The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 468 The Curse of the Demon King and the Dark Soul

When Ivita rebounded the curse, Henry VII and Geron, who were in the Alsace Palace, were not in the main hall or bedroom study, but in a dark room below a partition.

In addition to the two of them, there was also a palace sycophant, Mr. Partivat Chaney, who was the palace administrator and a confidant supported by Henry VII. There was also Albireo, the king's chief adviser and minister of finance. Salgado.

Albireo Salgado was the husband of Henry VII's daughter and his son-in-law. It was he who single-handedly supported Albireo from a mining factory owner to the minister of finance of the kingdom. Over the years, Albireo became Leo had ate a lot of the kingdom's tax revenue, and everyone knew it, but they didn't dare to offend Henry VII's son-in-law.

Partivat was Henry VII's favorite from childhood, so he was reused by Henry VII.

Important positions in the Kingdom of Alsace have always been occupied by these people who are related to each other. Therefore, the kingdom is becoming more and more corrupt and the army is even more vulnerable.

At this moment, the four of them were watching a group of people in black robes playing with some mysterious symbols, mysterious props and a bunch of animal skulls on the ground. The most eye-catching ones were three things.

Placed on the wall in front of the altar, a huge antlered head pieced together from the bones of different animals looks as if the Demon King himself has descended here.

On the ground is a double-circle five-pointed star pattern painted with black sheep's blood. In the center of the five-pointed star is a big-horned sheep's head.

On top of this strange pattern, there was a white bone cup made of sheep bones. The sheep blood in the cup was still seeping out.

Henry VII looked at this penetrating scene and felt a little sinister. "Can this curse attack Ivita? Will it succeed? He is the master of the three laws."

"We invite these demon worshipers to curse the monarchs of other countries. If the church knows about it, it will not just be as simple as excommunicating us."

"If you ask me, even if Ivita creates the Dark Soul, it will be nothing. An individual's combat power will not have such a big impact on the battle situation. We can take advantage of this period of time when he has no time to leave to solve the problem. The subspace invasion in our territory is to communicate with the church to restore its image, and to imprison the three major kingdoms within the empire that have been watching recently and the Lower Burgundians outside the empire who border us."

"Father, don't worry. Even if the news about us contacting the Demon Lord breaks out, it won't threaten us." Prince Jeron didn't even blink as he glanced at the ministers around him. "These things were not done by us. It was done by Lord Partivat, the head of the palace, and Mr. Albireo."

Director Partivat and Minister Albireau immediately expressed their loyalty and said that they would not betray Henry VII. If any problem arises, they will be responsible for it.

His Highness Geron has forged a series of evidence chains to prevent this matter from being exposed, but it is not actually a forgery, because these demon cultists were all found through the secret interpersonal relationships between Partivat and Albi Leo.

So it was a fact that they were the masterminds, it was just a matter of whether the king and the crown prince were involved.

Jeroen sneered. "Ivita is still obsessed with creating the Dark Soul. It would be too dangerous if the wizard succeeds. The subspace invasion in the territory is too coincidental. I guess it has something to do with him."

"I have asked several major military forces on the border of the kingdom to guard and suppress the fallen psychic humans who have taken refuge in the subspace. As for the church? The branch church bishop of the Kingdom of Alsace is a good friend of mine. He helps me contact the church branch in the kingdom. Ministry, there won’t be any problems.”

"Although Ivita is the Lord of the Law, the three batches of assassins I sent failed to return, but they told me that the person who advanced in the Principality of Lombardy was not Ivita, but a witch beside him. At that time, I Just understand that Ivita is not in any of the countries he owns, and the protection of the law for them is reduced to a minimum."

Henry VII was still confused and a little scared. "Then...why did those demons choose to help you?"

Geron said: "I promised that if I take this opportunity to kill Ivita, I will let the followers of the King of Hell secretly spread in the Kingdom of Alsace, so that they can bypass the eyes of the church and spread among the civilians of Alsace. Take root in the community.”

Henry VII was shocked. "If this is discovered by the church... Oh, that is also the responsibility of the palace manager and the son-in-law of the Minister of Finance. But the Satanists are ignorant and unwise and harm the people. Isn't this bad? Then the civilians will pay less taxes."

Jaylon sneered. "Anyway, the extra tax money should be given to the church."

"What does it have to do with us?"

At the same time, a woman wearing a black veil among the demon cultists turned to the kings and said: "Your Majesty and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, our curse has been made. This is the most filthy curse from hell, which can destroy gods. It was the Lord of Hell who took action himself, but I ask one of you to donate your blood and drop it into the Holy Grail of Bones. This is the blood from the enemy."

Geron strode forward, cut the back of his hand with the knife he carried, and let the blood drip into the mutton bone cup full of gaps.

The female devil cultists took out the comb powder used by Ivita and added it to the sheep skull Holy Grail. Then they raised the Holy Grail and said, "Now one of you is going to drink it and connect the fate of you and the enemy. This way Only the King of Demons can curse him.”

Jielong was about to take over the weird sheep bone cup, but the liquid in the cup didn't even flow out from the gaps in the bone cup.

When Geron was about to drink it, suddenly the old king Henry VII took it over and said to Geron: "You are still young, so you should not touch this kind of thing. I have the deepest enmity with Na Ivita, and I will drink it for the best effect." , and you have to move around frequently with your archbishop friend, so if you drink it, there is no guarantee that no one will notice it."

"That's different for me. I generally don't meet the bishops and senior clergy of the church."

After that, he drank it all in one gulp.

Jie Long breathed a subtle sigh of relief, and then he asked his father with concern. "Father, how are you feeling?"

Henry VII stood there for a moment, then suddenly laughed. "I feel very good now. It's like I've grabbed my opponent's heart. As long as I exert a little force, my opponent will vomit blood and die, with a broken head and bleeding, without a burial place."

Jie Long looked down and saw Henry VII standing on the five-pointed devil array. The black hand on his right hand had completely turned black and he was holding it in an empty hand, as if he was really holding a heart in his hand. His expression was sinister and he used I tried my best to break the heart in my hands.

They did not notice that the demonic circle was gradually contaminating the laws of Alsace through Henry VII. Their actions inadvertently connected the laws of Alsace with the universal laws of hell.

The universal laws of hell are polluting the laws of Arthas.

The civil war in Alsace has actually attracted the attention of all parties, and everyone wants to get a piece of this big change.

The demon apostles stood with smiles on their faces.

But they can't break up with the kings yet. Although the laws of Alsace have been decayed, declined and initially contaminated, they are still strong. Although the kingdom lost three of its knights, it was still rich in talents.

But as long as the ritual continues, Ivita will be killed by Henry VII tonight, Henry VII and the Law of Alsace will fall into the shadow of darkness at the same time, and Alsace will become a place that breeds the forces of hell. Although on the surface it looks the same as before.

Just when everyone in this underground dark room was thinking ulterior thoughts, a voice appeared here, tearing apart the ritual flames, causing all the candle flames that were burning quietly to suddenly increase in flames and turn into a pillar of fire.

Then, the filthy flames contaminated with demonic power were purged by the divine power.

"Friends, you are really busy. If you pay attention to me every day, wouldn't it be a waste of your time?"

The faces of the demon apostles changed greatly.

The divine power that permeates the air turns into particles, and each divine particle is as dazzling as the sun, descending here.

The space in the dark room was divided into two parts on the left and right. In one part, white light suddenly appeared, which was extremely dazzling. The great consciousness descended here and turned into a self-defined philosophical world; in one part, there was a human void that absorbed all the darkness. The existence of existence has given birth to countless Rutgers philosophical concepts, which have turned into human desires, experiences and realistic memories, filling the entire space.

The expressions of the demon apostles changed drastically.

"There comes a great consciousness, who is almost the same person as our master, and the magical concepts generated by the surrounding rituals are modified and then filled with new memories, experiences and logic."

"Everything that happens here is being distorted."

The leading female demon apostle looked at the double-circle pentagram on the ground that protected them from the demonic power. It was burning rapidly and almost disappeared. The double-circle pentagram was now the only tool to protect them.

But as the candles exploded one by one, the five-pointed star on the ground quickly faded, and a voice appeared in the ears of the female devil apostle, almost making her scream.

It was the chuckle of a young man.

She noticed that her master's power was retreating, and she seemed to be hesitating whether to stop and let this small conflict escalate into a divine battle.

She no longer tried to hide it, and said with no respect for Geron: "You just said that the enemy was a wizard before, but you didn't say that it was a god."

"Do you know the consequences of using this ritual to directly curse a god? It is as stupid as looking at the solar eclipse in the sky with your own eyes when a solar eclipse occurs."

"Humans, how dare you deceive us and my lord."

"Besides, the wizard's light soul and dark soul are too powerful. How could they be so powerful?"

Geron, the Palace Minister and the Minister of Finance saw Henry VII covering his head and screaming. His right hand melted like an ice cube and disappeared after a few seconds.

Henry VII was backlashed by the failed curse, and Ivita reflected all the curses in his body, and let many magicians in the magic network curse him.

Suddenly, the double curse caused Henry VII's body to be completely contaminated, and words appeared one after another on the surface of his skin. Those words had no special meaning, but were some scraps of knowledge revealed by Ivita's understanding of the runes of the world. .

But it also makes the curse difficult to break.

In the secret room, Geron looked at the demon apostles with anger and horror. "You said your curse was absolutely effective and could bypass the law."

"What's going on now?"

"Father? Father?"

The two ministers were also calling for Henry VII.

The female demon apostles seemed to have suffered backlash, some of the apostles had died, and her nostrils were bleeding. "Didn't the law be bypassed? The curse was reflected on your father by the crown prince. Can you see that the law of Alsace responded immediately?"

"Isn't it very successful? Hahahaha... I'm dead. I cursed the gods. That's an act that even the devil would not dare to do. I actually did it. I actually directly cursed a god, hahaha... …”

Geron was very surprised to hear that Ivita was already a god, but he calmed down and asked hurriedly: "Is there any other way to save my father?"

At this time, the Law of Alsace had belatedly arrived and came to Henry VII to prevent the further spread of the curse.

But the curse had already entered the king's soul, entered his astral body and etheric body, and even polluted part of his spirituality. It was too late to stop it.

On the surface of Henry VII's body, which was engraved with mysterious runes, streaks of dragon breath fire began to appear. It was the Law of Alsace that was helping him, trying to purify the curse in his body.

But the dragon fire destroyed his soul, spirit, and body faster than the curse could.

Alsace's law is like the human immune system, choose one of the curse and the king to survive.

Geron said to the demon apostle: "Save my father, I promise to let you preach in Alsace, save my father quickly!"

When the demon apostles heard this, they no longer cared about their own life or death, and began to use various rituals one by one to prepare to forcibly renew Henry VII's life.

Jielong looked at all this mess, and there was an unknown fire in his heart. He wanted to vent it, but the curse failed and his father was about to die. He simply lost his wife and lost his army.

If it happened again, he might as well not choose to use such a dirty thing as a curse.

Now, it is not convenient for him to go to the palace to find doctors and priests.

Otherwise, when the church people see this situation, the father and son will not be able to get along.

"Ivita!" Geron clenched his fists, mentally prepared for his father's death. He must seize the opportunity to take the throne immediately, otherwise there will be nobles who will ask for Ivita to regain the throne.

After some emergency rescue, all the devil apostles died, but Henry VII actually didn't die after they put together various rituals. He just became a high paraplegic with inarticulate speech. Qing, a person with a muddled mind.

When Jie Long saw this scene, he almost couldn't accept it.

In the king's tomb deep in the star realm, Ivita's dark soul has been basically completed. He can distort the principles of the world at every turn, and the dark soul is incredibly powerful.

But there is still one step left.

Ivita looked up at the dark soul above her head. "The dark soul is the embodiment of the feminine power. I am a man and naturally conflict with the feminine power. No wonder it was so difficult for the previous wizards to create the dark soul."

"But there is still a way. As long as the feminine power is strong enough, the masculine power will be born. I use the world runes on the reverse scales of the giant snake of the world to continue to strengthen my dark soul, even if my dark soul turns into a black hole, I will continue. I don’t believe that masculine power cannot be born from feminine power.”

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