The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 442 The Difference between Belisarius and the Noble Noble Merchant Republic

When Iveta walked to the reception room on the first floor, she heard the crowd in the reception room discussing how to collect debts from herself.

When Iveta pushed open the door of the reception room, all the sounds stopped suddenly.

"Dear guests, do you have anything important to do when you come to my place?" Ivita said: "Ambrose is very busy now. All the money has been invested in rekindling the Thousand Years Fire, and all the food has been supplied. Affected people.”

"I'm busy with work, I don't know how to help you?"

Sitting in the living room, the envoys from almost half of the Magic Black Forest countries all looked at each other.

I was speechless for a moment.

It's not that they really didn't want to talk, but Iveta blocked their mouths as soon as she opened her mouth, saying, "I have no money, no supplies, no time."

However, he is still the governor of the distinguished republic and has a thicker skin. Governor Sarhu broke everyone's silence and said: "Your Highness Ivita, we are very sad for all the chaos and casualties suffered by your country. The Lord of all things will be in heaven." Bless them.”

"But we also have a lot to lose in this country."

"Now that you have become the Grand Viscount of Ambrose, I would like to ask you to take pity on me and give me a favor to this old man. Please give us a compensation of approximately thirteen thousand gold pounds from the Commercial Republic of Ambrose, a noble noble, and provide Ambrose in advance." What Parliament has promised us is to give us enough skilled old craftsmen as weavers to enhance the textile industry of our noble noble merchant republic.”

Ivita remained silent.

Governor Sarhu's eyes lit up, and he actually thought that Ivita was considering this matter, so he said generously: "As long as we provide the old craftsmen we promised first, as for the gold coins, we can give us eight thousand gold pounds first, and the rest will be paid later. It’s okay to take your time.”

Facing the Governor, whose eyes lit up, Ivita's look made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

At this time, Governor Sarhu realized that he was talking to a king who had conquered three independent countries in succession.

Logically speaking, his wisdom and qualifications are far from enough to talk to Ivita, but it's just that the noble noble commercial republic has no time to send someone over now.

Ivita knew that the Noble Noble Commercial Republic is a small island country in the Mediterranean that controls a small part of the land. Its most developed industry is the glass manufacturing industry and controls some of the spice industries.

The noble aristocratic commercial republic has been doing business with the Far East, exchanging large amounts of silk, spices, porcelain and tea as a middleman, thus acquiring wealth that is completely unmatched by its small territory.

But I don’t need to worry about this country.

Ten years ago, they would still have to worry about whether offending this invisible empire on the maritime trade route would affect their recovery, but now they have too much to worry about.

Because the rise of the Roman-Seljuq Empire directly conflicted with the Noble Noble Commercial Republic, it also conflicted with the Belisarius Commercial Republic over its territorial enclave.

Iveta knew that the three major republics now essentially did not dare to confront her, let alone that these were just three governors with limited powers.

Originally Ambrose was weak, but in his own hands, this status was reversed.

Ivita said bluntly to Governor Sarhu: "You did spend a lot on Ambrose and killed a lot of soldiers, but there is a problem. The government that invited you here is the city council of Ambrose."

"The Ambrose City Council has no right to invite you on behalf of the Ambrose Nation. In other words, from beginning to end, their behavior in inviting you is illegal and purely a spontaneous act."

"The Ambrose City Council has now been reorganized by me, so you can only ask the previous Ambrose City Council for money."

"Our country is now under a new regime."

Governor Sarhu did not expect Ivita to deny it so directly, and his eyes widened. "So you don't want to pay back the money at all?"

"You won't pay back any money?"

"a little?"

Ivita nodded and looked at him very seriously. "I can't repay you."

"I can even ask for money for you and write to Ambrose's former council asking them to fulfill their promises to you."

The acting governors of the other two republics (the original governors had been killed in the war) also spoke out, and they were all shocked.

"The Ambrose City Council has been reorganized. Where do you want us to find them?"

"That's it. And even if we find those people, they won't be able to exercise any administrative rights."

Ivita spread her hands. "I see, then there's nothing I can do to help you. I really want to help you."

Without waiting for the governors to speak further.

Iveta turned to look at the generals of the three major kingdoms and other small principalities and said: "You also want me to help you get justice and ask me to help you get money?"

The generals looked at each other, not knowing how to speak.

According to Ivita's theory, they can only ask the obsessive-compulsive disorder Viscount for money, people, and privileges. But just yesterday, Ivita reorganized the territories and fiefs of the Viscount Ambrose Alliance, and re-examined the obsessive-compulsive disorder Viscount and others. Canonized.

This was a naked weakening of the landed aristocracy, but since Ivita also reorganized the city council, this was seen as an attempt by the new regime to stabilize order.

Therefore, there was no riot.

This is the advantage of the new regime. Many things that were originally impossible to do can be done after the table is turned over.

But then, the generals in the drawing room found that they could not ask the obsessive-compulsive Viscount for money.

Because of the obsessive-compulsive disorder, the Viscount had some of his territory re-sealed, which was considered to have been re-sealed.

The principals of the three kingdoms knew the situation better and would not take the initiative to speak. Therefore, the general of the Principality of Bavaria who had signaled them suddenly said to Ivita: "Your Highness Ivita, aren't you afraid of offending other countries?"

The smile on Iveta's face suddenly disappeared and she stared at him coldly. "Then you're not afraid of offending me?"

The general of the Principality of Bavaria suddenly felt his whole body trembling. This was the last reminder from his instinct, telling him that if the Ivita in front of him was willing, he could kill him in a very short time.

The general of the Principality of Bavaria originally thought that the principals of the three kingdoms and other countries would speak for him, so that with the help of their numbers, Ivita could be suppressed.

But only now did he realize that he had become cannon fodder.

No one present was willing to speak for him.

Yes, the Bavarian generals just now figured out that what they were facing at this moment was not a weak and weak king, but a king with real power and powerful force.

Even if the country behind Ivita is a small country compared to other kingdoms, it is not something he can easily offend.

It is impossible for other countries to start a war with Ivita just because of this matter.

This is why the leaders of those countries are silent now.

The Bavarian general smiled quickly at Ivita and said flatteringly: "Of course I didn't mean that. You are right. You are not the one who owes us money."

All the envoys in the living room were worried. If Ivita could not reimburse them for their losses, then these losses would become responsibilities and fall on them.

But when things got to this point, there was nothing we could do.

Because now they are on Ivita's territory. In order to maintain the stability of Ambrose city in the past few days, Ivita mobilized many troops from other regions into Ambrose. Just the reinforcements from the local area yesterday. There were five thousand people.

The current army in Ambrose City is at least 50,000 people.

These armies can suppress the remaining dissident nobles and guild leaders, as well as the armies from various countries who are still staying in Ambrose, wondering if they can get some benefits.

Seeing this, Iveta remained silent. He took the initiative and said, "Everyone, since you attach so much importance to the loss, when will you leave?"

It is never a good thing to have a large number of troops in the country.

For an army that cannot support itself, staying in a city is very likely to turn into burning, killing and looting.

In the Enchanted Black Forest, it is not uncommon for armies to plunder the cities of allied countries.

Hearing Ivita's urging, the envoys did not dare to take it as a joke, knowing that it was an ultimatum to them. If they still refused to leave, they didn't know what Ivita would do.

Therefore, they all told Ivita that they would leave within a week through the route arranged by Ivita.

Ivita said: "Take the water route, although you are a bit too many, but the Ice Witch is in charge of the Snow Mountain Law. The Snow Mountain Law has blessed the rivers of Ambrose, and all ships in Ambrose can travel quickly. "

Everyone was quite surprised.

In the past, the Snow Mountain witches generally had no connection with the Grand Viscount of Ambrose, so Ambrose was always unable to make full use of the water transportation facilities brought to them by the Snow Mountain Law.

But they didn't expect that Ivita would have a deep connection with the Snow Mountain Witch.

The Governor of Sarhu of the noble noble republic suddenly discovered that if this was the case, then part of their republic's land cargo trade route could be transferred to Ambrose, which would reduce a lot of losses.

In this way, perhaps their previous investment in Ambrose's loss was only a small amount.

Thinking of this, Governor Sarhu could only accept in his heart that he had made wrong decisions before, and now he might be able to rely on this discovery to reduce his motherland's accusations against him.

The Governor of Salhu looked at Ivita and said indifferently: "Can Your Highness Ivita now control the situation on the Po River at will?"

Ivita nodded to him.

Governor Sarhu smiled and said: "That's good. When I return home, I can tell the businessmen in our country that when they do land business in the future, they can go to the peninsula and northern countries from you."

Ivita knows that the merchants of the Noble Noble Commercial Republic are state merchants, and their private business is relatively small.

In contrast, the businesses of Belisarius's Mercantile Republic were family businesses of monopoly giants.

The Merchant Republic of the Noble Nobles and the Merchant Republic of Belisarius are like a positive and a negative, taking two routes.

The noble aristocratic commercial republic cannot tolerate large monopoly businessmen. They often use individual committees to collectively do a certain business, and even use committees to restrict a person whose wealth is too high.

However, the Belisarius Commercial Republic completely ignored monopoly behavior and allowed the monopoly giants to squeeze out their peers and dominate the market.

According to Ivita, this has its advantages and disadvantages.

Belisarius's monopoly giants can conquer cities and territories and are more scalable, but once the monopoly giants betray the motherland, Belisarius will suffer huge losses, and Belisarius's overall economic structure is also very abnormal.

The reason why the Noble Noble Republic is the first of the three major republics may also be because the economic structure is healthier and wealth remains in the hands of the middle class. However, without big capital taking the lead, their country's expansion is actually not great.

Ivita agreed to the proposal of Governor Sarhu, which also attracted the attention of the other two major republics, because the foundation of their countries is also trade.

They were also very concerned about the advantages of water transport on the Po River.

In this way, Ivita easily gained the intimacy of the three major republics.

In the following conversation, he revealed that he would bring Ambrose closer to the republic, and even introduce a constitutional monarchy, once again strengthening the idea of ​​a city council.

This aroused the attention of the governors.

Propagating the republican system is also an urgent need of the three major republics.

Until Ivita was convinced that he had been able to obtain support from the three major republics, he also told the envoys: "Actually, my real name is Ivita Alsace."

"I am the rightful king of Alsace."

All the envoys were numb.

The governors of the three major republics were thoughtful, and the generals of the three major kingdoms looked shocked, as if they could not believe it.

Ivita continued: "Your investment in Ambrose is a loss. I think the countries behind you may blame you and hold you responsible. But I have a better investment that I can point you to, which is You help me restore my country."

Ivita said seriously: "I can get Alsace back without anyone's help now, but I think I should help you."

"You can tell your mother countries. Tell them to support me and help the legal king return to his kingdom. I will give you rich rewards after the war."

Although everyone was dumbfounded.

Governor Sarhu still asked out of professional instinct: "In what way do you want to repay us?"

Iveta said: "The friendship of the Kingdom of Alsace, the noble alliance with the Kingdom of Alsace, my friendship, and if you support me with some money, I will pay it back to you in the form of Alsace national debt."

"You know my credit."

The governors and generals all felt dizzy. They looked at Ivita in disbelief. How dare you boast about your credibility?

The governors who had just had a lively chat with Ivita were really moved by Ivita. They said they would return home and discuss with the parliament before deciding whether to fund the project.

After all, this involves a kingdom and is no small matter.

The generals of the three kingdoms are dizzy. They just want to leave here now to prevent them from getting involved in a bigger war.

As for other small countries, they are even more afraid to join the war with the kingdom. Some countries are simply cities and are countries in name only. For example, representatives of the Peasant Republic, they have no qualifications or interest to join a larger war. .

What surprised Ivita was that the commander of the Holy Principality of Brittany and the general of Bavaria actually wanted to support her.

Forget about a small country like Holy Brittany that likes to camp out, how come the honest, honest and weak general of the Principality of Bavaria actually wants to help him.

Ivita looked at him in surprise.

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