The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 466 The Tomb of King Arthas in the Star Boundary

Iveta searched the depths of the star realm for a whole day, but the interior of the tomb of the gods was really too big. He did not find Charlemagne and the others. Instead, he found a figure who had walked out of the kingdom of God and was filled with the aura of death and killing waves. Medium divine power to assassinate gods.

Ivita kept well away from Him, lest she should be entangled with Him.

He also encountered some floating corpses of gods in the star realm. These gods were created by the gods' creations when they came into contact with the power of corruption. There were also some children who were the result of indescribable things between gods. Contaminated by the corrupting power of the outside world, it became an abomination that gods hated.

Because these corpses have some divinity, they will fall into the depths of the star realm when they die, but they are completely dead and will float in the depths of the star realm forever.

Ivita saw that the decayed flesh of these evil corpses was actually covered with twisted insects. Some of these astral spiritual insects were black and began to attack their companions as soon as they grew up. Some astral spiritual insects were The white ones do not actively attack other bugs, but only eat the corpses of dead bugs.

Ivita noticed that these astral spiritual insects have a limited lifespan, and the tombs of the gods are constantly absorbing their vitality. In order to survive, these two colored insects are fighting and devouring each other. In order to obtain the spiritual energy of each other, Support them to survive on their own.

The lifespan of these two insects is about half an hour, which means that a batch of them will die in about half an hour.

In the end, they will devour each other. After they devour each other, they will actually start to transform, transforming into a race that can resist the absorption of life energy in the tombs of the gods. Their surface is covered with a layer of spiritual runes that are close to divine energy. , this spiritual rune prevents the tombs of the gods from further draining their life force.

Ivita noticed that this rune allowed them to survive in the tombs of the gods and the star world, but it also made it impossible for them to adapt to the main material plane. I was afraid that they would be rejected by the main material plane as soon as they entered the material plane.

Part of the white astral bug turned into a silver rune all over. It was about 3 meters tall, with a very thin body, long arms that went over the knees, and a big head. The overall feeling was like an alien-like astral spirit race.

The black bugs will become more than 4 meters tall, but their bodies are more like slender beasts. Their bodies are covered with black spiritual runes, and their bodies are closer to spiritual life forms.

Some comb-shaped psychic battleships of the Astral Spirit Tribe have appeared around the Astral Spirit Tribe. When these Astral Spirit Tribes grow up, they will fire their psionic cannons at the malicious Astral Spirit Demon. The powerful psychic energy will The spirit demon exploded, blasting these spiritual creatures, the astral spirit demons, who were born from the divinity of death, into pieces.

When a shuttle warship of the Astral Spirit Tribe passed by Ivita, it suddenly stopped and turned the muzzle. Instead of pointing the muzzle at Ivita, there was a man wearing a translucent protective mask on his head. An alien-like Astral Spirit Race member came out, bowed respectfully to Ivita and said, "I don't know which His Highness is here."

"We are killing the abominable evil demons of the astral realm. They are born from the divinity of death, and their hearts are full of evil. If we do not kill them, they will soon establish civilization with superior wisdom and threaten the astral realm. Creatures disturb the dormancy of the gods, harass the major divine realms in the star realm, and even invade the main plane. Similar things have happened before... Their mind bomb ability is extremely powerful, because they and we are originally the same. A purely spiritual creature, spiritually more powerful than a mind flayer."

"Your Highness, we are sorry if we have disturbed you. We will leave here after we eliminate the evil demons in the star world. Please forgive us. Once the evil demons leave here, it will be difficult for us to find them. The tombs of the gods are vast. Boundless and without the concept of space, as long as those evil demons in the astral world find a place to continuously develop themselves and technology, and then find an opportunity to leave the tombs of the gods and enter the star realm, it will be very troublesome."

Because he didn't know which god Ivita was, he only called her your highness.

Ivita nodded to him. These creatures living in the star world are all dangerous to humans in the Magic Black Forest. If it becomes a catastrophe on a large scale, it will be a disaster for other weaker main material planes. It's even more of a disaster.

It will be relatively easy for non-gods to leave the tombs of the gods. Although it is still difficult, there are ways to leave.

For example, through the accidental overlap of the etheric realm and the astral realm, the location of the tombs of the gods is deflected, and the etheric passage runs through the depths of the astral realm. At that time, you can leave along the etheric passage.

It's just that Ivita didn't expect that the dead body of a god could evolve into life. Can it be said that it is truly a being related to gods?

Ivita didn't care about this matter. There was a war between the astral spirits and the astral spirits in this star field, so he used his magic power to create the bronze boat of the Lacedaemonians in the void, and controlled the bronze boat. Break through the void of the dead universe and head into the distance.

After leaving the battlefield, Ivita once again tried to find the four late emperor gods, but he was gradually losing patience. If he couldn't find them, he was going to find an uninhabited place deep in the star realm, set up a barrier, and start creating darkness. soul.

Ivita exudes the divine power of her own magic network god and goes deep into the void. Although this behavior may easily attract some unnecessary prying eyes and even attract some strange gods, it is also easier to find the four late emperor gods.

About three hours later, when Ivita was about to give up looking for the late emperors and gods, four powerful divine powers suddenly attacked from the distance, and a giant snake of the universe followed behind them.

The cosmic giant snake is extremely powerful, and its whole body exudes the force of the universe. All things and species seem to be contained in every scale of it, containing unparalleled power. When the snake's eyes are raised, all the blocking divine power in front of it suddenly collapses. .

Moreover, the giant snake of the universe spat out its words, and the tyrannical force of the world seemed to bring a small universe with it and smashed into the four late emperors and gods.

The giant snake of the world said: "Give me back my reverse scale. It is my powerful artifact. It is completely controlled by me. It is the thing that accompanies me. Give it back to me quickly!"

"Good guy, I actually found a helper. Hahaha, you four gods are so shameless."

Ivita was stunned for a moment.

The four former emperors and gods were very anxious when they saw Ivita. "Hurry up and run away with me. We will take advantage of the creation of the world snake and steal his creation artifact."

"We were modifying His Creation Artifact while escaping. As long as we delay a little longer, the Universal Snake will not be able to find us through the Artifact. Wait a minute, it's done. The world runes he left in the Creation Artifact and the divine brand have completely disappeared, and those secondary realms and demigod realms left in the creation artifact have also been devoured by us."

"Hahaha, little Ivita, you seem to be able to use space magic, take us away quickly. Our divine power fluctuations are locked by this giant snake of the universe, and we really can't escape from its observation range for the time being. We are having a headache right now because we originally wanted to run to the nearby area of ​​the corpses of the gods and use the special death divinity of the gods to interfere with their sense of the force."

Iveta raised her eyebrows, it turns out that the four of you usually rob everywhere in the star realm. He quickly used the bronze boat to connect to the magic net, mobilized his divine power, strengthened the bronze boat, and then jumped into the void with the four former emperor gods who ran in front of him.

At this moment, the giant snake of the universe became furious and opened its bloody mouth. The force of the terrible world turned into a mouth of darkness that swallowed the universe, and even wanted to swallow up Ivita's space magic fluctuations. If it were the Dark Door , now I’m afraid I can’t break free from the cosmic black hole simulated by the world’s force.

But the Broken Bronze Boat itself is a magic developed by the Lacedaemonians in order to colonize different universes through different universes, so Ivita can still use the Broken Bronze Boat to leave the place.

After avoiding the giant snake of the world, Ivita controlled the Bronze Boat and headed east, not daring to stay where it was.

The giant snake of the world just now was so big that it was like a universe. Being chased by this existence, the Broken Bronze Boat that he controlled was like a small leaf in the sea, so small.

They ran away for a long time. Ivita looked back and rolled her eyes. The four late emperors and gods were surrounding the scales of the giant snake they had robbed, observing the snake scale patterns on it. These snake scale patterns naturally formed many shapes. Runes, all of these runes are true words that explain the nature of the world.

When ordinary people see it, their heads will explode and their souls will turn into powder, because their spirituality is not enough to support the world runes.

Charlemagne looked at the rune of the giant snake of the universe and said with a smile: "Wonderful, the runes on these scales naturally produced a language that explains the truth of the world. I heard that the giant snake of the universe swallowed up the universe where he was born. Destroyed all the local gods in the small universe where he came from. Then of course his Ni Lin will have the mysteries and laws of the entire universe."

"In those days before laws came, these rules and divinity were the most powerful forces that ruled the earth. Thanks to Ivita, our five gods robbed, and our cooperation was really close."

The eldest son, God Lothair, thought of Ivita, raised his head and looked at Ivita, and said with a smile: "Little Ivita, thanks to you this time, we got rid of the giant snake of the world. We owe you a favor, But we cooperate very well. If you want to retire in the star realm in the future, you might as well find us. Together with us, our five gods will cooperate absolutely smoothly."

Ivita wiped the sweat from her forehead and said: "Ancestors, do you know the purpose of my coming to find you?"

The four gods suddenly became serious.

The kingly gods looked at the emperor god Charlemagne, and god Charlemagne wrote lightly: "Actually, when you entered the star realm, I sensed your position and direction. This is my privilege as the emperor god."

"I can sense the approximate direction of people with imperial titles."

"I guessed your purpose at that time."

"So the reverse scale of the giant snake of the universe is even more important. You are lucky. The mantra on the reverse scale of the giant snake of the universe is just right for you to create a dark soul."

Ivita looked at Charlemagne in confusion.

Charlemagne said: "There are three kinds of world runes that generally represent mantras, namely the language of world evolution, the language of mental habits, and the language of heavenly creation. The runes composed of the natural lines of reverse scales on the giant snake of the universe, It happens to include most of the world’s runes in these three categories.”

"In other words, with this reverse scale, even if you fail to create the Dark Soul, you can still use it to simulate the laws of the world's operation, the mystery of God's creation, the path of change in the development of civilization, and the human heart. The mysterious way of deep dive, and try to create a dark soul again."

Ivita looked at the snake scale, and he understood that this was his second chance.

Charlemagne said: "You helped us obtain this snake scale, so it is normal for us to help you. Emperor Oyo III should not be able to say anything. Now you come with us. We will take you there, we are here The abode of the astral plane.”

"Our residence in the star realm has always been in accordance with the specific encrypted rules, cyclically changing positions within the tombs of the gods, and is not in a fixed place."

Iveta followed them, feeling ashamed in her heart, right? If you four robber gods hadn't been changing places in your hometown, wouldn't you have been blocked at the door of your home?

Ivita followed them with her Realm Breaker.

Soon after, they came to a group of mausoleums floating in the dead universe. These mausoleums were extremely vast. Each mausoleum was more like an underground kingdom. There were countless stone statues buried with soldiers, as if the dead were to be buried with them after death. I also want to be an emperor and command others.

Ivita asked: "Where is this place? It's so full of death."

The three royal gods looked at Ivita strangely.

Charlemagne put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "This is the Tomb of the King of Alsace. This can be considered a secret. Few people know that the depths of the Tomb of the King of Alsace are connected to the tombs of the gods. In other words, the Tomb of the King Located in the Enchanted Dark Forest and Tomb of the Gods.”

"By the way, didn't you just send people to the tomb to make a big fuss? Why did you forget it so quickly? Little Ivita, this won't work. You don't even recognize the tombs of your ancestors."

Iveta was a little embarrassed and immediately changed the subject. "Although this tomb deep in the star realm is connected to the tomb in the mortal world, it cannot be passed through, right?"

Charlemagne nodded. "That's right. Otherwise, you can leave the tomb and enter the mortal world here. Although the two are the same place and thing, they are in different plane levels."

"You can see the mortal people in the King's Tomb in the King's Tomb, and of course the other person can also see you. Because you are all in the King's Tomb, but because you are on different levels, you cannot contact each other. They will only think You are a ghost in the king's tomb, but I didn't expect that the truth is even more outrageous."

"But you're perfectly safe here making Dark Souls."

Iveta looked at the tomb of the king and suddenly understood why the Ice Lich Witch said that she had seen herself in the tomb of the king in Alsace. She was still thinking about how she could create darkness in the tomb of the king. Could it be that he failed to create the dark soul this time and succeeded in creating the dark soul for the second time after occupying Alsace.

Only now did he know that he was the dark soul created in the tomb of the king in the star world.

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