The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 467 The Three Virtues of Destroying Dark Souls

Ivita walked into the tomb of the king and found that there were many figures crowded in the tomb of the king of Alsace. If she looked carefully, she saw that they were the guards in the tomb of the king.

Because of Christine's previous commotion, there are now many more people in the Tomb of the King of Alsace.

Just any small group can reflect a small part of the characteristics of the larger environment in which they live.

Ivita saw that at the entrance to the Tomb of the King of Alsace, someone brought their family members into it, which violated military regulations, but as long as they gave some money to the officers in the Tomb of the King, the officers would turn a blind eye.

In the royal tomb, which was originally solemn and important, there were actually many children from outsiders.

Such a serious mistake was not reported to the police at all.

Ivita commented on the four former emperors and gods: "Corruption destroys the institutional system. When a system is corrupt to a certain extent, no matter what order is issued, the order will be invalid."

"The King of Alsace now has very little control over the grassroots."

Charlemagne nodded and said: "You are right. We can see something through the king's tomb. During the previous generation of kings, the king's tomb was still in order. No soldier would be lazy, and no soldier would go to bed in the middle of the night. And not doing your duty in the cemetery.”

"But now, the defense of the King's Tomb has become a joke. That Henry VII, even if he sent people to strengthen the patrol of the King's Tomb, in the middle of the night, almost all the guards of the King's Tomb would go to bed. Haha."

Ivita nodded, having a deeper understanding of the concepts related to the Black Death. Eliminating corruption is always the first important thing for kings and rulers to do.

As corruption deepens, nothing can be done.

Ivita and the four former emperors and gods entered the deepest part of the king's tomb, which is the tomb of Charlemagne who was hidden in the deepest part. Charlemagne became a god after his death, but he died after all when he was a mortal. So there are still graves.

In the tomb, the lamp is always burning, and the majestic clay sculpture army guards the underground palace tomb.

Ivita sat on the throne in the tomb of the underground palace, and a part of the god Charlemagne descended and temporarily blessed him.

Charlemagne said: "You can create the Dark Soul here with peace of mind. No matter what happens, we will help you stop it."

"The reverse scale of the giant snake of the world is placed here."

Ivita hesitated and nodded. "I'm very grateful to you, my grandfather. And all my uncles."

The four gods nodded to him, and the next moment, they disappeared into the cemetery palace.

And Ivita also took out nine potions. He first took the potions of the three material groups in order. When his body and shadow were glowing, emitting a dazzling light like a star, he After taking the potions of the three soul groups in order, the light of the shadow on the ground and the light of the body suddenly merged into one.

Ivita seemed to have passed through a huge tunnel, which was a tunnel from matter to ether, to astral body, to soul, and finally deep into the spiritual world.

But it didn't stop yet. Ivita went deep into the deepest part of his spiritual world and saw the rapid changes of tens of thousands of colors. He discovered that the depth of spirituality was not his own existence. He discovered that his own thoughts, his own consciousness, and his subconscious mind None of them are their true selves.

‘The creation of Dark Souls now begins. I want to first enter the fundamental state of nothingness and open up a new world in my own true existence. ’ Ivita’s consciousness fell into a deeper abyss of existence.

In fact, this is very dangerous.

Because in the process of exploring oneself, one has fallen into the abyss of one's own existence and can never leave, which is normal.

Ivita finally came to a world of consciousness with nothing in it. This world was a void, and all things and species disappeared. There was only a huge hole of complete nothingness and complete emptiness.

Ivita looked into the huge hole, and various sounds continued to appear in her ears.

‘I warned you not to try to find out the secret. Everyone spends his life exploring something, but it is not a good habit to get to the bottom of it, and you often get stuck in it. ’

'It is too foolish to pursue infinite things with a limited life. ’

'I also warned you, put your curiosity aside. Stop, stop, and be satisfied with the status quo is the foundation of a person's happiness. Satisfaction is the most noble quality. Even the gods will praise a person who likes to be satisfied and is easy to be satisfied. You have to learn to be satisfied. Now you have fallen into the abyss of desire. In this self-dispute of existence, you will spend all your life and time. ’

'I also warned you not to test your imagination. The consequence of indulging your imagination is that you will not mature. A mature person will give up his imagination early, accept that he has grown up, and learn to be exactly the same as the people around him. Only if you are exactly the same as the people around you will others not reject you. But you just can't learn to curb your imagination, mortal Ivita, you will always be a mortal. ’

Iveta looked up and found three suns of different colors appearing above the head of this huge void of nothingness.

'Last chance. We are here to show you the three virtues of a normal human healthy life. With these three virtues, you will be able to live longer and more peacefully than others. You will have a stable life and lovely relatives. You will The joy of being cheerful and standing still. ’

‘First, learn to be satisfied. The second is the maturity of learning to let go of imagination, which is reality, and the third is the laziness of learning not to think about anything. ’

"Easy to be satisfied, mature and realistic, and lazy to follow the crowd, you are a normal and healthy adult human being. This is your last chance, accept the three supreme virtues of heaven, and you will get everything you want."

Ivita saw three suns setting in the sky. He felt that as long as he touched these three supreme virtues, he could leave this abyss of existence and return to the level of the material world.

But he was unwilling, and three inner magic materials surged out of his body, and the gap between the three suns was penetrated by a ray of light.

Ivita realized that it was her own light soul.

Then, he drank the last three sets of potions, which were his own magic potions, the secret potion, the curiosity potion, and the imagination potion, and then the three suns in the sky were eroded by secrets, curiosity, and imagination respectively.

What can break the stubborn maturity of ignorance is curiosity.

What can break away from lazy thinking is imagination.

What can free one from self-limitation is the pursuit of secrets.

The three human dream forces came together, and the in-situ materials in the nine magic potions began to merge with each other, and the prototype of the Dark Soul finally appeared in the sky.

Chains of reason appear from the prototype of Dark Soul. It is Ivita's prototype of darkness that is creating [Logos], which is the logical philosophical concept created by Dark Soul.

Logos is completely shattered, three gifts from the three incarnations within.

Before disappearing, the three inner incarnations of Ivita appeared in front of Ivita's body. They sighed, were disappointed, and then blessed.

"Truth and secrets are the most dangerous things in the world. In order to protect mediocre people, we must block them. But we will not block those who truly desire these things. The fusion of Dark Souls is extremely difficult. I hope you will not fail. "

Eventually, they disappear completely and merge completely with Ivita.

This represents Ivita, in complete control of these three inner realms.

This also accelerated the fusion progress of the Dark Soul in mid-air. The nine potions plus the existence essence of Ivita, the ten substances were combined into something that was in a liquid state, a solid state, an ionic state, and even a vapor state. state of matter.

These materials are merging with each other, trying to converge into a perfect sphere just like the cosmic nebula gathers materials and turns into a planet. That is the successful birth of Dark Soul.

But the fusion of these substances progressed very slowly.

Ivita must fuse these substances before the potion disappears, otherwise she will fail to create the Dark Soul just like the Tomb King and the Nether Witch sisters.

"The fusion process must be accelerated. This is the difficulty." Ivita thought. "The light soul and the dark soul are both things in themselves, things that can exist by themselves."

"It's just that the light soul is the thing-in-itself in the idealistic sense. The dark soul is the thing-in-itself in the existential sense."

"I'll use the light soul to accelerate first."

Ivita mobilized the light soul and let the light shine on the dark soul, speeding up the fusion of the mysterious substance into the dark soul. This indeed doubled the speed, but it was not enough.

Ivita thought again that the dark soul was the pinnacle product of magic. He used the light soul to transform all his magical insights into a solid body and sent it into the mysterious substance. As expected, the speed of the fusion of the mysterious substance was doubled.

"It's still a little short of it." Ivita felt that she was almost successful. The material levels of the Dark Souls she used were very high, especially the three inner magic materials. Because she was a god and a demon, there were many complexities in her body. The relationship between power and quality is countless times greater than that of the Hearthstone Witch.

Rarely seen in the world.

Using nine kinds of potions to make a dark soul will definitely be of high quality. Therefore, the super light soul and my own accumulated magic knowledge are still not enough.

If this continues, making Dark Souls will fail.

Ivita thought of the power of the Emperor Star. The starlight of the six Emperor Stars turned into the power of existence, entered his existence, illuminated the mysterious material with him, and once again increased the fusion speed of the mysterious material by 0.5 times.

In the process of the fusion of mysterious substances, many mysterious sounds appeared, some were explosions, some were bells, and some were the gentle singing voice of a mysterious woman. All kinds of mysterious sounds in the world are appearing.

Ivita was inspired, and quickly used the Super Soul Heavenly Palace to inject the power of the mysterious substance in mid-air, and also called on the power of the lost city in her soul.

Then, he used the subspace breath of the Demon God to once again increase the fusion speed of the mysterious substance, and then used the divine power of the Demon Web God.

"It's still close." Iveta's eyes were dazzled. She actually saw the reverse scales of the giant snake in the universe in her own existence space. This should be when Charlemagne left before, he combined this artifact with a trace of his divine power. The origins were connected, which led to this happening.

"This is it."

Ivita looked at the reverse scales of the World Serpent, and interpreted countless mysterious symbols from it. One after another world runes entered the mysterious material, which not only accelerated the creation of the Dark Soul, but also improved the Dark Soul's strength. quality.

Half of the Dark Soul has condensed into a huge black planet, and the remaining half is quickly flying to the top of the Dark Soul, condensing the lower half.

But at this time, black sound waves erupted from the Dark Soul. These black sound waves were like the sounds of riots and destruction of order. These sounds were actually destroying the semi-finished Dark Soul and attacking Ivita's existence. .

‘It is the reaction force that occurs when the dark soul is condensed. ’ Iveta quickly understood the situation. ‘The reaction force cannot be eliminated. Otherwise, my half-finished dark soul will be destroyed, but if I continue to let this sound of destruction appear, my dark soul will be riddled with holes and the creation will fail. The dark souls of the three Nether Witch sisters are like that. ’

Ivita suddenly remembered that he was still carrying a doll given to him by the Witches of Epirus. The doll could also block a fatal attack.

He quickly used his presence to seduce the doll and transferred all the sounds of destruction to the doll.

Seeing that the sound of destruction no longer appeared on the surface of her dark soul, Ivita breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Creating Dark Soul is really difficult. ’

‘Then continue to put the world runes into my dark soul. ’

Six great divine powers suddenly appeared on the surface of Ivita's body, and those six divine powers quickly entered the Dark Soul. "This is the six divine powers that have been maintaining balance in my body."

"They're improving my Dark Souls quality."

Ivita looked happy, and then he continued to create the Dark Soul. When the Dark Soul was about to be completed, his thoughts moved slightly, and two powers appeared above the existence space.

It is divided into two manifestations: the feminine mind and the masculine mind of Ivita.

These two manifestations are like water and fire, refining on the semi-finished product of his Dark Soul. Each time they are refining, the Dark Soul will be closer to a perfect circle.

Ivita's heart and blood are severely consumed, but he has the infinite faith transmitted from the magic network, and he can use this power to make up for the digestion of power in his body.

As long as the power of faith is operated by the true God, it can replenish energy of almost any form or nature, which is extremely miraculous.

Just when Ivita was gradually getting on the right track, and had broken through the three failed places of the Tomb King and the Nether Witch one after another, and was about to succeed, he suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, and then he saw a part of his existence space turn into polluted gray space.

He covered his heart. "Someone is putting a curse on me. The curse requires some of my items. Wait a minute, Alsace must have the items of life that the original person used before."

"It's almost impossible to curse a god. Do you just want to destroy my creation of Dark Soul?"

Ivita's eyes were filled with rage. "It is foolish to curse the gods who are the lords of the three laws."

He now forcibly suppressed the curse with his vast existence and tried to bounce it back. He also mobilized the ninth-level magicians and above within the cosmic magic network to let them create a curse, follow the previous curse route, and perform a bloodline curse. attack.

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