The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 432 The Heart of the Ancient God

The obsessive-compulsive Viscount's revenge was soon to come.

While the members of the Ambrose City Council were laughing, the obsessive-compulsive Viscount's army forced a direct attack on the city, forcing the coalition forces of the noble factions to act together.

The catapults pushed forward one after another, and a large number of stones fell on the city wall like raindrops. As a result, a large section of the city wall collapsed. Some witches took advantage of the chaos and cast plague magic on the corpses, and deliberately let the trebuchets throw these problematic corpses. Enter the city.

On the Ambrose City side, if it weren't for the five hundred engineers and defense engineering expert [Achilles] from the Republic of Belisarius, the outer city wall would have been breached long ago.

Early in the morning, Ivita's giant clone was walking inside the outer city wall, watching a large number of engineering soldiers hanging on ropes on the city wall, using wooden stakes and ropes to drive into the damaged parts of the city wall, mixing them with the damaged gravel, and then watering Mud mixed with clay and water was put into these broken parts of the wall and compacted, so that the wall could be barely repaired.

However, Ambrose's outer city wall has already used this method, and it has lasted for too long, with almost no intact parts. If this continues, the outer city wall will no longer be able to support it.

Ivita's giant clone glanced at the city wall indifferently. The main materials required for the Purple God Potion are two. They are a phenomenon caused by the interaction of unique magical forces - the breath of purple updraft. This substance only has It only appears in places where a large number of souls die. It is the gas produced by the conflict between the death magic energy and the soul magic energy when too many souls of living bodies die at one time.

But even if most people see it, they will only regard it as a simple aurora, or sunset glow, morning glow, or even a rainbow, without paying too much attention to it.

But it is actually a very precious magic material that can only appear in large quantities in very large-scale wars.

And it doesn't happen immediately, because death takes time to brew.

Ivita's No. 2 clone had already blended into the battlefield, took out the magic bottle she had prepared and pointed it at the sky, and began to receive the breath of purple updraft.

This special magical substance is a magical phenomenon of the same level as the Gate of Truth. Even if it is not used to make the Purple God Potion, it still has many uses.

For example, it is used to warm a person's soul and make that person's soul stronger.

Ivita's giant clone originally wanted to collect the breath of purple updrafts that had begun to appear on the battlefield. However, before he could take a few steps, he unexpectedly encountered the defense engineering expert of the Belisarius Republic [Ake]. Lucius].

Achilles looked at Ivita and muttered: "Mr. Giant, we are all people begging for food in the war, right? I can see that you and I are the same people. I can see that you I got a Door of Truth on the edge of the battlefield. Powerful magic. I dare say that you are the most accomplished person in magic that I have ever seen in my life."

The giant clone of Ivita looked at him coldly, with neither happiness nor anger in his eyes, making it unclear what the situation was.

Achilles seemed to sense the danger and quickly waved his hand: "Not many people saw it."

"Besides, even if this kind of thing is known to others, it doesn't matter at all. I heard that you are supporting the parliament at your own expense, right? Then the parliament is eager for you to do this. Only a person who wants nothing can be scary."

"Council needs to identify you as someone who has a need for them."

"And I, like you, are both people who got rich in the war. I don't dare to go to church now. God, what shame do I have to say in church that I love peace. If there is no war, I will lose my job. I His wife and three daughters would starve to death in the streets. It’s horrific.”

Achilles came over, raised his hand, and patted the giant Ivita's knee.

Ivita showed a smile. It seemed that this guy was not here to threaten her, so it would be fine.

Iveta said: "Even in peacetime, you can find a job. You can build houses for people, build basements, or switch to flood prevention projects. You can do far more things than you think. Dwarf, I gotta go."

"And..." Ivita glanced at him. Achilles felt guilty for no reason and took half a step back. Ivita said to him: "You and I are not the same kind of people. This is what I want to make clear to you. .”

"Because I don't enjoy war."

"I'm here to end the war."

The giant Ivita turned and walked away.

Achilles, who came from the Republic of Belisarius, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at Ivita's leaving figure, and thought to himself: "That giant is too vicious. If I had known I shouldn't have provoked him, I wouldn't have provoked him." I don’t know why he’s so crazy. To end the war? Is he going to kill everyone on the other side?”

"I suddenly became angry, and I don't know how I will get along with him in the future."

The giant Ivita did not hide it, and directly brought a jar as tall as an adult. The ordinary black jar with special magic inscriptions was engraved on it, and it suddenly sucked up the rainbow in the sky.

Countless purple lights fell into the jar.

Many people on the battlefield saw what the giant Ivita did, but soon they stopped paying attention. Wizards and witches, who were marginalized in society, would do weird things.

They thought the same was true for giant wizards.

Besides, the giant wizard had helped them a lot, so it seemed like there was no harm in doing some strange things.

The giant Ivita began to collect magic materials carelessly. Since he could be discovered even if he was sneaky before, now he simply lays them out and stops hiding them.

I just collect purple energy, so what?

When the members of the city council saw this, they didn't say anything. A few members of the council even felt relieved, thinking that part of the reason for the giant's sudden surrender to them might be because he was greedy for precious magic materials on the battlefield.

On this battlefield, some people cry and others laugh, it's just a cycle of life and death.

The entire battlefield has become a huge place for obtaining magic resources.

But wizards who can really make use of the magic resources on the battlefield will not be very low-level.

Iveta was very happy collecting purple energy on the city wall, but unexpectedly he suddenly discovered that there was a male wizard on his side of the city wall using necromancy magic, summoning dead bodies and souls, and summoning hundreds of skeleton soldiers. Rush towards the siege army.

Ivita was instantly angry.

If the corpses and souls on the battlefield are all used by the necromancer, then what kind of purple energy can I collect?

The undead wizard also boasted to Ambrose, the Speaker of Parliament. "This is not an ordinary undead magic, but an undead plague magic. These undead are like the source of the disease and will infect normal corpses. Let the undead awakened by me stay next to the corpse, and soon the corpse will become undead. "

Just as Ambrose's Speaker of Parliament was about to speak and praise him, he unexpectedly saw the sullen giant Ivita striding over. Ivita was already full of oppression due to her huge body.

Not to mention, when he was angry, even the magical power around him was infected by his emotions and became boiling.

This makes Ivita look even more terrifying.

And Ivita grabbed the great wizard and held him in her hand like a child grabbing an insect.

Before the great wizard could react, all his magical power was locked by Ivita's incredibly powerful light soul.

He could only call his soul palace and shout: "What are you doing? You madman, why did you attack me?"

He finally mobilized some magic from the Soul Palace and used a rotating ice blade spell on Ivita. The moment those rotating ice blades touched Ivita's skin, they were automatically melted and eliminated by the magic of the Cloak of Destruction.

This guy's magic didn't even break Ivita's defense.

At this moment, the great wizard knew he was afraid. "Mr. Giant, where did I provoke you? Please let me go and give me a chance to explain."

"Even those on death row have the right to go to court and be convicted."

Feeling the nature of the other party's magic, Ivita suddenly sneered: "It turns out you are a wizard under the laws of northern winter. Your best magic is ice magic and necromancy magic, right?"

The great wizard said fearfully: "Yes...yes..."

"I am the Grand Wizard of the Peasant Republic of Dietmarschen in the North. That country was once exploited by the landed aristocracy, and the peasants overthrew them and replaced the original ruling institutions with peasant communes. But our country is only a very, very small country. , far from being compared with the three major republics."

"But our peasant republic is a very simple, small republic society without nobility. We rely on accidental luck to survive from the hands of powerful princes. The kings from the three winter kingdoms in the north often threaten us, and we are fighting During their battles, they accepted the laws of winter and learned the frost psychic magic.”

Ivita heard this and let go of him. "I have fought against more than one Ice Lich Lord and Zombie King under the Law of Winter, so I hate people using frost psychic magic in front of me."

"Please remove your magic, sir. For the sake of your motherland's repeated confrontations with the Three Kingdoms of Winter, I can let you go."

The old wizard from the Peasant Republic was very scared. He hesitated and looked at the Speaker of the Parliament who had been silent and observing the situation.

At this moment, the Speaker of the Parliament, who had understood the situation and knew that Ivita did not want to see the undead magic, considered the power of the giant Ivita compared with the power of the great wizard, and favored Ivita as soon as he opened his mouth. "It turns out that it's really not right to enslave the corpses of soldiers to fight for us."

"Mr. You, please dispel the magic first."

Old Wizard You snorted coldly, but still lifted his undead magic, and the ghouls he awakened fell to the ground one by one.

Before the speaker of the parliament and the old wizard You had spoken, Ivita secretly used undead magic in order to prevent the two people from secretly using undead magic, which greatly reduced the amount of purple energy that she should have harvested.

He stretched out his right hand and came out of his mouth the incantation that the ancient desert god taught his first believers when he came to this world ten thousand years ago.

The incantation was solemn and terrifying, different from all modern popular languages. Just saying it made the sky darken and a dust storm started.

The soldiers on both sides were surprised where the wind was blowing.

Then, amidst the sand and hurricane, a thousand desert soldiers appeared. As soon as these desert soldiers appeared, they caused huge damage to the army of the noble faction.

Ivita said to the Speaker of the Parliament and the Great Wizard Yu: "This is the army I summoned with the breath of the desert god. They are not afraid of death."

"Enough to bear the responsibility of the undead soldiers you originally wanted to create."

The Speaker of the Parliament did not expect that Giant Ivita had this ability, and he felt that Giant Ivita still held back and did not summon all the Sand Soldiers. He valued Giant Ivita more and more.

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being a giant of the Republic."

"Thank you on behalf of Ambrose."

Wizard You saw the formidable desert army summoned by Ivita, and realized that these armies were enveloped by a faint divine power of the desert god. He was immediately convinced, and the last bit of anger in his heart disappeared.

Wizard You flattered Ivita: "Mr. Giant is still better than me. Without corpses and plague, you can summon an army that is more fierce and fearless than the undead. I'm afraid each of these sand soldiers is equivalent to the average Undead.”

"And every time you summon a medium-sized undead, you need sacrifices, a lot of magic power, and complicated rituals."

"Is this the power of a high wizard?"

Ivita said calmly: "This is not the power of a high wizard. I just ate the Three Sisters Grass."

As soon as these words came out, Great Wizard You became even more envious.

I was so envious that I almost felt sour.

He was born in the Peasant Republic and stayed there to help the peasant communes resist the feudal royal power of kings from all directions and the theocratic power of church bishops. He also helped the farmers there resist the invasion of neighboring financial guilds.

So he simply doesn't have the resources to find things like Three Sisters Grass.

Ivita looked at the appearance of the sand soldiers below the city, changing the situation on a small scale, causing the aristocratic faction's army of the Principality of Bavaria to fall into chaos and even suffer serious losses.

He was a little worried that his excessive participation would interfere too much with the original process of this war.

But soon, he found that his worries were unnecessary.

Because the city's aristocratic faction didn't know how they got a huge thing, and that huge thing turned out to be a huge toad.

Ivita's eyes widened.

Isn't that the Ancient God Toad?

At this moment, the Ancient God Toad's whole body was bound by thousands of exquisite mechanisms and iron ropes.

It was enslaved by humans and used as a tool against Ivita's Desert Soldiers.

The Viscount's wild words yesterday flashed through Iveta's mind. No wonder he was so confident that he could not rely on the church. It turned out that he actually had such a trump card in his hand.

Who gave this to him?

But Ivita's excitement overcame her doubts, because the second ingredient of the Purple God Potion is the Heart of the Ancient God. This material is rare not only because it is the heart of the Ancient God, but also because the number of Ancient Gods is limited. may have disappeared into history.

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