The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 433 The Four Kingdoms Controlled by the Church

On the city wall, the defense engineering expert [Achilles] from the Republic of Belisarius looked at the huge ancient god below in surprise. The ancient god seemed to be a small moving mountain range, which plunged all the militiamen into despair and depression.

Achilles put his hands on the city wall and said: "How can there be such a big thing in this world? Without its existence, what is the use of our city wall? It can be crossed with one foot!"

The mayor of the thirteen autonomous continents had a serious expression on his face on the city wall. "It seems to be an ancient god who once enslaved primitive humans, and is the god of other humanoid intelligent life groups. However, although its current spirituality is amazing, it is not too outrageous. It seems that the nobles dare not liberate this guy strength."

"If I can send some cannon fodder to fight with it and test the ancient god's strength, I can work out a way to subdue it."

Iveta calmly said to the middle-aged man, who looked like a relatively decent mayor with a Chinese character on his face, "Then, who will be sent to be this cannon fodder?"

"Every time the ancient god takes action, it will cause earthquakes. Most people don't have the courage to do so."

The big mayor said friendly to the giant Ivita: "Mr. Ivita, you are a giant from the north. It is normal for you not to know the things in our human society. As long as there is a generous reward, even a beggar will overcome his heart. scary."

"You don't need a strong force to test the enemy, civilians can do it. Let the Ambrose City Council approve the death row prisoners to participate in the war, and let those death row prisoners go. If there are not enough death row prisoners, use money to openly search for people who are willing to contribute to the collective."

Achilles asked curiously: "Why not let the soldiers go?"

Ivita said: "If too many soldiers are lost, the noble faction's goal will be achieved."

The great mayor looked at the giant Ivita, with a smile in his eyes, and said with some appreciation: "You are completely different from the giants I have seen, that's why."

"We can't lose too many troops. Just let the civilians in Ambrose City go as cannon fodder. In fact, the same principle applies to fighting. The soldiers who are the vanguard and the first to rush forward cannot be our elite soldiers. They are often those who have received a little training. militia.”

Ivita looked at him slightly.

The mayor of the independent Thirteen Continents Confederacy seems to be modest and polite to everyone, but from this perspective, he is also a very scary person.

But it is also true that the person who can get the most votes among so many candidates is either really a great saint or a beast in disguise.

But in the final analysis, it is better for the beasts in clothes not to show their true colors than for the nobles to be unscrupulous.

The great mayor said something to Achilles and the giant Ivita, and then hurried away, probably to suggest the method he had just thought of to the city council.

Below the city, more than a thousand desert soldiers were destroyed by the ancient god toad in a very short period of time. There were also a large number of troops from the city faction who counterattacked in the city, and more than a thousand people died in a short period of time.

These more than a thousand people come from the independent Thirteen Continents Confederacy, from the Ambrose native troops, and from the support of the three major republics and a dozen other republics and city-states.

In short, the envoys from various countries and the members of the city council were almost heartbroken.

Some middle-level officials have even begun to question the city council. The city council is no better than the nobles and can be reorganized. If it fails too many times and the war situation is too unsatisfactory, the civilians in the city will cause riots and parades. Middle- and low-level officials will suggest that the city Parliament is re-elected and the cards are reshuffled.

The giant Ivita and many people noticed that among the people making trouble in Ambrose City at the moment, some people were not normal at all. They seemed to be making trouble purely for the sake of making trouble, and were not really dissatisfied with the city council.

Iveta knew what kind of people these people were when she thought about it.

It is estimated that they have received bribes from nobles outside the city, and they may even be members of the noble faction. They just sneaked into the city of Ambrose in the name of visiting relatives and friends.

But to this extent, it’s nothing.

Soon, Ivita saw the city guard coming and began to check whether Ambrose's proof of residence was among the troublemakers.

The spies who were among them were caught one by one.

But these are just small details.

Ivita saw the huge ancient god toad running rampant outside the city, and all the artillery falling on it was like drizzle, with no effect at all.

Only the magic and bows of high-level knights and witches can hurt it.

If it hadn't been so obedient, the city wall would have been knocked down long ago.

While letting the two clones continue to collect the purple energy on the battlefield, Ivita observed the ancient god toad. With the help of the devil's eye, the spiritual level of the ancient god toad was clearly visible, and it was probably at the fourth level.

But far beyond the ordinary fourth level.

It seems to be extremely hungry and weak, and there is still a lot of magic suppressing it in the body. Countless iron chains lock it, so that it can only move in a specific direction.

It's just that the ancient god toad was unwilling to be enslaved by the humans it once regarded as food and ants, so it was extremely resistant. Even if hundreds of strong human men were beating it with iron whips, it still shook its body and refused to move forward.

The Ancient God Toad raised its toad paws and trampled to death a group of soldiers, regardless of whether they were from the urban faction or the noble faction.

This made the obsessive-compulsive viscount and the envoys from the foreign kingdoms all feel itchy.

Because it was a siege, careful calculation revealed that most of the soldiers killed by the Ancient God Toad were from their noble faction.

Potsdam's general immediately took the initiative to come over in person and ask about the viscount. "Viscount, what is that thing and where did you find it? Since it is your secret weapon, why can't you control it and specifically trample and kill my people?"

"Did you do it on purpose?"

"You killed so many of my soldiers. They didn't die on the battlefield, but at the hands of that monster of yours. Do you know how much pension I have to pay to their relatives?"

The obsessive-compulsive viscount took a closer look and discovered that the area trampled by the ancient god toad was in the direction of the Potsdam Kingdom's support army, and his heart skipped a beat. "Please don't worry, General. I will pay this money for your kingdom after this war. But they are just civilians, not nobles, so it is not a big problem after all."

The general of the Kingdom of Potsdam thought about it and had no choice but to give up.

The general of the Kingdom of Saxony asked the viscount: "Are you sure you can control that thing? If it gets out of control, it will in turn cause great harm to our coalition forces."

The general of the Kingdom of Bohemia was worried: "I don't think it is under control at all."

The obsessive-compulsive Viscount knew that it was a method given to him by the Druid. Now he was a little scared. He had no idea what it was, but he knew that he must not show any lack of confidence at this moment.

Otherwise, the coalition forces will retreat immediately.

The obsessive-compulsive viscount said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, everything is still under my control. That thing is called the Titan Puppet, and it was brought to me by the Burgundians."

"Hmph, as the four major kingdoms within the Holy Empire, the support you give us is actually not as good as the support from the Burgundian principality."

The generals of the Kingdom of Potsdam, the generals of the Kingdom of Saxony, and the generals of the Kingdom of Bosilia looked at each other.

There are four kingdoms in the Holy Empire, one of which is controlled by the current Emperor of the Holy Empire, and the other three are kingdoms controlled by the electors, which were upgraded from the original duchy.

The Lower Burgundians were just a branch of the Kingdom of the Franks, but a principality comparable in strength to the Kingdom.

They were all proud of their hometown, and when they heard the obsessive-compulsive disorder Viscount speaking like this, they all had unkind expressions in their eyes.

Especially the general of the Kingdom of Saxony. After what happened yesterday, he originally had the intention of being passive and slow in his work. Maybe in a few days, he will receive a letter from the King of Saxony and the Queen of Hearts to withdraw his troops and leave here directly.

The general of the Kingdom of Saxony satirized him and said: "It turns out that the Burgundians gave you support. I heard that the Burgundians have also been engaged in colonization recently. It should be the treasure they got overseas. I hope you won't take their The national treasure also lost.”

The obsessive-compulsive viscount snorted coldly and countered: "After what happened yesterday, I understand. Do I need to rely on any force?"

“Just this morning, the Church took away the troops of the Archdiocese of Minks, took away the troops of the Archdiocese of Mainz, took away the troops of the Archdiocese of Trite, took away the troops of the small kingdom of Montenegro, But what happens now? There are still Burgundians coming to help me."

"In my coalition, no one or any country is irreplaceable. The aristocratic order is the order of the world, and the world will support me. So what if a certain kingdom is missing?"

The general of the Kingdom of Saxony was outraged by his arrogant attitude and did not want to say more to him. He just remained silent and ordered his army of more than 2,000 people to keep paddling.

In this case, why would their kingdom help him?

The obsessive-compulsive viscount didn't care about his little actions and immediately asked the wizard among the Burgundians to appear.

Just a group of wizards came out of the army, wrapping their bodies in red cloth strips filled with spells and secrets. Each of these people was on crutches, and they all seemed to have different physical disabilities.

The old man at the head looked specifically at Ivita when he passed by her. "Sir, I have never seen such powerful magic in any wizard. You are really powerful."

"You are one of the rare people who can look directly at us without being cursed by our gaze."

Ivita frowned.

The magic power of these people is very strange. It is clear that everyone has extremely evil magic power. Looking directly at them, I feel some pain in my eyes. Although the pain disappears after a moment, it is also extremely strange.

A wizard who can possess a super light soul himself.

Moreover, the ancient god toad is too closely related to the druids. These strange pairs of walking stick wizards from Burgundy actually claim to have the ability to control the ancient god.

There may be a big problem with the background of these people.

The obsessive-compulsive viscount couldn't wait to introduce it to others, saying that these wizards could help, which ancient god toad he controlled, and discussed tactics with the generals of the three kingdoms.

Ivita, who had been paying attention to their conversation, realized that the four kingdoms in the empire either held imperial crowns, had deep connections with the Witch Queen, or had deep connections with the academy.

None of them are simple, and each kingdom participates in the central power of the Holy Empire in different ways.

The church seems to have a close relationship with the original Principality of Montenegro and the recently promoted Kingdom of Montenegro. It also controls a large number of small principalities, and has deep connections with the Archdiocese of Minks, the Archdiocese of Mainz, and the Archdiocese of Trier.

Among the seven electors, there are three kingdoms, three church archdioceses (equivalent to kingdoms), and one kingdom controlled by the church.

The Holy Empire really is the church that occupies half of the world.

The kingdoms independent of the empire, the Kingdom of Politau, the Kingdom of Alsace, and even the Frankish Empire and the Pearl Tooth Kingdom, etc., have not sent anyone at this moment.

It seems that Ambrose only attracted the attention of the countries within the Holy Empire.

Also, other countries are far away from Ambrose, and what happens in Ambrose has little to do with them. Even if they want to support, the most they can do is give some food and money.

Ivita's clone No. 2 secretly remembered the content of their exchange.

The ancient god Toad was also very reluctant, driven by the nobles' army and controlled by the wizards of Lower Burgundy, to break through the entire eastern outer wall of Ambrose.

The entire section of the outer city wall on the east side completely collapsed.

Suddenly, the obsessive-compulsive viscount looked at Ivita, "Mr. Ivita, I was arguing with a few gentlemen just now about whether to take advantage of the ancient god toad to break through the outer city wall and attack in one fell swoop?"

Ivita frowned, he didn't want to get involved deeply, he was here to pick up the slack.

And with his participation, he gradually discovered that Ambrose's war seemed to be driven by hidden forces.

Ivita faced the eager Viscount and said, "I don't understand this. It's up to you."

The Viscount was a little disappointed. He originally thought that Ivita, the messenger from the empire, would give him some advice.

The generals of the other three kingdoms looked at Ivita with interest, secretly guessing which country sent Ivita to support the viscount.

And Ivita was thinking about the circumstances under which she could win the heart of the ancient god.

He saw that the Ancient God Toad had broken through the outer city wall and entered the middle city wall, and said secretly: "The city factions also have support from various republics and confederations, and they also have many trump cards."

"The Ancient God Toad has most of its power restricted. It may not survive. When it is killed by the city council using some treasures and trump cards, I can take the opportunity to take away its heart."

“Back then, I didn’t even have to put in any effort.”

"If I go to kill the ancient god now, I will definitely be targeted. If I try to fetch water from a bamboo basket, I will be in danger."

Ivita made a quick decision.

Just wait and see what happens.

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