The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 8 Write down the names of the six god kings (1)

In the room, the old witch seemed unable to suppress her patience, and her voice became rough and sharp, full of ridicule and ridicule. "Hurry up, do you want me to teach you how to write?"

"My little crown prince?"


This is a trap.

Because logically speaking, the demon god in subspace will reject the power of other gods.

If Yvitar was really the Daedric God of the Warp, he would have written his own name on the Tree of Life rather than asking her for the names of other gods.

The so-called March goddess Mithras is of course true.

But once Ivita really dares to write this god's name on her own spiritual tree of life, it means that Ivita is not a demon from subspace.

Because no god can tolerate his body being contaminated by the power of other gods.

But now that the old witch has sacrificed so much for Ivita, she must find a way to get back her money.

First of all, she lost twenty years of her life in order to escape from the Boar Knights, and she lost another thirty years of her life in order to initiate this ritual.

But that's okay.

She could possess the body of Ivita, the sorcerer's apprentice.

These lifespans can be taken directly from Ivita, since this kid is still young anyway.

He could afford to live fifty years.

She was also able to harvest a puppet with an abnormal 'resurrection from the dead'.

This is why the old witch wants to draw a witch's eye behind Ivita, which is a parasitic spell that takes over the body.

All in all, if things develop in this direction, she will not be considered a blood loss.

Maybe, she can dig out something from Ivita.

The old witch stared fiercely at Ivita and teased: "Hurry up and write down the name of the March Goddess."

"Do you want me to write it for you?"


Ivita suddenly squatted down, placed her index finger on the top of the tree of life and energy, and started writing on the top.

The malice in the old witch's eyes almost poured out.

This bastard.

He is indeed a liar.

He deceived her. This bastard was not a demon from the warp at all!

The old witch used her floating hand from behind Ivita, and an extremely dark magical aura emerged from the palm, which was the encroaching magic.


I want you to be worse than...


The pupils of the old witch's head suddenly shrank because she discovered that the name of the god written by Ivita in the magic of life was not the March goddess Mithra at all.

Moreover, it is not a Chinese alphabet text, but a text similar to small squares, just like a picture.

This is……


The old witch's pupils were almost as narrow as pinpoints. She found that she seemed to be arrogant too early, and she started to become arrogant before the matter came to fruition.

Something is not right about this situation.

The situation seemed to deviate greatly from what she had imagined.

What Ivita wrote on the branches of the first Spiritual Tree of Life was exactly the One God who had been worshiped as a sacrifice to heaven and ancestors in ancient China since the Zhou Dynasty.

According to the Zhou rites, the emperor offered sacrifices to heaven, the princes offered sacrifices to earth, and the scholar-bureaucrats offered sacrifices to ancestors.

Taiyi God is a god that only the emperor and emperors of all dynasties have the right to worship.

If someone goes beyond the emperor to worship the Taiyi God in the Temple of Heaven, it is simply seeking death, just like treason.

Although Taiyi God is not well-known among the people, he is the most important god in China, because even the Buddha and the Three Pure Ones cannot be worshiped by all emperors.

This is a god considered heaven.

Ivita could only pray that the name of this god written on the tree of life and spiritual energy would have an effect.

If it doesn't work, the old witch will still kill herself.

After writing the first name, the pattern of the tree of life energy on the board became a little distorted, as if it was overwhelmed. The originally straight tree became crooked, as if it would be bent by a powerful force at any time. tear.

The whole room turned yellow.

I don't know what kind of substance appeared in this room.

Ivita saw a white light flowing on the branches of the tree of life and spiritual energy with the name of [Taiwan God] written on it.

A voice seemed to appear in his ears: "The sky will be clear, the earth will be peaceful, so what if people will be peaceful?" 】

The sound was as loud as a bell, and it made his eardrums tingle.

Moreover, the tree of life and energy that belonged to him was unable to withstand the pressure because of writing this name, so it became distorted.

Iveta felt top-heavy at the moment, and everything he saw was bright red, and it also had a flipping effect.

He thought it was his fever, which was getting higher.

But it may also be because he wrote the name of [Taiyi God] on the tree of life energy.

But no matter what, he had to finish writing all the branches of the spiritual energy of life at the top and see what would happen then.

He has no other choice now.

He couldn't explain the situation to the old witch and ask for help, nor could he terminate the ritual and seek death, so there was only one thing he could do.

Just try your best to write the names of the God-Kings you know on your own spiritual tree of life.

Next, the second name he wants to write is the name of the god-king [Zeus] in Greek mythology.

Behind Ivita, the old witch's head opened with her mouth wide open and her eyes widened. She saw Ivita write a name of a god she had never seen before. This kind of god's name was still written in characters she had never seen before. of.

She stood there dumbfounded as if her forehead had been struck by lightning.

What's going on?

Isn't this guy really the demon from subspace?

Then her arrogant words just now... were said too soon, too soon, too soon.

Now it's bad.

She just died.

"That god's name... I have never seen it before..." The old witch's shoulders trembled. ‘But why did he ask me before what name of God to write? ’

‘It is only possible to write his own god’s name! ’

‘Could it be said that he knew this god’s name from somewhere else? ’

'Or was it written by Hu? ’

‘Ah, God really responded. This is the real name of God, and it seems to be particularly violent. This kind of's not like borrowing the name of another god. ’

'Is he going to write a second one? One is enough. ’

The old witch suddenly remembered that she seemed to have never told Ivita that in fact, this ritual only required writing the name of a god.

Because he only needs to borrow power from a god, which is enough for his body to gain magic power and possess magical talents.

Ivita wrote the second name [Zeus] on the second branch at the top of the spiritual tree of life.

He actually remembers a bit of English, although the original version of Zeus is supposed to be in ancient Greek.

But at least compared to Chinese, English will be closer to the original Greek.

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