The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 64 Druid’s Four Elements

The night of the fifth day when Ivita led the troops to defend the city.

While all the humans guarding the city were sleeping, and even the Children of the Forest were sleeping, Pan suddenly left the camp of the Children of the Forest.

The back of Pan, the Grand Duke of the Forest, disappeared into the darkness.

But what Pan Shen didn't know was that not long after he left, the most unknown leader of the Sons of the Forest branch, the leader of the Minotaur Alliance, suddenly stood up from the camp and stared at Pan Shen with cold eyes.

"The ancient souls' guess was indeed correct."

"There are other forces behind Pan Shen. Making him the Duke of the Forest is just to stabilize him better."

The leader of the tauren alliance thought for a while, and he was not sure that he could hide it from the eyes and ears of the ancient spirits of farming and animal husbandry. Everything in the forest was the spy of the ancient spirits of farming and animal husbandry.

If it weren't for this moment, Ambrose Plains would no longer be a forest, and he wouldn't even dare to stand up, so he could only pretend to sleep.

The tauren had no choice but to go back to sleep, but he was wondering in his mind, who was the force behind the ancient soul of farming and animal husbandry?

Why did he leave the army when the Children of the Forest army was disturbed by the plague?

On the other side, the ancient soul of farming and animal husbandry first walked to a pile of stones that was inaccessible to people, and finally walked through a small forest.

This forest is not a redwood tree, but angiosperm tree species that appeared after humans arrived in the Ambrose Plain, including ginkgo trees, camphor trees, jujube trees, etc.

A green glow glowed from the depths of the woods, and figures with unclear faces appeared in the depths of the woods.

Pan raised his left hand, which was wearing a gray stone ring.

At this moment, the ring was cracked, revealing its true appearance, which was a green vine ring.

The ancient beings deep in the woods said one after another: "Pan, you used the Druid Priest Ring to summon us here. Why?"

Pan smirked. "A wizard's spell actually caused the army of the Children of the Forest to fall into a plague. And the Pope's eyes are also looking here. I can't be dragged away anymore. We still don't know what the Pope's order is. "

"If we still want the Druid's plan to succeed, we'd better help the Children of the Forest succeed."

"I'm not good at removing plagues or treating injuries, and the Chitose Fire is still there, so I need your help."

"I need to use the profound magic of the druids."

There were chuckles from some people deep in the woods.

"When did Pan, who never fails, turn to others for help because of a child? Has the world changed, or has Pan stopped working hard? Has he relaxed?"

"Pan, you have to understand that the Children of the Forest are just part of our great experiment. If we hadn't been on the wrong team back then, this great experiment would have been successful long ago."

"Alas, the act of transforming primitive humans with magic and creating the Children of the Forest made the Druids bear the curse. The Queen of the Stars, who once placed bets on humans, sent evil stars on the heads of the Druids as punishment. For a long time, we had bad luck. If not, we might not have lost the battle between the three major civilizations at that time."

"Pan You must understand that the Children of the Forest are not the result of the revival of the Druids, but are just a trivial process. We are not entirely on the side of the Children of the Forest, and we can compromise for the greater good."

God Pan looked puzzled. "The greater good?"

"What do you mean?"


Fiery flames suddenly erupted between the feathers and leaves of the forest trees, and a huge figure appeared in the deepest part of the forest. It was so terrifying that its mere appearance frightened the surrounding flowers, plants and trees.

The great god Pan actually bowed to him after seeing this being in astonishment. "Have the kings of the four elements who belong to the druids finally begun to awaken?"

"It once represented the most glorious achievement of the druids - the world of four elements. This power allowed us druids to surpass everyone. However, with the rise of the Queen of Darkness and the Queen of Stars, and their relationship with the Raven at that time, The king cooperated and brought the human army, which actually caused the four elements to be sealed one by one in the war with them."

"All our animal and plant experiments on this land have to be suspended."

"Just... why don't you help my army and cure the plague? Why do you sit back and watch humans defeat the children of the forest?"

Pan frowned. "Don't forget, the Children of the Forest could not be created by just druids. We were working with them at that time..."

"The greater good is the person holding the conference ring." The mysterious existence made a sound like a volcano erupting. "Perhaps you don't know, but Ivita once met our precept-bearing elder in the small town of Cali."

"The precept-bearing elder and the destiny crow chose him at the same time."

"In other words, Pan, you are fighting our ring bearer!"

Pan Shen's expression changed several times.

He was speechless.

Then you didn't tell me earlier.

Then I've been playing for the past few days, aren't I just messing around?

Pan narrowed his eyes. "Please tell me earlier next time."

The mysterious existence continued to use a voice like a volcanic eruption, saying: "Let's make peace with him. Use your existence to give him a reputation as a step. This is the order of the spirit of nature, and his order is the law!"

"In addition, the spirit of nature said that if Ivita needs you to give him a divination, please don't refuse."

"The spirit of nature wants to use it to give him the opportunity to divine and pry into the destiny behind him."

"The spirit of nature wants to confirm who he really is..."

"In addition, you don't need to help him, you don't need to save him, just don't go against the ring bearer of the Druid Council Ring."

"That's all the orders."

Pan Shen nodded helplessly.

His superiors gave him an order and he was required to execute it.

However, he must make a balance between how to protect the ring holder and the children of the forest.

In fact, the druid's revival plan cannot lack the rise of the children of the forest, although it only needs to rise to a similar level.

But the holder of the conference ring is also very important.

In this way, he must come up with a way to balance the interests of both parties.

God Pan withdrew his magic power, the forest gradually returned to its original state, and the vine ring on his finger began to return to its petrified state. "I understand, your requests are really troublesome."

"Pan who will never fail, I'm begging you." The beings in the depths said.

The next day, Ivita met with the snake chief from the Sons of the Forest army. She sat on a human stool, feeling like she was wearing a monkey's crown.

She was sitting on a stool, her snake's tail twisting and twisting, and her body seemed to have no bones.

The snake chieftain kept ogling Ivita, her eyes shining brightly. Although she was still too young for a human, her little face was very handsome.

The snake chieftain stuck out her forked tongue and whispered: "I bring the sincere peace wishes of the children of the forest."

"The Grand Duke of the Forest expressed to the King of Alsace his desire for peace."

"The Grand Duke of the Forest said that you have won. Your fame may not spread yet, but in a few years, when the stories about this place spread from the mouths of the refugees, your fame will spread far and wide."

"However, we should find a place at this moment to negotiate an equal contract."

Ivita kept tapping her fingers on the table, as if she didn't hear the snake girl's words.

Griffin Knight was a little anxious. After waiting for a few minutes and the atmosphere became awkward, he urged Ivita in a low voice: "Lord, let's agree quickly."

"Isn't this what we have been pursuing all along! They finally couldn't hold on any longer."

Instead, Ivita said sarcastically: "That's not right."

"Do you call surrender an equal contract?"

Amidst the horrified expressions of everyone and the snake girls, Ivita ignored the fact that there were tens of thousands of soldiers of the Children of the Forest outside the city, "In my opinion, you just came to me to surrender."

"Are you ready to pay compensation?"

The Snake Girl Chief's face changed suddenly, "Sir, do you still remember that you have been without water for two days?"

Ivita interrupted: "The wine in the wine cellar can be used as water to drink. In fact, I have asked people to do so."

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