The Witcher

Chapter 107: Cry Soulweed

Just when Lin Meng felt a headache for the "ghost potion" formula in his hand, Beasley bid farewell to the other three and went straight back to his residence in the "Thorn City", a very spacious and bright building. ,

At this moment, Beasley sat on a chair, took out his communication crystal, and directly transmitted a secret message through the crystal in his hand. ㈧『㈠『Chinese『网』⒈

At the same time, "Thorn City" was separated from Beasley's residence, a few blocks away in a small building with a cold atmosphere, a man covered in black mist and a gloomy complexion was meditating in a secret room with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, the shady man frowned, and his breath changed drastically. There was a sudden gust of wind in the originally calm room, and the black mist was blowing endlessly. It seemed that some monsters were about to rush out of the black mist.

"Yeah!! It's Beasley!! Is it done?" The yin-bird man opened his eyes, and the cold light was fleeting. He looked at the crystal ball in his hand, and there really was a piece of Beasley on it. information.

"The things have been handed over to the other party smoothly!!"

Seeing this, the murderous man in the eyes of the yin-bird was very murderous, "Huh!! I will wait for the other party to get the bait!!" The yin-bird man snorted coldly, and after speaking, he stopped speaking and entered meditation again, not long after. The breath has become long and long...

In the afternoon, Lin Meng closed the shop and went to the secret stronghold in that remote alley again, hiding his whereabouts.

In the basement of the small building, Lin Meng was wearing a white lab coat and a mask, and he was focused on being busy. On the experimental platform in front of him, a piece of amber that was wrapped around the corpse of the "Black Demon Insect" was placed.

Lin Meng stretched out his hand, a mechanical arm full of various runes stretched out from Lin Meng's side, and saw the tip of the mechanical arm, a bright silver spiral metal drill, gently pressing against the surface of the amber stone. , Rotating, "buzzing", stone chips flying, and it didn't take long to drill a small hole directly to the body of the'Black Demon Insect'.

Lin Meng waved his hand to stop the drill and exited Amber. Then another robotic arm stretched out. This time there was a needle on the tip. Lin Meng gently pulled the robotic arm and carefully inserted the needle into the small hole just drilled out. A little bit of it was inserted into the body of the'Black Demon Insect' in Amber. I don’t know if it’s due to the age and countless years of the worm's body, or the'black demon worm' is dead. Lin Meng did not feel any resistance, and the specially-made needle pierced the carapace on the worm's back with a sound Worm belly.

After a few breaths, Lin Meng withdrew the needle from the worm's belly, and then carefully withdrew the needle from Amber.

Seeing that there were some body fluids and organ tissues on the tip of the needle, Lin Meng couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly took a test tube containing a strange liquid. The liquid in the test tube was bright red and it was boiling continuously, as if there was a fierce fire underneath it. .

Lin Meng gently stretched the needle into the test tube and stirred for a few times, and the bright red solution in the test tube that had been boiling began to become more violent. The constant churn of bubbles formed some red smoke on the mouth of the test tube and overflowed at the bottom of the test tube. Some black precipitates began to form.

After a quarter of an hour, the movement in the test tube finally calmed down. At this time, the original bright red solution had turned into a very pale red solution. Lin Meng poured it into a special funnel, his lips moved, chanting words, and following a weird spell When it fell, the metal funnel covered with runes on the outer wall began to rotate sharply. Under the sharp rotation of the funnel, the reddish solution in the funnel began to gradually layer, and then Lin Meng took out a few beakers and quickly divided the funnel. The layer solution was caught separately. The funnel is Lin Meng's combination of the principle of the earth centrifuge and the alchemy machinery and talismanic literature of the wizarding world. It is designed by the smart chip "Earth". The effect is quite good. It is Lin Meng's exclusive secret.

Under the centrifugal action of the funnel, Lin Meng obtained a nearly colorless and transparent solution, but before it was finished, he saw that he pulled out two more reagents from the bracket on the side, and poured them into the black devil insects. 'In the test tube of the this, about five hours later, Lin Meng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at a test tube containing a black liquid in his hand with joy.

Lin Meng came to the corner of the laboratory with a test tube in his hand. In front of an instrument that seemed to be a microscope model, it was said to be a microscope because there happened to be two spectator tubes at the front of the instrument, which were very similar to the microscope on the earth. The rest is quite different. In addition to the metal base full of runes, there is also a magic stone inlaid on one side, which seems to be providing energy for the microscope.

"Hey!! The magnification of this microscope is still not enough, but it is already the most advanced microscope I can make!!" Lin Meng sucked a little out of the liquid in the test tube with a dropper and dropped it on a sterilized glass slide. When I observed it under a microscope, but couldn't clearly see whether there was a complete gene sequence in the extract of the'Black Devil', Lin Meng could not help but sigh.

"However, I remember that Teacher Audrey has a microscope that is much more advanced than mine. Maybe you can try it!!" Suddenly Lin Meng remembered that there was a more sophisticated one in Wizard Audrey’s laboratory. microscope.

Just as he thought of it, Lin Meng hurriedly packed up his things and hurried to the residence of Wizard Audrey, although the sky was already dark at this time.

Lin Meng came to the giant mountain again, because the giant mountain left a deep impression on Lin Meng when he first came, so every time he came, Lin Meng watched the mountain rising from the ground. The trunks will feel inexplicably awed.

"Master Magic Vine, please send me in!!" Lin Meng swept the giant tree with the badge in his hand, and then threw the prepared magic stone into the face of the tree with his mouth open. Seeing the giant vine, which was still groggy, suddenly became full of life.

"Come in, generous little guy!!" A muffled roar came from the huge mouth above the magic vine. Looking at the dark cave in front of him, Lin Meng walked in calmly. Of course, to enter this huge mountain, you don’t have to toss like Lin Meng, you can also go in through an artificial passage from the other side of the mountain, but it takes a lot of time, and Lin Meng doesn’t lack that magic stone. , So I just asked Master Demon Teng to send herself over, "I don’t know if the'High Tower' deliberately designed the passage so far in the first place to allow Master Demon Teng to earn some rations!!" Thinking of this, Lin Lin Fiercely speculate.

"Knocking!!" As the knock on the door sounded, the old voice of the wizard Audrey was still heard. "Who is it?"

"Teacher Audrey, it's me... Link!!" Lin Meng replied upon hearing the words.

"Boom!!" As Lin Meng's words fell, Shimen slowly moved away. "Come in, little guy!!" Wen said that Lin Meng straightened his clothes, raising his leg and stepping in.

"Why, what kind of knowledge do you want to buy from me this time, Link?" Wizard Audrey is still the horrible face stitched together at random, but there is a hint of closeness in the old voice. Lin Meng felt a trace of warmth in his heart.

"Teacher Audrey, I want to borrow your microscope, and I still have some questions to ask you!!" Lin Meng bowed.

"Oh, what's the problem? Let you, a clever little guy, rush to me so late!!" Hearing this, Audrey was also full of curiosity in the wizard's words, remembering that Lin Meng would always ask some people to think deeply. Question, asked with interest for a while.

"Uh...nothing? I just want to ask the teacher who has the medicine of ‘ghost grass’!!" Lin Meng scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"Well... let me think about...'Ghost Grass', I seem to have heard of it somewhere, wait a minute, I'll go through my information!!" After speaking, Wizard Audrey asked Lin Meng to find a chair. Sitting down casually, he turned and went inside.

Lin Meng walked aside and looked at the strange alchemy items in the house with relish. Just when Lin Meng could see the gods, Wizard Audrey walked out with a huge book in her hand.

"Little guy, I found it!!" After speaking, Wizard Audrey handed the huge book to Lin Meng. Turning one of the pages, he saw a very weird and hideous and weird plant leaping on the paper. There are many dense small prints on the side for annotations.

"'Soul Cry Grass', also known as'Ghost Grass' in ancient times, can be used to make ancient potions such as'Ghost Potions' and'Wraith Potions'. It is very rare and likes to grow in dark, damp, deadly places. Lin Meng said silently while looking at the small print on the book.

"No wonder!! It is now called'Cry Soul' instead of'Ghost Grass' as it was called in ancient times!!" Now that there is a bit of news, Lin Meng's originally hopeless heart is revitalized. .

"'Soul Cry'? I remember that there was an old guy who seemed to have a plant there!! I'll help you ask!!" Wizard Audrey frowned and thought for a while, and then took out her own communication crystal. The message went out.

After a few breaths, an old face appeared on the crystal ball. "Audrey, what's wrong with me?" The old man's overcast voice came from the crystal ball, making Lin Meng goose bumps.

"Old ghost, I heard that there is a'soul crying' in your place?" The wizard Audrey asked in a cold voice, expressionless.

"Why? Do you want it? I remember that the thing is useless except for the "ghost potion". Do you have any new use? I will give it to you if you listen to it!! Jiejie!!!" the old man heard Yan's eyes rolled and his face was cunning.

"Hmph, old ghost, you made a wrong calculation!!" Wizard Audrey smiled coldly, "It's the little guy around me who is asking me, otherwise you think that with your virtue, I don't have the mind to deal with you!!" "Listening to Wizard Audrey's tone, she seemed to be very disdainful of the old man's character.

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