The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 451 Slavery of planets and search for Titan

Ivita chose to return to the Principality of Lombardy on the peninsula, so that he could go north to support Ambrose at any time, and he could go south to enlist the help of the church.

I heard that Alsace is already gathering troops and preparing to take the initiative.

However, Ivita didn't mind this.

Taking the initiative means having to bear more military expenses and the cost of materials lost along the way.

Although a large part of the army in Alsace and the empire were professional soldiers and mercenaries, the main body was still feudal militia.

This means that the feudal militias dispersed themselves after a few months because their feudal obligations expired.

In other words, there is a huge problem hidden behind Henry VII's reckless behavior.

Ivita understood that Henry VII was a complete waste, so he made such a decision, and Emperor Oyo III had not assembled his troops until now.

In the capital of Lombardy, under the Iron Crown Mountains, Ivita's No. 2 clone and the giant Ivita both appeared here.

At the same time, there are also Tomb King, Hearthstone Witch and others.

Ivita let her shadow leave her body and said to them: "Next, I will officially enter the tomb of the gods here."

"I will let three clones, including my shadow, go to three countries respectively to maintain the situation. The Tomb King and the Hearthstone Witch will stay here, and the other witches and knights will be in the other three countries to guard against Artha The assassination and the riots provoked by Sri Lanka and the Empire."

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "What should we do if you don't come back from the Void of Gods?"

The Hearthstone Witch was a little worried about her future.

Everyone present was almost speechless, but because the Hearthstone Witch was an old man, they did not dare to speak out.

The most important thing is that Ivita didn't say anything about it.

Yvetta told the Hearthstone Witch simply: "I'll be back, that's all."

The Hearthstone Witch felt a little guilty, "Your Majesty, you are right, you, you will definitely come back."

"I will protect you while you hold the ceremony."

Ivita's No. 2 mortal noble clone said: "Although the main body will enter the depths of the star realm, this mortal body can still borrow his power."

"I will use the power of the Iron Crown to cast a rusting spell near the palace. In this way, no iron objects will be able to approach the palace, and the Hearthstone Witch's magical plants will become an unbreakable obstacle."

The Tomb King reminded Ivita: "Noon is coming soon, and that is the only time when I can use my magic to open the star door."

Ivita nodded and dismissed the crowd.

As a result, only the Tomb King and Ivita were left in the empty palace, and even Ivita's clone left here.

Ivita sat on the throne, looked at the Tomb King and said, "Let the ceremony begin."

The Tomb King nodded, and candles all over the empty palace suddenly started burning, and they looked like green will-o'-the-wisps, cold and terrifying.

The temperature inside the palace dropped suddenly.

Moreover, there were some vague entities appearing in the palace windows, but they were definitely not human beings. Those entities seemed to be spying on something.

The Tomb King's cold voice sounded sonorous and powerful. "The gods rule the star realm, the kingdom of gods is located in the star realm, mortals fall to the earth, and devils fall to the void."

“Three separate, from which all things begin.”

"The mortal king is equal to the lord of the star realm. With my source of immortal power..."

As the Tomb Kings opened the star realm, an illusory door appeared in front of Ivita and the Tomb Kings.

The gate to the star realm is illusory and real. It seems to exist, but it also seems not to exist.

The star gate is covered with mysterious silver inscriptions. Those inscriptions are like the brilliance of stars, full of sacred feeling.

When the Tomb King saw the astral gate he had sacrificed with his own immortality, a look of expression finally appeared on his face. "Ivetta, come in quickly."

Ivita glanced at him. "Thank you, Tomb King."

He was about to go out when suddenly a silver phantom appeared in front of the Star Boundary Gate. Using that phantom as a shock wave, it spread out in all directions. The shock wave blocked Ivita's path forward.

"Which mortal is trying to enter the sacred realm? This place is not a place for others to set foot on. The filthy witch power is not qualified to set foot on the territory of the gods."

"Those who are delusional will only die under my silver spear."

An angel about 5 meters tall with six pairs of wings on his back unexpectedly appeared in front of the star gate, standing in the center of the palace, like a god stepping down from the altar, wandering in the glorious divine power, dazzling. The astral light made it impossible to look directly at him.

He only wore a white robe. This robe was woven from the gold of the stars. It was a sacred thing and was only worn by the gods in the past. Moreover, the robe naturally had no trace of sewing.

It is just a piece of pure white diagonal cloth, hung loosely and elegantly on the angel's body.

Ivita looked at the Tomb King in confusion. You never said before that there is a six-winged angel guardian in front of the star gate.

This angel's fighting power is not weak, and he actually makes himself vaguely aware of the danger.

It seems that if you attack him yourself, your life will be in danger.

The Tomb King's eyes flickered. "God of Seraphs, you have been guarding that broken door for thousands of years. How long will you continue to guard it? Your main god, the Pure Golden Sun, has entered the tombs of the gods, and only you are still here."

The Seraph God had a straight face and a serious look on his face. "It's you zombie again, it turns out I didn't kill you before."

"I'm sorry. I have been accepted by the God of All Things, and I am now guarding the gate to the star realm."

The Tomb King probed: "Does the God of All Things ask you to prohibit the gods from leaving the star realm, or the gods from entering the star realm?"

The Seraph God sneered. "The mind of the God of All Things is beyond your imagination. In fact, the God of All Things welcomes the gods into and out of the star realm. The previous war of faith was not His original intention, but the gods insisted on provoking it. The God of All Things created the gods, How could you care about this? It’s just that mortals can’t enter or leave the star realm.”

"Mortals entering and leaving the Star Boundary will cause countless troubles. Except for the fixed channels to enter the Star Boundary, no one can enter the Star Boundary through the Star Boundary Gate."

The Tomb King pointed at Ivita and said, "Can he enter?"

The God of Seraph looked at Ivita in surprise. Only then did he realize that there was a second person here.

Before, he was so distracted by the nature of the evil zombie not far away that he didn't even notice that there was a person standing next to the evil zombie.

After the Seraph King looked at Ivita carefully, his expression gradually became serious.

"Of course he can get in, he's not an ordinary person."

"You are a king recognized by the law, and you are shrouded in divine light. There is no one on the mortal earth who is more qualified to enter the star realm than you. I don't know which crown prince you are."

The Seraph God suddenly bowed and saluted Ivita. "This gate is opened for you."

Ivita glanced at the Tomb King. She really didn't know if he had expected this attitude of the Great Seraph God, or if he was blinded.

Ivita nodded to the Seraph God and said, "I would also be happy to meet you."

He walked into the astral gate, and the Seraph God had already stepped aside.

After Ivita completely entered the star realm, the Seraph God stood in front of the star realm gate again, blocking the Tomb King. The smile on his face disappeared and said to the Tomb King: "But you can't enter. You humble zombie, you are not qualified to enter the star realm."

The Tomb King's eyes flickered. If possible, he would also like to enter the star realm.

Unexpectedly, he could summon the star gate, but he could not let himself enter the star gate.

The Tomb King muttered in a low voice: "Damn stupid angel. If he is not in front of the star gate, I can enter."

After entering the star realm, Ivita seemed to have stepped into the world of stars, where the stars were dancing and twinkling.

The light of countless stars, comets, and planets appears here.

The entangled light made Ivita feel a little dazzling. If a weaker wizard entered here, his light soul might be contaminated by the light of the astral world.

"I have never felt such a powerful physical law." Ivita thought clearly: "The material laws inside the star realm are too stable, and my power will be weakened here."

"Now we have to find the tombs of the gods deep in the star realm."

Ivita closed her eyes and let her power follow the fluctuations of the star world and spread to the deepest part of the star world.

Connected with the tombs of the gods in the endless darkness deep in the astral realm.

"The location is determined, but there are tombs of the tombs around the tombs of the gods - boundless darkness." Ivita said to herself. "You can't use space magic to go there directly."

He uses flight to travel through the stars.

Many little comets looked at him curiously.

In the boundless universe, a planet covered with red gas stood in front of Ivita, "Wizard, few people can come to the star realm with their physical body instead of their spiritual body."

"But do you have any evil intentions? I advise you to return to your world immediately. This is the world of stars and gods."

Ivita glanced at this behemoth coldly. The star world is a world where existence is greater than phenomenon. In other words, idealism and materialism here are of little significance.

The existence of the astral realm is so great that only existence is real.

Therefore, Ivita used his light soul to reveal his existence. He instantly became bigger than the star that wanted to bully the weak and avoid the strong. He grabbed a planet full of inert gas in his hand and played with it like a marble. .

The planet was shaking with fear.

At the same time, the surrounding planets moved away from Ivita in fear.

Ivita said to the stars: "I am the wizard of the enchanted Black Forest, and I have been entertained by the distinguished guests of the Virgo Princess."

"Who dares to stop me?"

Suddenly, the surrounding planets all understood. It turned out that Ivita was from the most perverted world in that world, the Magical Black Forest.

No wonder, the essence of his existence is actually higher than a planet, and may even be higher than an ordinary star. Although it is not as good as the black hole old man, he can already run rampant in this star region.

The planets immediately stated that they had no intention of embarrassing their mortal guests.

The red planet in Ivita's hand was apologizing to Ivita.

Ivita pressed the red planet and asked: "Where is here? Do you know how to get to the tombs of the gods?"

Red Planet suddenly started to cry out in pain. He was actually beaten in the star realm by a wizard who didn't know where he was. "Mr. Mortal, this is the Leo Galaxy Cluster under the jurisdiction of Princess Leo. You have the star power of Lion A."

"I thought you knew where this place is."

"Don't kill me. Although you are very powerful, we have so many stars here. If they swarm us, can you still kill us all?"

Ivita looked around at the planets that had dispersed for fear of getting into trouble, and looked at the red planet with disdain. "They don't want to mess with me. But this great good person never makes things difficult for others. Just tell me how to enter the depths of the star realm."

"By the way, what's your name?"

Red Planet said guiltily: "You can call me HD84322."

Iveta said speechlessly: "Your status is really not high. No wonder you are so weak and can be easily held in my hand."

HD84322 was immediately unconvinced and said: "That's because I met you in the star realm. If you met me in my universe, where phenomena are greater than existence, how could your human palm be so big that you could hold me It’s in your hand.”

Ivita nodded, which meant that the stars he encountered in the star world were the star consciousnesses of stars from various worlds.

Iveta suddenly scolded it with a cold voice. "HD84322, if you don't tell me how to get to the tomb of the gods, I will destroy your consciousness, then connect to the body of your universe through your consciousness, leak my magic power, and destroy all life in your body in an instant."

Iveta didn't know if it was a living planet, but it didn't matter. Life forms at low latitudes were really easy to kill.

The lives of human beings protected by the law are so precious.

I really don’t know why there are still people who want to destroy universal laws.

The red planet is scared. " are so powerful, unlike me, who is a weak and useless planet, and not even a living planet. You are so powerful, you must be able to sense the call of the tombs of the gods deep in the star world, You can snatch one of their spaceships from the Star Titans, or grab a top-level battleship from the Mind Flayer, and then you should be able to go to the depths of the Star Realm."

Ivita remained calm. "So HD84322, which one is easier to talk to, the Titan or the Mind Flayer?"

Red Planet thought for a moment. "Then the Titans must be easy to talk to. They are very kind people. If you want anything, they will usually give it to you if you tell them."

Ivita nodded. "Okay, you take me to find them."

Red Planet said smoothly: "Okay, then you go. Eh? You want me to take you there. No, no."

The Red Planet felt like it was out of luck. "The Titans have been so good to our planet, I can't bring the big bad over there. I have a bad conscience."

Ivita said: "It's okay, I am a kind person."

Red Planet wanted to continue to refuse, but Ivita's eyes were cold and fierce. It quickly said: "Yes, yes, you are a good person, I will take you there."

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