The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 449 The Eloquence of the Republic

The next morning, while the servant was washing him in the morning, Ivita listened to the messenger sent by Ambrose telling him about the current situation. In the noble merchant republic, debate is very important.

Unlike other feudal countries, it is not a few people who decide the noble aristocratic republic, but the citizens' assembly of more than 70,000 middle-class nobles.

Therefore, if we can gain the sympathy of these more than 70,000 business nobles through debate, we can easily gain the support of this country.

Even the ten-member Senate has to consider the decision of the citizens' meeting.

However, Ivita also learned that in the Republic of Noble Nobles, the so-called nobility represents those who can engage in politics.

rather than wealth and power.

Therefore, the aristocrats of the great noble aristocratic republic are actually the middle class of this country, not poor families, nor the richest capitalist class.

Most of the big businessmen in this country are not nobles.

This also made Ivita aware of the excellence of this country's system, because it is the middle class that makes the most contributions to the country that determines it.

In fact, any state, at its most powerful, is a spindle-shaped structure.

That is, the two sides of the common people and the rich are relatively small, while the middle class citizens are more numerous.

This means that the country's tax revenue is healthy and its military resources are abundant.

"Erdorian." Ivita said: "So, the focus is on this afternoon's citizens' meeting?"

Erdorian, the diplomat sent by Tartax to perform the mission of the noble noble republic, hesitated and said to Ivita: "My respected highness, this is indeed the case. But because debate is so important in this country, even Professional orators were born.”

"These orators have spent their whole lives meditating on the art of language and the skills of persuasion, and the people of the Empire and Alsace hired those orators in advance, much better orators than the orators we hired, so that led to our current situation. Very passive.”

"The orators invited by the empire and Alsace described us as a terrible king who oppressed his subjects. The people had no choice but to resist us. This caused the people of this country to generally hate us."

Erdorian was a little worried that Ivita would say that he was not doing things well, so he cautiously glanced at Ivita. Fortunately for him, Ivita said nothing.

Ivita said: "Please make arrangements and tell the people in charge of this country that I will also go to their Town Hall Square this afternoon."

Erdorian whispered to Ivita: "My Highness, you'd better stay away today. I heard that just this morning, the imperial envoy had bribed Mr. Granger, an important powerful figure in this country. , just this morning, they will meet on the third floor of a pub called Moon Eagle to the west of the mansion."

"They colluded, exchanged benefits, and domestic officials colluded with foreign envoys. This is considered semi-open permission in this country."

"They are confident about the town hall meeting in the afternoon and think everything is under their control. I'm afraid that if you go to the town hall meeting then, you will suffer unnecessary humiliation because of our failure to handle things."

Erdorian bowed his head and apologized to Ivita and said: "Your Highness, I am sorry, my ability is not enough for me to help you gain the friendship of this country. When I return to Ambrose, I will resign myself."

Ivita glanced at Erdorian and raised the corners of her mouth. "You don't need to resign. On the contrary, the information you just provided me is enough for us to get this country."

Ivita stood up.

Erdorian asked Ivita: "Where are you going?"

Iveta leaned against the window and saw many spies disguised as vendors staring at her in the corner of the street below the mansion.

I thought that as soon as I left the mansion, I would immediately be in the sight of these people.

Being in a foreign country, every move is under the eyes of others.


The shadow under Ivita's feet moved, and then made a move completely different from that of himself. This was some technique obtained from the ancient great library.

This also made him understand why Pan's shadow can move freely.

Ivita's shadow waved to Ivita, then got out from the gap between the wall and the window, and then turned into a shadow belt and flew out.

Ivita said to Erdorian: "Let's continue the discussion."

Erdorian was puzzled: "Your Highness, what are we discussing?"

Ivita opened the window. "Say whatever you want. Anyway, let everyone know that I'm here."

Ivita's shadow took advantage of everyone's attention being attracted by Ivita, left the mansion, and quickly searched for the Moon Eagle Tavern.

When the shadow transformed into an ordinary peregrine falcon and landed on the Moon Eagle Tavern, it happened to spot the carriage of Mr. Glen G, who had arrived at the tavern in advance.

With the carriage driver's service, Mr. Grant got out of the carriage and walked towards the third floor of the tavern.

On the first floor of the tavern, there was a troubadour, playing a light pizzicato tune.

Mr. Granger's mouth was obviously raised and his steps were brisk. He was obviously imagining the huge bribes from the Empire and Alsace.

He came to the third floor of the tavern and asked the tavern owner for a small glass of wine. However, what he didn't notice was that when he picked up the glass of wine, a shadow entered the wine.

Not long after, Gran Ge's shadow turned into Ivita's appearance.

Ivita looked at the shadow at her feet. "Those who operate the magic black forest are troublesome. There are too many laws in the souls of these humans."

"Even I have limited operations on this guy."

"It's a flaw, but it's not hard to fix."

Ivita stood in the shadow away from the window, so that she was no longer visible.

Soon, there were footsteps again downstairs.

Aquino Barros and the others came up with the imperial envoys and a few people whom Ivita had not seen before. Ivita guessed that they should be diplomats from Alsace.

Fortunately, he took action in time, otherwise his shadow would have to work hard to separate these people, and then use the mind to occupy the magic and occupy Mr. Granger's mind.

Aquino Barros saw Gran Ge with his back to the entrance of the stairs, his eyes brightened slightly. In his opinion, as long as the target of your bribe agrees to find a secret place to meet you, it is more than half of the success.

Aquino Barros said: "Mr. Gran, you and I really hit it off. Your style impresses me."

"This is the officer in charge of this visit from Alsace, Mr. Miroslav Sykes."

Miroslav Sykes hurriedly came over and wanted to shake hands with Granger.

But Ivita just looked at him coldly.

This made Miroslav Sykes retract his hand wisely.

Miroslav Sykes still said enthusiastically to Ivita: "Mr. Granger, you have participated in this country's naval institutions and are also an important institutional member of this country. You must know very well that the citizens' assembly and the elders ideas, and if you can help us by giving us the same information you gave us on how to win the debate, we will give you everything you asked for."

Aquino Barros also said to Gran Ge: "Yes. The information you provided us before that the people of this country extremely hate tyrants who oppress civilians gave us a great advantage."

Ivita didn't speak, keeping her tone to avoid revealing too much. She just nodded slightly, and then used her eyes to signal the other party to quickly take out the bribe.

Then, the imperial envoy Aquino Barros immediately asked his men to take out a bag of gold coins. "This is two thousand gold pounds. Please accept it."

Miroslav Sykes also asked someone to take out a thousand gold pounds and said: "Mr. Granger, this is the hard work fee that the Kingdom of Alsace promised you. After the completion of the matter, you will still belong to the Kingdom of Alsace." My friend, I can build you a large manor in the Kingdom of Alsace, with all the Alsace beauties you want."

‘Glen Ge’’s eyes were cold.

I didn't expect that I could make so much money by selling my country's information. How could I make this kind of money in ordinary businesses and professions?

What kind of cadre can withstand so many sugar-coated bullets?

What a bunch of moths.

You should also guard against this in the future.

Iveta nodded pretending to be satisfied and said to the two of them: "This time I'll make a long story short. Do you know why you haven't completely won the victory at the town hall meeting before? The reason is very simple. That's because you haven't found this yet. What the nobles of the country really care about.”

This sentence made Miroslav Sykes, the chief diplomat of Alsace, and Aquino Barros, the emperor's envoy, all excited.

This means that ‘Glen G’ is finally going to reveal a big secret to them.

The two looked at each other and felt that their previous preparations and hard work had not been in vain, and now it was finally time to pay off.

Iveta whispered to the two of them: "Come on, you two put your ears together."

The two immediately put their ears close to each other.

Iveta said: "Actually, this country is not as democratic and republican as you seem, but no one is stupid enough to say it! Think about it, who doesn't think about themselves? You just emphasized the interests of the common people before, but you didn't expect that Give benefits to a very small number of nobles.”

"You need to express this at the town hall meeting this afternoon."

"Tell the nobles that by helping you, we can maintain the interests of the noble elites, and your country's trade can be done by a few of them."

"Tell those nobles who want greater honors that you can bless them with imperial fiefs and strengthen their feudal hierarchy."

"The mainstream thinking in the citizens' assembly now is to sell the Republic's territory of Crete, which is located in the territory of the pagans in the Mediterranean, to you in exchange for the capital aristocrats' monopoly on trade between your two countries. So as long as you propose this Three, and you will immediately have the support of a majority of the town hall.”

The eyes of the two ambassadors from feudal hierarchical society lit up.

Because they think what Iveta said makes sense.

People are selfish.

So there must be a group of greedy nobles under the skin of this republic.

It is common in other countries to use the fertile territories of distant foreign countries in exchange for the privileges of nobles, so the republic is no exception.

Imperial envoy Aquino Barros was overjoyed. "So that's the case. No wonder the town hall always hesitates to make a decision. It turns out that's the reason. Hahaha, Ivita, you bastard made me suffer so much humiliation and was laughed at in front of me. Now I want you to pay the price!"

Alsace's chief diplomat, Miroslav Sykes, was delighted. "The islands of Crete are extremely fertile. In exchange for this, we will not suffer any loss from your country's trade monopoly privileges in our country."

"Okay, I agree to this request on behalf of Alsace. I will mention it at the town hall meeting this afternoon. Thank you for your gossip. Your gossip is really useful."

Ivita forced a smile. "I'm glad I can help you."

"You hurry up and prepare. I hope you will win a big victory at the town hall meeting. I will take the money away."

Both of them nodded to Ivita, their eyes full of enthusiasm.

Ivita left with two bags of gold.

Unexpectedly, he picked up another three thousand gold pounds to use as his military expenses.

I am worthy of being a good person, and my character is good.

In the afternoon, the town hall meeting was held in a building that imitated the arched Colosseum of ancient civilizations. The audience in the stands sat on the seats one above another and watched the orators' speeches in the central stand.

The spirit of the republic will allow the voice of the orator to enter the ears of everyone who listens to the debate, and to be judged by them.

At the same time, under the surveillance of the spirit of the Republic, any orator who uses magic to control and influence the minds of the audience (including themselves being influenced by magic) will be discovered. This will prevent anyone from using magic to control other people's minds and change the direction of the debate.

And the audience will vote with their cheers.

If something very serious happens, a tallyman in the crowd will be asked to collect the votes of every hundred people.

That is to say, first let the one hundred viewers vote, and then the tallyman will represent the opinions of most of the one hundred viewers and cast their votes.

In this way, the difficulty of voting caused by the huge number of people can be solved.

As one of the protagonists today, Ivita sat very close to the high platform and in a very conspicuous position, which allowed him to meet the envoy team led by the imperial envoy Aquino Barros who had just entered the venue.

When the imperial envoy Aquino Barros saw Ivita, he immediately made a threatening gesture, and there was provocation and ridicule in his eyes, as if he was laughing at Ivita's defeat today.

Ivita rolled her eyes.

Aquino Barros looked at Ivita gloomily. ‘I’ll show you something good later, but now I’ll let you be proud for a while. You really look down on me. ’

The first speeches were made by the imperial and Alsatian envoys. This was because they were the dominant party and had the sympathy of most people present.

People prefer to listen to them first.

Because Aquino Barros had the most noble status, he was the first to go up. He first followed the usual practice and boasted about Emperor Oyo III and King Henry VII, and then began to belittle the previous king of Alsace.

The entire venue was filled with cheers from the audience.

After the audience sympathized with each other, they frequently looked at Ivita and the others with hateful eyes.

With a victorious smile, Aquino Barros looked proudly in the direction where Ivita was sitting, and then he blurted out the wonderful words in his mind and organized the wonderful information that Mr. Granger told him in the morning. .

"First of all, I want to tell you that our empire is willing to let you exchange your country's distant territory of Crete for trade priority in our empire, as well as the trade monopoly rights in Alsace."


Suddenly, the voices of everyone who were cheering suddenly fell silent.

It was like a wind of death blowing through the venue of tens of thousands of people.

But Aquino Barros only thought that they were silenced by the great joy, and continued: "Secondly, I want to tell everyone that every noble who has contributed to the empire and Alsace will receive our With the honorary canonization of the two countries, you will be nobles who submit to the emperor and the king! Cheer."

Everyone in the entire venue felt like they were being strangled by the neck.

Aquino Barros did not notice that he recruited the business nobles of the Republic of China, and then said: "Finally, I want to tell you some good news. If you choose to side with the Empire and Alsace, we will let you These people have become monopolies in our country and civilians have no right to participate!”

As soon as these words were spoken, fire spewed out of the eyes of the nobles of the Republic.

Because the nobles of the noble republic hate monopoly capitalists the most. They like to make everyone rich and protect the middle class instead of big capital. This last sentence completely angered everyone.

Until the first person let out the most angry and loudest roar in his life. "Get out of here, you damn oligarch, you're a damn devil."

"Get off!"

"Get off!"

"Does the Republic now allow a madman to give a speech? Who is he, dictating our country and asking us to change our system?"

"The true colors of Alsace and the Empire have finally been exposed. We might as well support Ivita, the prince of Alsace who has established a republic."

The imperial envoy Aquino Barros looked dumbfounded and listened in disbelief to everyone's curses and insults on him. These people seemed eager to hang him and regarded him as a madman and a defender of the shameful king.

He didn't even understand why his use of Granger's gossip would lead to the current situation.

The Alsace diplomat Miroslav Sykes on the stage looked extremely pale, without any blood. He turned stiffly and looked not far away. Sitting in the stands, Ivita was not surprised at all by the development of the incident. .

He finally understood that all this was expected by Ivita.

This is Ivita's conspiracy!

Miroslav Sykes said in despair: "Henry VII will kill me if he knows that I messed up. I can't go back. I messed up everything completely. This country will definitely not stand on its side now." This side of Alsace. It’s over, what should I do, where should I go.”

"Maybe... I should change my master. It would be good to change my master."

He secretly looked at Ivita and suddenly remembered that Ivita was the legitimate king!

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