The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 411 The Zombie King’s Strongest Magic

At the back of the Noble Village, which had been reduced to ruins, Ivita and Robinson Knights, as well as many cultists, as well as the Hearthstone Witch, the leader of the Sun Cult and the High Ranger, all came here.

Five thousand sand soldiers appeared around the valley of Guiren Village.

The group of them had a single-plank bridge across the stream. The word "forbidden area" was written on the wooden poles of the single-plank bridge. At the same time, Ivita stopped everyone from moving forward.

"It's useless to go any further. In front of the single-plank bridge is just a meaningless cliff and a small piece of flat land. It turns out that the reason why the Tomb King dared to put his heart here is because he put his heart in a In an alien space.”

"No army can pass through here to reach another alien space."

"I'm afraid those who can get in must meet a certain criteria."

The Hearthstone Witch reminded Ivita: "You burned down all the noble villages before. Now you can't find anyone who knows the past method."

Ivita snorted coldly. "It doesn't have to be that complicated."

"The efficiency of my use of light souls now may have exceeded my imagination."

As Ivita uses her light soul with all her strength.

The single-plank bridge in front of them was twisting rapidly, just like seeing the single-plank bridge in a convex mirror, but the degree of distortion of the single-plank bridge was still increasing.

The Hearthstone Witch was surprised to Ivita and said: "Your magic power has reached such a level. This is a hidden magic close to that of the Witch Marquis. You actually forced yourself to crack this bridge without knowing the solution."

When the entire bridge twisted more than 90% and began to invert.

A willow branch was projected from the single-plank bridge like a javelin.

The Hearthstone Witch and Robinson Knight were subconsciously trying to block the willow fairy's attack, but a more twisted and darker force appeared in front of Ivita.

The Dark Portal!

There is a strange curse sound in the Dark Portal, like a slanderous whisper in the dark night.

Following this light, a spell that would make people feel uneasy appeared. The branches of the willow fairy were transmitted into the portal. Then, driven by the light soul, the Dark Gate actually changed several key lines of spells. .

The original teleportation magic suddenly turned into a life-threatening dark magic.

The entire javelin-like willow branch was sucked into it, and a goblin roared on the other side of the twisted single-plank bridge: "Who dares to break into the treasure house of the Tomb King."

"Leave immediately."

"This is an order from the goblin."

Ivita knew that goblins were ancient magical creatures that lived deep in the woods, and that goblins were just a name for similar mammals, which were very different internally.

Since the javelin made of willow branches is used to attack, it means that the opponent should be the Gumon goblin.

The most common individuals of this kind of goblin have the power level of a formal wizard.

They like to live in willow trees and are often commonly known as willow goblins. Their willow branches contain magical toxins. Once they are infected, they will be poisoned and are difficult to cure.

This kind of goblin likes to guard nothing more than anything, and will usually protect it steadfastly.

Ivita realized this and immediately activated the World Stone in the foundation of her Soul Heavenly Palace. It was the last material left from the once broken world, and it contained the terrible spell - [Doomsday Bell Curse].

Suddenly, bells sounded one after another in the sky.

These bronze-like bells are simple and clumsy, as if they were sounds from eternity.

Then, at the other end of the single-plank bridge, lines of flames and ashes appeared. These lines of flames and ashes were entangled together, like an archery target.

Then, streaks of heavenly fire fell from the sky.

The willow fairies on the other side of the twisted single-plank bridge let out screams one after another.

Due to phase magic.

The Hearthstone Witch, Robinson Knight and others could only see a chaotic fire on the other side, but could not tell what was going on.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "It's the Doomsday Clock spell we found in the disappeared castle. This is a spell that can destroy a medium-sized world. By the way, if you use a light soul, you can use it without any burden."

The leader of the Sun God Cult felt the destructive power and despair transmitted from Ivita's doomsday curse. She immediately understood that the power level of a witch like her who came from the wild road was very different from Ivita's. .

Maybe all her magic combined is not as deep as the magic spell of Ivita.

Same as the high wizard, she, the high wizard, seems to be pieced together, and the reason why Ivita is still a high wizard is just because he does not have the Dark Soul for the time being.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Open it, Your Majesty, the phase space over there is opened."

Under Iveta's time-shortening and indiscriminate magic bombardment, not only did the other end of the single-plank bridge lose the sound of the Gumen goblins, but the original phase magic was also bombarded with oversaturated magic, creating a hole.

Ivita controlled the clone No. 2 and said to the cultists: "Come in!"

"This is God's command!"

“The day has come to devote yourself to God!”

Suddenly, the believers went crazy one by one, rushing straight into the automatically opened phase space.

At the foot of the Iron Crown Mountains, not only was there blood everywhere, but there were also traces of battles everywhere. There were many signs of destruction on the originally naturally formed mountain.

The corpses of many low-level zombies and Chaos Zerg fell to the ground.

More low-level zombies are fighting against the sea of ​​​​insects, and are climbing up the body of the Ganesha weapon along the four elephant leg pillars of the Ganesha weapon, and starting to destroy the Ganesha weapon.

The Tomb King floats above the insect swarm. Wherever he goes, the insect swarm automatically burns, and he has no ability to fight back at all.

Sfenwell Qixiong in the Elephant God's Weapon and Duraubiner sitting on the back of the gryphon saw this scene, and their eyes widened.

The two queens who had been hiding behind the swarm of cockroaches were all stunned.

"Why doesn't the Tomb King feel tired? An individual's power cannot be inexhaustible. Behind him..."

The other insect queen was about to speak, but was discovered by the Tomb King floating in mid-air. The Tomb King laughed ferociously, fell directly, lifted the insect queen from the ground, and grabbed its throat.

"I have long overturned the power of water and fire in my body. My power is endless. How can I rely on the sea of ​​insects to kill me? Hahaha..."

The next moment, the entire body of the insect queen in his hand burned with green zombie fire.

In this flame, the insect queen did not last long before she died. After her death, the power of the Chaos Abyss in her body was extracted by the zombie flames and absorbed by the Tomb King.

The Tomb King actually improved his strength again.

At this moment, all the command of the insect swarm was transferred to the last insect queen, and the insect queen was extremely frightened.

Because the Tomb King is an opponent in the Chaos Abyss that he has never encountered before.

In the past, the Chaos Abyss could rely on its primitive reproductive power to create a large number of low-level creatures - swarms of insects to attack the opponent's army, using cheap and cheap flesh and blood life in exchange for high-value human life, thus creating a The name of the insect swarm in the terrifying Chaos Abyss.

But the Tomb King in front of him seemed to be able to completely ignore numbers and never use up his power.

The last insect queen mobilized all the baneling insects and rolled over to attack the Tomb King.



The Tomb King walked through the explosion of banelings without taking any damage at all, and then caused the cockroaches around him to spontaneously combust.

The so-called insect sea tactics can only be based on the fact that both sides have no fundamental differences in strength.

But now the Tomb King kills these bugs as if using pesticides, the killing speed is too fast.

The voice of the Tomb King appeared on the battlefield.

"Abyss of Chaos, this country has never belonged to you. If you think it does, then you will go to hell. Candidates for the heir to the Iron Crown, don't run away, whether it's the gryphon, the weapon of the elephant god, or what else you have Regardless of my troops, my zombie swarm will completely kill you in this battlefield."

The Tomb King was bathed in fire. He calmly walked towards the last insect queen and said at the same time. He planned to kill the insect queen, and after the insect swarm got out of control and scattered, he would kill those candidates for the Iron Crown.

These candidates should be the strongest candidates.

As long as you kill them, it shouldn't be a big problem.

The country will completely fall under his control.

When the last insect queen saw him approaching, she was immediately frightened. "Damn monster, who are you? You are not even a life. The Chaos Abyss does not recognize you."

The Queen of Insects spat green slime spheres at him. These slimes were the original fluid. The Tomb King thought for a while and actually dodged the attack.

However, in the despair of the insect queen, he came to it, grabbed the insect queen's neck, and lifted up her enchanting upper body in gold silk clothes.

Just when the insect queen was at her most desperate.

The Tomb King's expression suddenly changed. World-destroying magic appeared around him, and bells rang.

"Someone is breaking my spell." The Tomb King suddenly realized that he had remained expressionless throughout the entire war. Even when he saw the swarm of insects in the Chaos Abyss, he only took one more glance.

But now, for the first time, the Tomb King's expression changed. It was an expression of horror and fear.

The insect queen who was lifted up by him captured this moment keenly.

But she couldn't figure out what could make the Tomb King, who was so tyrannical and seemed like an invincible monster in this country, feel the fear of mortals.

Isn't this incredible?

Could it be that this is a trap?

The Tomb King actually let go of the Insect Queen's neck and threw her to the ground, while he himself kept retreating. "Something happened in Noble Village."

"Someone broke into the back hill of Guiren Village. No, no, no..."

Sfenwell Qixiong in the Elephant God's Weapon and Duraubin sitting on the back of the gryphon communicated with the magic carrier pigeon throughout the whole process.

[There seems to be something wrong with the Tomb King. Perhaps it is the backhand of the Chaos Abyss. We quickly break through the zombies and head to the top of the Iron Crown Mountain. 】

[Of course it is convenient for you to be in the sky, but now at least hundreds of zombies have entered the inside of my Ganesha weapon, and the surface of the Ganesha weapon is also covered with zombies. I'm in trouble now. The attack power of these zombies is average, just at the level of ordinary people. But they are too hard to kill, and any time they bite someone on my side, they instantly turn my knights and soldiers into zombies. 】

Duraubin, who was sitting on the back of the griffin, was about to reply when his back suddenly felt cold. He saw the Tomb King suddenly turning his head to look at him, and then the Tomb King suddenly pointed at him.

Suddenly, a griffon knight next to him turned into stone.

Then he fell from the air and landed on the mountain, turning into gravel and dying.

Then, the Tomb King pointed at the Elephant God Weapon again, and the aura of death suddenly condensed in the air. The powerful death aura rushed into the left hind leg of the Elephant God Weapon like an air current.

The zombies on the left hind leg of the Ganesha weapon suddenly felt like they were on adrenaline. They charged at the Ganesha weapon crazily and attacked the little elephant on the Ganesha weapon.

The Tomb King has never used his full strength, causing everyone to forget that he has magical abilities at the level of the Witch Marquis.

He can use border magic, and distance is meaningless to him. His magic can attack others from a distance of dozens of kilometers.

The Tomb King pointed his finger at the sky. This was his most powerful natal magic - [Zombie King's Finger].

The powerful aura of death condensed into a pillar of extremely negative energy that rose into the sky and attacked the distant Noble Village.

He didn't know who was breaking into the noble village, but he could directly attack the entire noble village.

The Tomb King smiled ferociously. "Die to me."

"Under the aura of these negative energies, it turns into the most primitive dead meat for my zombies to enjoy. This is the price you pay for offending me."

The next moment, his face stiffened because he felt the feeling of his heart that he had not seen for a long time.

This shows that someone took out his heart from the magic seal.

Then, he felt his heart being pinched by someone's palm. That feeling was very unique, but it made the Tomb King extremely angry and frightened.

No, someone got his hidden heart.

Impossible, not even the Marquis Witch could divine the location of his heart.

As long as that phase space is not known in advance, no one should be able to detect it, and the troops from Noble Village are guarding his heart.

Who is it!

In anger, the Tomb King placed [Zombie King's Fingers] everywhere on the battlefield, and for a while the entire battlefield was enveloped in a thick aura of death.

Duraubin, who was sitting on the back of the gryphon, and Qi Xiong, who was in the elephant god's weapon, immediately cried out in pain. The Zerg could survive in this rich death environment with their primitive vitality, but they couldn't.

For a time, they were in danger, just like a ship in a big wave, in danger of overturning at any time. Two death auras attacked Duraubiner and Qixiong respectively, which made the two think that they were going to die here. Three white doves approached them.

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