The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 422 Meeting the Black Rose Fairy

Before going to Ambrose, Ivita was ready to be a little more prepared.

It is not a good idea to bring troops to Ambrose, because Ambrose has been involved by too many forces, and the number of troops inside may now be more than the number of civilians.

With the army, Ivita does not have the upper hand.

But he is now a very powerful wizard, with many powerful witches under his command, even the monster Tomb King, and Ambrose himself once had many witch allies.

For Ambrose in the Magic Desert, he now has a very strong advantage.

Ivita first asked the Hearthstone Witch to go to Ambrose alone to search for the Witch Cemetery and their leader, her old friend [Milanie], and then went to the Hunter Jungle to invite [Christine] with a lot of money. Then he went to the snow-capped mountains where the Ice Witch was, and asked the leader of the Sun God Cult and the Great Witch of Blue Fantasy to guard the Principality of Lombardy.

However, the tasks for the two of them are not onerous.

Because he has mastered the laws of the Iron Crown, he naturally has the power to protect his territory.

When Ivita transformed into a peregrine falcon and flew into the familiar Ambrose, she found that Ambrose was no longer what it used to be. The once prosperous cities and towns in the west now showed signs of decadence and decline.

The most people walking on the road are no longer businessmen, but refugees.

The war destroyed the homes these people relied on for survival, but the initiators of the war did not give them the life they deserved.

Ambrose remained between the factions of the city's guilds and the landed aristocracy.

Ivita landed at the gate of the famous city [Palvega]. He saw countless refugees trying to enter the city, but they were blocked by the guards of [Palvega].

And the residents in the city of [Palvega] are not living well because their fathers and brothers have gone to the battlefield.

Ivita even met her old acquaintance [Alice] in this city.

Unlike Mrs. Alice who was dressed in a fancy dress when she first met her, the current Mrs. Alice did not wear a gorgeous evening dress, but a simple narrow-cut dress.

She was surrounded by guards, members of the city council, and people from the committee.

Obviously, she has changed a lot these days.

Ivita did not say hello to her and flew away directly, because this time he was different from before. Both the city guild factions and the land nobles would be his enemies.

There is no need for him to get too involved with people who have nothing to do with the core of his plan. Just maintain his current alliance status.

The peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita took off, opened a dark door in the sky, and flew in.

Mrs. Alice in the city of [Palvega] looked up at the sky. Suddenly, for a moment, she felt that the sky seemed a little darker.

But then she shook her head, thinking it was just an illusion.

Ivita did not go to her territory in Ambrose first to meet Rayleigh and Black Wolf who were staying in the territory, but went to the north of Ambrose.

The once vast Ambrose Valley was so small to me now.

Yvetta only had to use a little magic to cross Ambrose.

He came to the continuous snow-capped mountains north of Ambrose and hovered over the snow-capped mountains in the posture of a peregrine falcon, observing the situation. Ambrose's greatest treasure was two of the laws.

Snow Mountain Law and Thousand Years of Fire.

This is a rare pairing, a land with two sets of interdependent laws.

Snow Mountain Law is the source of the river that runs through Ambrose's land. It can be said that it is very important to Ambrose.

Ivita soon found the symbol of the Snow Mountain Law, the Snow Mountain Castle standing on the top of the Snow Mountain.

"Who entered my territory?" the ice witch said in a cold voice.

Yvetta heard a hint of concern in her voice.

Ivita did not show any pretense, and fell directly from the sky into the ice and snow castle in the posture of a peregrine falcon. The ice and snow near him melted quickly under the action of the light soul.

Then, he landed directly in the main hall of the castle, and then slowly stood up from the ground.

An ice scepter appeared in the hand of the ice witch. Her eyes were cold, but the powerful magic emanating from Ivita made her feel as if she was facing an enemy. She was even mentally disturbed and worried.

The Ice Witch had never seen such a powerful wizard.

In her eyes, Ivita's spirituality, which suddenly broke into her territory and suddenly fell from the sky, was like the sun, and now the sun set on the snow-capped mountains.

The Snow Mountain Law reacted naturally, but she discovered that Ivita was entangled with many laws, and she didn't know how many laws were supporting him behind the scenes.

The Snow Mountain Law is the weakest law.

Therefore, the ice witch became worried.

She didn't even know what happened to the students and the snow monsters who were guarding the snow mountains near the snow mountains.

The ice witch said to Ivita, who lowered her head: "I don't know where you come from as a wizard. I welcome you. However, Ambrose is a magical desert, and the snow-capped mountains are lifeless. There is no trace of you here." All the resources I can fancy, so please forgive me for not being able to entertain you."

"You can leave here."

She picked up the scepter and looked at Ivita coldly, but did not dare to make the first move.

On the contrary, the Bigfoot snow monsters in the hall grinned at Ivita, as if they were ready to attack Ivita.

Iveta raised her head and said to the ice witch: "Old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why do you think that I came to you because I want some treasure from you?"

Ivita secretly measured the ice witch's magical power. If she didn't have any trump cards, her power as a formal witch plus the Snow Mountain Law should be slightly stronger among the high-level witches.

But it shouldn't reach the level of the most powerful high-level witch.

It's just about the same as the leader of the Sun God Cult, maybe even better than the leader of the Sun God Cult.

But if she leaves this snowy mountain, I'm afraid her power will only be slightly more powerful than an ordinary great witch.

The further away from the Snow Mountain Law, the weaker her power becomes.

No wonder, she wanted to cooperate with him before.

From my current perspective, the location where the witch cemetery used to be was blessed with phase magic.

Being in a different phase space will further weaken the ice witch's connection with the laws of the snowy mountains.

This is probably why she needed herself in the first place.

The ice witch recognized Ivita, but she couldn't believe that the person with such powerful magic was actually Ivita.

The Ivita she had worked with more than a year ago?

Seeing each other again feels like a lifetime ago.

The ice witch breathed a sigh of relief. Ivita had a good impression on her at first, and she knew that Ivita was not an unreasonable person.

Out of concern about Ivetta's current strength, the ice witch forced out a smile and said to him: "It turns out to be Mr. Ivetta. It was a pleasure to work with you in the past. I don't know why you are here to see me now. What?"

Iveta spread her hands and said, "It's like meeting old friends. You have helped me a lot in the past."

The ice witch was a little stunned. Of course she didn't believe Ivita's words.

The ice witch followed Ivita's words and said, "No need to thank you, this is what a friend should do."

Ivita took out the dragon tooth wand. This wand containing powerful ice magic instantly attracted the ice witch. Ivita said to her: "Old friend, I came here because I want you to do me a favor. When it’s done, this is my gift to you.”

"This is the Ice Fang Wand. It was once owned by a witch marquis who was good at ice magic and necromancy magic."

The ice witch gasped, her eyes fixed on the wand in Ivita's hand that was once used by the Marquis of Witches.

The ice witch saw that Ivita meant no harm to her and had relaxed. "This gift is too valuable, and it is not enough to be used as payment for ordinary things. Mr. Ivita, please tell me first, what do you want me to do, if it is something I can't do, or if I think it is something If it doesn’t match the gift you gave me, I can only refuse.”

Ivita said: "I need you to support me and get Ambrose. This is the license given to me by the church. You are one of the two holders of the law in Ambrose. During this time, I believe there are many People want to ask you to take a certain side.”

"But now, as you can see, Ambrose needs a decent ruler."

The ice witch stared at Ivita, suddenly feeling funny in her heart. Who would have thought that the man who used to have to contend with the witch cemetery now still wants to control the entire Ambrose.

It's really unpredictable.

The ice witch looked at the dragon tooth wand in Ivita's hand, and then at the document issued by the church in Ivita's hand, and she remembered that Ivita was the fire bearer.

The ice witch suddenly laughed and shook her head slightly. "It seems that I don't even have a reason to refuse. Mr. Ivita, I really can't think of any reason to refuse you."

"So I agree to help you."

"But you don't have to give me the dragon tooth wand."

Although the ice witch also wanted the wand containing powerful ice magic, she restrained her greed. "You are already so powerful, and I am just the icing on the cake. What's more, there is really no one more suitable to be Ambrose's Grand Viscount than you."

"The things I need to do and the choices I need to make are far less than the value of the Dragon Fang Wand."

"So you don't need to give me your wand."

Ivita shook her head. "Ms. Ice Witch, I told you that I came to see an old friend. The friendship between old friends cannot be measured by value."

"This is my gift to you, a proof of our friendship. You don't need to worry about it."

"Let us make a new covenant."

Ivita directly used magic to send the dragon tooth wand to the ice witch.

The ice witch was stunned. She originally thought that Ivita would give her the dragon tooth wand at least after the matter was completed, but she didn't expect to give it to her now.

Ivita saw a hint of surprise in the ice witch's eyes with satisfaction.

To him, the Dragon Tooth Wand is just an ordinary piece of equipment. At most, it has a few more ice magics that he can't use.

For myself, this wand is just the icing on the cake.

But for the ice witch, this wand can greatly enhance the power of her ice magic, and even the magic in it is of great benefit to her just by observing it.

That's why the ice witch wants this wand so much.

Giving the wand to the ice witch can enhance her combat effectiveness. To enhance her power is to enhance your own power, and you can also truly have a good relationship with her.

The Ice Witch is the person in charge of the Snow Mountain Law. Even if he becomes the Grand Viscount in the future, he still needs to get along with her. Making good friends with her is definitely a must-do.

Therefore, Ivita would not feel bad paying for a mere, relatively rare wand.

The ice witch looked moved, and she finally showed a normal expression to Ivita. "I understand, Ivita. You are indeed a very good friend. The Yeti family and I will be your allies."

"Ivetta, why do you want to control Ambrose so much?"

Ivita whispered: "Ambrose, who was once rich, is now almost ruined by them. The war destroyed everything here. The instigators of the war did not want to make up for it, but they also tried to become a grand viscount and enslave this country. people. That’s how I feel about the big guys in Ambrose now.”

"But they were all wrong."

"Because the one who will be the ruler here is not them, but me."

"This is both for myself and for the people of Ambrose. I now know that being a king is to fulfill everything, and to fulfill the people is to fulfill myself."

"My wishes are now aligned with the wishes of the people of Ambrose."

As Ivita said this, the ice witch reacted when she saw the laws behind Ivita.

The ice witch smiled and nodded.

No matter how lucky a person is to be favored by many laws, they cannot make the laws so 'obedient'.


The ice witch knew that the wizard lord in front of her had the tools to become a king.

The ice witch looked at Ivita with a complicated expression.

In the past, she only regarded Ivita as an ordinary wizard, but she was really blind.

Ivita signed a new covenant with the Ice Witch, and the Ice Witch agreed that when Ivita sends her army to Ambrose, she must respond. Ivita transformed into a falcon again and left here.

He left the snow-capped mountains and prepared to find his former ally, the ancestor of the bear people. When he landed in a forest, his light soul suddenly trembled, giving him a reminder.

Ivita glanced across the lush, dense forest in confusion.

Are there enemies?

No, what Guanghun gave was not a warning, but a reminder.

Ivita saw a beautiful rose bush not far away, and between the rose bushes, there was a slim, conspicuous and elegant black rose.

Ivita walked into the bush, and he knew what it was. This was the master of black magic, the Black Rose Fairy.

Sure enough, as soon as his fingers touched the black rose, the flowers of the black rose began to bloom automatically, like a lotus.

Among them was a lady as big as a thumb, flying in the air with flower petals as wings and holding a wand in her right hand. "Ah, I slept so comfortably. Huh? I met an interesting person today."

"I am the Black Rose Fairy, the fairy who can grant any wish."

"Nice to see you here."

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