreds of invisible silver threads behind the puppet, and the ends of the silver threads penetrate into the void, as if someone is controlling the puppet from across the void.

The Tomb King turned to stare at the puppet and said, "You were the one who assassinated the Duke of Lombardy and a dozen heirs, right?"

"Yes." The puppet said: "But I have done you a big favor."

The King of Tombs said: "You are a foreigner with evil intentions, but you still dare to come in front of me. Besides, you don't need to show up in your true form. What do you want to do when you find me?"

"I'm doing an experiment." The puppet said: "It needs enough chaos. As far as I can see so far, your performance makes me very satisfied."

"And our goals for the time being are the same."

"Cooperate with me."

"I will lend you enough power to deal with those candidates for the Iron Crown's heir!"

The Tomb King did not refuse or agree, but just tried: "Then how can you lend me enough power?"

"With that ridiculous little puppet of yours?"

The puppet opened and closed its mouth and said mechanically: "If you need this little puppet, you can keep it here and lend it to you. Don't underestimate its role."

"Having said that, I can provide you with enough living people to transform you into zombies and increase the combat effectiveness of your zombie army. When the time chaos broke out in this country, I helped you and protected several cities. I I can give you the coordinates."

The Tomb King asked: "If that's the case, it really helped me. So what do I need to pay?"

"You don't have to pay anything." The puppet said: "I don't care what you do. But I want to ask you, apart from ensuring that no one can inherit the Iron Crown, what do you think of the candidates for heir? ?”

The Tomb King thought for a moment and then said: "Even if there is no conflict of interest, I still hate them. They are just a group of foreigners who broke into our country like greedy wild dogs in order to gain profits."

"Allowing them to inherit the Iron Crown is the most disgusting decision."

The little puppet fell to the ground. "That's good. We have more common topics now. Just do whatever you want. The coordinates you need are in the puppet's abdominal mechanism box."

The Tomb King looked down at the puppet that was no longer being manipulated.

Why should the other party help him?

If he gets a few more cities of zombies, he will definitely take over the country.

Once he seizes this country, he will not hesitate to exclude all outsiders who break into this land, including the man behind the puppet that just fell to the ground.

The other party asked him that question, which obviously confirmed his extremely xenophobic thoughts.

But the other party was even happier about it.

The Tomb King thought for a moment and decided to stop thinking.

Because now his primary goal is to intercept the candidate for heir to the Iron Crown.

On the backs of the griffins two hundred meters away, Duraubin exhaled, "Huh~ Fortunately, we didn't fly directly over just now. The mountains are full of zombies."

"It's so troublesome. There are zombies on the mountains, and the desert is full of monsters and the sons of the three black sheep. It's really troublesome to inherit the Iron Crown. The most troublesome thing is that we don't know if there will be no one to inherit the Iron Crown. The Crown situation arises.”

"Everyone who breaks into this land will die."

The knight on the back of a gryphon beside him said: "My lord, please don't lose heart."

"You are the third son of the Emperor of the Holy Empire. You have the power to mobilize many resources. We can ask for support from the empire or seek alliances. The boy who sat in the elephant god's weapon before seems to be cannon fodder. .”

Duraubin said: "We need to find a few more scapegoats. Let's go back to the desert first."

On the second underground floor of the ancient great library, Ivita spent another month and finally read a thousand spell books on the second floor.

The portal to the third floor has been opened.

It was a blue portal filled with powerful magical energy.

The Mimic Monster was already looking at Ivita tremblingly, because Ivita actually read the hundreds of best books on the second level in this month.

It watched Ivita disappear into the portal, as if it had seen an anomaly leave its side, allowing it to return to calm.

And on the third floor.

Iveta scanned the surroundings and found that the third floor was much larger than the upper two floors, but the most important thing was that the bookshelves on the third floor were no longer wooden, but iron.

All the books were locked with chains and iron locks.

An iron maiden was placed in the middle of the library. It looked eerie and terrifying, and it was unknown who had been imprisoned here for thousands of years.

Ivita took a glance and confirmed that there was indeed a corpse among the iron maiden's torture tools.

The leader of the Sun God Cult didn't know Iveta's nature, so he tentatively said to Iveta: "Master, do you want me to help you get the books from the bookshelf? There may be some defensive magic on those bookshelves."

Ivita glanced at her. "No need to bother."

Ivita, who has read tens of thousands of magic books, has a deeper understanding of light souls, and her overall strength has more than doubled compared to her before entering the library.

He used his light soul to sweep across the rows of bookshelves, testing all the defensive magics in them without destroying them.

Ivita used the Cloak of Destruction to levitate over and pick up one of the magic books. "The Flaws of Ancient Magic."

Just opening this book, Iveta felt dizzy for a moment and her head was dizzy.

He used the light soul to sweep himself, and then returned to normal.

"This is a book only the Marquis and the Queen can read."

"You, close your eyes. From now on, no matter what you hear, you cannot open your eyes, otherwise your life will be in danger."

The leader of the Sun God Cult quickly covered his eyes with his hands.

She just took a peek at the magic book in Ivita's hand, and then she felt that the world was turned upside down, as if the world had been reversed, and she was spinning herself in the inversion of heaven and earth.

Ivita had no time to pay attention to her and focused on the magic book in her hand. This book actually talked about the common shortcomings of all ancient magic. It also predicted that in the future, there would be black magic with lower side effects and lower power.

For example, the sun magic that the Sun God Cult created by copying here and there from ancient magic books was actually ancient magic in essence.

That's why the three black sheep were summoned in the end.

Ivita thought. "That's it. Ancient magic can more easily attract beings from the void that are ten thousand times more terrifying than demons."

"Dark magic has been transformed by the three witch kings, so there are fewer dangers in this area. However, there are still risks, which is why the Hearthstone witch misunderstood my identity before."

A voice came from the Iron Maiden. "Is this okay? The other heir candidates have already rushed to the Iron Crown Mountains. Maybe they have already competed to decide who is the heir, but you are still wasting time in this library, in this pile of old papers."

"Time does not stand still on the third level. The flow of time here is already the same as outside."

Ivita didn't look back.

As soon as he reached the third level, he noticed the presence of demonic power in the Iron Maiden through his light soul, which was so powerful that it was almost unprecedented.

The demon seemed to have been regarded as a prisoner and had been nailed into the Iron Maiden for thousands of years.

All this time, it has been sitting at the bottom of this library, unnoticed, its physical movements restricted, in the cold iron maiden, waiting for the arrival of the heir in this library.

Ivita picked up the second book, and the title was "The Origin of Dark Souls".

"Haste makes waste. The more you want something, the less hastily you can pursue it. There are too many candidates for heir, and the situation is too complicated. I would rather read here now."

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