The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 9 Write down the names of the six god kings (2)


Suddenly there was a thunder in the room, but there was only thunder and no lightning.

But on the wooden board on the ground, a reflection of thunder and lightning appeared.

At this moment, a steady and powerful voice appeared in Ivita's ear, [Unanimity is powerful, but disputes are easy to conquer. 】

【It is difficult for people to encounter good, but they are hurt by evil every day. 】

[Therefore, any legitimate defense against evildoers is invalid, Lei Lei will make his own judgment! 】

Different from the familiar image of Zeus, the image of Zeus in Homer's epic poem is usually a just judge. Even if all the Greek gods and people join together to compete with him in pulling the rope, they will be pulled by him with one wrist. Rise up and lift all gods and men into the mid-air of Mount Olympus.

In Homer's epic, Zeus is only mentioned to have temporarily lost to Typhon, the hundred-headed giant who symbolizes the volcano.

In addition to his role as the god of thunder, Zeus is also a just judge, a protector of justice, and a punisher of evildoers.

The old witch's pupils dilated. She had canceled the invasion magic at this moment, and the eye pattern that appeared on the board behind Ivita's heels also disappeared.

‘This is the second different form of the name of God. ’

‘And it’s the second type of writing that I can’t understand. ’

‘There can’t be so many coincidences and so many gods that I don’t know about in this world. So this must be this guy's divine name, but he seems to have different names in different races. This guy……'

'He is truly a demon. ’

‘He was so ignorant about this world before, probably because it was his first time in the Magical Black Forest. ’

‘Queen of Darkness, why was I so impatient just now? It’s over, now it’s good. ’

‘I’m looking for death. ’

People like the old witch are suspicious and timid.

Because of her cruelty, she is also afraid that others will treat her the same way she treats others.

So she is very timid.

‘Although the Queen of the Stars is comparable to gods, and the Queen of Darkness has even killed gods, is this guy really an ordinary god? ’

‘Was I wrong from the beginning. ’

‘He used the body of an ordinary person, so he needs to regenerate strength in this world. If he wants to regain his kingdom, does he need an army to conquer the world? ’

The old witch's mind flashed quickly.

In fact, even a god will not change the pattern of the Dark Magic Forest. After all, there are too many magic accidents.

After a long time, no one knows what kind of existence or monster is hidden in this forest.

But Ivita obviously shocked the old witch and made her start thinking about it.

When the old witch saw Iveta going to write the third name, her pupils suddenly narrowed again.

‘How many nicknames does he have! ’

‘However, the amplification power of these nicknames of gods is limited, after all, they will only point to one existence. ’

The Hearthstone Witch did not expect that someone would actually prepare to write down the names of six god kings in a ceremony.

Unexpectedly, because Ivita is the only one of these gods who knows them in this world, she basically attracts all the attention.

Ivita wrote [Odin] on the third branch at the top of the spiritual tree of life.

Odin is the god-king of Norse mythology.

Norse mythology is characterized by the mortality of the gods.

Different from the main gods of other myths, Odin's main priesthood is [War and Death]. This seems to indicate the war in the Nordic region and is related to whether the Nordic tribes can survive.

Ivita heard a voice, [Don’t ask everyone for help, conquer everyone and ask for them! 】

Then, under the horrified eyes of the old witch, Ivita wrote the fourth name [La] on the tree of life energy.

The life spiritual branch was immediately wrapped with golden flames. The flame curled up and burned, as if it were a fruit on the branch, but it also seemed like a small flame.

The ancient Egyptian Sun God King [Ra] is the famous sun god.

It rarely appears in the mythological system, with the sun as the god king.

Perhaps because things like the sun are so common, the sun is regarded as a secondary god in mythological systems everywhere.

But in the desert oasis environment of ancient Egypt, the importance of the sun was infinitely increased.

Because in that environment, the power of the sun is obvious.

A majestic voice appeared in Iveta's ears, 'In the giant house, in the house of fire, in the dark night of reckoning the years, in the dark night of reckoning the years, I give you your real name! ’

'When the divine rises on the eastern heavenly steps, I grant you to sit quietly beside me. When the gods announce their names one by one, I hope you will also remember your real name! ’

The old witch's pupils suddenly narrowed, because the shape of the branch of life spiritual energy is very unique now.

It seems to be a fruit on a branch, very similar in shape to the sun tree in "Ancient Plants from Beyond the Sky", but the sun tree is one of the origins of the seeds of life and an important resource that can sustain a country.

Now part of Ivita's spiritual tree of life has transformed into a sun tree in form.

Regardless of whether it has some abilities similar to those of the Sun Tree.

This is enough to prove that Ivita is the devil!

‘Damn the devil, how can I get rid of him! ! ’

‘I provoked him just now. ’

The old witch's eyes were red, and she felt the water was hot. At this moment, she suddenly missed her beloved disciple very much, and just thinking of her made her feel more intimate. ‘No, I can’t handle this alone. I must let my beloved disciple come, and we, master and disciple, can work together to find a way to get rid of this demon! ’

‘By working together, master and disciple, we can face any difficulties. ’

'But wait a minute. ’

The old witch's head showed a hint of caution.

‘The more powerful the spiritual power borrowed from the Life Spiritual Energy Tree, the higher the quality of the magic it brings. ’

‘Although in theory, using the Spiritual Tree of Life ritual can indeed borrow divine power from six gods, how dare ordinary people be so arrogant as to let six gods lend them power at the same time. ’

'That's asking for death. ’

‘Profane. ’

'But right now, this demon god can actually write down four names of gods at the top of the Tree of Life and Spiritual Energy. Even if these names are just his profile, then I'm afraid he has magical talent...'

'I'm afraid it will be very terrifying, even far more than a witch who is born with the talent of casting spells. ’

Just when the old witch thought Ivita would only write the fourth name, Ivita wrote the fifth name.


This is the name of Quetzalcoatl!

At this point, Iveta could no longer stop.

Because the tree of life and spiritual energy with the names of four gods written on it formed a barely balanced state.

On the wooden floor, Ivita's tree of life energy seemed to be pulled by forces from four different directions, so it was freed from its twisted state and looked very normal.

But as time goes by, the tree of life energy on the wooden board is still slowly twisting in one direction.

The power has not reached a stable balance! !

Ivita could only continue writing and continued to write the names of the last two gods.

Let's see if he can achieve a true balance and get out of his current awkward situation.

The old witch's heart was in turmoil. ‘Is he going to finish writing the six names of gods? ’

‘I have never seen... a tree of life and spiritual energy that uses six gods’ names to borrow magic power. ’

‘How powerful must that be! ’

At this moment, the entire post house suddenly shook, and the sounds of fighting and quarreling floated in from the windows on the fourth floor.

"We are the Boar Knights. We suspect that you are hiding witches and witch accomplices. The church will punish you."

"What? Compensate property? Do you want me to abide by the official seal of the adventurer? Can't attack the inn? Haha, it's just a joke. I'll pay with your life!"

The Great Witch of Hearthstone was stunned. "Oops, those idiots from the Wild Boar Knights actually showed up at the critical moment when Your Majesty was being promoted to wizard apprentice."


"Now I can't move at all. If I interrupt the ritual, the backlash I'll suffer will instantly distort the mortal body I'm using, turning the mortal body into a magical monster."

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