The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 412 Prototype of Dark Soul

The suddenly opened door of darkness turned into a naked black hole-like portal, swallowing up all the Griffin Knights and Elephant weapons on the battlefield.

Because Qi Xiong and the Son of the Holy Emperor knew that this was helping them avoid the death-like finger of the Tomb King, they did not resist, but instead took the initiative to enter the Dark Portal.

As a result, the originally bustling battlefield suddenly became quite deserted, leaving only the zombie legions of the Chaos Zerg and the Tomb Kings.

The mad Tomb King stood in mid-air, overlooking the mountains. "The magic of the Lacedaemonians?"

"It must be those thieves and shameful robbers who took my heart, damn it."

Now he no longer cares about the disappearing gryphon knights and elephant god weapons, although he had previously decided to decide the outcome in this war, completely establish his victory pattern, and kill what he called the most powerful Candidates for succession.

But now it seems that he himself got the current situation completely wrong.

The Tomb King is a master of internal fighting, so he is the most suspicious. He now begins to suspect that the purpose of Qi Xiong and others fighting him on the frontal battlefield is to divert attention and let the shameful thief hiding in the dark steal. his heart.

"Shameless thief." The Tomb King's eyes glowed with green and fierce light. "Don't think that getting my heart means you have won. In this game, you are ahead for half a game, but it won't necessarily be the case next time."

"Because I have something you definitely don't have."

"I have the power to negotiate with the Witch Queens, the Church, and the nations..."

He put away the rage and panic in his heart and turned his head to look coldly at the insect queen hiding in the insect swarm. Since things were like this, there was no need to rush to the noble village.

Because of his power, the shameful thief wizard will not be able to leave the noble village for the time being.

But he might have to fight his biggest enemy later, and he couldn't be sure how many troops he would lose or how many injuries he would suffer even if he won.

Therefore, it was decided to first clean up the insect swarms in the Chaos Abyss that might be missed in the battle.

When two strong forces are fighting, it is common sense to deal with the weak one who is watching the battle first.

The queen, who was hiding behind a group of cockroaches and hydralisks, saw the Tomb King looking over at her and was so frightened that she almost screamed.

Why didn't the magic door that suddenly appeared just take her away?

Is this racial discrimination?

She also wants to get out of this battlefield.

At that moment, the insect queen decided to abandon the insect swarm and leave here first.

Who knew that the next moment, the Tomb King who had regained his senses would appear three meters in front of her, and at the same time, green zombie fire appeared in the thousands of low-life insect swarms in front of her.

The voice of the Tomb King appeared in her ears. "A foreigner. You should not appear in front of me while my country is weak."

"Some people often say that the leader of the insect swarm is essentially the most powerful beast master. I think it is true. As long as this beast master is killed, the beast masters under the beast master will be scattered. Escape and no longer have the strength to fight. The Chaos Insect Swarm is indeed powerful. When facing you, ordinary human kingdoms must be prepared to pay the price of blood. However, the power of my Tomb King just restrains you. Foreigners, take you with me. That stupid primitive power will fall into the ice hell!"

Behind the Tomb King, an illusory shadow actually appeared in the sun's rays.

Within that shadow is the boundless world of ice, just like the North Pole, with ice as the earth and cold air as the sky. Countless ice-attributed undead souls of the doomsday winter survive in this world.

A huge eye of ice appeared in the center of the world.

The eyes of ice seemed to penetrate the soul of the insect queen.

The Queen of Insects immediately screamed: "No, this is not the law of the Iron Crown. This is the law of winter, this is the law of the undead from natural disasters. You, a person who claims to protect your country, actually introduced this evil law. The law comes into your country.”

The Tomb King watched the Insect Queen turn into an ice sculpture little by little, the expression in his eyes unchanged. "No matter how evil you are, can you be more evil than the Iron Crown?"

"Okay, after taking care of these miscellaneous soldiers, it's time to find the thief."

Suddenly, the Tomb King looked behind him.

At some point behind him, a wooden doll holding a snare came out. The doll kept beating the snare and said to him: "We really misjudged you. You didn't even know you were being played by the Iron Crown."

"You know, the thief you are talking about now has inherited the legacy from the conqueror Xiao. He has mastered a large amount of ancient magic and discontinued inherited knowledge. He also has one of the seventy-two demon kings left by Xiao to him. , the Demon King of Knowledge.”

"Do you think you are his opponent? You really shouldn't waste your time on a bunch of rubbish. No matter how powerful they look, they are just abandoned sons of the Iron Crown."

The Tomb King looked back at the puppet. "Then who are you? Why do you want to help me? Or can you still help me?"

The puppet laughed and mechanically beat the small drum in its hand. "But there is one thing I underestimated you. It turns out that you not only have a light soul. You are a special high-level undead used by the Law of Winter. I didn't expect to have such powerful magical power. It's just that you colluded with the Law of Winter. In fact, you and yours The country is in a very dangerous situation. It's different if you cooperate with me. I am a follower of the Lord who serves the academy - Pinocchio, one of the seventy-two demon kings. I have the power to help you defeat any enemy. The Demon King of Power and Knowledge is no match for me.”

"I give you this drum of fooling. This is a special instrument supported by the law of hell. With it, you can deal with the devil of knowledge. As long as you keep beating this drum, you can obtain the law of fooling. The power of all things. The rest, I think it wouldn’t be interesting if you couldn’t do it anymore, right?”

The Tomb King took the puppet controlled by Pinocchio and handed him the Drum of Fooling.

No words were said.

Half an hour ago.

In the phase space in the waterfall in the back mountain of Guiren Village, the phase space here is still picturesque, with green grass and blue sky, empty mountains and deep valleys, and countless special plants growing in the valley.

This phase space is actually as big as a noble village. The noble village in the phase space has not been burned by Phoenix magic, so the rows of pavilions and pavilions are still there. Iveta even saw some buildings being built on the mountainside of the noble village. Frog nobles moving on the tower.

Before the waterfall, Ivita used Clone No. 2 to order a cultist to obtain the heart of the Tomb King hidden in the waterfall at the cost of his life.

It was a completely black box that felt like metal, but was actually lighter than a wooden box. It was about the size of a football.

Yvetta was certain that this was the heart of the Tomb King.

Even if it is just held in the hand, covered by a magically protected box, the majestic spirituality still erupts from the surface of the box, and its spiritual light beam is as conspicuous as the moon at night.

And there were many whispers in my ears.

‘Look, this is a human being, how long do you think he can take the king’s heart? How long can his spirituality last without being contaminated? ’

'Our anger, our hatred, is in your hands. ’

'It is you who determines your own destiny, not the Iron Crown. ’

The light soul in Ivita's body swept away these dirty thoughts.

Those distracting thoughts disappeared among the surprise, screams and unwillingness, as if wondering why a mere human could hold the heart of the Tomb King unharmed.

When Iveta looked up, she realized that neither Knight Robinson nor the Hearthstone Witch nor the leader of the Sun God Cult were ten meters away from her, and they looked uncomfortable.

The Hearthstone Witch looked at the box in Ivita's hand with fear in her eyes. "My lord, that heart is the heart of the Tomb King. It's really weird. As soon as we got close, we were struck by the spiritual energy emanating from the heart. The power evokes all kinds of injustices in the heart, recalling the unbearable memories of the past.”

"It's like what's in that box is driving us all crazy."

Ivita was awe-inspiring.

This does not make ordinary people crazy, but makes high-level knights and high-level witches crazy.

The high-level knights and high-level witches are basically people who control legendary power, and each of them is a well-known hero in the local area.

If the power of the Tomb King is only equivalent to the fourth level, his heart does not have such power at all.

And it brings back memories?

Instead of arousing emotions and reminding people of past memories?

Wait a moment……

This kind of power is unusual even in the magical dark forest.

A possibility occurred to Ivita, and although it was unlikely, he had to pursue it.

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch looked at each other. The next moment, he used his light soul to invade the Hearthstone Witch's soul. The latter did not resist, but gave up the magical protection of her soul.

In this way, Ivita's light soul can directly contact the memories of the Hearthstone Witch and sort out which memories were evoked by the Tomb King's heart.

As a result, Iveta was slightly shocked when she saw it.

He found that the Hearthstone Witch's memory had slight traces of modification. Of course, this was not done by the Hearthstone Witch herself. Some out-of-the-box scenes were added between some memory fragments - such as the scene between the Hearthstone Witch killing two people. In the picture, a memory picture of her actively entering the church to pray was added.

This is of course a complete fabrication.

But if there are too many slightly modified memories like this, the Hearthstone Witch will involuntarily begin to doubt her own philosophy of life and whether she is really an evil person.

Ivetta knew that the latter was very important to the Hearthstone Witch's perception of herself.

‘Just being radiated spiritually by the Tomb King’s heart, such a thing could happen. If the Hearthstone Witch stayed around this heart for a long time, I'm afraid her whole person would become distorted, and going crazy would be the easiest price to pay. ’ Ivita instantly realized something was wrong, ‘I’m afraid it’s most likely that the Hearthstone Witch will be reshaped into a person who is completely opposite to her real self. ’

Ivita used the light soul to delete the Hearthstone Witch's modified memory, and then enveloped the Hearthstone Witch with a layer of light soul light, helping her isolate the influence of the Tomb King's heart on her.

At the same time, he also used his light soul to cover everyone on his side, including those cultists.

Fortunately, their memories and souls were slightly contaminated, and Ivita could easily treat them. Otherwise, such a heavy workload would consume a lot of light souls.

The enemy is now at hand.

Ivita explained to everyone: "I didn't expect that a mere zombie could possess the power of the Dark Soul. It seems that we have met our opponent this time. Even if we have his heart in our hands, we cannot guarantee victory."

The Hearthstone Witch has discovered that her memory has been altered. "This is indeed the power of the dark soul. I wanted to say it just now. I didn't expect that Your Majesty is so knowledgeable and discovered before me that it is the characteristics of the power of the dark soul that create memories and experiences. The Tomb King is a zombie , actually obtained the Dark Soul."

"In this world, it is very difficult to modify other people's memories. Everyone's ability to maintain their own cognition of existence is that they believe that they are themselves. In front of the dark soul, they can modify and create new knowledge, experience, Logic, and even non-extraordinary skills that they didn't know originally, arbitrarily endowed them with identity and existence value. In the face of this kind of power, the Witch Marquis is worthy of the professional level known as a god."

What makes Ivita more concerned is the Witch Queen above the Witch Marquis.

The Witch Queen is basically on the same level as the True God.

The Witch Marquis is already a god-man, half-god and half-human, with power comparable to low-level gods, so how difficult would it be for the Witch Queen to deal with him.

However, judging from the power and legal power of the kingdoms in this world, it is true that only the Witch Queen can disrupt the laws and society of a kingdom.

Even ordinary gods cannot stand up to kingdom-level laws. They can only abide by the rules and dare not overturn the table.

I hope that the Kingdom of Alsace does not have the resources of the Witch Queens to call on.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "To be precise, it is half a dark soul. I think what the Tomb King possesses is only the prototype of a dark soul. I read a book "Dark Soul" in the ancient library. "The Half-finished Soul", which said that some witches who failed to create the Dark Soul would not lose the part of the power they obtained, but would obtain a failed Dark Soul."

"Dark Soul also has another characteristic: it is the sublimation of spirituality, which allows a living body to sublimate to the point where it is not a human being. It is not an ordinary strengthening of spirituality and improvement of spiritual essence, but a complete and extreme sublimation, sublimation to the boundary between gods and humans."

"I did not find this feature in the spirituality of the Tomb King's heart."

It can be seen that no matter what price the Ice Lich Lord paid to help the Lord of the Seven Seas in the disappeared territory that day, Dark Soul could not use it.

Ivita said: "Now we have to gather our strength to create a weapon that can kill the Tomb King's heart weapon. The person holding this weapon must have a certain degree of knightly power."

"Robinson Knight, that's you."

Robinson Knight was stunned. "I'll try my best."

He himself was not sure.

Suddenly, a magic full of death energy descended from the sky, threatening to completely turn this phase space into a dead space.

Ivita looked up at the sky and subconsciously used the Dark Portal to divert the magic. However, the magic was too powerful and the Dark Portal could not absorb it all.

The death energy from that finger continued to rush towards Ivita and the others.

At the same time, the box in Ivita's hand glowed, and Ivita's light soul trembled. He suddenly understood that someone had confused time.

The magic on that head is indeed what I will encounter now, but the power released by the heart in the box in my hand should not have been activated until fifteen minutes later.

But someone confused the time.

Yes, time in this country is inherently unstable right now.

Where is the causal logic?

A force was generated in the box in Ivita's hand, covering Ivita alone. The strange power seemed to bring Ivita to another world.

‘Wizard Thief, my heart has long been fused with my dark soul. You hold my heart and indeed my life gate. I will not give you time to make a weapon to kill me. This is the inner demon memory space I created with Dark Soul, but I don’t think you can know this kind of advanced magic. No matter how powerful your light soul is, it is no match for the dark soul. ’

Ivita's expression remained unchanged. When faced with danger and suffering, he could not lose control of his position. Moreover, the light soul and the dark soul had different development directions. He doubted that no one in the past had ever made his light soul as powerful as he is now. Could it be that Can’t the power of the light soul be close to that of the gods?

Whoever tries to follow the path of the light soul has gone too far.

I'm afraid not.

Three-headed phoenixes appeared on Ivita's body. After the balance of power in her body was once again out of balance, her phoenix magic was upgraded, from one phoenix to three-headed phoenixes.

At this moment, he had to use Phoenix magic to get rid of the death energy on it first.

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