The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 408 The Shadow of the Academy

Because of the cover of the sandstorm, Ivita and the others were not discovered by the Elephant God Weapons, but walked straight over.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Do you want me to follow you and take a look?"

Ivita shook her head and said: "The Zerg in the Chaos Abyss have joined forces with them. The Zerg in the Chaos Abyss are too sensitive to spirituality. If you lurk there, you will definitely be discovered."

"Let them reach the Iron Crown Mountains."

"If we can seize the Iron Crown by uniting with the Zerg from the Chaos Abyss, then the Iron Crown's will will not be so anxious."

The Hearthstone Witch nodded and said, "That's the truth. The person who takes the lead may not necessarily be the winner, but is likely to be a stepping stone for those behind."

After Ivita transformed into a peregrine falcon, she went into the underground river space. At the same time, she used Body No. 2 to issue orders to the cultists to stay in the cave.

Ivita called the leader of the Sun God Cult, the four Robinson Knights and the Hearthstone Witch to discuss countermeasures on a rock.

Ivita said to everyone: "The most important thing for us now is to know the origin of the enemy, instead of just uniting the forces within this country and forcibly attacking the Iron Crown Mountains like those group of successor candidates. Now in this country, There aren’t many people left alive.”

"It would be nice if we could know what the enemy is."

When the leader of the Sun God Cult heard this, he immediately said, "I think I know... what they are."

"I have heard that in history, there was a being named the Tomb King who discovered the secret of getting rid of the Iron Crown and found a way to escape the cycle of life and death."

Ivita frowned and asked: "Then do you know how the Tomb King escaped from the Iron Crown?"

The leader of the Sun God Cult shook his head.

The Hearthstone Witch and others were disappointed.

They originally thought that the witch could know.

Ivita thought for a moment. "You don't know, but one of us actually might know. The Knowledge Demon in The Iron Maiden!"

Ivita immediately walked towards the Iron Maiden in the corner of the cave and said, "Do you know anything about the Tomb King?"

The corpse inside the Iron Maiden said: "Of course I don't know now, but I will know in the future. I am imprisoned here, insulated from knowledge. If you can find a piece of grass to poke into my eyes, I can connect with knowledge. Together, we’ve helped you.”

Ivita thought for a moment and felt that the problem was not big, so she poked a straw into his eyeball.

Immediately afterwards, the body inside the Iron Maiden seemed to be twitching and emitted a wailing sound that was inhumane to the ears.

And he kept shouting: "King of Tombs..."

"The world of the dead..."

"There are other laws involved..."

When Ivita heard this, she looked at the Hearthstone Witch and Robinson Knight. Fortunately, they had the Knowledge Demon beside them. Before that, they only thought of the Tomb King escaping reincarnation, but they never thought of other laws. Law was involved in this matter.

If you think about it carefully, it is very logical. There are very few things that can fight against the law, and the law happens to be able to fight against the law.

Ivita felt that the dogtail grass in her hand became very hot.

Then, the dog's tail grass actually started to burn.

The corpse among the Iron Maiden suddenly shouted two words: "Undead!"

Setaria burnt to ashes fell to the ground.

Ivita frowned and asked the Demon King of Knowledge: "Do you know the origin of the Tomb King now?"

The Knowledge Demon among the Iron Maidens was silent for a long time, and just when everyone was getting impatient, he suddenly said: "I know. But the implications are too wide, I can't say. If you can help me find a living body, and let Once I’m in it, I can say it.”

Ivita said: "I will protect you, isn't that enough?!"

There was no more sound from the Iron Maiden.

It seemed that it was so scared that it didn't dare to speak out.

The Hearthstone Witch cursed. "How could there be such a cowardly devil? What use would we have for it? We might as well throw it into the desert."

With that said, the Hearthstone Witch and Ivita looked at each other, then walked over, picked up the Iron Maiden, and wanted to throw it into the desert.

The mummy inside the Iron Maiden still showed no reaction.

The Hearthstone Witch said to the Iron Maiden: "It's too easy for you to throw it away like this. Who do you think we are? I will seal you twice so that you can only be trapped in a torture device and never come out."

"Ahahahaha...just thinking about it makes me happy."

"You are so unlucky, hahahaha..."

The mummy inside the Iron Maiden finally spoke, because it felt that the Hearthstone Witch might really throw it in the center of the desert, leaving it trapped in the desert forever.

The Lord of Knowledge said: "Wait a moment, Ivita. Well, in that case, I say, I say."

"Where did this witch come from? She's so vicious! If I were thrown into the desert, I wouldn't meet anyone again for at least a hundred years!"

"I detected from the Mother River of Knowledge that the Tomb King has traces of the Law of the Land of Winter. The Law of the Land of Winter - the Law of Winter, possesses part of death."

"It is the largest kingdom of the undead in the world - the Kingdom of Winter."

"There is only death and winter snow there. But I found traces of [Winter Law] from the mother river. The people of Winter Law once brought disaster and terror to the magical black forest."

"The tide of the undead there has torn apart the empire that was once the Enchanted Black Forest."

"That was supposed to be an empire that could rebuild civilization after the ancient civilization disappeared."

"In short, the winter undead are not easy to mess with. If you fall into their hands, you will not be able to survive or die. It is countless times more miserable than death."

Robinson Knight said to Ivita: "What this demon said is true. Thank you for being able to control it. I didn't expect it to be directly connected to the mother river of knowledge. It is said that all the knowledge in this world will eventually return to the mother river of knowledge." In the river. All beings who can directly connect with the mother river of knowledge are a generation of wise men, or people who will bring huge disasters to the world."

"And the Winter Kingdom is indeed what the devil said."

"It used to be a serious problem for the countries in the Magic Black Forest, but now it has been defeated by the countries and has lost its previous threat. I heard that the three winter undead tribes can't even find enough kings and can only let one king United to rule the three tribal kingdoms.”

"It's been out of focus for a long time."

The mummy among the Iron Maidens said: "Haha, Church Knight, then you have underestimated the Winter Undead. Now it seems that they have been secretly lurking in this country for a long time."

"There are three reasons why the Tomb King was able to escape the Iron Crown. One of them is that he gained the power of the Law of Winter."

"The second reason is because he himself is the owner of the Iron Crown, but due to an accident, the throne fell to his brother in name only, the Iron King."

"The Iron King has spent his whole life covering up the fact that he is not the owner of the Iron Crown."

"And after the death of the Tomb King, a legal conflict arose. In theory, all the dead belong to the management of the Lord of the Iron Crown, but the Lord of the Iron Crown cannot be his own slave, so the Iron Crown of all ages After the death of the owner of the crown, he either takes the initiative to break away from the cycle dominated by the Iron Crown and leaves here, or his soul still commands the throne in the crown and exists as the soul of the previous monarch."

"But the death of the Tomb King makes it impossible for the Iron Crown to arrange his existence."

"That in itself leaves The Iron Crown with a huge flaw."

"The third reason is because of the evil church."

Ivita raised a brow. "What kind of cult is this? Does the church not care about so many cults?"

The Hearthstone Witch coughed and said to Ivita: "No, the Evil Church refers to the Holy Church. Demons generally call the church the Evil Church, because the demons themselves feel evil is shameful."

"These impure villains have no true glory in their hearts."

Ivita said to the mummy among the Iron Maidens: "Why did the Church let the Iron Crown fail?"

The knowledge demon laughed ferociously. "If the believers of the church are going to the kingdom of heaven, how should the iron crown exercise its power over the nation."

"The Iron Crown itself should not restrain those citizens from staying on earth forever, because originally the Iron Crown guided the souls of the citizens on earth to go to heaven."

"And the Tomb King exploited this flaw in the Iron Crown."

Ivita thought for a moment and suddenly understood that the distortion of the Iron Crown's function was probably related to a series of things that had happened before.

Knight Robinson said to Ivita: "My lord, the Iron King is a rare wise king in the Principality of Lombardy."

"It's hard to believe that he doesn't have full ownership of the Iron Crown."

The devil inside the Iron Maiden said: "A person will only work hard to pursue something that he does not have. Since the Iron King has a guilty conscience, he will naturally work harder."

Ivita asked the Knowledge Demon: "In that case, how should we deal with the Tomb King? Do you have any idea?"

The devil in the Iron Maiden said: "We can only start with the help of the Law of Winter received by the Tomb King. However, there are traces of the Law of Winter in the second and third keys."

"As long as the Tomb King loses the help of the Law of Winter, he will naturally re-enter reincarnation."

Iveta asked: "What are the conditions for it to lose the help of the Law of Winter?"

The Knowledge Demon hesitated. "Your light soul is enough to do it. I have never seen such a powerful light soul. As long as the water and fire are reversed, the Winter Law can lose its effect on the Tomb King."

"But we must find the true heart of the Tomb King, and then reverse the fire and water, so that the Law of Winter can lose its effect on him. But I don't know the location of his heart."

The Knowledge Demon said: "The Mother River of Knowledge is completely different from the river I am familiar with. There is a huge shadow in the upper reaches of the river. I don't know what that shadow is, but it has deprived me of most of the knowledge of the Mother River of Knowledge. control.”

"Even if I leave this iron virgin torture device and find a new body, I can't return to my peak. I don't know what it is. I only saw the shadow of a city."

"Therefore, I really can no longer know where the heart of the Tomb King is."

Among the Iron Maidens, the Knowledge Demon once again warned everyone. "I discovered that after the Tomb King jumped out of reincarnation, there wasn't much power in this world that could hurt him. Not even your light soul, Ivita."

"So, if you can't find his heart, reverse winter and summer, and become his enemy, there is no chance of winning."

These words caused everyone to fall into silence.

Ivita turned to the Hearthstone Witch and the leader of the Sun Cult and said, "You two will make a divination each."

"Verify the results of the Knowledge Demon."

Then, everyone looked expectantly at the divination of the Hearthstone Witch and the leader of the Sun Cult.

About an hour later, the two told Ivita the results respectively. Although the details were different, the same thing was that the divination results showed that if you don't know where the Tomb King's heart is, you can't defeat him.

Iveta looked cautious. "There should be soothsayers around the heir candidates from various big families. Why didn't they realize that it was very dangerous to fight the Tomb King head-on?"

"Right. It's information."

"It was through the Demon King of Knowledge that we learned about the Tomb King in advance, and the successor candidates probably still regard the Tomb King as an ordinary enemy who controls power."

"They may not have figured out why the Iron Crown turned so many people into zombies."

"Without enough information, even the most powerful diviner will be limited."

But how do they find the Tomb King's heart?

Ivita looked at the Hearthstone Witch, "Hearthstone Witch, can you divine the location of the Tomb King's heart?"

The Hearthstone Witch shook her head and said distressedly: "I have actually tried it before, but it didn't work."

"The Tomb King must have cast some kind of specific protective magic on the location of his heart, which blocked the possibility of divination to the location of his heart."

Ivita was troubled.

How to do this?

It is obviously a fantasy for the believers of the Sun God Cult to sneak into a group of zombies to find the heart of the Tomb King.

Robinson Knight said to Ivita: "Maybe we can find other heir candidates to cooperate. They may have experts in finding things."

Ivita said to Robinson Knight: "You can give it a try. You can pay attention to the convoys passing through this underground river in the past few days. But it is the same as trying your luck."

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch and the leader of the Sun Cult: "Can you divination, can you find the items or methods where the heart of the Tomb King is located? Wait a minute, this is unlikely."

"Your light soul is not powerful enough. This behavior is considered secondary divination."

"It's a bottomless pit that consumes mana."

"You go down first, Hearthstone Witch, look at the Iron Maiden."

A group of people left the rock where Ivita was sitting, while Ivita looked at the underground river, thinking hard in her heart about where the leader of the zombies of the Tomb King would hide his heart.

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