The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 409 Frog Nobleman

Ivita quickly thought that under their current conditions, there was only one way to find the heart of the Tomb King as quickly as possible.

That is to find another Dry Well Elf!

There is more than one Dry Well Elf near the ancient Great Library. As long as you find the Dry Well Elf and let it fulfill a wish for you and others, you can use the Elf to find the heart of the Tomb King.

Although everyone can only meet the Dry Well Elf once, but there are many people here, so he only needs to ask his No. 2 clone to find the Dry Well Elf. He has not met the Dry Well Elf yet!

Ivita said to everyone: "All the professionals among us who have divination and search abilities began to look for the location of the Dry Well Elf."

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes lit up. "Elf power is independent of the magic system. Elf power can bypass defensive magic and directly find the location of the hidden dry well elves."

Everyone reacted immediately.

It turns out there is such a simple way.

The Hearthstone Witch and the leader of the Sun God Cult have begun to conduct divination again. The high-level rangers and marksmen are preparing to leave the underground river space and go outside to detect the location of the dry well elves.

Both of their professions have powerful detection skills. The marksman can find and identify what he is looking for from thousands of miles away. The high ranger has search skills.

So they decided to venture out to the desert surface to find the Dry Well Elves.

Knight Robinson and the priest stayed by Ivita's side. They were still worried about the pagans, thinking that the pagans might fall out at any time.

Ivita originally wanted to mobilize the pagans of the Sun God Cult to go out and find the dry well elves for him, but after he noticed the stupid eyes of those cultists, he thought it was better to forget it.

After these cultists go out, they may not be able to restrain themselves.

Just leave them in the underground river cave.

The deserts and underground rivers are full of monsters, so you still need to keep some troops by your side.

Ivita, the senior ranger and the barbarian marksman came to the surface. He pointed at the wooden tower that appeared in the desert not far away and said: "That kind of place is the lair built by pig-shaped monsters in the desert. There are many more in the desert." Similar monsters."

"In order to prevent you from accidents, I sent sand soldiers to you."

Ivita mobilized the power of the Desert God, and suddenly a sandstorm blew up on the desert, and a large number of sand soldiers appeared in the sandstorm.

"These soldiers all have immortal bodies, but then again, they have never lived. They are all under your control."

"But remember, don't let these desert soldiers touch the water. Water is the nemesis of these desert soldiers."

The barbarian marksmen and senior rangers all showed excitement and saluted Ivita: "Thank you for your trust, sir. With these soldiers, we don't need to be afraid of any monsters in the desert."

"There aren't many water sources in the desert, so just avoid underground rivers and oases."

"My subordinates will definitely find the second Dry Well Elf for you as soon as possible."

Ivita did not look at them, but looked at the horizon. The devil's eye appeared on his forehead. With the blessing of the devil's eye, he saw the energy tidal conflict in the distance.

It seems that the Ganesha Weapons, the Griffin Knights, and the Chaos Abyss have already fought against the Tomb King and the others.

But from the point of view of the Demon King of Knowledge, I'm afraid it's more likely to end in disaster than in vain.

Ivita said to the two of them: "I will let the Hearthstone Witch use the magic carrier pigeon to transmit my instructions to you. In the underground river cave, we will tell you whenever we have new divination results."

Ivita returned to the underground river space.

Half a day later, the Hearthstone Witch and the leader of the Sun God Cult obtained the results of their divination several times, and then used magic carrier pigeons to deliver the news.

The divination range will gradually shrink until the high ranger and marksman find the Dry Well Elf.

However, during this process, earthquakes continued to occur in the underground river.

Knight Robinson stood beside Ivita and said, "Did our people encounter a battle?"

Ivita looked strange. "There are immortal sand soldiers beside them to drive them, so it's not a big problem. And their battle will not cause earthquakes. It should be a battle near the Iron Crown Mountains. I am afraid that the weapons of the God of Elephants are attacking the ancient tombs with all their strength. kings."

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Use the visceral divination to divine the good or bad fortune of the owner of the Elephant Weapon, Sfinwell Qixiong."

This is the benefit of high-level witch divination.

Even in the underground river space thousands of miles away, they can use divination to calculate the outcome of the war in the Iron Crown Mountains.

The Hearthstone Witch reaches out to the underground river.

Suddenly, a fish from the underground river flew into her hand. Then the Hearthstone Witch used her sharp nails to cut open the belly of the fish, then pulled out the fish's internal organs and began to read the contents of the fish's internal organs.

A quarter of an hour later, the Hearthstone Witch raised her head and said to Ivita: "Both the Elephant God weapon and that person are in a very dangerous environment. The divination content shows that as long as they are not careful, they will die immediately."

"It is the most dangerous situation in divination."

Ivita nodded, the current situation was also a difficult choice for herself.

He can indeed provide assistance to the successor candidates who are fighting the Tomb King, but doing so is tantamount to helping his competitors.

But if he left it alone and waited for those heir candidates to die, he would not be sure whether he could defeat the Tomb King.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Try to divine the location of the Dry Well Elf continuously. I will use my light soul to replenish your mana."

"My spiritual mirror is still in Ambrose and cannot be used now."

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Those dry well elves also have protective spells. Fortunately, those spells are not as advanced as the Tomb King's spells to protect his heart."

"We can also use divination to slowly determine the location. In addition, this desert has indeed increased the difficulty of our divination. Without this desert, the strange witch and I would have determined the location of the Dry Well Elf long ago."

The Hearthstone Witch pointed at the Iron Maiden beside her and said, "There is also that idiot Demon King, who is of no use at all. He keeps talking useless nonsense in my ears all day long."

"Since he can't help us with divination, he shouldn't be nagging in our ears."

The corpse in the Iron Maiden rages. "I am guiding you. Many of your divination methods are problematic. I am an ancient demon, the demon king who appeared at the end of the ancient civilization."

"If you weren't trapped in this corpse, just you witches? Even ten high-level witches wouldn't be in my eyes."

The Hearthstone Witch rolled her eyes. "The King of Braggadocio."

The corpse among the Iron Maiden. "you!"

Ivita paid no attention to their farce, but sat on the rock weighing the gains and losses.

Now, they have a huge army system around them that can still operate automatically even if they don't need to command it. They will find the dry well elves for themselves.

You don't need to worry about this.

It's just that you have to figure out how to use the power of everyone to defeat the Tomb King and get the final fruit of victory.

Suddenly, Iveta heard the unusual sound of water flowing in the underground river next to the rock.

Ivita stood up and looked into the underground river, and found that there were many individuals swimming in the underground river. These things seemed to sense that Ivita was watching them, and they immediately surfaced.

It was a group of frogmen wearing silk clothes. Each frogman had a flame-like blood streak on his forehead between his eyebrows.

The eyes of the frog people were indifferent.

They directly attacked Ivita on the rock, but Ivita was surrounded by Knight Robinson. Knight Robinson spread his evil aura and at the same time condensed the evil aura into sword power.



The frogs dressed in gorgeous silk clothes were broken into pieces like chopped cabbage. Each of the frogs died tragically on the spot, with their stomachs turned white.

The frog people were going crazy.

Some of the frog people also spoke a jerky human language. "Kill all the heirs to the Iron Crown!"

"Kill all humans."

Ivita noticed that there was no blood flowing out of these frog-man corpses.

The leader of the Sun God Cult used magic to throw away the two approaching frogmen. She shouted to Ivita: "Sir, I once heard that if the blood of the zombie king is dropped into the river and then drunk by strangers, then The strangers will become slaves of the zombies - the noble frogs."

"I heard that the Tomb King once put his own blood in the river, which caused a group of nobles to rush to drink it, hoping to become immortal zombies. As a result, they became a subsidiary race of zombies."

Ivita suddenly realized that the group of frogmen who attacked them were the forces of the Tomb Kings.

Robinson Knight shouted to Ivita: "Be careful, my lord."

I saw that among the frog nobles who jumped out of the underground river, there was a purple frog man wearing gold armbands and silver anklets. He jumped out of the underground river and was actually faster than the ordinary frog nobles. too much.

The purple frog nobleman avoided Knight Robinson's sword like a ghost, and other frog noblemen entangled Knight Robinson again.

Therefore, the noble purple frog actually jumped towards Ivita.

But just when the purple frog noble was about to touch Ivita, two followers of the Sun God Cult in black robes suddenly jumped over and blocked Ivita.

The purple frog nobleman was stunned in mid-air. The next moment, he was pushed off the rock by two believers, pressed him to the ground, and began to attack non-stop.

It turned out that Ivita realized that there were enemies in the underground river, and quickly asked her clone No. 2 to summon all the cultists to the river and destroy the enemies.

In this case, how could a frog man attack him?

Soon, the purple frog nobleman lost his life in the crazy daggers of the two believers.

Its eyes lost their light.

The purple frog nobleman muttered to himself before he died. "It shouldn't be like this. The noble king gave me the reward of immortality. Neither dagger nor hammer can take my life away."

"This is the sacred agreement between the king and me."

"This is a contract that transcends reincarnation."

Ivita walked to the body of the cold frog man and said, "It seems that the Tomb King once gave it the promise of eternal life."

"But it was deceived."

"What the Tomb King gave him was incomplete immortality."

Incomplete eternal life?

Ivita suddenly realized that perhaps even the Tomb King only had incomplete immortality, and true immortality was something only the gods had.

Ivita said to the leader of the Sun God Cult who came to her: "Go and continue to divine the location of the Dry Well Elf with the Hearthstone Witch, and then pass it on to the high rangers and others in the outside world."

"We need to get the heart of the Tomb King as soon as possible. Otherwise our chances of winning will be slim."

"Our current location is actually known to the Tomb Kings."

"How did it leak?"

Ivita ordered the cultists to jump into the river and destroy the frog nobles.

About two hours later, the corpses of the frog nobles were lying on both sides of the underground river space.

These frog nobles were all dressed in silk clothes, painted with rouge, and dressed like women.

Ivita guessed that most of these frog nobles were noble women during the human period.

It was the Tomb King's revenge on them that made them look like this.

Knight Robinson stretched his sleeves to hide the wounds on his arms. He came over and said to Ivita: "Sir, all the monsters that attacked us have been killed. There are ten less people on the cultists side, and they are all killed. The river washed it away.”

"But the cultists said that the ten missing people should crawl out at the exit of the next underground river and then return to our side."

"We...we outnumbered these monsters, so there were almost no casualties."

Ivita nodded.

He saw that there were a few purple frog nobles among the corpses of the frog nobles. The vitality of these purple frog nobles was stronger than that of ordinary frog people.

They were still writhing on the ground.

Ivita signaled to Knight Robinson, who pulled out the off-hand weapon on his waist, trapped the purple frog and said, "Tell me... how did you discover our location."

The purple frog man laughed. "I have immortal life, and I am not afraid of you. Do you think violence can threaten immortal life? We have drank the spring water containing the holy blood, and we..."

Knight Robinson gave it a kick in disgust, making it unable to speak.

"Shut up. If you are really immortal, why are there corpses everywhere around you? Tell me, or I will break your frog's neck immediately."

The purple frog man looked at the corpses around him, his pupils suddenly constricted. "How is it possible, why are we still dead? Really... they are all corpses."

"We are actually mortal. Then why do we become such non-human beings and ghosts?"


Seeing it collapse, Robinson Knight gave it another kick.


The Purple Frog Nobleman became afraid of death. "It's the smell of living people. There are not many living people left in this country. We have many hunting dogs in the noble village. As long as these hunting dogs lead the way, we can find living people, those who are the successor candidates."

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