The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 443 The Terrifying Three Incarnations of the Heart

The Bavarian general said to Ivita: "Your Highness Ivita, perhaps our Principality of Bavaria will be your first friend in the empire."

Ivita blinked.

The vocabulary used by the other party is very interesting. They are friends, not allies.

In this way, the options will be much wider.

Ivita nodded and ended the meeting.

After all these foreigners left in twos and threes, Ivita asked the servants to sort out the international information in the study and investigate the information about the Principality of Bavaria and the Holy Principality of Brittany.

Soon a piece of information was placed in front of him, which was the past history of Bavaria. Iveta also understood why the Bavarian general was interested in her sudden proposal.

The Principality of Bavaria has been divided for hundreds of years and is still divided. This is also the case with most of the principalities in the Holy Empire. This may also be intentional by the emperors and kings.

The sons of the dukes in the principalities each want to be allocated territory and titles, while the principalities in the empire, which generally like to implement the equal inheritance law system, are fragmented in the process of canonizing their heirs again and again.

The Principality of Bavaria is also a typical example.

The entire duchy country split into two marquis countries and three earl countries, as well as a duchy country that nominally inherited the marquis and the imperial parliamentary seat.

As a result, the Principality of Bavaria was always in a weak state.

What's even more egregious is that all the emperors of the Holy Empire happened to be distracted by some reasons and were unable to focus on the Principality of Bavaria. However, the emperor of this generation, Oyo III, gave up when he ascended the throne. Excessive territorial claims.

This instead allowed Oyo III to focus on what he already had.

For example, win over branches of the Bavarian family to encroach on the land of the Principality of Bavaria.

Ivita looked at the files on the desktop and started thinking. "No wonder the other party reacted immediately when he heard what I said. It turns out that he has endured Oyo III for a long time."

The other party is also a human spirit, so he naturally thinks that as long as he wants to take back the Kingdom of Alsace, the emperor will intervene to prevent him from taking back the Kingdom of Alsace.

After understanding this, Ivita knew that the Principality of Bavaria would most likely become her ally in the future.

However, the country itself also has huge problems, with serious internal divisions, and the help it can provide to itself is very limited. However, on the map, the Principality of Bavaria is located northwest of the emperor's direct imperial territory.

This means that if the Principality of Bavaria stands on its side, it can involve the emperor's power.

"The four ultimate magic potions have been refined." Ivita thought: "The next ones are the Purple God Potion and the Truth Potion."

"The other thing is to extract three raw materials from my heart. The soul material can be obtained from the secret treasure mirror obtained by Ambrose."

"The only thing missing now is the spirit of the ancestors in the tomb of King Alsace." Ivita thought.

"It would be of great help to me if I could become a Witch Marquis before officially starting a war with them."

After all, the other party is the emperor of the empire and the kingdom of Alsace.

Ivita had not yet gone into direct war with the kings.

It's hard to say how much information the opponent has and how many trump cards the emperor will bring to the table.

When it comes to such a large spiritual being as the empire, the divination skills of himself, the Hearthstone Witch, the leader of the Sun Cult, and even the Tomb King will lose their effect.

Ivita stood up, and the devil's eyes on his forehead opened. He used his devil's eyes to see the powerful and chaotic spiritual existence of the empire in the far north.

Now the entire empire is like a huge zombie, lying on the ground. It seems that anyone can step on it, but this zombie may suddenly turn over at any time, move, and strike you with a thunderous blow.

In the next three days, Iveta has been dealing with affairs in the Kingdom of Viscount Ambrose, restoring the population, repairing city walls, rebuilding public buildings, etc...

It's like the calm before the storm.

Although nothing has changed, actually everything has.

A huge storm is sweeping through the entire Magical Black Forest silently. Even spies from the pagan countries on the other side of the sea have detected that there is about to be a kingdom-level turmoil.

This turmoil has not been seen in the entire Magical Black Forest for a long time.

Within these three days, Ivita received responses from the three major republics one after another, because the three major republics were closest to Ambrose.

At the same time, it is also the country that is most concerned about Ambrose's situation.

But despite this, an alliance cannot be achieved in a day, and Ivita knows that what follows is a long diplomatic process.

This diplomacy may lead to the alliance of the three major republics with itself, or it may make everything come to nothing.

Fortunately, I still have a diplomatic talent available, Tartax.

He can help him contact the three republics, but he has to work harder and has to do everything.

However, Ivita allowed him to form his own diplomatic team, and the expenses were directly reimbursed to the national treasury without an upper limit.

On the fourth day, the Principality of Bavaria and Holy Brittany also responded...

Ivita temporarily hired two diplomats to take charge of communication between the two countries.

However, Ivita also believed that at that time, there would be an endless flow of letters from within the Alsace Palace.

The king of Alsace should also be trying his best to win over his potential allies.

While dealing with diplomacy, Ivita did not forget to look for the raw materials for the last set of potions.

In the study room of Ambrose City Bell Tower, Ivita looked at the Hearthstone Witch, Tomb King and Sun Cult leader in front of her and said: "You are the most powerful warlocks around me."

"That's why I need your help."

"Collect the three most precious magic potions in the world from my heart." Iveta paused and said, "There are many harsh conditions that need to be met. These harsh conditions are so demanding that it is almost difficult to complete."

"Because the quality of these three magic materials is directly proportional to the wizard's power, and is absolutely related to the channel through which the wizard communicates with the world."

Yvetta closed her eyes, entering a meditative state of deep connection with the world since he last fought off the dark giants.

This state allowed him to feel that the power of the world was interacting with the source of his magic power indistinguishably.

The Tomb King glanced at Ivita in surprise, and then snorted coldly. Now Ivita's knowledge of the dark soul has surpassed him.

He also knew for the first time that the best potion for making Dark Soul was not six, but nine.

He also realized that now Ivita's magic power, soul, or knowledge and understanding of magic have reached the peak that a high wizard can achieve, even far surpassing him in the high wizard state back then.

Ivita's current magic accumulation is incredibly deep.

This is one of the reasons why he is willing to let Ivita control his heart and obey Ivita's orders.

The Tomb King realized that perhaps following Ivita would be a good choice.

The Tomb King looked at the magic circle underground and found that the patterns were very complex. There were dead trees reborn, a doe shedding tears on the verge of death, the vibrant World Tree, and the giant heart of the Northern Giant. These Everything is contained within nine concentric circles.

And now he, the Hearthstone Witch and others were standing on the outermost edge of nine concentric circles.

Ivita stood in the middle of the concentric circles.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "This is the magic that enters the deepest part of your inner world [Nine-Level Abyss Wheel Magic]."

"You want us to enter your deepest core?"

Ivita nodded. "The Three Witches of the East told me to use this method to extract the magic materials from my heart. There is also another way for me to gradually extract the magic materials from my heart."

"But before that, you have to help me to impress the three incarnations in my heart - secret, curiosity and imagination."

"This way I can continuously obtain these three magical materials from my heart."

"These three enter in sequence from left to right, so you have to choose a good position, because different incarnations of my heart will appear in different positions."

The Hearthstone Witch was full of confidence, "Then I will stand on the far left. Because I like to know the secrets the most."

"Your Majesty, I will definitely help you get the magic materials you want."

The Tomb King whispered: "I stand in the middle. I want to know what you are curious about and what you are exploring."

"I have an immortal body, and I can definitely help you conquer your inner avatar."

He originally wanted to brag about his immortality to Ivita, but when he thought that it was Ivita who weakened his immortality, the Tomb King hesitated and stopped talking.

The leader of the Sun God Cult had no choice but to stand on the far right.

She didn't have much confidence in herself and said to Ivita: "Sir, I will try my best."

Ivita shook her head and said: "Since the Three Witches of the East said that this kind of ritual can be done by just finding three more powerful high-level witches."

"This shows that your strength is completely sufficient."

"Come on, start now."

Ivita raised her right hand, and suddenly the corridor outside the door was filled with thirty water dragon soldiers as guards. At the same time, the power of the Emperor Star and the golden wand strengthened these summons summoned by the Dragon Palace magic.

Moreover, there are blue magic witches and mermaid witches guarding the door, who will not let idle people get close.

In the room, Ivita said to everyone: "Now that the sun has set, it is the most comfortable time for the soul."

"I count one, two, three, and you gradually come towards me. These nine circles represent the defense in my heart. When you cross the nine circles and approach me, it means that you have entered my heart. "

Ivita said: "Now I count one, two, three..."

Everyone closed their eyes and walked towards him little by little.

Every time they step through the ring, they will feel as if their face is stuck in the wall. They must use all their strength to resist in order to enter the wall.

Just relax a little and they'll be ejected from the wall.

But there is a strong suction force inside the wall that will suck them all the way into the ring.

Suddenly, they heard what sounded like a breaking sound in their ears.

Then, they opened their eyes and found themselves in a dark space, boundless in all directions, as if there were no boundaries.

Face this boundless darkness.

Three figures appeared in front of the Hearthstone Witch, the Tomb King and the leader of the Sun Cult respectively.

Ivita appeared beside the three of them. "Don't be afraid. According to what the Three Witches of the East said, the strength of the high-level witches is enough. I will use my light soul to increase all your spell abilities."

Ivita, who represented the secret, kept her mouth closed and stared at the Hearthstone Witch with cold eyes.

At this moment, the overly excited Hearthstone Witch reacted. "Wait a minute, Your Majesty, do you really want me to fight you?"


But Ivita, who represented the secret, had already taken action. Three phoenixes appeared behind him, and flames flew, burning away the magic plants used by the Hearthstone Witch for defense.

The Hearthstone Witch hurriedly tried to use fire magic to resist, but as soon as her fire magic rose, it was directly suppressed by Ivita's three-headed phoenix magic with its level advantage.

Hearthstone witches can only run in dark areas filled with secrets. "What does it mean that the strength of a high-level witch is enough? Your Majesty, are you kidding me?"

"Quickly remove the magic, I want to get out!"

On the other side, the Tomb King faced the curious incarnation of Ivita. He was about to raise his right hand when he suddenly felt that his arm was like mud sinking into the sea and he could not move.

The Tomb King looked at Ivita who suddenly appeared next to him, his eyes widening. "This guy's magical power has increased again. He used gravity magic to turn it into a gravity swamp, which directly restricted my ability to move."

"I only fought him once, and he actually came up with a spell that completely restrained me."

"Damn it."

The Tomb King burned zombie fire all over his body and broke the gravity swamp. At the same time, he stretched out his finger and pointed at Ivita.

Curious Ivita sighed: "Outsiders, take back your curiosity. What is behind me is not something you can touch."

A blue armored giant enveloped Curious Ivita, blocking the Tomb King's most powerful output magic - the Finger of the Zombie King.

The mighty death energy was completely blocked by the force field giant.

The curious incarnation of Ivita said to him: "In my inner world, your undead magic power is suppressed. If you were in the outside world, you would not be so powerless."

The incarnation of curiosity carries the life force of the body, and the majestic life force instantly disperses all the death energy gathered nearby.

Then, the curiosity avatar manipulated the giant to raise his right hand, forming a repulsive atomic knife, and slashed hard at the Tomb King.

Five minutes later, in the real room, on the nine-layer abyss wheel magic, the Tomb King, the Hearthstone Witch and the leader of the Sun God Cult all fell to the ground with scars, complaining endlessly about Ivita.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, are those incarnations of yours really something that the strongest among the senior witches can defeat? Why can't I feel it at all?"

The Tomb King whispered: "Is it possible that the Three Witches of the East are talking about normal conditions, but you... are not normal."

The leader of the Sun God Cult wanted to cry but had no tears left. "It's too scary. Are you really a high-ranking wizard? Even if you say you are a wizard, I will believe it."

Ivita grew serious.

If they can't defeat their incarnations, then where can they find someone to help them defeat their incarnations?

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