The Witcher

Chapter 8: Bikron

"Oh, it turned out to be like this!!" Hearing this, the old man turned his eyes and looked at Lin Meng who was standing aside, not at all angry at Wizard Audrey's words. ㈧㈠中文网』⒈

"Little guy, it seems to be for the'ghost potion', right? I didn't expect you to find such a partial ancient potion. It's really hard for you, but if you want the'ghost grass', come to the old man's side, it happens to me. There is something that can’t be found for the old man. If you can solve this problem perfectly for the old man, the old man agrees to give you the “ghost grass”. What do you think? The old man’s address is known, you ask. She is fine, the old man has other things to be busy, so I won't pay more!!" After speaking, the wizard Bikolun interrupted the conversation.

"Huh, kid, but let me tell you, Bikolun is famous for being stingy, cunning, and weird. If you want to deal with him, be careful, otherwise you won’t even be scumbags. Leftovers." Wizard Audrey said coldly. Although his tone was not very kind, Lin Meng could feel the enlightenment in it.

"Well, the old lady is not too long-winded. The microscope in the laboratory will give you one month and one thousand magic stones!!" After saying that, Wizard Audrey threw a palm-sized round badge to Lin Meng, and turned around. A room. Lin Meng played with the round badge on his hand. Lin Meng, who is already a regular customer here, knew that the badge in his hand was a controlled item prohibited by the Audrey Wizarding Laboratory. Kind of prohibits bombing and killing into scum.

Lin Meng holding the badge came to a thick stone wall, and gently pressed the badge in his hand against the wall.

"Boom!" I saw the entire stone wall slowly moved away. The room inside was very spacious, with a strange formation on the top covered with a kind of shining, white-light crystals, covering the entire laboratory. The light was so transparent that Lin Meng walked in the meantime, and he couldn't see his shadow on the ground at all. It seemed that the arrangement of light crystals on his head was a bit like a'shadowless lamp' in the hospital.

Just a few steps, Lin Meng's eyes condensed, and he swept around vigilantly. Just now, Lin Meng's sense of smell, smelling a faint **** smell, the instinct of life and death for many years, made Lin Meng immediately distinguish it.

After carefully turning around in the laboratory, Lin Meng found a glass box containing half a corpse behind a pile of debris. The corpse was cut open from head to toe, revealing the dark red organs inside. The other half The corpse was missing, and the smell of blood was pungent. Lin Meng touched it with his hand and found that the corpse was still warm, and it seemed that it had just died.

"Could it be that when I came to the wizard Audrey, the other party was dissecting the corpse?" Lin Meng felt a little chill when he thought of this, but he still looked like nothing had happened. During the years of "Black Thorns", Lin Meng had seen scenes even more **** and terrifying than this.

"After all, this is in the high tower controlled by the black wizard!!" Lin Meng himself has also personally dissected many living creatures.

No other dangers were seen, Lin Meng closed the box, took out a blue potion from the space bag, unscrewed the lid, and gently poured out a drop of potion. The blue potion was seen after leaving the mouth of the bottle. Quickly waved in the air, and the whole laboratory was filled with a refreshing fragrance, which refreshed people's spirits.

This is a bottle of ‘God Awakening Potion’ prepared by Lin Meng in his spare time, allowing the wizard to calm down quickly while meditating. However, to remove a bit of **** smell, some fuss was made, which is what a pharmacist like Lin Meng was willing to do.

When everything was prepared, Lin Meng took out the experimental materials he put in the space bag in the same way, put them on the experimental table in different categories, and started the ‘Black Demon Insect’s Gene Extraction Experiment’...

A year later, Lin Meng left the ‘Vil Nero’ mountain range where the ‘Black Thorns’ was located...

In the past year, Lin Meng first successfully extracted the complete gene sequence of the'Black Demon Insect', and successfully bred the'Giant Golden Black Ant' and the'Red Flame Beetle'. The'Giant Golden Beetle' in the notes of Wizard Denier 'The larva. Finally, Lin Meng injected all the genes of the'Black Demon Insect' into the newly cultivated'Giant Golden Beetle' larvae.

The original dark red "Giant Golden Beetle" was injected with the genes of the "Black Demon Insect" by Lin Meng, and it began to become pitch black, with a hideous appearance, soaring height, and a more vicious aura. Lin Meng threw this pitch-black larva of the'Giant Golden Beetle' into the mature colonies of'Giant Golden Black Ant' and'Red Flame Beetle'.

The ‘Giant Gold Black Ant’ and the ‘Red Flame Beetle’ that were still biting each other at the beginning disperse instantly, like a snake scorpion, and are divided into two distinct camps. Feeling the ferocious aura scattered from the black fierce insects in front of them, both the'Giant Golden Black Ant' and the'Red Flame Beetle' began to agitate uncomfortably, and the two huge mouthparts of the'Giant Golden Black Ant' kept rubbing and squeaking. The noise seemed to be intimidating the black bug, and the'Red Flame Beetle' spewed out a pillar of fire from time to time, using all its talented flames.

Facing the deterrence of the two ferocious insects, the'Golden Beetle' was not moved at all. Although the'Golden Beetle', which is still a larva, was a little smaller than the other two insects, the'Golden Beetle' was the first When they attacked, the insect swarm suddenly split into two waves, a wave of'giant golden black ants' rushing to one side, and a wave of'red flame beetles' rushing to the other side.

Seeing the swarm of'Giant Golden Beetles' rushing violently, the first reaction of'Giant Golden Black Ants' and'Red Flame Beetles' was not to challenge, but to turn around and retreat. The box was so big that there was not much space at all. How long did the'Giant Golden Black Ant' and the'Red Flame Beetle' be pushed together. Due to the threat of external forces, the two insects did not bite each other again this time, but kept squeezing towards the center of the swarm. It seems that it can be safer there.

There is no way to avoid it. In the end, the colony formed by the'Giant Golden Black Ant' and the'Red Flame Beetle' still fought against the'Giant Golden Beetle' larvae. The corpse of the insect fell, and a closer look was full of the gnawed and mutilated bodies of the'Giant Golden Black Ant' and the'Red Flame Beetle'. There were only a few corpses of the'Giant Golden Beetle'.

Whether it is the bite of the'giant golden black ant' or the flames in the body of the'red flame beetle', it is almost impossible to break through the defense of the body surface of the'giant golden beetle'. The maximum attack power of'Giant Gold Black Ant' and'Red Flame Beetle'.

A quarter of an hour later, the war of the swarm was over, and the corpses of the ‘giant gold black ants’ and the ‘red flame beetle’ all over the ground were quickly swallowed up. The ‘giant golden beetles’ that had swallowed the corpses seemed unsatisfied and began to bite each other, but Lin Meng had been prepared long ago, and urged all the restless beetles to calm down.

This is the insect control technique specially purchased by Lin Meng for the'giant golden beetle' at a high price. If there is no such witchcraft specifically used to control the insect swarm, once there is any unexpected change, the owner of the swarm can easily be backlashed. With this'Insect Control Technique', Lin Meng has established an unbreakable connection between his mind and the group of'Giant Golden Beetles'. Just like the owner and the pet, Lin Meng has absolute dominance.

Seeing the ferocious ‘Giant Golden Beetle’, Lin Meng was like a treasure. Immediately use the more than one thousand "giant golden beetles" as a killer's trick, and put them away in a pet space bag specially used to hold pets, keeping them secret. "This is my future trump card!! The official wizard dare not say it, but the apprentice wizard must have fled away from the wind!!" Lin Mengxi thought diligently.

"At least I have confidence in this mission. Otherwise, even if the rewards are enriched, I don't dare to take it!!"

It turned out that after Lin Meng used Wizard Audrey’s microscope to successfully extract the genetic sequence of the'Black Demon Insect', Lin Meng finally failed to resist the temptation of the'Ghost Grass' and asked Wizard Audrey about the residence of Wizard Bikolun. , And then met with the wizard Bikron.

Wizard Bikolun offered Lin Meng a deal, and asked Lin Meng to hunt down a wizard apprentice for him, and retrieve an item from his hand and give it to him. Even if Lin Meng completes the task, the reward is "ghost grass". .

It turned out that the Bikolun wizard was obsessed with ‘elements of life’, ‘corpse alchemy’, and ‘puppetry’ all his life, and spent a lot of time on these three witchcraft, resulting in slow progress in his own spiritual power.

Half a year ago, the Bikron wizard finally succeeded in refining a puppet that it had spent thirty years on. The overjoyed Bikron wizard ignored for a while, but let his student Zoe After taking advantage of the loopholes, he stole the alchemy puppet that was comparable to a first-level wizard, and betrayed the tower of'Black Thorns' in one fell swoop, and disappeared without a trace.

I don't know if the refining of the alchemy puppet succeeded in allowing the Bikoron wizard to relieve the heart demon that had troubled him for many years. The Bikorun wizard, who had been a first-level wizard for many years, felt an opportunity to break through the middle-level bottleneck. Although his student Zoe's behavior made him furious, in order to seize this opportunity, the Bikron wizard had to make preparations for breaking through to the middle-level wizard. Without being able to do this, I had to ask other wizards for help in this task.

However, due to the strange temper of the wizard Bikolun, the popularity in the Tower of Blackthorn is not good, and he does not want other wizards to know that he has refined an extremely powerful puppet, which will cause this matter to change. So I had to secretly find a powerful apprentice wizard to do things for him.

After signing a ‘confidential agreement’, Lin Meng was told by the wizard Bikron some detailed information about Zoe and the alchemy puppet.

The "contract" in the wizarding world is a commonly used insurance method, which is much more reliable than any contract that Lin Meng has seen before. The "confidentiality contract" signed by Lin Meng and Bikolun wizard is a contract that involves occultism, curse science, and soul witchcraft, including a variety of witchcraft knowledge.

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