The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 434 Ancient God Gift Package

After the Ancient God Toad destroyed the outer city wall, the intensity of the war suddenly rose to several levels again. Screams, wails, the sounds of weapons clashing, the sound of catapults attacking the city and the cannons protecting the city wall could be heard.

But soon, Iveta realized something was wrong.

Mr. Mayor actually realized his plan. A large number of cannon fodder teams composed of prisoners and civilians carrying simple weapons and simple cotton armors. Under the threat of the spears of the heavily armed elite troops from the rear, they could only rush towards the ancient city. God toad.

Even if someone tried to escape in fear, they would be killed by the spear soldiers and archers at the rear.

When the ancient god Toad saw so many people coming to die, he laughed cruelly. While staring at the iron whips of the noble army, it began to slaughter these cannon fodder.

A large number of souls of the dead people flew into the air, and then transformed into balls of light and entered its body.

Ivita narrowed her eyes and glanced at the earthen pot that was sucking purple gas on the wall.


The death wizard who had just driven away the Peasant Republic of Dietmarshen, now came out an ancient god toad who regarded human souls as food.

After the ancient god Toad obtained a large number of human souls, he immediately roared towards the sky. "God Pan, please remember this. Once I break free from these stupid villains, I will seek revenge from you."

"How dare you anger me."

Ivita used the eyes of the devil to observe the ancient god toad and found that its body was highly connected to natural energy. The entire body seemed to be born from natural energy.

‘The ancient gods are not real gods. ’ Ivita thought: “When the human ancestors fought with them, they gradually discovered their true identity, lost their worship of them, and discovered that they were more like ancient spirits than ancient gods.”

"These ancient spirits should be special life forms born from nature during Ambrose's time in the Sequoia Sea. They are not gods, so they are creatures in the material world."

"But it's not just that. Ancient spirits seem to be creatures whose existence is greater than phenomenon."

Ivita used her demonic eyes to notice the truth about the ancient god Toad.

This is a being that is the opposite of the Tomb King, and even very different from humans.

Phenomenon is the material world, and existence is the ideal world.

Although the ancient spirit is not a complete conceptual creature, its true form is not what everyone sees now. I am afraid that the ancestors of mankind were able to seal it and discovered this.

Ivita subconsciously swept the Ancient God Toad with her light soul to see if she could once again strengthen the seal in its body on the basis of its sealing, limiting its power so that the army of the city faction could kill it.

But his own super light soul was powerless against it.

"Yes." Ivita understood. "The light soul can't do anything to it. It is a creature whose existence is greater than the phenomenon. It can use its own spiritual power to cover the whole body and resist my light soul."

"It is an ancient spirit that has existed for thousands of years. Even if I were to confront it head-on, the outcome would be unpredictable."

If you have the Dark Soul, you can bypass its existence and directly attack its phenomena.

After all, the ancient gods are not like true gods. They have no phenomena, only real existence.

Once the phenomenon is changed, the ancient god will be sealed again, and the seal will be more complete, making it basically difficult to escape, and it will also suffer the greatest trauma in history.

On the other side, the Ancient God Toad suddenly felt a chill on his back for a moment, which was the fear and coldness that would appear when it felt death.

Although it was jointly enslaved by humans and druids, it never thought that it would die.

It can continuously obtain natural energy from the natural world. That majestic energy can at least protect the soul of the ancient spirit from being destroyed, so it will never die.

But it still felt like a light on its back.

‘After all, I am not a true god, I am still mortal. ’ The ancient god Toad thought in panic: ‘There were many witches and wizards in this battlefield who just tested me, but they were nothing more than that. But who was the person who tested me just now? He made me feel the possibility of death. I have to find him. ’

The ancient god Toad wanted to turn around, turn around and look for Ivita, and take action first to eliminate all factors that might lead to his death in this war.

But the noble soldiers on the wooden roof on its back immediately held iron whips and beat its back severely. There were also druids disguised as Burgundians, who kept chanting strange spells, affecting its back. The spirit makes it have to move forward.

The ancient god Toad was extremely angry. "Damn it. Damn it."

When the ancient god toad passed by the giant Ivita, he subconsciously stepped on it with his front feet and said, "Die to me, die to me."

But the giant Ivita used her gravity magic with all her strength, pushing the hill-like ancient god toad back a step, and then directly said to everyone, "I have run out of magic," and then jumped off the city wall and returned to the city.

A large group of people were stunned.

And the Ancient God Toad became even more irritable. ‘Another person who can threaten my life now. Why are there so many powerful wizards on this battlefield? Too dangerous. Am I really going to be played to death by these humans this time? ’

It was so heartbroken that it could only hit the middle wall with its head, and a gap suddenly appeared in the middle wall.

The morale of all the troops of the noble factions is high, because two of Ambrose's three cities have been breached in succession, and the inner wall of the third city is far less solid than the first two, and the troops stationed there are also far less than the first two walls. The defenders on top.

As expected of an ancient god!

Too strong.

The ancient god toad withstood all the attacks and gradually walked towards the inner city wall. Now it was actually seriously injured because the Ambrose City Council also sent some high-level professionals to attack it to slow down its walking speed.

It was originally flexible, even when most of its power was sealed, it could at least dodge those attacks, but the stupid humans on its back dragged it down.

Let it always hurt.

"Those idiots on your back, can you stop ordering me around and let me do it myself?" Ancient God Toad said angrily: "I will do what you ask, but let me act on my own."

The humans on its back were afraid that it would gain freedom, so they found ways to get rid of them. Facing the Ancient God Toad's suggestion, they gave it another iron whip, making the Ancient God Toad howl.

Suddenly, a large amount of blood flowed from the chest of the Ancient God Toad. The blood turned out to be pure gold. When it fell on the soil, all the flowers, plants and trees were in full bloom. When it fell on the mud bricks, the seeds in the gaps between the bricks were also quickly reviving.

The ancient god Toad looked down and saw that it was a fourth-level senior ranger holding a beautiful and gorgeous bow and arrow made of wood and bamboo, and he shot the arrow at it.

Ivita didn't even recognize what kind of bow and arrow it was, but it was not the arrow shot by the fourth-level ranger that hurt the ancient god toad, but the bow and arrow itself.

The seemingly fragile bow and arrow made of bamboo contains huge energy.

The ancient god Toad revealed the origin of the bow and arrow. "Arrow of the Law of the Holy Principality of Brittany!"

"Damn it. It's Elvish law."

"Let me go quickly and let me fight freely!"

The next moment, it was shot with another arrow in the abdomen, and blood flowed down.

The high-ranking rangers who use the Bow of Law and the Arrow of Law are also aging rapidly.

The eyes of this high-ranking ranger were extremely determined. ‘As long as we can help Ambrose’s city council, Ambrose’s spice business can be given priority to Brittany in the future. It's worth using my life in exchange for this. ’

‘Brittany is a small country living in the cracks of big countries, and we are not qualified to refuse! ’

The next moment, he shot the third arrow at the ancient god.

Another arrow hit the ancient god in the abdomen.

The Ancient God Toad was almost furious. It finally managed to regain control of its body, spit out its tongue at the ranger who was in an old state in the distance, and killed the high-ranking ranger in one fell swoop.

The Ancient God Toad continued to walk towards the last city wall despite the wounds that could not be healed and were bleeding continuously.

The eyes of the two Ivita clones lit up. First, the giant Ivita went directly to snatch the Bow of Law and the last remaining Arrow of Law.

"Very good, it's mine." Ivita felt that the bow of law was resisting her, but the Iron Crown law she possessed could actually command the elven law, allowing her to reluctantly use the law. bow.

By the way, the Iron Crown is one of the four crowns that the emperor of the Holy Empire should possess.

It's just that this generation of emperors didn't get the Iron Crown.

No wonder the Iron Crown is so important. Presumably, the Iron Crown has certain characteristics of universal law.

On the other side, Ivita's two clones did not forget to snatch the ancient god's toad and the golden blood of the ancient god flowing down.

In fact, there are also many high-level professionals in the war who are more like thieves and have begun to snatch the blood of the ancient gods.

So there's nothing too weird about the behavior of Ivita's two clones.

Although the Brittany side wanted to get the Bow of Law back from Ivita, they were on the battlefield right now, so they endured it and did not directly ask Ivita for it.

When the Ancient God Toad rushed to the inner city wall, it was already seriously injured. If it was injured by something else, it would not be able to destroy its existence.

But the bow of the law is different.

The attack of the Bow of Law really hurt it completely.

Ivita's giant clone has been watching with cold eyes, just waiting for his chance to pick up the head.

The war between the two sides of Ambrose became more intense.

Just when the Ancient God Toad was about to destroy the last city wall and completely expose the city of Ambrose to the army, the troops from the noble faction made a loud roar to encourage the Ancient God Toad's behavior.

The Viscount rode on horseback and said in surprise to the generals of the three kingdoms: "They are going to be finished, Ambrose is going to be finished. Hahaha, I also have the support of the Zerg from the Chaos Abyss. Once the city wall is broken, they will probably come too." No. I can still defeat Ambrose without the help of the church or your help."

The generals of the three kingdoms all looked unhappy.

If they cannot contribute much to this war, they will not be able to control the viscount in the future.

Then they would completely lose money here.

Maintaining the order of the nobility is important, but the interests of their own kingdom are also important.

The Kingdom of Saxony suddenly noticed and sneered. "I'm afraid, Lord Viscount, your idea is too simple. The matter is not over yet."

"The inner city wall shouldn't be broken down."

The Viscount's smile froze. He saw that one of the legs of the Ancient God Toad fell into a huge pit, and then the huge pit quickly turned into a swamp and overlapped.

The Ancient God Toad's strength was restricted, his body was severely injured, and a bunch of substitutes were really dragging him down, so he couldn't escape at this moment.

On the inner city wall, cannons were pushed out one after another, and they bombarded the ancient god toad wildly, and only blew its head.

Even the ancient god Toad was so blown away that he was dizzy.

However, the matter was not over yet. A team of high-ranking knights charged it and caused damage to it again. Then Ambrose's hunter group attacked the ancient god toad with hunting arrows, allowing the ancient god toad to take a further step. The injury was serious.

Then, the poison potion made by the witches who supported the Ambrose City Council was poured on the injured area of ​​the Ancient God Toad. The poison instantly penetrated into the Ancient God Toad's body and multiplied wantonly in the Ancient God Toad's body.

From the preparation of the poison, Ivita noticed that there was a powerful witch in the Ambrose City Council who she had never seen before. The opponent's level was at least the fourth level.

Sure enough, the city council still kept a lot to itself.

After this series of weakenings, the Ancient God Toad almost completely lost its combat effectiveness.

The sudden change made the obsessive-compulsive viscount grimace the whole time, while the generals of the three kingdoms around him suppressed their laughter, and also silenced the soldiers of the noble faction.

As for the city factions, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

They used cannon fodder to test the limitations of the ancient god toad, and then formulated a plan that was indeed useful.

The mayor chuckled at the speaker of the parliament on the city wall: "Even the most powerful unit will have weaknesses."

"What's more, the Viscount was stupid enough to control this monster in that way. No matter how powerful this monster is, it is just a target for us. Unfortunately, it still destroyed two city walls in a row. Our losses were too serious."

Under the city wall, the giant Ivita walked in front of the ancient god toad as if there was no one around, then jumped on the ancient god toad's belly, and directly followed the ancient god toad's body under the puzzled eyes of everyone.

Everyone is puzzled by what the giant Ivita is doing.

Some cautious witches saw Ivita jumping in, and they wanted to jump in too. However, many of them were burned by the ancient god's blood and were forced out. There were even low-level professionals who died from the ancient god's blood. among.

The ancient god's blood is like lava!

After Ivita entered the body of the ancient god toad, what appeared in front of her eyes was not the internal organs of the ancient god toad, but instead entered a world composed of natural energy.

In this world, there are organs composed of natural energy everywhere.

"That's it." Ivita felt the powerful soul hidden in the ancient god. "Not only can the heart be used as a magic material, but its soul can once again enhance my light soul."

"It can be said that the druids gave me a big gift package."

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