The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 423 The Strongest Wand: Sun Gold

Ivita cautiously distanced herself from the Black Rose Fairy, and when her light soul swept across her, it seemed to sweep away a blank space.

Light Soul told him that there was nothing ahead, not even soil or trees.

But his naked eyes told him that the Black Rose Fairy was flying in front of him.

King of the Black Fairy!

The King of Fairies who rules over all the Black Fairies in the Enchanted Black Forest.

The most powerful fairy.

Iveta said: "Hello, Fairy, although I have never met you before, your reputation is really famous."

"But why are you meeting me here?"

What makes Ivita confused is that he should not have any conflict with her.

The Black Fairy King has always been neutral.

The Black Rose Fairy flew above Ivita's head and sighed with the grace of a lady. "It's not that I'm waiting for you here. It's that you meet me here. When you want to seek something but have doubts, you may meet me."

"The world is like a vast ocean, and spirituality is the whirlpool in the ocean. The stronger the spirituality, the bigger the whirlpool. Ivita, your spirituality appears next to me, just like a super whirlpool in the sea, making I'm close to you."

Seeing Iveta's eyes showing doubts, the Black Rose Fairy said elegantly: "This is fate. The more powerful a person's spirituality is, the stronger the fate is. Just like my fate, it is almost unshakable."

"Iveta, although this country doesn't seem to have major problems yet, it is actually like a cemetery on fire. If you want to save it, you must be prepared to accept the consequences."

Ivita nodded and put down her guard against the Black Rose Fairy.

He almost forgot that it was the fairy's responsibility to give blessings to everyone who was lucky enough to meet a fairy.

Ivita said to the Black Rose Fairy: "Why is this country said to be like a cemetery on fire?"

The Black Rose Fairy said to Ivita: "Remember what I said, it was your destiny that made us meet automatically? I feel your wish. There are countless people in this country, and countless people have countless wishes. But among these wishes, big and small, only your wish is like the sun and moon in the sky, making the wishes of those others so small compared to it."

"I know your wish, you want to create a new order here."

"That's why I want to tell you that you are like a rain, trying to extinguish the fire of war burning on this land. It is difficult to do this kind of thing with personal power. Use your identity as a monarch to intervene, you They will also be forced to get involved in the war, which is like a quagmire, and anyone who enters it may forget their original intention as time goes by."

Ivita's eyes flickered when she heard what the Black Rose Fairy said.

This is indeed my concern.

During the Cross Island period, thanks to the sea god's attack, he removed obstacles for him. During the Lombard Kingdom, the Tomb King ensured his victorious status.

But I can't be so lucky every time.

Once you enter this country and get stuck in the quagmire of war in this country, the situation mentioned by the Black Rose Fairy may occur.

War is never a good thing, but people can never really leave it.

The shadow at Ivita's feet gradually turned into a warrior holding a spear. As Ivita's mood changed, the shadow became more and more real.

Ivita said to the Black Rose Fairy: "Someone must make changes, and change means bloodshed. Only a country that starts from scratch does not need to bleed. The lack of bloodshed means that the shortcomings of the past still exist in the new regime."

"I do hate war, but no one in this world can avoid war."

The Black Rose Fairy covered her mouth and smiled and said: "I don't care about the life and death of human beings. I just noticed your contradiction from your wish. That wish made me have to follow the guidance of fate, appear by your side, and give You help.”

She spun around in the air gracefully, the wand in her hand exuding powerful magic.

Ivita said to the Black Rose Fairy: "I see, then you should be able to sense my true wish. There are wars now because people are not working together as one, because since the ancient civilization period, there was only one empire. The situation has been completely changed.”

"If there was only one law in this world, war would disappear."

"At least it disappears for a while. The advantage is that the population will increase, everyone will be happier, and a lot of unwarranted suffering will be reduced."

The Black Rose Fairy gently covered her mouth. "Universal law? Do you also want to condense universal law like Rom, the emperor of the Seljuk Empire?"

"No wonder your wish has such effect, forcing me to follow the destiny."

The Black Rose Fairy said to Ivita: "Okay, I can give you a blessing that will help fulfill your wish."

Although Ivita had long expected that she would appear here to give her a chance to make a wish, but when the Black Rose Fairy really said this, Ivita was overjoyed.

Ivita asked her: "If I make a wish and you directly give me a universal law, will it come true?"

The Black Rose Fairy smiled. "Then you really think highly of me. If I really have such powerful fairy power, I..."

Ivita nodded. "Can you help me make Dark Souls? What is the quality of this method?"

The Black Rose Fairy performed a graceful ceremony for Ivita. "Yes. If you want it, I can give you a Dark Soul now. This is indeed the most realistic wish for you."

"The dark soul created by this method is a low-quality dark soul and is not worthy of your light soul. If the light soul and dark soul cannot be balanced, your body will collapse over time and magic will appear. Backlash. The area where your body collapses will form a special celestial body called a [black hole]. That body will swallow everything around you."

Iveta's face twitched.

Then he can't get the Dark Soul in this way. Besides, according to the words of the Ice Lich Lord, he can create the Dark Soul normally, and there is no need to choose the bigger one.

Ivita continued to say to the Black Rose Fairy: "I want to improve my success rate in capturing Ambrose. What do you think I want to ask of you?"

The Black Rose Fairy thought for a while and said to him: "A magic wand, a top-notch magic wand that really suits you."

"Wands made by others are just the icing on the cake for a powerful wizard. So the wand that can really help you can only be the top-notch wand that suits you."

Ivita nodded.

It turns out that if you can have a powerful magic wand, it can definitely help you.

This is indeed the easiest way to improve your magic power in a short period of time.

He is already comparable to the strongest among the Witch Marquises. If he has such a wand again, even the Witch Queens cannot underestimate him.

Ivita made a wish to the Black Rose Fairy and said: "Then give me a wand that can maximize my magical power. Give me that wand."

Unimaginable magic springs out from the Black Rose Fairy.

These magical powers seem to form a small world, isolating external objects.

The Black Rose Fairy made a sound. "I see."

Ivita was a little stunned.

Is this the power of the Fairy King?

Under this power, his own light soul was eclipsed.

The next moment, the Black Rose Fairy stepped out of the prototype of the small world created by her magic power, and a golden wand appeared in her hand.

"This is the wand: Sun Gold."

"It is made of the core of the sun. Even though it looks like pure gold, this is actually just because the core material of the sun is similar to gold. As long as you use it to use magic, it can make your magic never be resisted or dodgeable. .”

"The handle of the wand is made from the core material of the moon. It can prevent you from being harmed by this wand."

"The magic spell inside the wand itself was designed by me to double the power of all your magic."

Ivita took the wand in surprise.

Just as soon as she touched it, Ivita felt the unparalleled and huge magic power contained in this wand. Owning it even gave Ivita the illusion that she was omnipotent.

Several sets of magic wheels floated out from the wand, where the magic power escaped.

After these magic wheels touched the tender grass on the ground, the tender grass began to burn and spontaneously combust.

Doubling the power is no joke, especially since Ivita's magic is so powerful now.

Moreover, this wand seems to make its own magic unable to be defended and dodged.

It doesn't matter if it can't be dodged. At most, it adds a locking spell. I know this medium-difficulty spell, but it just takes some effort and preparation in advance.

But being unable to be defended is terrible.

With his current magical power, if the opponent cannot defend himself, he will really be at an absolute disadvantage.

Ivita thought that with this wand, she might have the highest combat power among the Marquis Witches.

After all, the Witch Marquis only has more Dark Souls and Border Magic than he does.

I have a super light soul, a golden wand, as well as the power of the Emperor Star and the power of demons, and my accumulation is too deep.

The Black Rose Fairy bowed to Ivita and said: "Then, I will resign. We will never be able to meet each other within ten years. But I hope that when we meet again next time, you will have fulfilled your wish, Instead of changing your wishes.”

"Good luck."

Fairy Black Rose's eyes were complicated. After all, in her opinion, Ivita's wish was too grand and impossible to realize.

Desire and reality are two different things after all.

The Black Rose Fairy disappeared into the jungle.

Ivita looked at the place where she disappeared, "I didn't expect that I would meet the Black Rose Fairy on the way and get the wand she gave me. This wand is very powerful. With it, my chance of success will be higher."

Ivita transformed into a falcon, rose into the air from the ground, and continued to fly towards the depths of Ambrose.

Along the way, Ivita noticed many refugees. They looked very hungry. It seemed that the curse of the children of the forest had come true.

However, because food can be purchased from the outside world, the degree of famine has not reached the point where people cannot survive.

If there had been no war, the famine might have been pushed through.

But the war shook everyone's wealth.

Ivita flew in front of the castle of Ambrose's previous ally, the black bear Maximian. Before he entered, he saw the Earl's castle that Puss in Boots had robbed from Alsace. It was full of people. convoy.

There were also fierce quarrels in the castle.

"I said, I don't want to leave this castle. Your war has nothing to do with me and my wife."

"Lord Maximian. The Ursines are already a force that has attracted our attention, and you must choose your side. Choose us, and we will make you and your children nobles."


"Haha, this time is different from before. Now Mr. [Lorenco], the adopted son of the Viscount, has come to invite you in person. If you don't know what's going on, don't blame us."


The falcon transformed by Ivita landed on the most luxurious carriage in the motorcade outside these castles.

Peregrine Falcon stood on the roof of the car and leaned forward. He looked into the carriage and saw a young man in his twenties, who was casually playing with the ruby-encrusted ring in his hand and was very impatient.

He turned the ruby ​​ring around and around, "Isn't that black bear man surrendered to us yet? Is he attracted by the city guilds?"

The butler outside the carriage was very humble. "He is such an adult, we should give him some patience..."

"Patience? It's just a black bear." Loren said impatiently: "If it weren't for the possibility of contacting Puss in Boots through him, I wouldn't be so patient."

"If he refuses to surrender to us, I have many ways to make him kneel in front of me and beg my forgiveness. Come here, kidnap his wife!"

Ivita instantly understood. It seemed that some people on the noble faction hoped to get the power of Puss in Boots. Perhaps they wanted to use the power of Puss in Boots to win the war.

However, Ivita felt that this stupid move might have been Lorenco's own idea.

The housekeeper said to him in panic: "Sir Loren, we haven't reached this point yet. After all, this is the territory of the black bear people. If you deal with that woman casually, it is very likely that..."

Lorenko said forcefully: "Go quickly."

The steward had no choice but to find the knights and storm into the castle in an attempt to steal Maximian's wife.

But when the butler and the knights were about to enter the castle arrogantly, the carriage Lorenko was sitting in made a sound of panic. "Someone, someone, the car is on fire."

The maid quickly found a bucket and poured it on the carriage.

Then, the flames of the carriage became more intense.

Lorenko's legs were so frightened that he collapsed in the carriage. "What kind of water are you throwing at me? Is it oil?"

The stewards and knights hurried back. One knight wanted to cut off the carriage directly and left Lorenko, but was forced back by a fire snake that suddenly jumped out.

The witch apprentice accompanying them looked frightened. "This... this is magic flame. Water can only strengthen this flame. It's such a powerful magic, as if it appeared in nature. It's too powerful. I... I can't solve it."

The wandering eagle transformed by Ivita stood coldly on the top of the tower of the castle not far away and watched this scene.

It seems that after the death of his daughter, the adopted sons of the obsessive-compulsive disorder Viscount were not very good.

Maybe his adopted sons are the kind who just accept people when they see them.

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