The Witcher

Chapter 538: Augustus

   Lin fiercely stared at the wizard headed, and appeared in front of him with a movement, his fist sent forward, and immediately blasted the air with a burst of noise, and hit the opponent's chest. Just as Lin Meng's fist was about to hit the opponent's chest, a cold grunt suddenly sounded in the forest, instantly dissipating the fierce aura from Lin Meng's body.

   "Who--" In an instant, Lin Meng was shocked, his figure flashed, and he left the place where he stood just now, staring at the surrounding with vigilant eyes, and coldly shouted. The cold snort just now spread to his ears, breaking his aura instantly, and he couldn't help but let out a cold sweat, "High-level wizard--", ​​he knew he had met a high-level wizard. .

Just as his voice fell, his complexion suddenly changed. I don't know when there was an extra figure in the air not far in front of him. The opponent was wearing a black robe, standing tall and facing him, but his whole body was not at all witchcraft. The breath of surgery exudes.

"Hmph, you guys went to the high tower law enforcement team to receive a month of'black wind' torture." The visitor looked at the five people on the ground with ailing aura, and said with a blank expression, but revealed that there is no doubt that it is one. This kind of momentum can only be condensed by being in the top for a long time.

"Yes, Master Tower Master——" Suddenly, the five of them got up and saluted the high-altitude figures respectfully. Although a month of torture in the dark wind is a bit painful for them, it is more painful than they were killed just now. , They are still willing to accept the Black Wind Phage.

  In a moment, the five people quickly disappeared into the forest.

"You are the'Black Thorns' Link?" At this moment, the figure turned, looking at Lin Meng, his face was cold, and he couldn't see the happiness or anger. Between the opening and closing of the two eyes, there seemed to be a light flashing, and Lin Meng instantly Meng felt a chill in his heart, feeling that he was seen through by the other side inside and out.

   "Hey, it's interesting, your body is so strong." He looked at Lin Meng suddenly with a change of expression. "Are you going to take the road of ancient knights? Compared to the average physical training wizard, your body is not a little bit stronger." His expressionless face at first showed a hint of interest, staring at Lin Meng. . "It's no wonder that Constance's letter said that you are an interesting little guy. Just now, the five people, who are considered to be relatively outstanding first-level wizards in my Netherworld Tower, were swept away by your breath. "

"I've seen it, Master Augustus--" Lin Meng looked at the black robe man in front of him, and the alarm bell in Lin Meng's heart was loud. At the beginning of the chaotic Gobi, Lin Meng gave a glimpse of the'darkness'. The council's actual controller was very impressed, especially the peerless demeanor of the opponent facing the Imoleta of the White Wizard League, which was unique to the top powerhouses, especially the incredible dominance.

   "You seem to know who I am?" Augustus looked at him and asked faintly, his tone not fluctuating at all.

   "I once saw an adult in the Gobi Desert." Lin Meng said, "At that time, the adult was confronting Imoleta, the third-level great wizard of the White Wizard Alliance."

   "Well, I didn't expect you to participate in the battle of the Gobi Desert?" He glanced at Lin Meng unexpectedly. Suddenly his tone became cold, and he said something thoughtlessly. "Dani this thing just passed, my daughter has been spoiled since childhood."

Hearing this, Lin Meng couldn't help but smile, what else could he do, even though he already knew the five people just now, it was Daenerys who didn't know what means they used to chase him down, but facing the third-level wizard He was so strong that he had no choice but to agree with respect.

   Seeing Lin Meng dare not have any objections, Augustus continued. "And I hope you never see Christina again, you can understand what I mean." In the originally calm dense forest, suddenly a hurricane swept over, setting off a violent air current, and the forest with dry leaves filled the sky. At this moment, he became the third-level great wizard that everyone in the southern continent was awe-inspiring.

   Lin Meng's face sank.

"You don't agree?" He looked at Lin Meng, who was silent, his expression condensed. Suddenly, the chaotic air currents in the forest all gathered together and formed a huge whirlpool around Lin Meng. He felt that his breathing was stagnant, his complexion flushed, and the mana in his body suddenly stagnated without knowing why, he could not activate defensive witchcraft, and could only rely on his own body to resist.

   "Hmm—" He raised his eyebrows, and seeing Lin Meng still gritted his teeth, a murderous intent flashed across his face, and immediately the forest's momentum changed, and a cold and solemn intention swept around.

   At this moment, Lin Meng was in pain all over his body and his complexion was sour red. He gritted his teeth without saying a word, and his face was extremely ugly. Seeing Augustus's murderous heart, he had to agree to the other party's request. "Follow your will." He paused, but his heart was very angry, but he was extremely helpless. Facing the third-level wizard who could crush him to death with one hand, he had to bow his head.

   "Okay--" Seeing Lin Meng's eyes were full of anger and had to agree to his own request, Augustus didn't care. There was never fairness in the wizarding world. The strong dominating the weak is the core rule of this world. After saying this, he saw his figure flashed and disappeared in the forest. Lin Meng didn't see how the other party left from the beginning to the—"At this time, Lin Mengcai He fell soft and fell to the ground. He was exhausted just now under the oppression of the opponent's powerful aura, and the opponent walked so simply because he was one of the few third-level great wizards in the southern continent. Thinking of this, in addition to anger, Lin Meng's heart was more helpless and bitter. I am afraid that unless he became a third-level wizard, he would not even have the right to talk to the other party on an equal footing. The other party was still domineering as always.


   Four months later, Leno County, west of the Rhine Kingdom.

   Lin Meng just glanced down from a high place in the sky, and this small town swayed past, leaving it behind.

   Half a day later, at the bottom of the huge mountain where they came out last time, the silhouette of Lin Meng appeared outside, and then a fist-sized fireball was formed in his hand, which was thrown out by him.

   "Boom——" With a violent cry, the fireball hit a thin light curtain and spread out.


   The next moment, with a low drink, three figures flashed past. In front of Lin Meng's light curtain, there were suddenly two more wizards, two men and one woman, and the three of them stared at him with unkind expressions. "Who is your Excellency, why come here to attack the ban?" one of the men asked.

   "Whh----" Hearing this, Lin Meng threw the black badge in his hand without saying a word, and was carefully received by the other party.

   "Well, Black Knight Constance's badge." The opponent stared at the badge in his hand and his complexion changed, and he glanced at Lin Meng with some surprise.

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