The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 465 Start making the Dark Soul

In the Kingdom of Alsace, in the summer palace of Henry VII, looking at the piles of documents blaming him in front of him, even most of the nobles in the country were tactfully criticizing him. Henry VII was so angry that he overturned all the documents on the table. , so scared that several palace attendants and low-level noble youths around him did not dare to speak.

Henry VII was extremely angry. "Even I don't know the specific details of the good deeds that Asroth Danli did! Originally, I only knew that they united the witches and three knights to behead that bastard Ivita. How could I know that Asroth Danli actually Even more of a bastard than Ivita, for being stupid enough to use servants of the Black Death.”

"I originally thought he was a reliable person, but I didn't expect that he was just a fool, a fool."

"As long as I buy a few cardinals who are waiting for a price, I can get the majority of cardinals to stand on our side at the next papal meeting and force the pope to make a decision. But he actually assassinated Ivita It failed, and people got direct evidence, what a bastard."

Henry VII picked up a letter from a nobleman at home and wrote to him, in which he tactfully asked him to pay attention to his international image and not to use the Black Death to anger other countries. However, this sincere letter of persuasion was so dazzling in the eyes of Henry VII at this moment. "It's so treasonous. I dare to make suggestions to the king. Do you still think that I am just a traveling merchant selling furs and silks? I am just a viscount. You will give me a backup of all the nobles in the country who gave me suggestions at this time. These people are all They are rebellious officials and traitors, none of them can be trusted or trusted!"

Everyone around was scared, and no one dared to speak.

But seeing the increasingly angry King Henry VII dancing like crazy was not a problem.

A young man from the court aristocracy with some blush on his face and wearing stockings timidly said to the king: "Your Majesty, please be careful about your health and don't ruin your health by being angry with some unworthy people. You need to calm down."

Henry VII raised his head and glanced at the funny-dressed young nobles in the palace. He actually didn't like this style of dressing up, but the courts of various countries had their own etiquette and style, so he did not forcefully change the clothes of these palace servants. Clothes style.

Henry VII forced a smile, stared at the aristocratic young man who reminded him, and pretended that he had regained his composure and calmness. "Nolde Howard is from the Howard family. You are good. You are a person who cares about his king. I remember your father is the court earl Howard."

Nolde Howard had a look of ecstasy on his face. These court nobles only had a title and no fiefdom, so they needed to rely on the king the most, and it was best to get the king's favor.

Seeing that he had entered the eyes of Henry VII, Nolde Howard was extremely excited. Nolde said to Henry VII: "My father is Jane Howard. He is in charge of managing your wardrobe in the palace, my majesty. He You often tell me that serving the monarch of a big country like you requires care and patience, and requires..."

Someone pushed open the door to King Henry VII's study.

As soon as Henry VII saw the visitor, he smiled, and without looking at Howard, he just waved to him casually, telling him to shut up and step back. Henry VII greeted the visitor, his eldest son Jaylon. "Jeron, you are finally here."

Jielong is a tall and strong man, but his eyes are full of deep wisdom and ambition.

Geron opened his mouth and said to Henry VII: "Father, let's not talk about this now. You are so confused. Do you think you can still sit here peacefully after such a big thing happened?"

"The use of the Black Death has become a major issue shared by all the countries in the Magical Black Forest."

"There must be an explanation for this matter."

Henry VII was dumbfounded, "You mean..."

Jie Long said firmly: "Yes. I mean, push out the commander of the Forbidden Army. His identity is too dirty. As long as some black information about him is dug out, no one will let him live."

"But...we can get the throne thanks to him." Henry VII hesitated.

Jie Long said: "He is the kind of person who spends all day tearing down the west wall to make up for the east wall. His problem is so big that when he wakes up every morning, he has to worry about his secrets being discovered. Even without us, that Venomous snakes can also kill themselves, we are just accelerating the process."

"Those who live in the shadows will sooner or later die due to conspiracy."

"No one is a fool. Even if no one notices some lies and conspiracies at the time, someone will definitely notice them in the future. After a long time, everyone will know who he is. This is what our Forbidden Army commander gradually does. The reason why it doesn’t work anymore.”

Henry VII nodded. "Then you go ahead and do it. After all, he and I still have a relationship between monarch and minister. I won't know anything."

Just when the two of them had discussed it, and the surrounding palace nobles were trembling, and the commander of the imperial army even wanted to find an opportunity to inform him, the people in the study were pushed away again, and they were all covered in sweat. The commander of the Imperial Army [Asroth Danli].

Asroste Danley is a strong man. He was originally from underground boxing. He fought well in underground boxing and was appreciated by Ivita's father. He has come step by step to where he is today. He still has a strong body. , and his body was still covered with scars from being whipped when he was young.

Now, the commander of the Forbidden Army in Alsace, Asroste Danley, showed a sinister look. Next to him stood a young nobleman from the court of Henry VII. It was he who informed the commander of the Forbidden Army.

Asroth Stanley treated Henry VII viciously. "I didn't expect that, Your Majesty, you actually want to take action against me and your benefactor. You ungrateful capitalist, you have forgotten that if it weren't for me, how could you be worthy of your current prominent status."

"If I hadn't installed many of my own people in your palace, I really don't know that you all want me dead."

Henry VII was very nervous. "Listen to me first, it's not what you think. Someone must take responsibility for what happened to Ivita."

The commander of the imperial army, Asroth Danli, licked his tongue. "Yes, someone must take responsibility, otherwise the countries and churches will not give up, and the nobles in the country will also break away from the royal capital. Someone must pay the price, and that is the price of blood. Your Majesty, please pay."

"Tonight, it's time for our guards to contribute to the kingdom again."

Jie Long looked at him coldly, with a disdainful smile on his face. "Astrostedanli, you were defeated by Ivita, do you know? It was not us who put you in crisis today. It was after you were defeated by Ivita that your subordinates and your connections had foreseen Your power is collapsing and you are being emptied out, so your power will collapse on its own. In fact, you have been completely defeated by Ivita. To put it simply, you are out."

Asroth Stanley raised the corners of his mouth. "Shut up. I have the Forbidden Army in the palace. Whoever has the army is the boss. I don't care who you are, you all will die."

Three days later, Ivita received the news that there had been huge changes in the high-level structure of Alsace. First of all, the former commander of the Forbidden Army, Asroste Danli, was deposed from his position and became a prisoner. Many of the people he had done evil things were dug out. Misdeeds.

For example, Asrostedanli once hired witches and openly killed several military instructors in the capital of Alsace. He also eliminated dissidents and installed cronies among the Praetorian Guards. He was also suspected of murdering the previous king of Alsace, and many others The problems of the Alsace regime, the use of servants of the Black Death, and the responsibility for assassinating Ivita were all placed on Asroth Danli.

Aceroste Stanley will soon be beheaded on the guillotine designed by Henry VII himself to serve as a warning to others.

The current King of Alsace, Henry VII, also publicly invited Ivita to attend the execution of Asroste Danley, and sincerely expressed his comfort to Ivita in various public occasions.

As for its sincerity, it is probably as fake as plastic.

Ivita said to the Winter Witch sitting next to the study: "Unexpectedly, in the end, the winner of their domestic internal fight was Henry VII. I thought it would be Astroth Stanley who won."

"Now it seems that Astroth Stanley underestimated Henry VII."

The Winter Witch simply said: "This is not surprising. Henry VII was dim, but his eldest son was quite a man. Astroth Stanley underestimated Henry VII's children, so he failed miserably."

Ivita nodded. In fact, for a master of involution like Asroth Stanley, his existence really has no use other than weakening the country and satisfying his personal needs for power.

But now he can be regarded as one of the people in the alliance who killed Astroth Stanley - Henry VII - Oyo III.

It can be regarded as a small revenge.

The Hearthstone Witch stood in front of the table and said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, do you really want to watch the execution of Asroth Stanley?"

Ivita said: "Go, of course I want to go. I want to see the final demise of my enemy with my own eyes. I can just use the clone created by my giant magic to go. Even if the clone is destroyed, I will never use magic again." Creating one only takes a little time and negligible magic resources."

"Originally, I wanted to go to the church first and then create Dark Soul. But now it seems I don't have to."

"With Asroth Stanley doing this, the church will only remain neutral in a short period of time."

Iveta looked at the second secret report in her hand. It recorded that the subspace demon suddenly invaded Alsace and the territory directly under the emperor again, and had annihilated several villages in succession. It was suspected that he wanted to challenge him again. The war between the magical black forest and the subspace begins.

King Henry VII of Alsace has written to the countries and churches to get help, but the countries and churches did not want to support him until they saw the seriousness of the demon invasion.

The church has recently been involved in religious heresy disputes. A bishop in a remote area began to preach that the church does not have the right to interpret scriptures, and that the church is not needed to spread the gospel, only scriptures.

The church feels that this is a distortion. Both the church and the classics are used by the God of all things to spread the gospel. Both are authoritative. The authority of the church and its high-level officials is even greater than that of dead scriptures.

As for the other countries, because they had discovered the New World, everyone wanted to take a bite. At this time, how could they have the energy to deal with Alsace and the Empire?

What's more, they have a bad reputation recently. Who knows if it's another conspiracy.

"Jeron and the eldest son of Oyo III have gone to track down the subspace demon." Ivita said: "In this way, I can create the Dark Soul with peace of mind."

The Hearthstone Witch suddenly spoke to Ivita. "Your Majesty, I also feel that I have reached the time when I can make the Dark Soul. When you collected potions before, you and I made six potions, as well as the dark group potions. I asked the leader of the Sun God Cult and the King of Tombs to Three adults, including the Winter Witch, opened my inner avatar for me and successfully created these three potions."

"I will also be making Dark Souls recently. I think it will be good for you to make Dark Souls with you and help you mislead your enemies."

Ivita raised her eyebrows. The Hearthstone Witch was able to create the Dark Soul. She could guess the reason. She was good in her own right, and she had been with him for a long time, and she was always affected by her.

In the past, the Ice Lich Lord was just a little influenced by himself, and he went from having no magic talent to having a magic talent, and he was still a very strong magic talent.

The Hearthstone Witch has definitely become different as she has been with herself.

Especially after he obtained the demonic personality and ignited the spark of divine immortality, the spark of divine immortality affected the surroundings, naturally emitting energy and blessing those around him.

Ivita said: "Then you create the Dark Soul here, and I will let the Black Knights, the Tomb Kings, the Desert Soldiers, and the Blue Fantasy Witch protect you. The law will also protect you. Winter Princess, if you are willing to help Watching from here, I’ll be grateful to you too.”

The Winter Witch nodded to Ivita. "Now we have the same goal."

Ivita stood up, "Then I will return to the depths of the star realm now."

"I will come back when I succeed in creating the Dark Soul. If I fail, I will come back. Although defeating the Kingdom of Arthas does not necessarily require successfully creating the Dark Soul, it would be a pity if it fails."

The Winter Witch said to Ivita: "You will succeed. The dark soul created with nine potions is the most powerful and authentic type."

"Only this kind of dark soul has the opportunity to go further."

Ivita used her divine power to simulate the aura of death, and suddenly a bright starry sky appeared behind him. The starry sky instantly became nothingness and deathly silence, and boundless darkness enveloped it. A huge attraction appeared from there and began to summon Ivita. Get into it.

Ivita didn't resist at all, and in a moment, she re-entered the tomb of the gods.

As soon as he entered the tomb of the gods and looked at the empty world around him, he began to look for Charlemagne and the others. "The tombs of the gods are so big and boundless."

"I wonder if I can find my ancestors."

"If I can't find it, I will find a safe place deep in the star realm and start making the dark soul. The tomb of the gods is so big that it will give me a hiding place."

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