The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 435 Obtaining the Soul of the Ancient God and Twelve Soul Transformations

The interior of the ancient god toad is filled with organs formed by natural forces. What connects these organs is an invisible vein. These veins seem to be alive and beating continuously in mid-air.

As soon as Ivita's hand touched one of the invisible veins, he felt the cold touch transmitted by this vein, and then he soon discovered that these veins were actually decomposing his own magic power.

Ivita: ‘These invisible organs are like tree roots and blood vessels in the human body, connecting all the isolated and hanging organs in the world inside the ancient god’s body. ’

‘It seems to come from the void, not from a certain organ or power in the ancient god’s body. ’

‘When you hold it, you can feel that it is connected to a huge thing that makes my light soul seem so small in comparison. Is the end of this natural vein the natural spirit that the druids call it? ’

‘My magic power will automatically disintegrate when it encounters these natural veins. In order to prevent accidents, it is still necessary to try to avoid these natural veins. ’

Ivita's whole body was filled with majestic magic power, which restrained itself into a magic ball, and then protected him.

Ivita tried her best to avoid these natural veins, and then walked up toward the isolated and suspended natural organs.

Along the way, he saw many small toads lying on the surface of natural organs, falling asleep, and even petrified. These small toads were like the immune system of the ancient god toad, which should have attacked Ivita invading its body. .

But unexpectedly, the Ancient God Toad has become so weak that the guards in his body have all entered a deep sleep.

After Ivita passed through many organs formed by the condensation of colorful natural energy, she finally saw a beating heart of an ancient god at the top, a pure white object floating in the sky.

"That is the soul of the ancient god." Ivita looked at the soul of the ancient god and thought: "Logically speaking, I must use complex rituals to digest the soul of the ancient god, but the situation is too great on the battlefield. It’s too complicated, I go out with the soul of the ancient god, it’s like holding a heavy treasure in my hand, I don’t know what will happen when the time comes.”

"However, using my Super Soul Heavenly Palace, I may not be able to forcibly digest its soul."

Ivita used the flying spell to fly up again, but her expression suddenly became serious, because the soul of the entire ancient god was suddenly wrapped in the magic circle of a six-pointed star. There were various kinds of magic diagrams in the six-pointed star, such as the Hanged Man, withered trees, Broken swords and all.

These [Twelve Transformation Extraction Arrays] are used to transform powerful souls into spiritual energy.

"Someone put this magic on the ancient god's soul." Ivita thought about it, "Either he was planning to eat the ancient god's soul, but he didn't have time, or... it was specially left for me?"

Ivita looked extremely strange.

The Ancient God is a powerful natural creature born from the prayers of the children of the natural earth and the forest in the past. It is a magic material that even the Witch Queens need. It can be said that the whole body is full of treasures.

But someone actually gave the ancient god to himself.

"Maybe it's just that the other party wants to get the power of the ancient god, but now it's easier for me." Ivita thought, while placing her palms on the [Twelve Transformation Extraction Array].

Suddenly, the soul of the ancient god began to emit an invisible soul sound, which was full of resentment and wailing.

"Hateful little devil."

"Shameless Pan."

Ivita raised her eyebrows, Pan?

No, he'd better concentrate now. Under Ivita's undivided attention, the soul of the ancient god Toad rapidly transformed in a short period of time.

First it transformed into a mouse, then a cow, then a tiger, then a rabbit, then a crocodile, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a chicken, a dog and a pig.

The Twelve Transformation Extraction Array is a method that allows the opponent's soul to rapidly transform in a very short period of time, and through a large number of transformations, the mana in the opponent's soul is extracted.

This is a very powerful and terrifying magic.

Because twelve transformations in a short period of time require a large amount of energy, even the most powerful soul will have flaws, and the soul energy will be extracted from it.

And the process is very painful.

The spirit of the ancient toad cursed Ivita to ease his pain. 'Damn human brat, I'm going to cramp and skin you. I want to eat you. I used to have tens of millions of human slaves like you. ’

‘In the past, you were just my slave, how dare you do this to your master. ’

From the beginning, the ancient god Toad thought he could hold on, but now, he began to feel dizzy and weak. In the process of rapidly repeating the cycle of transforming twelve animals, his soul's defense line was rapidly shattering.

‘Damn human brat, what qualifications do you have to extract my soul. Even if you want to extract my soul, other ancient gods will need to do it. ’

‘Stop it. ’

‘Don’t ignore me, do you hear me? Stop it. Stop it. ’

Ivita looked at it coldly.

The natural organs in the ancient god toad's body began to stir, just like an earthquake causing mountains to move. Each natural organ released natural magic energy towards Ivita, trying to destroy Ivita.

But Ivita is not a vegetarian either.

He used the three-headed phoenix magic to prop up a fire shield, and then used the fire magic to collide with the natural energy, destroying the incoming natural energy again and again.

The ancient god toad can draw endless natural power from the natural world, and has unlimited mana advantages over ordinary witches and wizards.

However, Ivita also possesses infinite magical powers.

In this way, the greatest advantage of natural energy users is equivalent to disappearing in front of Ivita.

The life-and-death battle with the ancient god Toad gave Ivita a deeper understanding of the power of the druids. ‘So, even though they don’t have the ability to change the laws of physics, because they have the support of natural power, they have much more magic power than ordinary witches. ’

'Ordinary witches and wizards may not have the upper hand when facing the druids, and may even be suppressed due to insufficient mana. But the ancient gods are not orthodox druids after all, and neither is the ancient war tree in a strict sense, so I have to fight orthodox druids before I can clearly understand their power. ’

Seeing that he could do nothing to help Ivita, the ancient god Toad suddenly said to Ivita: "I have buried countless treasures on the land in the past. As long as you let me go, human being, I will let you choose from my treasure house." Three things.”

"This is the first time in thousands of years that I invite humble humans to the treasure house of the ancient gods."

"Human, why don't you stop?"

Seeing that the Twelve Transformation Extraction Formation was still going on, the Ancient God Toad couldn't help but get angry, thinking that I am sincere to this point, but you still don't know how to advance or retreat!

The Ancient God Toad suddenly became furious again. He really couldn't bear to suffer losses from humans. He was an Ancient God, and humans... were nothing.

Iveta looked at it coldly, "I finally understand. What kind of arrogance you have towards human beings. It turns out that you actually think that giving me three treasures is your gift to me, and you want me to be grateful to you. ?That's ridiculous."

"First, strictly speaking, I am not very interested in your treasure house. I am more interested in your heart and soul. I don't want to lose the big for the small."

"Second, don't think I don't know. Once the Twelve Transformation Extraction Array stops, it will help you temporarily gain the ability to transform the twelve souls. Your soul power will greatly increase, and that's when you take action against me. "

The Ancient God Toad did not expect that Ivita had completely seen through it, and suddenly the soul gave him a malicious look.

The soul of the ancient god toad pounced on Ivita. At this time, its soul turned into a huge tiger. When it pounced on Ivita, it was like a hill hitting Ivita.

Ivita's eyes flickered.

The next moment, the Ancient God Toad screamed repeatedly, stopped moving, and huddled together on the spot.

It turns out that Ivita used Thunder Dragon magic to remove its heart.

"When you lose your heart, your soul loses a large part of its supply." Ivita calmly analyzed: "I don't need to fight your soul at all."

At the same time, the ancient god Toad's soul defense was finally cracked, and a large amount of soul energy was guided by the formation to Ivita's soul. Ivita suddenly felt that her soul was filled with powerful soul energy.

But Ivita did not directly take away these soul energies to strengthen her own soul.

Instead, send this soul energy to the Soul Heavenly Palace first, and let the little people in the Super Soul Heavenly Palace get busy purifying this soul energy.

Then put the extracted and purified soul energy into the Lost City, and with the help of the projections of all living beings in the Lost City, the soul energy can be purified again.

This means that the soul energy has been purified three times by magic, the Soul Palace and the Lost City.

The remaining soul energy is the most pure, without any impurities, and will not leave any future troubles.

Then, Ivita sent this pure soul energy into her own super light soul, allowing the super light soul to grow strong again.

Ivita suddenly felt that her already extremely powerful light soul was now improving again.

One waxes and wanes, his progress is the decline of the ancient god Toad.

The ancient god toad stared at Ivita with resentment, "If I had known this, I should have killed all of you humans before. I had the opportunity to exterminate you in Ambrose, but every time I thought of leaving some children behind. and women, that your numbers may increase again.”

"This makes me happy when I eat it."

"You know, you used to be just food and slaves in my eyes, hahahahaha..."

"Hahahaha... Why are you silent? Is it because this period of history cannot be changed..."


Perhaps the ancient god toad also found it boring, or the contemptuous look in Ivita's eyes at this moment stimulated it. The ancient god toad finally fell silent and just looked at Ivita bitterly.

Outside, an unprecedented war broke out between Ambrose's aristocratic faction's army and the civilian faction's army.

Although the Ancient God Toad stopped at the last level of the city wall, its huge body had completely destroyed the first two levels of the city wall. The obsessive-compulsive Viscount rode a tall horse and waved the knight's sword, asking the soldiers to charge forward as much as possible.

The armies of the urban factions resisted desperately.

Both sides used various trump cards, and in just half an hour, thousands of soldiers died. Half of these soldiers had professional levels.

The aristocratic faction's main support comes from the three major kingdoms within the Holy Empire, as well as some small principalities within the Holy Empire similar to the Principality of Bavaria, while the city faction's support mainly comes from the three major republics and the Thirteen Continents. The Confederation, as well as Dietmarschen, the small peasant republic city-states in the empire, and the Holy Principality of Brittany, this principality stood on the side of the Republic this time.

Mainly because of the spice trade.

At this moment, these supporting troops are also jealous, all because the other side regards the other side as a nasty cancer that destroys social stability.

However, because the obsessive-compulsive Viscount forced away the church countries when he got married yesterday, his current troop strength has been reduced, so he is somewhat at a disadvantage.

On the back of the ancient god Toad, the so-called Lower Burgundians looked at each other, raised the corners of their mouths, and then recited a spell as if no one else was watching.

The energy of these spells gradually seeped into the body of the ancient god toad.

In the inner world of the ancient god toad, Ivita has now pulled over one-third of the opponent's soul power and turned it into his own light soul power.

Although the ancient god cannot be compared with the true god at all, that is, he cannot be compared with the female Poseidon, he can still be regarded as an evil god.

It's not bad to use it to enhance the power of light soul.

Ivita began to absorb its light soul faster.

It only took half the time before to absorb another third of the soul energy of the ancient god toad. Now the ancient god toad is dizzy. The remaining soul is completely unable to resist Ivita's magic and can only perform ten steps. Two kinds of soul transformation.

But at this moment, Ivita glimpsed a natural spell disguised as magical power entering the body of the ancient god toad.

‘So that’s it. ’ Iveta understood immediately. ‘God Pan can’t find anyone who can absorb the powerful soul energy of the ancient god toad. It refused to go up on its own. ’

‘Now the soul power in Ancient God Toad’s body is almost gone. It means that all the natural energy in the body has no owner. He can do something about it. ’

"The natural energy that enters here... I have never seen such evil natural energy." Ivita thought carefully. “Is it because the natural world also has pros and cons?”

Ivita summoned the heart over there and used magical power to protect the ancient god's heart and prevent the natural energy that penetrated into the ancient god's body from polluting the ancient god's heart.

And other natural organs contaminated with these natural energies all began to turn into cocoons of some kind of animals, and no one knew what kind of monsters were conceived in them.

Ivita glanced at it and didn't want to care about this kind of thing. He quickly took the last bit of the ancient god's soul and left.

Things here have nothing to do with you.

Whatever disasters Ambrose's nobles and guild leaders suffered, it was their own fault.

I have long been completely disappointed with them.

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