The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 57 The magic brought by war

Ivita originally wanted to ask the Great Witch of Hearthstone what her apprentice had done and why it led to the death of Grand Viscount Ambrose.

Especially since she had been fooling herself all day long, wanting to enter the city of Ambrose to find her shabby apprentice.

I really want to take the blame myself.

Iveta even suspected that in the end, the Great Witch of Hearthstone might claim to the people of the Ambrose City Council that their master and apprentice were commanded by a certain demon...such as herself.

Don't tell me, this is really possible.

But before Iveta had time to ask.

Rayleigh, Black Wolf, and Griffin and the other three knights have returned to the castle with a large number of villagers from nearby villages.

It was already early morning.

However, they also came with two not-so-wonderful news.

The first one was that the Sons of the Forest attacked three baronial villages near the castle and set fire to the crops on the farmland and the wooden houses in the village.

Second, at the foot of the hill where the castle is located, there are armies of the children of the forest everywhere.

On the wall of the castle, Ivita looked at the army of the Children of the Forest stationed not far away.

Judging from the size of the opponent's array, there are at least nearly ten thousand people there.

There was a large Centaur force, numbering at least two thousand.

Also, although they don't wear armor, their bodies are full of muscles, like tendons. These tauren are naturally heavy infantry types.

There should be about three thousand of these tauren.

There are also ogres, dryad troops, and a small number of snake girl troops.

The opponent has obviously blocked the castle and is ready to attack at any time.

But they should start attacking in the morning. After all, they are children of the forest, not the children of the night.

Attacking in the dark will do no good to either side.

Only the weaker side would use this method if they needed a surprise attack, but now the children of the forest are the stronger side.

It was the first time Ivita encountered this kind of thing, and he had to force himself to calm down.

It's okay, it's useless to have too many people on the other side, because the children of the forest cannot besiege this castle for a long time.

Knight Griffin said loudly: "If we can win this battle, even if we just hold on, we will not only be able to protect tens of thousands of farmers in the city, but you, my lord, will also become Ambrose's rising star."

"When the time comes, if you want to be conferred the title of Baron, that will definitely be possible."

Ivita nodded.

In other words, this is likely to be his own battle to become famous.

Of course, most people's first battles are basically failures, so this war may also be a beer hall coup (the first failed movement of the head of state)...

Ivita said: "Prepare your bows and arrows, and attack as soon as the opponent's army approaches."

The old witch recited a spell on the city wall. Ivita was familiar with this spell because she had recited it at the shochu inn before.

This is the witch-level natal magic of the old witch, the Piranha Secret Garden.

Because there were fifty peasant soldiers digging trenches under the city wall, she planted piranha seeds two hundred meters away in the trench in advance.

Under the spell of the old witch, these magic flowers gradually grew, and exuded a dangerous atmosphere in the dark night.

This defense line of piranha that stretched for hundreds of meters made the old witch who kept chanting spells extremely pale and consumed too much mana.

I am afraid that in a short period of time, it will be difficult for the Hearthstone Witch to do anything.

Seeing this, the demon hunter Black Wolf sighed. "After all, it is only a third-level professional, even a witch, it is impossible to face the army."

"It's really difficult to use the power of an individual to fight against the power of a group."

"Even if you are a great witch, this will quickly consume your life."

"No one knows how many first-level priests and second-level priests there are in the Son of the Forest's army."

"Your Highness, war and demon hunting missions are two different concepts. From now on, we are no longer explorers fighting alone, but lords who want to fight wars."

"It's your first time, it's my first time, and it's the first time for many people here."

For a moment, everyone felt that the future was uncertain.

Ivita glanced at everyone, "Have you ever heard of a saying from my hometown? A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but when it grows horns it is afraid of wolves."

"So what if it's the first time! Just because it's the first time, we will win this victory!"

Everyone's hearts were shocked, and they all felt a strong confidence from Ivita's words.

A good lord must become the core of everyone.

Rayleigh secretly lamented that some people are worthy of being born leaders. His existence seems to be created by the God of all things to prevent his lambs from being leaderless.

Rayleigh could see clearly that Ivita was very unfamiliar in many aspects. He was just learning and thinking bit by bit, and then led everyone along the way.

The most praiseworthy thing is Iveta's courage.

Knight Griffin said: "Your Highness, when we retreated with the villagers, we don't know why the other party didn't attack our team."

"But we saw that they sprinkled a lot of quicklime on the farmland and poured water on it."

Ivita was stunned for a moment.

And Brenton was almost furious. "Spreading quicklime on our farmland will turn our farmland into saline-alkali land and become barren."

"These children of the forest have gone too far."

Ivita thought: "Where do they get quicklime? To have so much quicklime requires a complete mining industry and ore crushing factory."

"Oh, I know, it's the dryads."

He remembered that the twenty ogres they had killed before had mentioned during the fight that they had lived in a house with windows.

He guessed at that time that these ogres were being raised by people.

He thought it was some kind of noble conspiracy.

But now it seems that the tree spirits are entertaining their allies after taking over the status of human nobles.

I am afraid that the dryads have also invaded other human territories and obtained a large amount of quicklime for them.

Since the other party can produce so much quicklime in a short period of time, I am afraid that they have already made preparations to spread quicklime on human farmland.


Ivita thought that these children of the forest obviously lived in the forest.

They don't need farmland.

Suddenly, a sharp arrow shot over, and Ivita subconsciously reached out and held the sharp arrow.

He stood on the city wall and looked down, only to see a handful of centaur warriors, led by the foolhardy Centaur Khan, trying to bypass the ogre defense lines and prototype trenches and attack the city wall. warrior performs a round of shooting.

The Centaur Khan showed a provocative expression towards Ivita. He recognized from the city wall at a glance that Ivita, although young, was the leader of the enemy this time.

On the city wall, the soldiers immediately set up their bows and arrows and prepared to shoot.

"Stop." Ivita said immediately: "The centaur cavalry is at least four hundred meters away, far beyond the effective range of our bows and arrows."

"Our arrow reserves are limited."

"Don't let the other party fool you."

"The other party should be here to consume our arrow reserves."

As a result, only a few people shot a few arrows before they had time to stop, which was considered a meaningful counterattack.

Most of the soldiers didn't shoot arrows.

Knight Griffin said: "In Ambrose's fairy tale, centaurs are natural cavalry, the best kind."

"Sir, is it really okay to ignore their approach?"

Ivita shook her head. "How can the cavalry attack the city? I think if the cavalry wants to attack the city, they have to dismount and fight. But can those centaurs dismount and fight?"

"They have racial advantages, but they also have irreparable racial disadvantages. The most powerful thing about us humans is that we can find room to exert our advantages in any environment."

"But these centaurs can't do this!"

The old witch looked at Ivita in surprise. "Your Majesty, you are right. Cavalry cannot attack the city. To attack the city, you need fully equipped infantry units, as well as siege equipment and ladders to climb the city."

"The troops of the Children of the Forest happen to not have much armor coverage and siege equipment."

"Their troop composition is really not suitable for attacking the city. But sometimes the cavalry can also attack the city."

"If the cavalry troops can quickly seize the city gates and occupy the streets within the city, they can use cavalry to attack the city. But few people know this."

Ivita has finally learned. She is worthy of being the great witch of Hearthstone who once served as the guardian of the castle.

Iveta suddenly said: "By the way, why do I feel very comfortable and my magic power is increasing as soon as the other party officially starts war with us?"

"Hearthstone Witch, can this battlefield increase the wizard's magic power?"

The old witch's expression changed. After saluting Ivita, she touched his palm and sensed the change in Ivita's magic power.

She had a very strange expression on her face.

Unexpectedly, this kind of thing would happen.

The old witch said: "Your Majesty, now I have good news, bad news, and some good news to tell you."

"Witches or wizards who can gain magic power during war are rare among witches and wizards."

"This kind of witch can easily break through the level restrictions, become a high-level witch, and transform into a witch lord who brings disaster!"

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