The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 450 The King’s Weakness and the Emperor’s Fury

Erdorian, who had been depressed and thought that there must be no chance today, now looked at this scene with surprise.

Erdorian said to Ivita: "Your Highness, they actually...actually...made themselves stupid and offended the Republic and the aristocracy of the Republic."

"You don't seem that surprised, could it be..."

Erdorian looked at the people around him for a moment and changed his words: "Yes, the empire's envoys have always been arrogant and used to confusing right and wrong. They tried to embarrass you when they were in the mansion before. These people do these arrogant and stupid things. normal."

As a diplomat, he immediately began to take advantage of the resentment of the nobles of the Republic caused by the envoys of the Empire and Alsace, and began to slander the Empire and Alsace.

The emperor's messenger Aquino Barros, no matter how bad his face was at this moment, he understood. He tried to find Gran Ge among the crowd, but he couldn't find this person no matter what.

Aquino Barros's heart sank as he couldn't find Gran Ge.

Gran Ge is an important member of the Republic's Naval Committee. He will definitely sit in a more conspicuous position, but if he does not appear in the square of the Citizens' Meeting, there is only one reason - that is, he cannot appear here.

There is no room for magic or other supernatural forces in the Town Hall Square.

Only then did Aquino Barros realize that he had been deceived by a Granger who had been manipulated.

As for who manipulated Granger, it was too obvious.

Aquino Barros turned to look at Ivita sitting in the stands. The blood all over his body was pouring, and he actually fell here.

He, an experienced diplomat and orator, came from a well-known family of diplomats, and was a close associate of the emperor, but he fell down on a questionable gossip.

He pointed at Ivita and said: "I must have been manipulated by witchcraft. God of all things, dear citizens of the great republic, I must have been manipulated by witchcraft before."

Ivita's expression remained unchanged, while Erdorian beside him sneered. The current behavior of Aquino Barros will only make him even less trusted by the nobles of the Republic.

In the spirit of the Republic, who can use magic without being noticed?

This behavior of Aquino Barros has become the most shameful slander, and it will help Ivita gain more sympathy from the citizens of the Republic.

Sure enough, even if Ivita didn't speak, the angry citizens of the Republic immediately rebuked him and asked him to let the legitimate king of Alsace go and not add new crimes to his head.

Moreover, the public also questioned everything that Aquino Barros had said before against Ivita and Ivita's father. They believed that all the words spoken by this shameless liar were the venom of poisonous snakes.

It's not worth believing at all.

The person who gave Aquino Barros the last edge was Miroslav Sykes, the diplomatic officer in charge of Alsace. He suddenly flew towards Ivita, then knelt down and hugged Ivita's shoes. She cried bitterly and even kissed the toes of Ivita's shoes.

Miroslav Sykes was quick to denounce that Henry VII had conspired to rise to power and was a thief with no legal rights. Even in his position as king, he was only a relatively wealthy and powerful thief.

Miroslav Sykes also cunningly whitewashed Ivita again, describing Ivita as a monarch who was slandered by everyone and lost her natural rights.

Miroslav Sykes, at the end, duly expressed his willingness to return to Ivita and start over from the bottom.

This made the people of the Republic sympathize with Ivita even more.

Seeing that this guy was so smart, Ivita nodded to him, agreed, and immediately gave him the position of managing a barn in Alsace.

Although I also look down on speculators.

However, in front of everyone, encouraging people who turn to themselves in this way will help those who are neutral and those who may turn to themselves to make choices.

This can be regarded as similar to a certificate of investment for buying horse bones for a thousand dollars.

However, the defection of Miroslav Sykes completely caused the empire's emperor's messenger Aquino Barros to lose his room for maneuver.

The people of the Republic now generally began to hate themselves for being deceived by the empire and the envoys of Alsace, and deeply sympathized with Ivita.

Next, Erdorian's normal debate received cheers and applause from the audience.

Afterwards, the tellers of the town hall began to vote.

Almost all the votes went to Ivita's side.

Aquino Barros, on the other hand, looked ashen and reluctantly returned to his seat with the help of his attendants. He did not even dare to look at Ivita.

Ivita has become his inner demon.

The sound of vote after vote appeared in his ears.

"Your Highness Iveta got one vote, Your Highness Iveta got another vote..."

"This vote belongs to His Highness Ivita!"

"The total number of votes was 451 in favor of His Highness Ivita, 36 abstentions, and 2 votes in favor of the Empire and Alsace."

"Ha, there are actually two hundred people supporting the Empire and Alsace, but there is nothing we can do about it. When there are more people, there will always be some outliers."

In two sections of 100 people in the auditorium of the town hall meeting, they began to complain to each other because this vote made them an eye-catching alternative.

Some people said that they just thought everyone would vote for Ivita, so they wanted to tie the vote, but they failed when the vote was tied.

In any case, after the town meeting ended, it meant that Ivita had received the support of the distinguished noble merchant republic.

The old men of the Ten-member Council, who had been paying attention to the results of the entire town hall meeting by using the fountain rain clouds in the sky, were slightly surprised when they saw this result, but they all made up their minds.

"Do you think Mr. Aquino Barros is really that stupid? He openly angered everyone at the town hall meeting. I don't think he looks like this kind of person."

"Haha, you are always joking. It is no longer important whether he is that kind of person. What is important is that our citizens already hate the empire and the current king of Alsace. Although I don't know what Mr. Ivita did. Yes, bypassing the spirit of the Republic, but he did not cross the line."

"Actually, the reason why everyone is hesitant is because our biggest enemy is the Emperor Oyo III. Although he has not yet taken action against us, he does have this tendency."

"However, Mr. Ivita's actions made us determined to confront the alliance between the Emperor of the Empire and the King of Alsace."

An old man wearing a black top hat and an exaggerated ruff collar coat, like the most typical old gentleman, said to everyone: "Since all of you with the most senior political experience have no objections, we will start to form a group about it." Council of War for the Restoration War in Alsace.”

"I serve as the leader of the war committee. At the same time, let the Senate put forward a proposal as soon as possible to set aside a treasury to support this war, and pass this proposal in a plenary vote of the citizens' assembly as soon as possible."

Horace Dunn finally said: "But, we still need to talk to Ivita if we help him obtain the conditions for victory in the war."

"I think there are two conditions. One is the condition for him to get the throne of Alsace back, and the other is the condition for us to help him get the throne of the Empire."

The other nine people present all frowned.

None of them expected that Horace Duncan would think so far ahead.

But when they thought about it carefully, everyone also discovered that it seemed that Ivita herself had claimed rights to the emperor's heir, and this time she completely broke up with the emperor Oyo III.

Even if he takes the throne by the way, it doesn't seem impossible.

Even if he doesn't get the throne himself, he can help his cousin German Kunis get the throne.

Although these people all had some darker thoughts in their minds when they thought of German Kunis.

Does the eagle in the sky really like to share his trophies with others?

Ivita stayed in the Republic for another five days. During this time, he had successfully made five potions for making Dark Souls. And because of the potions, he had a deeper understanding of magic and his strength was a little smaller. improvement.

During this period, after discovering that the Noble Noble Republic had formed an alliance with Ivita, the Commercial Republic of Belisarius and the Commercial Republic of Forocana finally made up their minds and prepared to stand with Ivita and face the Imperial Emperor. and the King of Alsace.

Ivita knew that the three major republics had always been afraid that the empire would go south and rule them again, because the free cities and republics on the peninsula were all vassals under the banner of the empire.

It was only because of the struggle between the imperial emperor and the papal theocracy that the republics were able to get rid of the feudal shackles of the emperor and embark on their own independent path.

Therefore, the ineffective king of Alsace made a serious mistake.

He received help from Emperor Oyo III, but this meant that he was destined to become enemies of the emperor's enemies.

Ivita heard that Henry VII, who had already relaxed, immediately smashed the head of the Earl in charge of the palace with the king's scepter in his hand after learning that the three major republics sided with Ivita.

Moreover, Henry VII changed his past lazy style and began to call ministers for meetings every day to discuss how to deal with himself.

Henry VII is now furious every day, doubting the people around him and being disloyal to him.

During this period, Henry VII secretly wrote to Ivita again - he said that as long as Ivita gave up her claim to the throne in public, he could consider marrying his daughter to Ivita. Son, then he will pass the position of king to his daughter's eldest son, his grandson.

The conditions that Henry VII thought were very generous were simply ridiculous in Ivita's opinion.

The capitulationists will all die a miserable death.

Unless you are extremely stupid, you will agree to such conditions and put yourself in an unfavorable passive situation.

As long as he dares to agree, his allies will disperse in an instant.

But Ivita gradually understood what kind of person Henry VII was.

He is a weak and stupid quick winner.

That is, at first, you think the enemy is weak and despise the enemy. When you find that the enemy is not weak, but even very strong, you will panic, feel that the enemy is invincible, and begin to have a tendency to surrender.

This kind of person is easy to deal with, he is just a pure waste.

The trouble was still with Emperor Hoyo III and the Alsace Forbidden Army group who raised Henry VII.

On the desk in the mansion, Ivita scanned the letter from Emperor Oyo III. The envelope had the emperor's unique golden seal. The platinum-like color was very gorgeous. I heard that it took twenty experienced craftsmen half a year to make it. , can you make such an ink pad.

But recently, the emperor has spent too much ink pad on himself, and I don’t know if his inventory is enough.

Oyo III cursed himself in the letter, cursing himself as a despicable wizard and unqualified to be a believer. A person who has signed a contract with hell and plays with the power of demons will only be killed by the church.

In his letter, King Hoyo III said proudly: 'Poor Alsace, you seem not to have noticed the conflict between the Republic and the Church. When you gain the support of one party, you are bound to offend the other party. ’

‘And your identity is so weak in front of the church. How can an orthodox king practice witchcraft and stay away from the grace of the God of all things? ’

‘You have made the church very dissatisfied with you and you don’t even know it. And my messengers are on their way to the papal country. I am the emperor of the empire. As long as I give up my power to some popes and churches, I will immediately gain the support of the church. ’

‘The rulers derived their legitimacy from the church. Without the church's affirmation of you, what would happen even if you have blood from the Alsatian royal family? ’

Ivita looked at the letter and was speechless.

It seems that Oyo III is going to show off his specialty again - selling the emperor's privileges in exchange for the rights of the pope.

He is already a weak emperor, and if he does this, he will become even more weak.

Ivita began to think about the situation, but Oyo III's self-destruction might really help him win over the Pope who he had offended before.

This must be guarded against.

Moreover, he was right to remind himself.

The Church and the Republic had some conflicts, mainly because the Republic and the Papal States were so close that any neighboring country would have conflicts.

But it is not as exaggerated as to be as troublesome as what Oyo III said.

"I did not sign a contract with Hell." Ivita said: "It may take a while for Hell to react, but this has become my advantage. If I did not sign a contract with Hell, then I would just use ordinary magic. Or, it’s nothing. I can enter the Papal State in a fair and just way.”

"But after going to the Papal State and being contaminated by the divine light, I won't be able to go to the Tomb of the Gods within a few years. So I have to go to the Tomb of the Gods first."

Ivita thought about it and realized that she actually had an advantage that Oyo III did not have.

That is, the arrogant Oyo III probably couldn't imagine how to act like a devout believer. He even believed that he was closer to God and had more rights than the Pope. How could he gain the friendship of the church.

But I am different. I don't mind pretending to be a fanatical believer for the sake of my own rule.

If you can get the support of a large number of troops by just pretending, then why not do it.

Ivita nodded. "Well, I will use the attitude of a devout believer. Walk to the church and let the church and believers all fight for me."

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