The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 444 The Emperor and the Pope

Ivita fell into hard thinking, because if the level of a high witch was not good, or even a powerful wizard like the Tomb King who was barely at the level of a witch marquis, she would have to find a more powerful witch marquis to help her.

But for a while, I have to look for it myself.

Even though he already owns three countries, he still needs to be cautious when cooperating with witch marquises. It is possible for some witch marquises to deliberately harm the country and disrupt society in order to obtain magic materials.

Moreover, there is no way to prove that the Witch Marquis has a way to defeat his inner incarnation.

"I overlooked a problem before." Ivita said: "My current magic strength far exceeds that of ordinary high-level wizards."

"This was originally my advantage, but instead it resulted in my inner avatar being very powerful."

The Hearthstone Witch said: "This shows that your heart is very stable and cannot be shaken easily. Once you can conquer the incarnation in your heart, you will be able to obtain very powerful magic materials."

Ivita scowled. "The war is about to begin. Where can I find three witch marquises to cooperate with me? Besides, even if I do find them, they may not be able to help me."

"On the contrary, I have a way to obtain the spirits of the past ancestors in the tomb of King Alsace."

The Tomb King suddenly whispered: "Actually, there is a place that may be able to help you."

Ivita looked at him doubtfully.

The King of Tombs said: "The Tombs of the Gods!"

"I have mastered an ancient ritual magic. This ritual magic can help you enter the depths of the star realm and see the eternal gods sleeping in the tombs. There are many powerful gods in the tombs of the gods. They just suffer from no way. Just return to this world.”

"It won't be difficult for you to find three powerful gods there who are willing to help you."

Ivita narrowed her eyes at him.

Before the arrival of the Holy Glory of the God of All Things, there were many pagan gods in the Magic Black Forest, but they were expelled by the cooperation of the God of All Things and the Witch King.

This history was not hidden by the church, but rather publicized.

So there are indeed a large number of gods in the Tomb of the Gods now, wanting to return to the Enchanted Black Forest.

Ivita said: "King of Tombs, you should know how dangerous it is to enter the depths of the star realm, right?"

The Tomb King whispered: "I know. But I am just giving you a suggestion. Now you are my betting party, and I am just trying my best to help you."

"If you don't believe me, then you can take my heart with you into the star realm. As long as something goes wrong, you can destroy my heart."

Ivita did not speak, but thought.

The leader of the Sun God Cult said to Ivita: "Actually..."

She has no sense of presence among the four.

"Actually, my lord, it is possible for you to enter the depths of the star realm. You have once entered a subspace world that is as dangerous as the depths of the star realm." The leader of the Sun God Cult said to Ivita: "The three black sheep and you were Under the guidance of the ritual, when we entered the body of your middle-aged aristocratic clone, because the three black sheep were expelled into the subspace, you actually had a brief contact with the subspace."

"It's surprising that you don't seem to have been affected by the Warp."

"Generally speaking, any creature that has been in contact with subspace will have abnormal brains. Ah, I'm not talking about you, I'm just describing your power."

The Hearthstone Witch also reminded Ivita: "When you were in the Black Sea, you expelled the Poseidon into the depths of the star world. At that time, your soul was contaminated with the atmosphere of the tombs of the gods, but nothing happened to you."

"This is because as long as a god does not decline, he will not be summoned by the tomb of the gods."

Ivetta rolled her eyes.

Hearthstone Witch is discussing herself as a god.

The Hearthstone Witch reminded Ivita: "And you once directly entered the depths of the Star Boundary when you were using the Three Sisters Grass. I noticed that you seemed to have really used your soul to enter the Star Boundary for a while. Deep in the tombs of the gods, and then back again."

The Tomb King and the leader of the Sun Cult looked at the Hearthstone Witch and Ivita in surprise.

The Tomb King said: "In that case, you can really try it."

Ivita thought for a moment, "How many days will it take for you to prepare for the ceremony to enter the star realm?"

Tomb King said: "About three days."

Ivita nodded. "Then I can make arrangements."

The Tomb King asked strangely: "What do you want to arrange?"

Ivita said to him: "I have to arrange a lot of things, but the most important thing is to find someone to help me get the spirits of my ancestors from the past. I want to go to the Little Brothers Lutheran Church. In the past, others hired them to harm me. Today I finally I can be rich again."

"But this organization never seems to succeed. We can't just rely on them."

"I also want to go to the Witch Republic of Epirus. I'm going to buy life-saving magic items from them so that I can enter the depths of the star realm."

The Hearthstone Witch and the Tomb King discovered that Ivita was becoming more and more organized.

In the evening, Ivita first went to Ambrose's brotherhood headquarters and assigned the task of stealing tombs from the Alsatian cemetery.

Then he found Christine who lived in the city.

The house Christine lives in is very simple, and there are basically no decorations except some furniture.

Christine poured a glass of boiled water for Ivita, then put on the Yaron leather that she had tanned by herself, and then said to Ivita: "So you hired me to help you go to the cemetery in Alsace and put a piece of your body there." A stone with space magic?"

"Then why did you hire those stalkers in such a big way?"

Ivita said bluntly: "They are just attracting attention. You are my trump card. Everyone knows that it is difficult for those assassins to complete their tasks, and I don't trust them very much. If they can help me get the tomb soil, I also have a way to use grave soil to trace the ancestral spirits, but the Kingdom of Alsace basically knows that I need to create a dark soul, and has been prepared for the cemetery for a long time."

"So, I need to take things off guard, and I need your help, Christine."

Christine was silent, and after a while she said: "I have no interest in human civil war. I feel very strongly about killing dark giants, but you know, hunters don't kill their own kind, those who kill their own kind are madmen, butchers and perverts, Not called a hunter.”

Ivita frowned and said: "Kristen, of course you have the right to refuse. I will find someone else, you just need to keep it a secret for me."

Christine raised a brow at Ivita and said: "But I am the best candidate, right?"

Ivita was silent.

Christine is indeed the person she trusts most.

This task was too difficult, and I really couldn’t think of anyone else who could do it except Kristine.

Christine asked Ivita: "I want to ask you why you want to take back the Kingdom of Alsace. I believe you are not the kind of person who is greedy for power. You must have your own reasons."

Ivita looked at Christine. "You are wrong, I like power very much. But Christine, think about the current situation, isn't it very wrong? Countries are fighting every year, and people are dying every year. Alsace is deeply affected by it in the hands of the current king. Harmful. I wanted to stop this behavior, so I started a war."

"I started the war to protect those civilians."

"Have you noticed that there are more and more conflicts in the Magic Black Forest? And even the church's beliefs have begun to disperse. Some people have begun to claim that they want religious reform. There are also countries with huge overseas colonial interests that are dissatisfied with the imperial system and want to Start a war and challenge the great powers.”

"Someone must stand up and take the lead in all this, otherwise great chaos is coming. The intensity of war in the future is likely to be far greater than it is now."

Christine's pupils suddenly shrank, and she also discovered the possibility of religious war.

Moreover, it is getting worse.

Iveta said: "Anyone who wants to prevent the coming chaos must first obtain Arthas, or even..."

Christine said to Ivita: "Okay, then I'll help you. Although hunters don't like to deal with their own compatriots. But I realized that what you did may be right."

“Looking for your prey in advance is also the wisdom of a hunter.”

Christine stood up to Ivetta. "I was already in the fourth level before. Now I'm about to become the fifth level."

Ivita was shocked. The fifth level was the Marquis level.

Christine said to Ivita: "I met the Blue Fairy, and I made a wish to her, so that hunters can have the fifth level. The Blue Fairy agreed to me, but the condition is that I must be in the life after I make the wish. In your first big choice, make the right choice."

"I think you gave me a big choice just now. I don't know if it was the right choice for me to help you, but I believe in you."

Ivita was dumbfounded.

He never thought that his seeking help from Christine would turn out to be a huge decision in her life.

Ivita said: "Christine, I..."

Kristen stood up and suddenly laughed. "Isn't the atmosphere too depressing, my only friend Ivita. Everyone must bear responsibility for the choices they make. What do you have to feel guilty about?"

"Just wait for me to come back in Ambrose. By then I should be a fifth-level hunter, and I will be the unprecedented hunter master Red Christine who helped hunters break through two extreme levels in a row."

"My friend, you should still be a high wizard at that time."

Ivita laughed too. "My level doesn't count."

"I don't care about my level when I kill people now."

Kristen rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but admit it.

The next morning, Ivita received a warning from the Speaker of the City Council. It turned out that the King of Alsace had re-issued a wanted order for Ivita, and also announced an alliance with the Emperor Oyo III of the Holy Empire.

Emperor Oyo III also issued a separate Golden Seal to Ivita, requiring him to return the imperial territory and expelling him from the Imperial Parliament and the Church.

But their alliance, even before they showed much diplomatic pressure on Ivita, immediately ushered in a backlash.

Probably because in the letter Ivita sent to the Pope before, she boasted that her faith was really pious, her attitude was not unworthy of a king, and she also appropriately showed her respect for the Pope, which caused the Pope's attitude towards Ivita to be too disrespectful. alright.

Half a day after Oyo III announced that Ivita would be excommunicated from the church, Pope Innocent II immediately refuted Oyo III and stated that his edict had no effect and that the emperor had no right to excommunicate people from the church.

In addition, Oyo III's own Imperial Parliament also had problems. Led by the Duke of Bavaria, the eight electors of the Imperial Parliament were very disrespectful to the emperor. They all showed that the emperor of the Holy Empire was not a dictator and could not control the members of the Imperial Parliament. Expelled.

The eight electors all had their own thoughts, but their attitudes were very consistent regarding the emperor's expulsion of the monarch of a member state from the Imperial Parliament.

Once this is started, the emperor's power in the Imperial Parliament will expand infinitely and become unstoppable.

So, things get ridiculous.

Oyo III's seemingly condescending operations were actually not implementable.

It looks like it was a joke played by Oyo III on Ivita.

This also made the monarchs of other countries see more clearly the weakness of the emperor of the Holy Golden Rose Empire.

In this way, only the alliance between Hoyo III and Henry VII of Alsace really put pressure on Ivita.

But soon on the fifth day, Ivita gained momentum.

That is, the current king of the Pearl Tooth Kingdom announced that he would help Ivita regain the throne of Alsace.

This can be regarded as the last remnant of the Alsace family, giving him support.

But on the sixth day, the Kingdom of Potauli, a great eastern power in the Enchanted Black Forest, announced that it would join the alliance between Alsace and the Emperor.

The Kingdom of Potauli is a country with a selective monarch system. The law of king selection there requires the nobles to hold a Semu Council and choose a king.

And now the king of that kingdom is the son-in-law of Oyo III, so the Kingdom of Potauli directly joined the alliance between the Empire and Alsace.

The alliance between the two established kingdoms and the imperial emperor seemed many times more powerful than the alliance between the smallest kingdom, Iveta and Pearl Tooth.

For a time, most of the monarchs in the Magic Black Forest felt that Ivita was at a disadvantage.

It is said that Henry VII, who was originally very worried, has begun to feel optimistic after continuously inviting the Minister of the Interior of Alsace to hunt and play golf together in the past few days.

However, Ivita knew that the matter was not over yet.

He set his sights on the three major republics on the peninsula and the Witch Republic of Epirus.

He happened to be going to the Witch Republic of Epirus, which was also the core territory of the three major republics.

It is time for the three major republics to make up their minds.

Ivita looked at the letter on the desk requesting an alliance. It turned out to be the city-state of the Northern Peasant Republic.

It seems that the Peasants' Republic made its decision earlier than the three major republics.

At the same time, a series of debates also occurred in the three major republics, starting to debate whether Ivita should be helped. Some people did not want to wade into troubled waters, while others hoped to use Ivita to strengthen the popularity of the republican system.

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