The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 458 Becoming the God of the Magic Network! ! !

As the Fire Elemental Goddess fell into an absolute disadvantage, the Fire Elemental Goddess went crazy, destroying the religious artifacts constructed with faith in the Kingdom of God, collecting the remaining faith, and running away in the other direction with all her strength, trying to escape into her own world. Kingdom of God.

She gave up entangled with Poseidon.

As long as she enters the Kingdom of God, she can rely on the Kingdom to suppress the five gods and the powerful mortal wizard lord.

A realm of fire gods appeared in the dead universe, and endless high temperatures appeared, steaming all the divine power, destroying the divine power of the King of Power God and the Emperor God, causing the four major artifacts to lose the support of their source divine power, thus finding a way to escape.

Moreover, she also has a lot of experience in dealing with the power of subspace. She injected divine power into the humanity stored in the Kingdom of God. A large amount of humanity and the divine power of fire converged, bursting out the power to escape the authoritarian centralization and sitting on the divine power, but suppressed the female Poseidon's power. Warp power.

The second son, God Piping, was amazed and said: "This god is much more powerful than the useless dolphin god before. It is just a weak divine power, but it is so capable. We swarmed up and attacked her, but she still has Ability to escape.”

Charlemagne laughed loudly: "It's just catching a turtle in an urn."

The next moment, he stretched out a punch with his left hand, and the god of war turned into a punch. The power of endless war and warriors was condensed on this fist, and hit the goddess of the fire element on the forehead.

The artifact on the forehead of the Goddess of Fire Element, the Goddess of Fire Gem, actually had a crack. She was also hit hard and was knocked back to the sealed area constructed by the three royal artifacts.

Seeing this, the female Poseidon thought to herself that she was indeed a powerful divine power. During this battle, her subspace gravity gradually became a decoration and lost its function, destroyed by the humanity collected by the goddess of the fire element.

Human nature is selfish and advocates freedom. There are no taboos in what we think. It is the nemesis of the sub-divine power of subspace.

Subspace is closely related to intelligent life.

All countries have relied on autocratic centralization to become powerful, and their civilization has reached its peak.

But there are also problems with autocratic centralization. Human nature is ready to move and may overwhelm autocratic centralization at any time.

The goddess of the fire element suffered a big loss and looked at Charlemagne with red eyes. "God Charlemagne, you and I fought against the subspace in the past. Unfortunately, you have fallen and cooperated with the subspace sub-god."

"As a representative of the powerful divine power and the Holy Empire, you have done such a thing. Are you ashamed?"

Seeing that her range of movement was getting smaller and smaller, the fire elemental goddess quickly tried to use her words to make Charlemagne hesitate.

As long as Charlemagne could be slowed down, she would still have a chance to escape.

It is a pity that Charlemagne is determined and instead uses the military priesthood equivalent to medium divine power to call on the guards of the god to attack the goddess of the fire element.

After half a day, the goddess of fire element was trapped by three royal power artifacts. She gave up resistance and calmly looked at Charlemagne, the three king power gods, and the female Poseidon, and said: "Tell me, what are you looking for me for."

Charlemagne said: "I have a descendant. I want to help him ignite the divine fire and become a demigod."

The goddess of the fire element was stunned for a moment, "I thought it was something, but it turned out that it was just for such a trivial matter. If I were still in my prime, I would be a demigod, and it would just be a trivial matter like sprinkling water."

"Even now, it is not difficult for me to help a human become a demigod. I will just share some of my divine power with your descendants."

Charlemagne continued to smile. "My ambition was just that big at the beginning. Later, this female Poseidon liked to resist, and my ambition became bigger. I want to make my descendants become weak gods."

The goddess of the fire element felt tense, but she still said: "That's not a big deal. Does it require us immortal beings to tear our faces apart because of it?"

"Let's make friends today. I will divide three flame-related fields and a weak divine power of the fire element lord god. If you give this junior to you, I can help your junior to become a weak divine power."

"Boy, the god of fire elemental lords perfectly complements your identity as a wizard."

The goddess of the fire element thought that her concession could satisfy Charlemagne.

But who would have thought that Charlemagne shook his head and sighed: "That was my plan originally. What a pity. I heard that you are working on a magic net recently?"

The goddess of the fire element couldn't hold herself any longer, her expression was extremely grim, and she was about to go crazy.

She stared hard at Poseidon. "You bastard, you actually dare to tell other gods about this thing."


The female Poseidon didn't feel guilty at all now. She confidently said to the goddess of fire element: "Sister, please hand over the magic net."

"It will save you the trouble later."

"Why are you doing this?"

The goddess of the fire element used her divine power to continuously strike the three royal artifacts, but unfortunately it had no effect, and instead she continued to suffer damage.

"Don't even think about it. The magic network is the foundation of my comeback. If you want to take away my magic network, it is unreasonable in the first place, and you will definitely pay the price in the future."

"Second, I would rather die with you than be insulted by you. I would rather explode the magic network and cause the collapse of planes and worlds at the multiverse level than give it up to you."

The Goddess of the Fire Element looked at the gods who were beginning to be afraid, and said: "When the time comes, you will be one of the sinners who destroy the multiverse. The God of all things will definitely punish you, hahahaha..."

Charlemagne frowned, and the three kingly gods all felt that things were a bit tricky.

Just when the goddess of the fire element was happy, Ivita said to the goddess of the fire element: "I don't think things should be settled like this."

"You created a magic network that penetrated countless planes of the universe. This in itself was a huge mistake. For your own selfish purposes, you actually created a magic network that once destroyed, would affect a very wide range."

"In the final analysis, you are too selfish. Your Majesty the Goddess, how many universes have you destroyed in order to create your magic network?"

The goddess of the fire element looked ugly, but said nothing, because Ivita was right to the point, and it was unreasonable for her to create the magic network herself.

Ivita said: "I guessed it right. Then how do you know if we are forcing you to hand over the magic network now, is this your retribution?"

"The God of all things will support our actions."

The goddess of the fire element frowned. A few words from Ivita made her feel guilty. "Wizard boy, you are really sharp-tongued."

The goddess of the fire element looked at Charlemagne. "Just like you, your whole family is shameless."

The more Charlemagne looks at Ivita, the more he likes it. He thinks that if Ivita had appeared earlier, would the empire he created still be like this?

Ivita continued to the goddess of fire element: "What if instead of snatching your magic net, I borrow it?"

The goddess of fire element was stunned.

Ivita said: "I want to borrow your magic network for 20,000 years and return it to you after 20,000 years. All the gods around me can testify."

The goddess of fire element looked suspicious. "Are you really just borrowing it? But twenty thousand years is too long."

Iveta's expression remained unchanged. "You have already attracted the attention of the gods by creating the magic network. Today is an example. I will borrow your magic network to prevent disasters for you for 20,000 years. You will not lose anything."

"Besides, Your Majesty the Temple of the Goddess, you are now under our control. We can't get your magic net, and we can also take away all your other priesthoods and accumulated divine power, turning you into a demigod and drifting in the universe unconsciously. inside."

"I remember you don't have any followers anymore, right?"

"Then I'm afraid you can only drift around unconsciously. The goddess of fire element originally did not need to rely on believers to exist as a powerful divine power. This was indeed your advantage in the past, but now you are unable to do so in many universes. For any potential believer, there are no rituals, books, cultural traditions, etc. related to the church, the Holy See, and mystical knowledge that may help you spread your faith.”

Ivita said: "This is really bad, ah."

The goddess of the fire element turned pale, and she thought for a moment. If Ivita and others really did this to her, she might indeed drift in the universe unconsciously forever.

"Twenty thousand years... twenty thousand years... is not a long time for an immortal god." The goddess of fire element gritted her teeth. "Okay, I promise to lend it to you."

"Take it, lucky kid."

"But you and your ancestors must swear to me that you will definitely return it to me after 20,000 years!"

Ivita and the four former emperors and gods hurriedly swore an oath.

The goddess of fire element raised her right hand and took out a bronze key that was divided into two parts.

"This is the core of the magic network."

God Charlemagne said to her: "Then you give up the related fields and the prototype of the magic network and the prototype of the priesthood, and make a divine oath that you will never accept the priesthood of the God of the magic network, but give up this divine position to Ivita... Alsace.”

The Fire Elemental Goddess gritted her teeth. With Charlemagne here, she would not be able to deceive Ivita and leave a back-up on the throne of the God of the Magic Web.

Although her power in her heyday was far greater than that of Charlemagne.

But she couldn't deceive the God of Imperial Power who was the same person as her.

The goddess of the fire element could only penetrate the magic network domain, magic domain, and mage domain into Ivita's soul. Ivita suddenly felt that there were two strange forces in her soul.

In fact, generally speaking, it takes a long time to digest the clergy and domains captured through this method.

But what's interesting is that because the magic network has not yet been completely completed, this peach can still wait for Ivita to pick it, and she can fully master the corresponding field and priesthood immediately.

Then, the goddess of the fire element began to make an oath.

God's oaths are valid.

If the goddess of the fire element disobeys, she will have to pay a certain price, and once she swears, it means that the godhead of the God of the Magic Network can no longer be condensed on her side.

After she swore the oath, she placed a hexagonal crystal that shone with the most beautiful brilliance in the world into Ivita's soul.

Suddenly, Ivita's soul flickered, and six kinds of essences lurking in his soul responded to this.

The goddess of fire element was a little stunned. "This junior of yours is too integrated with the godhead."

"With almost no fusion process, he took over the prototype of my godhead."

"It's really rare."

The goddess of fire element wants to have insight into Ivita, but she is not qualified now, so she can only give up the idea.

Although the four former emperors and gods were also surprised as to why Ivita could accept divine things so easily, Ivita's power was only good for them, so they gave up thinking in this regard without wondering for long.

Charlemagne said calmly to the goddess of the fire element: "Our descendants are of course very compatible with the divine object. How do you plan to perfect the core of the magic network now? You can let Mr. Ivita complete it."

This is a crucial step in picking peaches.

The goddess of the fire element was very conscious of being a prisoner. She took out a weak divine power of the fire element lord and gave it to Ivita, "Put the godhead on the core key of the magic network, and it will be successful."

"I just didn't want to sacrifice this priesthood before, so I needed to find help from other weak gods."

Ivetta rolled her eyes at how you defined helping.

Ivita put this godhead on the key, and the two immediately began to merge. With the key supported by the priesthood, strong energy began to burst out, injecting into the magic network of the heavens and the world.

Suddenly, countless creatures in the universe felt that their world had undergone serious changes, as if there was an extra sun in the world.

One by one, the wise men of the universe, before everyone else, first discovered that there was some kind of invisible network between heaven and earth that connected all matter. They also discovered that natural phenomena could be changed by using this network.

As a result, magic spreads in these originally magic-free universes.

In an instant, the consciousness of thousands of creatures were connected to Ivita through the magic network, and the prototype of the godhead in Ivita's body was also integrated into a godhead with 1 point of divine power.

1 point of divine power is just weak divine power.

And Ivita's soul was continuously infused with divine power, and a spark of divine immortality rose in his soul.

The four former emperors and gods originally wanted to help Ivita and ignite the divine fire. After all, it would be too dangerous without the help of gods in this field.

But at this moment, they and the Fire Elemental Goddess were all astonished.

"He actually ignited the divine fire by himself without relying on anyone's help. For thousands of years, almost no one has been able to do this on their own. Incredible, unbelievable."

"There's something wrong with him. He seems to be a god himself, so he only needs enough divine power to ignite the divine fire on his own."

"The speed at which the godhead takes shape is also incredibly fast."

"He has no objection to divine power at all. As a mortal, his body has completely absorbed the person of God. What is going on? His body does not even need divine power to baptize and transform into a god!"

The four former emperors and gods looked at each other. What kind of monsters were they helping?

Ivita felt that the Magic Network was becoming more and more powerful, but because of its new birth, it could only use lower-level magic, and the Godhead of the Magic Network was not powerful enough.

As time passes, the god of the Demonic Network will become a powerful god.

"The magic that can be used now is all low-level magic. If placed in the Magic Black Forest, it can only be used as apprentice-level magic. If placed in the world, it is magic below the sixth ring..."

"But the level of magic will increase."

Ivita also realized that she could transport her magic through the magic network to be used by wise men in various universes, so that she could protect those mages who used the magic network.

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