The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 61 Double-Headed Eagle Flag: Don’t compete with the people for profit

The snake girls, who remained in a gigantic state, changed the rhythm of playing panpipes, making the tune faster and more urgent.

When the music of the children of the forest retreating floated over the battlefield, the Tauren army retreated unwillingly. The Centaur Khan was so angry that he stamped his head, but under the sarcastic eyes of Ivita and the Griffin knight, he only Able to turn around helplessly.

Countless wasps chased the retreating Children of the Forest troops.

Tens of thousands of troops, many on the order of professionals, all seemed so powerless in front of Ivita's castle.

Less than two hundred peasant soldiers and knights on this short city wall raised their weapons and cheered.

At this moment, victory seemed to melt the differences between classes and wealth.

Whether it is a lord of a knight's territory like Griffin or an ordinary peasant soldier, they are all enjoying the fruits of victory.

The biggest part of this fruit is enjoyed by Ivita, who leads everyone to victory.

Ivita said to Reilly: "Find a few people to collect animal carcasses under the city. These freshly dead animals are definitely the best barbecue ingredients."

"These barbecue foods are just right to reward our soldiers."

Speaking of this matter, Rayleigh's stomach rumbled.

Indeed, the children of the forest sent so many animals, more than what they usually get when they go hunting in the mountains.

Now, everyone in the city can eat meat.

While everyone was enjoying the victory, Ivita asked Black Wolf to collect the bodies of the soldiers who died in the battle, let their families come to claim them, and asked the steward of the territory to distribute compensation and food to the families of the soldiers who died in the battle.

Iveta returned to the first floor of the castle. Before going upstairs, he said to the housekeeper Acalanda: "Acalanda, don't give coins to the families of the soldiers who died in the battle."

"At this time, money is far less useful than food."

"Give each of them three times the amount of food they are entitled to as compensation."

"And we have to hold their burial funerals at night, and let the church priests in the castle pray for these heroes."

"Go and warn the peasants in the castle. If anyone dares to bully the families of the soldiers who died in battle, I will insert a broken steel sword into his heart."

"In addition, you have to record the names of all your immediate family members - I mean wives and children, as well as their parents. As long as they still live in the territory, I will give them tax exemption for fifteen years."

Akalanda was stunned. He really didn't expect that Ivita would give such outrageous treatment.

Acting on his steward's instinct, he reminded his lord. "fifteen years?"

"Sir, in this way, you will lose a lot of property. If any of these people get rich in the future, you will not be able to tax them."

"And these people are all your feudal serfs. You have given them land as compensation for their loyalty to you. According to custom, you only need to pay a symbolic fee of 2 to 3 shillings."

"Their sacrifices are deserved. This is their obligation to you!"

"If it is their obligation to sacrifice for me, then it is my obligation to protect these brave people from getting their due rights." Ivita didn't care about the idea that they would get rich in the future. "I will not compete with my people for interests."

“And we’ll talk about the rest later.”

Because the barony is a small pond. If he stays here for too long, the pond will not be able to accommodate him!

He will go to a larger place, and he will not need to compete with his own people for interests.

Akalanda opened her mouth, but no words came out.

When Ivita said that he would not compete with his people for interests, he even thought he was listening to a king speaking calmly.

He thought that only people with huge wealth would have the confidence to say such things.

But he didn't expect that Ivita would say this.

Is this still the poor lord who even counts the cost of an arrow?

Why can one person have two such contradictory qualities?

At this moment, Akalanda felt that there seemed to be a kind of magic power in Ivita.

This is not the magic of magic.

It’s the magic of charisma.

He wanted to work with this lord for a long time.

He wanted to know what kind of person Ivita was, and he wanted to know where Ivita could go.

Akalanda hesitated for a moment and said to Ivita: "Sir, I heard Master Black Wolf and Master Rayleigh say that you were once a very, very great nobleman, a nobleman greater than the Grand Viscount."

"But you were driven out of your country by your own people."

"When I heard the news, I thought you were a more cruel lord than Baron Morrow. I have personally seen the stewards of the Morrow family take away peasant children just for a few pennies. Hanged from a tree and beaten all day. Barons and knights could make solemn oaths to gods and lords that they would be good and just people."

"But no one will promise farmers that he wants to be a kind and just person."

"Sir, you deserve to be the ruler of this land. Your kindness will make your enemies fear you before they even see you."

Ivita didn't answer him, just nodded, turned and walked upstairs.

There were too many problems in this war.

He wanted to review the situation and think about how to better deal with tomorrow's siege.

In the evening, the pastor of the church held the church's classics in his hands and prayed for those who died in the war that they would receive the gift of the Lord of all things, and that their souls would go to the promised land and enjoy eternal happiness.

In this solemn atmosphere, despite the sadness, the faith of all those still alive was strengthened.

They became more confident about tomorrow's offensive and defensive battle.

Ivita observed this change silently. He believed that it was no longer that important whether the deceased could enter the eternal kingdom of the God of all things because of this funeral.

Because the people who are still alive actually need this funeral more.

The old witch approached Ivita and said: "Because the baron has changed, the previous command flag can no longer be used. You need to make a new command flag."

"The flag is very important. When soldiers see the flag, they will remember who they are loyal to."

"So, after changing the baron, the previous command flag can no longer be used."

"The noble's flag is magical, because it is the hope of all warriors on the battlefield."

"That is magic more powerful than ordinary magic."

"With the command flag, you can command your soldiers on the battlefield!"

"In addition, regardless of the role of the flag on the battlefield, the new command flag may also be useful to you in the future, because the flag is really entangled with magic power, but mortals cannot use it and often have to let it dissipate."

"Design a better new flag, or use the fire dragon flag of Alsace."

Ivita suddenly asked the old witch. "Hearthstone Witch, I have a question. Human life is so closely integrated with magic. I originally thought it was because magic has so many uses."

"So people can't help but closely integrate their lives with magic."

"But now from the children of the forest, it seems that they never use magic, and even reject magic. So I want to ask, is there a deep connection between magic and the human race?"

"You see, even the church that rejects magic has not completely eliminated magic from humans."

The old witch was asked about her blind spots in knowledge. She opened her mouth and thought for a long time, and finally she could only say: "Your Majesty, I don't know."

"I have never thought about this before. But...the Queen of Darkness and the Queen of Stars, they were indeed humans before."

The old witch fell into deep thought and was immediately confused. "yes."

"Magic existed before ancient civilizations and ancient worlds."

"What is the relationship between magic and humans?!"

The black wolf ignored the old witch's daily nagging and said to Ivita: "Sir, the flag of the Kingdom of Alsace is the fire dragon. Should we still use the flag of the Alsace family?"

Ivita shook her head. "That flag is so noticeable."

"We need to accumulate food and become king slowly."

"Make a new flag, let me think about it..."

He thought for a while, and then used a branch to draw a two-headed eagle on the soil. "Just use this."

Let the flag of the double-headed eagle appear in this world.

This flag represents two thousand years of empire. Let the double-headed eagle flag continue to fly in this world.

Black Wolf looked at the flag pattern like an eagle looking at a wolf, and had the illusion that the eagle on the soil was lowering its head and looking around the territory in all directions, expanding its territory infinitely.

"It's no problem to use this..."

"But few people use eagles or double-headed eagles as flags. They usually use beasts on the ground, and many use patterns of creatures such as dragons."

"After all, the symbol of ancient civilization is the red dragon."

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