The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 457: Secondary God: The combination of authoritarian centralization

The goddess Poseidon showed her true existence and the origin of her divine power to Ivita, and revealed the location of her divine kingdom in the dead universe.

The divine kingdom of the gods was originally held high in the star realm, with the star realm as the core, projecting the divine kingdom projection to all the worlds and universes below, and opening the divine kingdom channel.

But for the gods that have fallen, even if their kingdoms are not destroyed, they will gradually fall into the tombs of the gods. There are also some gods who have reopened their kingdoms in the tombs of the gods.

Ivita did not enter her divine kingdom, but followed the method of Charlemagne and other gods to put her mark as a subspace demon into the other kingdom.

Only then did Ivita realize that a god has the last resort, which is to hide in his own kingdom, and his power can transcend several levels.

However, Poseidon was previously blocked by the shackles of royal power from entering her own kingdom. Later, she was attracted by Ivita's words and took the initiative to let the aura of subspace enter her kingdom.

As soon as Ivita put the subspace demon mark into her divine kingdom, the mark automatically connected to the subspace and began to infect the goddess of the sea's divine kingdom.

The divine kingdom of Poseidon is a vast water world, where thousands of water elemental creatures and water spiritual creatures exist.

At this moment, subspace power invades, and these creatures seem to have a premonition and are quickly escaping towards the sea in the center of the Kingdom of God.

The sea area polluted by the subspace breath suddenly lost the peaceful and sacred atmosphere, and the large areas of sea water became violent, and vortexes turned over on the sea surface, crushing every holy creature and water element that was still nearby.

The female Poseidon felt that her divine power was constantly declining. Her essence as a weak divine power was almost broken and she became a demi-god. However, after a short period of weakness, after she accepted the breath of subspace power, her divine power finally stabilized. Instead of falling, it rises.

Then, she stabilized the person with weak divine power in the heaven, and then demon lines appeared between her eyebrows. A simplified demon eye pattern appeared on her forehead, and the origin of the subspace breath also turned into a line behind her. The light of the magic wheel.

Poseidon said intoxicatedly: "Power... such a powerful force, such a domineering power, this is what I love."

The female Poseidon who was born in the Western Mediterranean has long been accustomed to the habit of being capricious and making waves. For a period of time, she felt uncomfortable being the goddess of rescue at sea, and she almost died of discomfort.

At this moment, after she felt the sub-space sub-god status given to her by Ivita, she felt physically and mentally refreshed. She could finally follow the nature of the sub-space sub-god and do whatever she wanted and be tyrannical.

Ivita felt that the devil's egg, which originally took sixty years to gestate, now only takes fifty-seven years.

‘It will be of great benefit to me to pull a weak god from the heaven into the subspace. The magic wheel of the subspace is nurturing my demon egg. ’

‘It actually has this benefit. ’

Ivita thought. ‘The secondary authority of the autocratic power granted to Poseidon is the combination of autocratic power. ’

Ivita observed that the current Poseidon's nature as a sub-space sub-god was a terrible way of connecting people.

Ivita said to the Poseidon: "If one person makes a mistake in a group, it means that the entire group has made a mistake. Then the entire group will naturally have the right to punish this person. In order to protect the safety of the group's life, this group will replace A will to persecute an individual."

"This is the continuous sitting system."

"In a society with a joint system, individual freedom is ridiculous, because an individual's mistakes will affect everyone around him, so everyone will have no freedom."

"That was a terrible totalitarian society."

Ivita vaguely felt that her actions had indirectly increased the power of subspace.

Now it seems that subspace is probably the projection of autocracy in another dimension.

But before him, the concept of centralized power had not yet been born in subspace.

However, in this case, you don't have to worry too much, because the subspace will obviously be on your side.

Charlemagne and other gods were a little amazed at the changes in the goddess of the sea's current aura, which seemed to have become several times stronger. It was indeed a subspace power that made people change their minds.

But they are indifferent to the secondary godhead of subspace. For high-level gods, the power of subspace and the power of heaven are not compatible.

God Charlemagne seemed to have seen the power of subspace a long time ago. He said to Ivita: "Yes, when I was fighting with the subspace demons and gods, I envied the corrosive characteristics of the subspace divine power."

"Now our empire also has forces that can resist. This is very good."

Ivita thought that the essence of subspace demons and gods is autocratic human rule, which corresponds to the divine power of the emperor in heaven, but humans and gods are equivalent to the status of divine kings.

I'm afraid Charlemagne doesn't rely on the broken universal law: holiness is no match for demons, gods, humans and gods.

‘All nations are powerful because of centralization of power. ’ Ivita thought: ‘Autocracy has a special status in all worlds and all universes. It is even independent of the heavens and has its own realm in the magic wheel, not under the gods of the heavens. ’

God Lothair, the eldest son, said coldly to the goddess Poseidon: "Now take us to where your sister god is. If you dare to lie to us, I will let little Ivita immediately pass through the essence of the devil and destroy your core in the subspace. "

Poseidon's expression did not change. Since she had taken refuge in Ivita, she was prepared to stand in the same camp as Ivita. All the past events could be forgotten.

Poseidon said respectfully to Ivita: "We can't go like this."

"I suggest that Lord Ivita hide in your Titan ship with your ancestors. Then the goddess of the fire element will only think that it is a simple group of astral creatures passing through her kingdom."

"And I won't notice you."

"I will go there again and trick her into coming out of the Kingdom of God."

The goddess of the sea said to Ivita: "Sir Ivita, the goddess of the fire element is a weak divine power. She can exert powerful divine power in her own kingdom."

"Even if you guys swarm her, they won't be able to take her down, and they will attract the attention of the beings in the tombs of the gods. Therefore, the only way to take her down is to trick her out of the Kingdom of God."

The eldest son, God Lothair, said angrily: "Why didn't you say this before!"

Ivita said: "Uncle Lothair, she is now my subspace secondary god, so we can trust her. I want to try this plan."

After Lord Lothair nodded to Ivita, he looked at Lord Charlemagne.

Charlemagne said: "Then let's go together."

"That's not bad."

"The Goddess of the Fire Element, I have met her a few times before. At that time, she was still one of the most powerful divine powers under the God King, and she was extremely majestic. She has now declined to a weak divine power, but within the Kingdom of God, I am afraid she is still Retains omnipotent power.”

After the four former emperors entered Ivita's Titan ship, they were so frightened that the whole body of the red planet was trembling.

Red Planet HD84322 was in the corner and said with a guilty conscience: "You gods are having a meeting, can you not take me with you? I want to get off the ship."

"Mr. Ivita, I didn't know your identity before. It's really disrespectful. Can you let me go? I'm just an ordinary planet, not even a living planet. I heard that in subspace Demon gods often abduct living planets, then corrupt the life on them, and then transform the ancient gods on them..."

The four gods looked at the planet in the corner doubtfully, then looked at the nose and heart, and remained silent. HD84322 was from Ivita, so they were too lazy to meddle in such nosy matters.

Ivita drove the Titan spaceship and followed the Poseidon who was leading the way.

Then, he curiously said to HD84322: "What does it mean that the subspace demon corrupted the planet and then transformed the ancient god?"

HD84322 was so frightened that his whole body was trembling, he huddled in the corner and looked at Ivita with the eyes of the big bad guy.

Ivita was puzzled by him.

The eldest son, the god Lothair, explained for him. "Oh, little Ivita, haven't you done something similar? Use subspace gravity to capture living planets, corrupt them, and cultivate a subspace army for you."

"The power of the subspace corrupts the natural forces, which can cause the natural forces to become cancerous. Tumors of natural energy that are difficult to circulate will appear, and the ancient gods will be born in them. When the Magical Black Forest was last invaded by the subspace, it was in An The ancient gods were created near Bros, and those ancient gods were transformed by the druids, who thought they were special and different from the other servants of the ancient gods in the subspace."

After hearing this, Ivita felt heavy in her heart. She just shook her head and thanked God Lothair for his explanation.

‘Unexpectedly, I have had close contact with subspace power for a long time. ’ Ivita thought: ‘The ancient gods were only transformed by the druids. Their essence is a combination of the power of subspace and the power of wild nature. ’

God Louis said to Ivita: "Little Ivita, in fact, let alone the subspace demon, even the secondary gods of subspace, such as the current female sea goddess, even the sitting god, she can use the gravity of subspace to go Capture planets and corrupt life forms."

"But not in the Magical Black Forest. There are too many laws and many secrets there. If she goes there to do this, she is seeking death."

Louis said: "The subspace demons and the gods of the heavens each have their own strengths. The demons do not have the ability to perform magic, perform miracles, incarnate saints, and create kingdoms of gods. Generally speaking, the gods of the heavens are orthodox. Because the God of all things is the Lord of the heavens. And only by owning the Kingdom of God can one be omnipotent within the Kingdom of God, and have the ability to guide believers and protect devout believers."

At this time, God Pepin suddenly came up to me and said to Ivita with a warm look: "Little Ivita, my uncle asked you to pull the little country I left on the earth while you are in the mortal world." The Frankish Kingdom. Everyone is our own people. If it is inconvenient for my uncle to go down, it is up to you, my little nephew."

Ivita calmly withdrew her hand from her great-uncle.

Does the Frankish Kingdom still need to take care of itself?

One day later, the goddess of the sea suddenly stopped in the void of the dead universe, and gathered the power of subspace, pretending that she was still a simple god of heaven.

Ivita also quickly controlled the immortal volcano and pretended to be passing nearby.

There is nothing on the surface of this void.

It's just that the female Poseidon focused on a particle somewhere in the void and poured her divine power into it. The particle suddenly grew larger and became as big as a fist. Then the particle quickly rotated and unfolded an arc of light.

This is the divine kingdom of the goddess of the fire element.

It's just that it's hidden now, otherwise the entrance would be as vast as the largest star.

The voice of the fire element goddess came from it. " she my sister, Poseidon?"

"Very good."

"I'm looking for you for something. Come into my kingdom of God."

"Let's discuss it together."

The female Poseidon quickly said to the location of the divine kingdom: "Under the Temple of the Goddess of Fire Element. Come out quickly. I found a wandering divine kingdom among the tombs of the gods. The gods inside were nowhere to be found. The divine kingdom may have just been sucked into the star world. "

"There are items forged with the power of faith everywhere. If we get them, we might be able to leave the tombs of the gods. You also know that once the gods enter the tombs of the gods, it will be difficult to leave. It is easy to get in, but difficult to get out. . It takes a lot of accumulation of faith to leave the star realm."

In the kingdom of God, the goddess of fire element is indeed very interested. "You know, I hid in the Tombs of the Gods just to do that. If it weren't for building a magic network, I wouldn't hide in the Tombs of the Gods on purpose. I have the ability to get out at any time. But where is the Kingdom of Gods? , why don’t you come in, what happened?”

"Hurry up and enter my Kingdom of God and share with me the location of the Wandering Kingdom of God that you discovered."

When the gods such as Ivita and Charlemagne heard this, they were a little worried that the goddess of the fire element had discovered them.

The female Poseidon's face turned pale, "Your Highness, only after you leave the Kingdom of God can I share the location of the Wandering Kingdom with you. Otherwise, if I enter your Kingdom of God, wouldn't I become your fish?"

"Really?" Then, there was silence in the Kingdom of God for a few minutes.

Just when Poseidon thought that her plan had been revealed and she didn't know how to explain it to Ivita, suddenly a shadow composed of divine fire appeared in front of the Kingdom of God, and then the shadow turned into reality.

A goddess with a gorgeous crown made of golden flames appeared outside the Kingdom of God. Her chest was embellished with a red flame necklace.

The goddess of the fire element frowned and said, "You are so unfamiliar with me. You and I hit it off instantly and have been good sisters for many years. Who would have thought that you wouldn't even dare to enter my divine kingdom."

"Then I'd better talk to you outside the Kingdom of God. Where is the location of the Wandering Kingdom you mentioned?"

The female Poseidon was obviously relieved, "I have drawn the location of the Wandering Kingdom into a star map. Come here, the star map is in my arms. Come closer, I will only show you one god."

The goddess of fire element walked over with a smile and stood in front of the female sea goddess, "Show me quickly, good sister."

"Okay." The female Poseidon lowered her head, her eyes flashing sharply. She pretended to take out the star map, and was about to try to find a dagger, but suddenly, a flaming sword passed through her chest and pierced her body. The divine barrier directly attacked her essence as a god, the godhead of the Dolphin God.

Poseidon was shocked. "you!"

The goddess of fire element sneered again and again. "A mere low-level god is worthy of being my sister. If I were in my prime state, I would have as many gods as you as I want."

"I am friendly with you just to use you as a sacrifice for the core of my magic network."

"I asked you to enter my kingdom of God just now, but you didn't go in, and now you want me to waste more energy. Bitch, you really deserve to die."

The goddess of the sea was so angry that all beings regarded her as a piece of fish!

She burst out laughing. "Hahahahaha... good, good, good..."

The goddess of the fire element suddenly realized that something was wrong. The female Poseidon, who had been controlled by her, was constantly bursting out with divine power, restraining her divine realm.

"This is not the power of heaven, this is the power of subspace!"

When the goddess of the fire element sensed something was wrong, her first reaction was to retreat to her own divine kingdom. At that time, she would be invincible.

However, there was a gravitational force in front of the female Poseidon, making it impossible for her to escape.

The knowledge of the fire element goddess is still there. "This is the gravity of subspace. Have you taken refuge in subspace?"

The next moment, the four former emperors and gods took action. The emperor's scepter and three royal artifacts shattered her divine domain respectively, and then hit her body, which weakened the goddess of the fire element to the extreme. Her divine power, divine domain and domain were also destroyed by the four former emperors. God was completely suppressed in a short period of time.

At this moment, Ivita also took action with all her strength, mobilizing her super light soul, super soul palace, the power of the six emperor stars and the six kinds of natal magic, as well as the power of the demon god, to work together, converging into a magic, hitting the fire On the body of the goddess of elements.

"Ah! How can magic hurt me!" The goddess of the fire element was actually injured by magic. Although it was not serious, she could recover in almost a breath.

But it also gave her a flaw, and then she was mercilessly hit on the head by Charlemagne's emperor's scepter. The three royal artifacts and the goddess of the sea took the opportunity to take action again.

Poseidon laughed. "You are unkind and I am unjust. I don't know who will win today."

The goddess of the fire element was defeated continuously and could not find a chance to return to her own kingdom. She said angrily to the female sea god: "You bitch, you came back here today because you want to trick me."

"You are so vicious."


The female Poseidon said: "We are evenly matched. Your Majesty, my Goddess."

"You bitch, you're going to die a good death." The goddess of the fire element became so angry that she immediately flew towards the female Poseidon. She had always regarded the female Poseidon as half of her servant and had never treated her as an equal. But at this moment, she was plotted by the female Poseidon and fell into the trap. Under the siege of a group of gods and humans, the natural psychological defense line was destroyed, and the female Poseidon was directly killed.

Divine fire surrounded Poseidon to burn her alive.

But the female Poseidon suddenly transformed into a subspace void, triggering subspace gravity. Instead, she attracted those flames to enter, and used the authority of [Sitting Subspace Breath] to directly erode the divine power field of the Fire Elemental Goddess. Following the corresponding divine power breath, Attacked towards the believers of the Fire Elemental Goddess.

The Goddess of the Fire Element noticed that the believers were suffering heavy casualties in her divine kingdom, and quickly mobilized the flames in the divine kingdom to burn the subspace aura of Lian Zuo, thus stopping the death of the believers.

But how could the aura of subspace be destroyed so easily? If she were still the aloof goddess of the fire element, she would naturally be able to destroy the aura of subspace easily, but she seemed very powerless at this moment.

The subspace breath of Lianzu killed many believers in her kingdom. The skeletons of these believers stood up again from the kingdom of god and wreaked havoc in her kingdom, causing the goddess of the fire element to lose the last source of her faith.

The aura of the fire element goddess continued to weaken. "What a shameful maid."

She withstood the bombardment of the divine power of the four former emperors, continued to attack only the female Poseidon, and destroyed the skeleton knights who were resurrected by the breath of subspace in the Kingdom of God.

However, she did not realize that the aura of subspace had already dormant among the believers of her kingdom of God. The infected believers began to spread false doctrines within her kingdom of God, destroying the foundation of her kingdom of God.

In desperation, the goddess had no choice but to personally destroy all believers in the kingdom, including their souls.

In this way she declined even more.

If she were in her prime, she would not need to rely on faith to maintain her strength. She is the mother of the fire element in the universe, and has the power of the original element to support her divine status.

But not anymore.

Moreover, she had never preached before, and now she suddenly wanted to preach. Naturally, she did not have the ability. Therefore, there were not many believers in the mortal world, and almost all the believers were in her kingdom of God.

Ivita looked at these battles between gods and thought: 'I am still relatively weak. If I can create Dark Soul, I will have the ticket to enter this battle. ’

‘Now, I’d better watch my ancestors and my subordinates conquer that goddess together. ’

Ivita said to HD84322: "I think the goddess will still struggle to her death. Let's go to the corner quickly."

HD84322 was convinced and grabbed Ivita's clothes. "Let's get the Titan ship away quickly!"

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