The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 65 Crown and Choice

Blanton, Rayleigh, Black Wolf, and even Griffin and others all felt that Ivita's request was a bit too much.

They are not the real losers.

They obviously just don't want to continue to invest sunk costs in their castle.

But obviously, God Pan gave the Snake Girl Chief more authority than everyone imagined.

The snake chieftain stood up amidst everyone's astonishment, and agreed to Ivita's request with a livid face.

When she walked out of the castle, she was so angry that she almost fell down.

Chief Snake Girl secretly blamed herself for why Pan ordered her to complete the negotiation with Ivita and the others today no matter what, and even agree to Ivita's arbitrary request.

Although their army is in the midst of a plague, it is not at the end of its rope.

She couldn't understand why Pan Shen was so eager to seek peace!

At noon, both sides agreed to form an alliance under the city.

The place where they negotiated the contract was right in the middle of the two camps.

For safety reasons, each party can only bring three people with them.

This was requested by Ivita, mainly because he wanted to guard against both the sons of the forest and the assassin Basan.

Therefore, reduce the number of people who can come into contact with you.

To prevent him from getting close to him like the little Lutheran Brotherhood assassin at the Soju Inn last time by hiding in a corpse and using the corpse as a puppet.

He also told the Griffin Knights that someone with a formal assassin professional level would come to assassinate him, so they should be on guard.

The person Ivita brought was an old witch, and she was a third-level witch.

After all, she is actually the most powerful professional on her side.

There are very few third-level witches in Ambrose.

Then, he brought Griffin Knight and Demon Hunter Black Wolf who were very close to the Grand Knight.

At noon, they braved the scorching sun and arrived in front of several large rocks that had been temporarily moved as tables for the purpose of negotiation.

At this time, Ivita found Pan sitting on a small stone with his eyes closed.

This was the first time Ivita had met Pan at close range. He felt that there seemed to be a primitive wild beauty in Pan's body, as if there was a terrible murderous intention hidden in the natural scenery.

Pan Shen closed his eyes at this moment, probably to seal the power he was born with.

Behind him were the two-headed ogre leader, the snake chief, and the tauren leader.

When the two-headed ogre saw the broken steel sword in Ivita's hand, he couldn't help but feel angry.

If Pan Shen hadn't suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him, I'm afraid this peace talk would immediately turn into a fight.

The two-headed ogre was furious. "These people killed my people, the ancient souls."

"Why can't we kill them? Even if there is a plague, as long as we are willing to pay the price, we can still break through this castle."

Pan closed his eyes and sat on the stone. "I have my own plans."

So what's the plan?

The two heads of the two-headed ogre stared angrily at God Pan, but obviously, God Pan didn't want to continue talking, so he had no way of knowing.

Pan said to Ivita: "Your Excellency Ivita, we have been fighting each other for five days and are already very familiar with each other."

"I don't need to go into details."

"I can only tell you that we can withdraw our troops, but the reason why we did not withdraw immediately is just because we need you to make a commitment to blockade the Moro Baron."

"From today on, no one can be allowed to enter the Morrow Barony."

Pan Shen said: "If you can agree, then we will withdraw our troops and compensate you with some money."

Ivita frowned. He had already guessed that the Son of the Forest wanted to get this territory in order to intercept some people.

Now, Pan Shen's request really confirmed his suspicion.

Ivita remained calm, neither agreeing nor refusing. "Who do you want me to focus on intercepting?"

"Speaking of which, one of them has some connection with you. One of them is Crown Prince Geron of the Kingdom of Alsace." God Pan suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at Ivita. He seemed to have no feeling at all when he saw Ivita. After feeling the pressure, there was still a strange look in his eyes.

Few mortals can bear the gaze of the ancient spirits of farmers and herders.

Not to mention, the human in front of me is just a teenager.

Because this has nothing to do with power, it has to do with personality, and it has to do with [elements].

Seeing that Ivita could bear his gaze, Pan no longer closed his eyes, but stared at Ivita with demonic eyes and said. "The other man is a great citizen who ranks first among equals in the Confederacy of Autonomous States."

"Do you need to focus on intercepting these two people?"

Ivita looked at Pan with a strange look.

The people around him felt tremendous mental pressure the moment Pan Shen kept opening his eyes.

When they saw Pan Shen's gaze, they felt as if they were being forcibly attracted and forced toward misfortune. Even the control of their bodies became a little stiff and unnatural.

Not only on the human side, but also on the children of the forest.

Fortunately, they are still professionals and not ordinary people.

Even the old witch of Hearthstone was affected to some extent, but she was not greatly affected.

Griffin Knight felt that the blood from the extraordinary heart was surging out of his body, and the extraordinary heart was providing the power to resist the influence of Pan's gaze.

The ultra-fibrous muscle structure and psychic skin cell structure also provide a bit of resistance against Pan.

He glanced at Ivita and found in disbelief that Ivita was not affected at all and could talk to Pan freely.

How strange.

This is not surprising to the old witch. In her eyes, the devil cannot be affected.

Ivita looked at Pan strangely. "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"If we promise you to close the territory and prevent people from entering or exiting the barony, wouldn't it mean that we are the army of the children of the forest, helping you to guard this place?"

"Besides, if this is the case, we will be enemies of the army led by Geron and the army of the Autonomous Prefecture Confederacy."

"In this case, why don't we fight to the death with the Children of the Forest? Instead, we have to fight for you against armies that are human beings like us."

Ivita secretly pondered these two characters.

I don’t know why, but the children of the forest seem to be targeting these two people.

Pan Shen was scolded, but he didn't get angry, because this was just a high price that he deliberately offered to negotiate a price that was unacceptable to the other party.

This makes it easier for him to lower prices, but it's just a pre-emptive strike. "Maybe we can take a step back. We can just retreat, but without compensation, and you don't need to close the territory."

"But you must inform us one by one of the identities of the people passing through the territory."

Ivita interrupted him and said: "Pan, stop playing silly tricks. I will not agree to do anything for you."

"I thought you hated Jielong too." Pan Shen said softly, "After a person is robbed of something, he has reason to seek revenge."

"It's your right to take revenge on Geron."

"When Geron enters your castle, you only need to notify us, and you can use the army of the Children of the Forest to set up a dragnet to kill your enemy and your enemy's army."

Pan Shen spoke in a high tone and said: "Any outstanding person will do similar things when he is young. This is Machiavellianism, this is nobility."

Ivita thought for a moment and realized something was wrong. "I refuse. I said we will not do anything for the invaders. We are not your army."

"Secondly, I will not betray humans. Jeron can deal with it at any time. There is no rush."

"But if I use your power, it will become an army that helps the children of the forest deal with humans."

Pan narrowed his eyes. "What's wrong with that? This is conspiracy, and politicians make their lives out of it."

"Intrigue and revenge make heroes."

Ivita shook her head and sneered, and said: "I will not seek revenge on anyone. The people of the territory have the ability to choose their king, and I only need to make the right choice, and the throne will naturally return to my hands."

"Mere revenge and conspiracy obviously cannot support the crown. Even if you get the crown through revenge and conspiracy for a while, you will only lose it at a heavier price in the future."

"I once again make my request that you withdraw your troops and pay reasonable compensation!"

"And we make no promises. The only promise I can make is that I will not remind Geron, but I do not guarantee that I will not remind the first citizen of the Autonomous Prefecture Confederacy for some other reasons."

Griffin Knight and Black Wolf were shocked when they heard Ivita speak like this, and a sense of admiration arose in their hearts.

The old witch looked indifferent.

After listening to Ivita's words, Pan thought for a while and suddenly said: "Indeed, conspiracy and revenge cannot bear the weight of the crown. The crown obtained with conspiracy and revenge will definitely pay a serious price."

He suddenly sighed. "There was once a young man as good as you who made the opposite decision in front of me."

"He accepted my suggestion and used the witch to get the golden fleece. Then he abandoned the witch and gave the golden fleece to the princess and the king, and gained the throne."

"And his final outcome was that he was beaten to death by the princess and his son on a deserted roadside."

"You are right. Now I begin to understand why the conference ring was given to you."

Meeting ring?

Ivita glanced in surprise. When Pan Shen said the last few words, his voice suddenly became quieter, but he heard clearly that it was the meeting ring!

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