The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 58 You need six sources of magic power! !

When the Centaur Khan saw the defenders on the city wall, he showed no reaction, and they actually shot arrows here like clowns.

This made him feel ashamed.

Although they can shoot at this distance, the accuracy is already very low.

It's purely a blind shot.

Basically useless.

Centaur Khan was able to shoot at Ivita from a distance of five hundred meters because he was a marksman.

He did not follow the path of the ancient soul priests of the Children of the Forest, but the marksman profession left over from the Golden Khanate in the past.

Unfortunately, because in Ambrose, the Centaur Khan did not receive the complete inheritance of the path of a marksman, so he only reached the second level, which is just a formal marksman.

He had heard that the complete inheritance of this path still remained on the very distant eastern prairie.

However, as he is responsible for the children of the forest, he cannot leave here and go to a distant and unfamiliar place where he does not know the outcome.

"Retreat." Centaur Khan returned to the camp of the Children of the Forest.

He knelt down in front of the ancient spirits of farmers and animal husbandry.

The ancient soul of farming and animal husbandry was still sleeping, and he opened his eyes. "Did the other party shoot arrows at you?"

"I think the remaining arrows on the human defenders' side should be about three thousand."

"As long as this threat is removed, we can attack the city tomorrow morning and minimize our damage."

Centaur Khan shook his head, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, Lord Ancient Soul."

"The other party was not fooled at all. I saw Ivita with the clairvoyance of a sharpshooter and stopped the defenders from shooting at us."

The ancient spirit of farming and animal husbandry clenched his fists, and you could actually hear the bamboo chair he was sitting on creaking. "Funny human kid."

"I haven't seen such an interesting human child in a long time."

For Pan's age, Ivita is indeed a child, not even a fraction of Pan's age. "We were so unlucky that we encountered him during the siege."

"It's okay my friend, I know this."

"You guys can feint for a few more rounds later."

"Let them relax their guard, and then in the morning we launch a siege and try to break through."

Wait for the Centaur Khan to leave.

The ancient soul of farming and animal husbandry showed deep thoughts. "Ivita..."

"This guy should have nothing to do with the prophecy. He has an important and noble status, but he has no army. The prophecy clearly states that the person in the prophecy will bring an army from the west."

"He's not the right person."

"But do I need to find a third-level priest to predict the other party?"

On the city wall, Ivita wondered what the old witch was going to say. "you say."

"As for whether the news is good or bad, it's up to me to judge it myself."

The old witch thought for a while, and indeed, the devil could control his own destiny.

"Your Majesty, the quantity of your magic power is indeed increasing, and even the quality is increasing."

"You are gaining magic power from this war. Generally speaking, wizards who can do this will have a terrible future."

Ivita nodded.

The most indispensable thing in this world is war.

If someone can gain magic power in the midst of war, it would be like a duck to water.

The old witch said: "It should have something to do with the fact that you used the six gods' names to borrow magic power."

"I told Your Majesty before that if a wizard apprentice wants to be promoted to an official wizard, he needs to meet three conditions."

"First, divination must reach a certain level."

"Second, find your own source of magic."

"Third, learn a certain amount of magic and have a native magic."

The old witch said: "The current situation lies in the second point. In fact, witches a long time ago believed that the source of magic came from powerful magical creatures and powerful magical energy."

"Like the heart of a dragon."

They now have a low-quality dragon heart, which was the heart of Manuel after he was alienated.

"Another example is the Stardust Veins, Fairy Magic Powder, Sunwell Water, Eternal Magic Stone, and the Heart of the Stars, these famous objects containing magic power."

"But later people discovered that our understanding of magic is still too shallow."

"There are many sources of magic power, war is one of them, and my magic power comes from..."

The old witch paused, and for some reason, she did not continue. "Now you are drawing magic power from war. Not all wizards can do this, only a very small number of wizards can do it."

"And, because the quality of this war is particularly high, the improvement for you is also particularly high."

"We don't want to mention it here, but the Children of the Forest actually have many famous people, but now is not their era."

"They are just burdened by the downfall of their race."

"If we were to change places and exchange identities with each other, perhaps we, except Your Majesty, would not be as good as they are now."

Black Wolf frowned and said, "I have also heard that there was a witch who massacred many villages with plague in order to obtain more powerful magic power."

"That plague is [smallpox]."

The old witch sneered. "Plague is indeed a source of magic power, and it is also a very powerful source of magic power."

"The water here is deep. Because our low-level wizards and witches are still drawing magic power, but those witches are already drawing law from it."

"Do you know, the Black Death?"

Black Wolf sneered.

How could he not know.

The old witch said: "The Black Death has a deep connection with a witch king [Yellow and Black Queen], but I don't know the specific information. These are actually my personal guesses."

Griffin Knight and Rayleigh were both speechless.

What are they listening to?

Why do they feel that this old witch is also very dangerous!

The Great Witch of Hearthstone said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, a high-quality war can also become a source of magic power."

"Of course one war is not enough. At least two wars like this are needed to lay the foundation for your promotion to an official wizard."

"This is the good news I was planning to tell you."

"The bad news is that if your magic power continues to be out of balance, the magic power balance in your body will lose again, and then your body will begin to mutate rapidly."

The old witch remembered the dragon that Ivita had transformed into, and Shadow's transformation into some kind of Titan with a thunder in his hand.

Iveta was shocked, yes.

For others, increased magic is a good thing.

For me who needs to pay attention to the balance of power, if my magic power is out of control, something will probably happen to me.

The old witch always thought that she was a demon, but she didn't know what state she was in, or what her relationship was with the six god-kings who shouldn't exist in this world.

Who knows what will become in the end.

He had lost consciousness before because he turned into a fire dragon!

The old witch said: "The last thing I want to tell you is that your promotion to an official wizard is different from others. Judging from the current situation, you will probably need to obtain the six sources of magic power required by the official wizard."

"And six natal magics."

"Who asked you to..."

Borrowing the power of six divine names!

Ivita: "..."

Seeing Iveta's silence, the old witch said: "The advantage is that you will become extremely powerful."

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