As all the soul of the ancient god toad flowed into Ivita's light soul, Ivita's light soul transformed again. His light soul escaped and a circular white light appeared in Ivita's mind. back.

The ancient god Toad spoke his final words of hatred to Ivita. "I will take the first step, but the result will not be good for you. I will wait for you in front."

"Everyone who cooperated with Pan Shen suffered the same fate as me."

Ivita didn't even look at him.

He never trusted Pan.

What's more, the Ancient God Toad's journey to this point was something he brought upon himself. In Ivita's view, the current situation was destined to happen the moment the Ancient God Toad woke up.

Others just accelerated the situation.

The ancient god Toad has developed a huge hatred for humans in ancient times. After its resurrection, it has never thought of changing its mind and still despises humans, who are the current rulers of the world.

Then its ending will definitely not be good.

The ancient god Toad, who was born from the prayers of the children of the forest, is indeed powerful individually, but compared to the entire human civilization, it is too small.

Ivita felt that her light soul had been strengthened by at least ten percent, and suddenly found that she had a special ability-to feel malice.

He closed his eyes, and at the same time, a large ring of light transformed from the light soul appeared behind his head, and then he felt the malice toward him among the tens of thousands of people outside the ancient god Toad.

"Sure enough, the witches suddenly deviated from the path of the light soul and chose to create the dark soul. When they got a further path, they also lost many possibilities." Ivita thought, "But taking the dark soul route That’s right.”

"The improvement of light soul has reached a point where the price/performance ratio is too low."

Ivita swept across the special species bred by natural organs. The druids suddenly intervened in the battle between the humans of Ambrose and created these monsters. They obviously couldn't wait to harvest today's war.

In the human battlefield outside, neither side discovered the conspiracy of the druids.

Forget it, the forces in the battlefield are so complicated now, and I can't leave directly, otherwise I will be left behind, so I can only continue to observe the situation.

The giant Ivita left the inner world of the ancient god toad and stayed away from the battlefield, quietly waiting for the changes that were about to happen on the battlefield.

On the city wall, the Speaker of the City Council of Ambrose saw that the city wall was about to be breached. He immediately ordered that the families of the guild be given priority to prepare for evacuation, and at the same time, he recruited civilians in the city to join the battlefield.

The president of the textile workers' guild said with a cold expression: "At this time, if we send them to join the battlefield, most of them will die."

The speaker of the city council looked at him in surprise. "Do you have any suggestions?"

The president of the textile workers' guild said calmly: "First let the soldiers go to the slums to recruit people, and then go to the civilian areas to recruit people. The middle class and the family members of the guild only need to donate money."

"After all, the poor are great at fighting and are not afraid of life and death. Remember to give them enough pensions, and they will burst out with fighting power that we can't imagine."

"Although civilians endure hardships and stand hard work, they are still too spoiled after all, and they still have their parents and wives to worry about, so they cannot display much combat effectiveness."

The speaker of the city council's eyes lit up and he said to the guards and the president of the textile workers' guild, who were also from the middle class, "That's the truth. Your suggestion is still useful. Follow this gentleman's method immediately."

The governors of the three major republics also nodded.

The governor of Falencana said: "It is the most reasonable thing for the rich to contribute money and the poor to contribute. There are half a million people in Ambrose, and the potential for war is huge. Even those without professions can exert their power." "

The Governor of the Republic of Belisarius said: "The worst thing is to give them more pensions."

The governor of the noble noble republic suggested to the speaker of the city council: "The mayor brought a group of death row prisoners up earlier. I think we can also force the criminals who committed minor crimes in the prison to come up. Don't forget that there are still people in Ambrose City. There are a large number of freelancers, and these people should be allowed to make some contributions to the motherland."

Members of the city council and the governors and mayors of the three major republics began discussions.

Soon, they formulated a plan to exploit civilians to strengthen the army and defeat the obsessive-compulsive viscount once and for all.

But the general of Brittany never spoke.

Holy Brittany is a small country within a big country. The secret of their survival is that they really care about the fate of the Bretons.

The generals of Brittany saw that in the territory of Ambrose, both the guild leaders and the noble factions regarded the common people as leeks, as tools, and as puppets.

The three major republics and the Thirteen Continent Independent Confederation have their own differences. For example, the noble noble commercial republic cherishes every citizen more, but they do not care about the fate of the Ambrose people.

That's why the city councils catered to Ambrose's ideas.

Ambrose's mobilization of civilians undoubtedly increased the burden on the obsessive-compulsive viscount's troops. The armies of the three kingdoms in the Holy Empire have begun to retreat.

The general of the Kingdom of Potsdam suggested to the obsessive-compulsive Viscount: "Sir Viscount, we should retreat first. Forcibly attacking the city is the most unwise approach. Since your monster has fallen, we should continue to besiege Ambrose and We will try our best to preserve the results of our previous battles.”

The obsessive-compulsive Viscount did the opposite. "Who said that?! Give me all your troops and gather them towards our breakthrough point. I will completely conquer Pimbros today."

The three generals, as well as the generals from other small principalities, all looked at him sideways.

However, the obsessive-compulsive Viscount suddenly opened his palm and sprinkled all the soybeans in his hand on the ground. As soon as those soybeans hit the ground, they all screamed in pain.

"It hurts, it hurts so much."

"Whoever throws you directly on the ground, we will all fall to death!"

Under the eyes of the generals, the beans immediately turned into soybeans after touching the land. These soybeans became as tall as real adult human males, and their whole bodies were full of muscles. Each of them looked like He was as strong as a beast, and the muscles on his back could even create a pattern of a waxing moon.

The total number of these soybean people is more than 200.

They all knelt down on one knee and said to the obsessive-compulsive Viscount: "Are you our master? If you planted the soybeans, then you are our common master."

"No matter what orders you give us, we will carry out your wishes."

"We are soybean people in the natural wilderness. The people who planted us are our masters. Whether your enemy is a terrible giant or a great dragon, we will charge forward!"

Although the obsessive-compulsive Viscount was extremely surprised when he saw this scene, he suppressed his surprise and said to the beans: "Yes, I am the one who planted you, I am your master, now you go and destroy that The last wall."

The soybeans turned around immediately and rushed towards the distant city wall like crazy war horses.

The combat power of these soybeans is astonishing, and each one of them can suppress the knights individually.

They entered the battlefield and put unprecedented pressure on the Ambrose City Council's army. If the city council hadn't forcibly recruited civilians in the city, their troops would have collapsed.

The battlefield lasted for a day and a night, and casualties were counted in the tens of thousands.

Facing Ambrose, who was still besieging the city, the obsessive-compulsive viscount issued another order, promising the troops to attack the city and giving them the right to massacre the city and plunder property and women for ten days.

In addition, he also promised that those with meritorious service would become nobles, and the first soldier to climb the city wall would be given the title of baron.

Originally, the obsessive-compulsive viscount thought that this would stimulate the combat effectiveness of his army.

Who knew that instead, the officers at the grassroots level of his army began to compete maliciously, dragging each other down, and actually gave the defenders of the city's guild faction a day's breathing time.

The fierce siege battle lasted for three full days, and at this moment, there were only more than 50 soybean people who were originally more than 200 dead.

However, the inner city wall of Ambrose was also destroyed many times. It was only thanks to the full repair work of the engineering troops of the Republic of Belisarius that it barely maintained its function.

But in the early morning of the fourth day, the east wall finally collapsed, leaving a large gap.

The soldiers of the aristocratic faction rushed in frantically to harvest the heads and obtain the title of nobility. From then on, they would become the masters and enviable people.

The obsessive-compulsive viscount looked at the successfully breached city wall with excitement in his eyes. He said to the aiding generals from the surrounding countries: "We succeeded, and the order of the nobility has finally been maintained."

"For all the foreigners who follow me, after I get the city of Ambrose and become the Grand Viscount, I will immediately entrust the land and give you a population. You can have as many Ambrose beauties as you want."

The obsessive Viscount nonchalantly gave the Ambrose as a gift to the Gentiles present.

Because the common people in Ambrose were richer than other areas, they had relatively comprehensive nutrition. When the Viscount said this, many high-ranking nobles immediately started laughing.

Although the two armies were fighting, many nobles in the rear brought with them a team of chefs to prepare delicious food for them, and even young women summoned from villages and towns near the battlefield.

At this moment, many nobles held a meeting here with these beautiful Ambrose girls in their arms.

General Potsdam's face softened slightly, and his good impression of the obsessive-compulsive Viscount, which had almost disappeared, increased a bit.

"Ambrose's women do taste good. It's really meaningless to sit back and wait for the great victory of the frontline soldiers. Why not find a few good-looking girls to come and have fun with us, and also invite some musicians to We'll play a tune. Better get a few clowns and jugglers."

The nobles looked at each other and laughed.

It's like I didn't expect you, General, to feel this way.

The bloody battle occurred on the evening of the fourth day.

A decisive battle took place between the two sides. It was the last battle between Ambrose's urban faction and the reinforcements supported by various countries. If they failed, they could only temporarily retreat into the living area of ​​Ambrose's city, and then prepare to break out and abandon this area. a city.

Of course, before leaving, the city council will take away everything they can, and order the city residents to destroy all production tools that can make weapons, and let all residents flee outside the city.

As for the life and death of civilians, it is temporarily outside the scope of the city council's estimation.

Although the army on the nobles' side barely gained the upper hand, the lack of supplies and a large number of deaths had pushed their army to its limit.

If this siege failed again, their morale would not be enough to sustain a siege.

The obsessive-compulsive Viscount knew that the support from various countries was limited in time, and if the fifth siege of Ambrose failed again, he would probably lose the opportunity.

Therefore, the final battle that decided the situation was too tragic.

When the sun set, it was the army of the aristocratic faction that finally won, because the army of the city faction could not hold on under the heavy pressure of the aristocratic faction, and one army surrendered on its own initiative.

This resulted in the complete defeat of the city's faction troops.

The troops of the nobles went crazy and rushed into the city, plundering every civilian they saw, killing men, plundering women, and trampling children.

Their humanity has almost evaporated.

"We won! What follows is ten days of massacre and the annihilation of the remaining troops of the city council."

"All the women in this city are ours now!"

"We are going to get rich. This is the richest city in Ambrose!"

But when the greedy and crazy soldiers rushed into the city of Ambrose, the corpse of the ancient god toad located in front of the inner city wall of Ambrose swelled up. Giants ten meters tall and with black skin all over their bodies actually emerged from the ancient god toad. Crawled out of the corpse.

The pupils of these dark giants are all black.

Moreover, the moment their skin touches the soil, all the soil will turn into black rocks.

Negative natural forces emerge from them.

The appearance of the giants attracted the attention of both armies and civilians, and they soon discovered that the giants attacked all humans indiscriminately.

The obsessive-compulsive viscount had a gloomy face as he watched his elite heavy infantry regiment being slaughtered by a steady stream of dark giants emerging from the body of the ancient god toad. A thousand of them died.

Ivita was on the edge of the battlefield, frowning and watching this scene. This was a backstab by the druid to seize the opportunity and attack the human being.

Although he couldn't bear to see so many civilians die in vain, there was a problem at the moment that made him worried and unable to take action.

He looked at another corner of the battlefield.

There was also a being lurking in that corner observing this war, and that being gave him a very dangerous feeling.

The Pinocchio puppet holding a wooden drum looked at the changes on the battlefield with strange eyes. "The experiment failed. We thought we had obtained the correct formula before. What we wanted did not appear."

"It seems that the nobles are not reliable at all. They regard the common people as another kind of creature, so it is easier for the nobles to get close to foreign nobles."

"The great nobles never felt a true sense of belonging to the country."

"In that case, don't worry about it here, let's go."

"Tell that lord the result. Leave the mess here to the Druid and that Ivita."

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