The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 60 The Nature of God Pan and the Way to Become a King (please follow up)

Half an hour later, with the numerical advantage of the tauren warriors, the half-finished trench was quickly filled into flat ground.

And the carcasses of animals are piling up.

The panpipes played by the shepherds and priests attracted more and more animals.

The carcasses of these animals were piled beneath the city walls, allowing the tauren to rush up the walls.

Once the Minotaurs occupy a section of the city wall, they can use it as the center to occupy all the city walls. The castle where Ivita and the others are located is a very low-level small castle.

At that time, they would have no choice but to retreat directly to the main building of the castle.

Therefore, the Griffin Knights, with two official knights and seven knight attendants, fought desperately in the direction of the Tauren's main attack.

The trebuchets and bows used by the human defenders also caused a lot of losses to the siege army.

Griffin Knight suddenly raised his knight's sword, and then hit a tauren, knocking him back and falling on the other tauren.

The minotaurs roared angrily, and they all tried their best to resist the strange power of the Griffin Knight.

However, under the power brought by the super fiber muscle structure, the three tauren who climbed up the city wall were pushed off the city wall by Griffin Knight alone.

Griffin Knight turned the knight's sword, and the knight's sword turned into a whirlwind, which was dazzling and made people unable to see the trajectory.

The other tauren who had just climbed up was struck once on the left and right on the neck and three times on the body in a very short period of time, and then kicked down by the Griffin Knight.

Griffin Knight noticed that there were tauren trying to break through the city walls everywhere, and this was just the place where their attacks were most concentrated.

The knights who were around him before have dispersed to various parts of the city wall to defend the city.

The battlefield is in complete chaos.

He couldn't even tell whether the enemy succeeded in occupying a section of the city wall.

Griffin Knight's heart became heavier and heavier.

In this case, if you still don't know the situation of your teammates and what the situation of the battle is, it is really a kind of torture for people.

People who are slightly less conscious may have given up in their hearts.

Even if you don't give up, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Just then, a trumpet sounded.

For the Griffin Knight and the peasant soldiers around him, this horn sound was like a war horse hearing the order, like a fleet sailing on the sea in the dark night finding a lighthouse.

This is the clarion call to continue the defense!

Griffin Knight immediately knew that the city wall had not been breached and Lord Ivita was still insisting on defending the city.

The evidence is that the command system of the human troops defending the city is still there.

In this era, once caught in a melee, contact is difficult, and warriors don't know when to attack and when to retreat.

Therefore, musical instruments and flags are needed to assist in providing command.

The children of the forest do not have flags, but they have musical instruments. The humans defending the city are also a little confused due to the previous conspiracy of the tree spirits, so the flag soldier system belonging to the Moro family can no longer be used.

Griffin Knight patted the shoulder of a peasant soldier next to him. "Behind us are our fellow citizens."

"Behind us is our firm determination of faith in God and our oath of allegiance to the lord! Soldiers, hold on, you will become great because of this!"

Suddenly there was a streak of thunder in the sky. The sky was clear, but it was a bolt of lightning. A thick bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the tauren who were climbing up the city wall along the pile of animal carcasses.

Many tauren were injured by lightning and fell from a height of twenty meters, and there was a lot of gravel below.

Many tauren were directly disabled by the fall.

This bolt of lightning also turned into a bolt of lightning that merged into the outer surface of the city wall, the part of the wall that the enemy would come into contact with if they wanted to climb up the wall.

The remaining magic power was not enough to continue to inflict heavy damage on the tauren, but it was able to electrolyze their bodies, exhausting the tauren who had finally climbed to the top of the city wall despite the rain of arrows and stones.

At this time, even the peasant soldiers dared to fight them.

Griffin Knight was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

On another section of the city wall, Ivita leaned against the city wall and took a deep breath.

After he added Zeus's name to the lightning spell, the spell not only became more powerful, but also became a little strange.

The lightning cast by this spell seems to be able to change its shape easily, and will produce some changes according to its own wishes.

For example, he just tried to let the remaining lightning magic wrap around the city wall, so that the defense of the short dilapidated city wall suddenly increased.

However, this also consumed all his lightning attribute magic power.

"Perhaps I can use this lightning spell that I modified as my natal magic in the future." Ivita's breathing was a little rapid, and he said: "Hearthstone Witch, by the way, what is natal magic?"

"Your Majesty, natal magic involves astrology. Because of this, when the church targeted us in the past, it believed that everything related to divination and astrology was superstitious. Anyone who conducts astrology research must be issued by the church [Break Door] Edict]." The old witch was a little surprised. The new spell created by the devil was really comprehensive, and the power this time was slightly improved compared to the last time.

This speed of progress is definitely abnormal.

Considering that he is a demon, it is relatively normal.

But if it were placed on a human being, it would be a variable that might lead to the path of the Wizard King.

It is usually difficult for an individual to fight against a group.

Therefore, the kings are the noblest people in this continent.

But there are a very small number of people who are able to become kings by virtue of their personal power, and these existences are all perverts among perversions.

The Queen of Stars, the Queen of Yellow and Black, the Queen of Darkness, these are all beings who are capable of becoming kings as individuals, and are capable of formulating laws that are as composed as the rules of the world itself!

The old witch frowned and said, "But even if you cast the lightning spell, which is more powerful than the magic of ordinary wizards, it will not be able to reverse the situation of the war."

"We may not be able to defend it. Your Majesty, I have found a secret passage in the castle that leads to the back of the mountain. We may be able to escape from there."

Ivita shook her head and smiled. "No."

"You are wrong, Hearthstone Witch."

"The ancient spirits of farmers and animal husbandry will retreat soon. They will not attack the city for the time being."

Iveta sat on the ground and raised her lips, as if she couldn't help but smile. She raised her right hand, and the rings in her hand were full of luxury. "Some magic is really useful."

The ancient souls of farmers and animal husbandry looked at the lightning strike. Many tauren were injured and fell down, their expressions were extremely bad.

Not to mention that a group of wounded tauren soldiers actually returned to the children of the forest's camp at the foot of the mountain with many healthy tauren troops.

Pan wanted to reprimand the wounded soldiers for their cowardice, but the children of the forest did not have a strict hierarchy.

Even ancient souls cannot insult the children of the forest at will.

This is the downside of not having a hierarchy.

What's more serious is that the ancient soul that the Tauren believe in is the [Ox Demon Ancient Soul].

These tauren actually don't have much respect for him, and they lack the perseverance to persevere.

The tauren do not have much sense of hierarchy, nor do they have the irritable character to persist in fighting. When they encounter difficulties, most of the time they just choose to run away.

The injured Tauren soldiers kept complaining to the Tauren chief. Now they were simply asking them to die. They were not sacrifices to die.

They want to complain to the Bull Demon Ancient Soul and let the Ancient Soul seek justice for them.

The tauren chief was clumsy and tongue-tied, and could no longer speak to so many people.

He looked helplessly and helplessly at Pan Shen.

Pan kept a smile on his face, but it was very forced. "My friends, we are the siege party, and the damage we will suffer will definitely be serious."

"Your casualties are already very small."

"Well, since the other side uses magic to help their warriors, we can also use ancient sacrificial rituals to fight back."

God Pan raised his left hand. He wanted to summon the wasps in the mountains to attack the humans defending the city and give them the final blow.

Let them know the power of ancient souls.

Let the child Ivita know how superficial he is in irritating him. He underestimated the power that time brings to the ancients, and underestimated the rare things that time left on the ancient souls.

He pronounced an ancient syllable, which was the language of the former god of agriculture and fauns that had not been spoken for more than two thousand years.

In the land around the children of the forest, some redwood saplings slowly grew.

The children of the forest were amazed by the power of the ancient spirits of farmers and animal husbandry.

"It's the tree god! Our supreme god is back!"

"We see the tree god again!"

Some children of the forest are even crying, some children of the forest are cheering, and some children of the forest are expressing their desire to kill all humans.

The ancient spirits of farmers and animal husbandry have summoned a swarm of wasps and flew over the Minotaur troops, intending to fly towards the city wall so that every human defending the city would be stung by the wasps.

But at this moment, the ancient soul of Farmer and Animal Husband suddenly felt inexplicably frightened.

He turned his head and looked behind him. A tauren with a sword wound on his chest climbed up onto the wooden frame and stood behind him.

The tauren's eyes were confused.

Pan Shen was surprised. "You...are controlled by a spell? It's a charm spell!"

His expression changed greatly, but the tauren had already raised his ax and struck at God Pan's chest.

A touch of the blood of the ancient soul of farmers and herders flew across the sky and fell to the ground in the horrified eyes of the sons of the forest.

The earth could not carry the blood of the ancient soul, the land turned into charcoal, and the plants withered rapidly.

However, the most important thing is that the sacrificial ceremony of the ancient spirits of farmers and animal husbandry was interrupted. The unmanned wasp swarm was frightened and chose to attack the moving creatures closest to them - the tauren troops.

The controlled tauren was knocked away by a bright light, and when he got up again, he was already awake.

Just don't know what's going on.

The tauren still looked at God Pan naively. "The ancient soul is injured! The ancient soul is actually injured! Why?"

The children of the forest were furious.

Human beings actually hurt the ancient soul.

What a shame!

Even though they had an absolute power advantage, they actually allowed a tauren controlled by a charm spell to get close to the ancient soul due to negligence!

Just when the children of the forest thought that the ancient spirits of farmers and animal husbandry were going to be furious, they were at a loss and did not make any sound.

The ancient soul of the farmer and animal husbandry looked down at the wound on his chest and suddenly laughed. The sheep-headed man smiled happily. "A wizard apprentice injured me in the middle of my army when the force was definitely smaller than mine."

"Even if I tell it, no one will believe it."

"My friends."

"How many years."

"I unexpectedly met such an interesting human boy again. I thought he was a slightly better ordinary human being, but I didn't expect him to be able to achieve such a level."

"Then what have you done, to be driven out of the kingdom by your own subjects?"

"Made me think you were just a mediocre person."

In a long, long time ago, the god Pan had never been an enemy of humans.

At that time he was a great leader of heroes.

He likes to make interesting human teenagers.

And it can only be a teenager.

At this moment, God Pan was not only not angry because of Ivita's backstab, but instead was inspired by his suppressed nature.

But soon, Pan Shen's expression changed. He had his own responsibilities.

This responsibility involves many things.

His expression became stern, his eyes were extremely sinister, and he said, "It was my fault. I shouldn't have mistaken you for an ordinary child."

"So much so that you found an opportunity to sneak attack on me."

"This is the first time for me to see someone using the Charm Charm like this, so the lightning before was just to attract attention for the Charm Charm."

Seeing that the wasp swarm he summoned attacked the tauren troops instead, the ancient soul of farming and animal husbandry had no choice but to say: "Withdraw the troops."

"The situation is not good for us now. We need to retreat and reorganize our troops."

"I will definitely break through this city. Let's see how long these humans can survive!"

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