The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 452 Titanship: The Immortal Volcano

The red planet took Ivita flying all the way to the west. Ivita didn't know how much time was added. On the way, she encountered many planets and even stars. The consciousness of these planets curiously observed the strange combination of a person and a planet.

But with the help of HD84322, at least no planets or stars will come to cause trouble for Ivita.

This is also an unexpected benefit.

Ivita didn't want to stay too long in this strange world.

About three days later, HD84322 and Ivita came to an inverted cone island floating deep in the star realm. Dozens of islands formed a floating continent, and there were countless shrouded islands on these islands. A palace in arcane energy.

The architectural style of those palaces is completely different from the architectural styles Iveta has seen. The roofs are square where they should have rounded corners, and the corners where they should be square have rounded corners. The whole architectural style is very weird.

And it can be seen that it is a building built by a group of people with huge heights, because even the threshold of the door is so tall that ordinary humans may need to use a ladder to climb in.

Planet HD84322 stopped in front of Titan's domain.

Ivita asked strangely: "Didn't you say that the Titans are easy to talk to? Why are they so scared when they get here?"

HD84322 Red Planet is quite angry with Ivita. "You wizard, you are so bad. You are so much better than me. Don't you know that the Titan Realm is the destination of the consciousness of the stars after their death? To us humans, those Titans are the sons of sacred star spirits that are as powerful as gods. To our planetary consciousness, it is death."

"No matter how easy it is to talk to the Titans, I will still be scared when I come here."

Suddenly, the door of the Titan Temple opened not far away, and a giant Titan, shrouded in starlight as if it were the essence of countless stars, walked out of it. The Titan looked like a human, but was extremely tall. Huge, with very regular facial features and perfectly proportioned appearance.

He was covered in star armor made of material at the center of the star, so it was shrouded in brilliance. Just scanning Ivita and the red planet HD84322 made both of them feel stressed.

Ivita blocked the HD84322 red planet with her hand, allowing the almost frightened red planet to breathe.

HD84322 Red Planet said incoherently: "Master Titan, I'm here to ask you to borrow a spaceship. No... It's not right. A villain hijacked me and asked me to threaten you... It's also wrong... He is a good man, Just a little rude.”

HD84322 Red Planet is very innocent, and the time spent with Ivita also made it subconsciously regard Ivita as a friend.

Ivita helped this naive planetary consciousness summarize the current situation. "Mr. Titan, we came to the Titan God Realm to borrow a spaceship from the Titan God Realm to go to the Tomb of the Gods. Because I have a big event, I need the powerful gods in the Tomb of the Gods to help me do it. one thing."

The Titan glanced at HD84322, then looked at Ivita. "Although what you said is very confusing, I understand your purpose of coming to Titan God's Domain."

"You want to borrow the Titan spacecraft to go to the tomb of the gods."

The Titan looked at HD84322 and said seriously: "You are just a planet consciousness. If you are good at the private place of the gods, you will be swallowed by endless darkness and never come back."

"I advise you not to go."

Iveta helped HD84322: "It doesn't matter, HD84322 is ready. As a great star spirit, it is courageous and decides to explore the tombs of the gods! And I will take good care of it. In fact, it is only me. Just going to the tombs of the gods.”

HD84322 hurriedly said in horror: "Master Titan, don't listen to him. I'm just a kidnapped by him... No, I'm just a star spirit traveling with him temporarily!"

"I'm not familiar with him. Whatever he does in the star realm in the future has nothing to do with me!"

Titan shook his head. "Human wizard, you can enter the star realm. It can be seen that you are the lord of law on the earth, and you also have deep connections with the gods."

"But human, why do you still dare to appear in front of the Titans? Don't you know that the Titans and the Druids are allies?"

Ivita looked up in surprise at the Titan giant standing at the door of Titan God's Domain. "Are you allies of the Druid? What about your relationship with humans..."

The Titans bluntly said: "Thousands of years ago, we broke up with humans. The Druids supported us in fighting you humans in the material world. As a result, the Titans failed. Many Titans were scattered in the heavens and the universe. In the wall plane, some Titans have come to the star realm and have been taken in by the God of Titans."

This Titan has a strange expression on his face, as if to say, why do you have the nerve to come over and ask for help? "Human wizard, please go back. I have nothing to say to humans. Although we Titans don't like humans, in general, we are still performing our duties, but I don't know if humans are still performing our duties."

Ivita was startled and asked: "There was a druid, God Pan, who once told me that humans today are not humans, but dwarves."

The Titans don't mince words. "The Titans were originally the stars from death, giving birth to flesh and blood creatures from stone."

"This is also the legendary Curse of Flesh. One of the most powerful curses in the world."

"The Titans originally thought that they were the darlings born on that planet, so they called themselves humans. But everything happened. A Titan was radiated by some kind of divine power and gave birth to the first human and changed. From then on At that time, the powerful Titans discovered that just as the planet consciousness is the placenta of the Titans, the Titans are also the placentas designed by God to create his masterpieces."

"In the pre-civilization world of the Enchanted Black Forest, in an earlier era before the so-called ancient civilization, humans and the Titans had a war, and the victorious humans received the title that originally belonged to the Titans."

"It was a long, long time before the druids participated in our war with humans. The humans in the ancient world still worshiped us as gods, but they overthrew us. The humans of the ancient civilization simply suppressed us. , made us slaves, and then came the last civilized war, and we and the druids were completely driven out of the material plane."

The Titan became angrier as he talked. "The damn God of all things, he painstakingly designed the consciousness of the planet, and also designed us. As a result, our existence is a necessary tool to help you appear."

"But human wizards, don't be complacent. During the heyday of civilization, Titans thought they were the special darlings of the God of All Things. But when our civilization declined, we discovered that we were just human placentas. What about you humans?"

"Perhaps you humans are also things that appeared for the sake of a more perfect creation from the God of All Things."

"So you said, why do you have the nerve to come to me for help? Leave the Titan God's Domain quickly."

Ivita's face remained unmoved. He was determined and would not be defeated by these words.

However, he did not expect that the truth of the Druid Civilization War at that time would be like this.

It turns out that the reason why the druids were driven away by humans and had a worse reputation than witches was because they helped the Titans compete with humans for the title of [human beings].

This is indeed the worst sin that witches can do, no matter what they do.

But if you can't get help in the Titan Realm, you can only go to the Mind Flayer's Star Empire to see if you can grab a Mind Flayer main battleship.

He really should have brought the Mind Flayer battleship that Witch Papar gave him into the star realm.

‘HD84322 is not knowledgeable enough. I think there are still many non-human civilizations in the star realm. ’ Iveta thought: ‘If it doesn’t work out, I’ll catch another star and ask about it. The stars are older and have more experience, so they must know more than this stupid planet HD84322. ’

Ivita decided to try one last time to see if he could get Titan to help him. He raised his right hand so that Titan could see the conference ring on his hand.

"I have this, can't you lend me a flying boat?"

The Titan was obviously stunned when he saw the ring on Ivita's hand. "Are you a Druid? It doesn't look like it. You are actually a Druid, so what new plan do the Druids have for you to come and get the flying boat from our God's Domain?"

Ivita was about to speak when the Titan said: "I am the Fire Titan. I didn't expect you to be a Druid. I saw the identity of your race and misunderstood you. I'm sorry for that."

"If you are the Druids, for the sake of the unbroken alliance in the past, I will lend you my own personal airship."

The Flame Titan waved from the divine city behind him, and a volcano that seemed to be still spewing lava entered his hand, and then placed it in the void in front of Ivita.

Ivita asked: "Thank you for your generosity, Fire Titan. Long live the friendship between the Titans and our druids. It's just that your spaceship looks like a volcano."

The Flame Titan said: "It is just a volcano, but the flames burning inside are Titan flames that can only be collected in the star realm."

"This flame can burn any substance, including the endless darkness outside the tombs of the gods. Therefore, some people have worshiped its charming properties, even some gods are no exception. They mistakenly believe that it is the immortal flame."

Ivita noticed the Flame Titan and removed the imprint of his soul in the Immortal Flame Mountain. Then the Titan asked Ivita to imprint the imprint on the Immortal Flame Mountain. Ivita was not polite to him and imprinted it immediately.

In an instant, he realized that he could control all the flames in the Immortal Flame Mountain.

As his mind turned, he and HD84322 entered the Mountain of Immortal Flames.

HD84322's eyes widened. "So this is the flying boat of the Titan gentlemen. I'm really in for a treat."

Ivita told him. "Then you should thank me. Thanks for bringing you here."

HD84322 didn't seem to hear it and was happily exploring the Immortal Flame Mountain.

The Flame Titan said to Ivita: "Go, this strange Mr. Druid. There is no need to return the flying boats to me. Anyway, I still have a lot of flying boats."

Ivita nodded to the generous Titan and said: "Thank you, my friend. You make me feel guilty."

The Fire Titan laughed heartily. "I am the one who should feel guilty. I shouldn't have misunderstood you."

Ivita was silent.

Then, he controlled the Immortal Flame Mountain and flew into the depths of the universe, where the tombs of the gods were calling him.

HD84322 exclaimed: "You have already got the Titan spacecraft, why are you still holding me hostage? Find a place to put me down quickly, and I will walk back to the Leo Galaxy Cluster by myself!"

Ivita said: "If you stay with me, the stars will not attack me or hinder me. I have to do a big thing this time, and there can be no problems or mistakes, so I can only take you with me."

HD84322 was furious: "You bastard, I will make a wish on a shooting star and let you, a bad guy, turn into a harmless cat in the next life! Don't laugh!"

With the Immortal Flame Mountain, they can indeed move extremely fast in the star realm. They originally needed to walk for several days, but now they can arrive in less than half an hour.

Ivita also discovered that the Titan spacecraft can consume magic power to fly twice as fast when necessary.

Ivita has unlimited magic power, and due to time constraints, she doesn't care about saving magic power, so she directly accelerates the flying boat with all her strength.

About two more days passed.

HD84322 suddenly saw an endless ring of darkness in front of the immortal volcano.

It was a shocking image.

Boundless planet consciousness roams in this star world, but there is no planet consciousness at all around the endless ring of darkness.

Anyone can feel the danger of the endless darkness.

The endless ring of darkness even created a suction force that would crush the small objects around it and suck it into the darkness, making it impossible to escape.

But the Titan's spaceship can fight against the infinite darkness and fly within it.

Ivita thought: "The dark energy contained in this boundless darkness is probably one of the sources of dark energy summoned by the witches in the magical black forest."

Planet HD84322 added: "The palace of the Dark Queen is also here! The realm of the Dark Queen is in the deepest part of the boundless darkness."

Iveta's eyes twitched. "Then it's possible that we are passing through the dark realm of the Queen of Darkness? I heard that the time and space in the dark realm is completely chaotic. Be careful, we are being sucked into the endless ring of darkness."

The entire immortal volcano was shaking. At this moment, boundless darkness invaded the volcano. Both Ivita and HD84322 only saw darkness in front of them.

HD84322 screamed, even cried. "It's over. I'm about to die before I'm even a living planet. I originally thought that I could borrow some life essence and bacteria from the living planet, and I could become a living planet in the future and become one of the most dazzling planetary consciousnesses. Woohoo. Wuwu... none of this has happened yet..."

Ivita nudged him. "Stop crying. We are not dead. The flames of the immortal volcano can burn the darkness of endless darkness."

HD84322 opened his eyes and realized that the flame of the immortal volcano had burned even more intensely because it was using the boundless darkness as fuel.

Moreover, this Titan spacecraft is flying deeper into the boundless darkness.

That is the place where the gods are buried!

It is a place where the gods of death wander.

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