The Witcher

Chapter 539: Back to the Union

"I come from the'Blair Alliance' under the order of Lord Constance from the Underworld Tower to go to the Chiyan Desert to perform the task. Now that the task is completed, I need to use this teleportation circle to return to the alliance. Please allow the three of you." Lin Said fiercely.

"Hey, your Excellency is one of the five wizards O'Reilly confessed at the beginning?" The man could not help looking at Lin Meng in surprise when he heard this. The wizard on duty three years ago is no longer the original wave, but At the time of the handover, the three wizards from the previous batch told them about Lin Meng's situation. After all, this circle has not been useful for decades. The arrival of Lin Meng's five is still Make them extremely concerned.

   "Yes, now that the mission has been completed, which long-distance teleportation circle I need to use again." Lin Meng nodded.

The three of them immediately exchanged glances, and finally the wizard nodded to Lin Meng, "Your Excellency, come in, it will take a while for the teleportation array to be ready." After speaking, he suddenly pinched a curse mark in his hand and flew. A touch of black light came out, and the light curtain in front of him suddenly appeared a high passage on the restraint.

   Soon after in the mountain belly, watching the ground teleportation circle being activated by the three people again, Lin Meng's eyes flashed and walked in, then a dazzling light flashed, and Lin Meng's figure disappeared without a trace in the circle...

   Three months later, sunset on the prairie, Blair Alliance.

At the gate of the stone city built by a wizard, a tall figure wearing a cloak appeared here. He looked at the city still standing on the vast grassland, tightened the cloak tightly, and walked towards the stone city. .

   "Your Excellency, please also hand over the badge." A wizard stopped in front of Lin Meng.

   Hearing the words, Lin Meng stretched his hand into his arms and threw his alliance badge over. After a while, the opponent gave up and let out the city gate behind him.

After recovering the badge, Lin Meng stepped into this stone city again after a few years. The layout of the city remains unchanged. There are buildings with various functions everywhere. You can see the wizards coming and going. In a hurry, he barely talked with the people around him, his face tightened, his eyes rolled, and he swept across the rows of buildings in front of him.

   Suddenly his eyes were fixed, and then he walked towards a tall hall.

Half a day later, in a spacious and bright hall, Lin Meng was received by Constance. There were also high-level wizards from the three major alliances present. They mainly asked about Lin Meng’s mission. The five left, but now only Lin Meng came back, making the wizards of the other three alliances extremely ugly.

"You mean you were in an ambush in the'hanging stone sea'?" A beard-faced man stared at him, shouting loudly, spitting and splashing, but Lin Meng didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction. The other party was a man. The third-level wizard, this alone can only make him honestly let the opponent's saliva spray on himself.

"Okay, Pete, be patient. You always interrupt his narration. When will it be finished?" An old-faced old man next to him gave the man a dissatisfied look. "Go on, you just talked about you Encountered an orc ambush in the floating stone sea." The old man turned his head and whispered to Lin Meng.

"Yes, my lord, that is at least a second-level orc, and among our group, Simila is the other's spy..." Lin Meng slowly took his trip to the'Red Flame Desert' under the instruction of the other party. , Explained one by one, of course this involved some of his own secrets, which was ignored by him.

   After a long time, Lin Meng said in the room. "Several adults, these are all the things I encountered during this mission. Fortunately, it lived up to expectations and finally completed the mission." He looked at the space rings placed on the table and pushed them to the opposite side. people.

"Well, you go down first. I have checked the materials in the ring just now. Your mission is completed beautifully. When the merit point is reached, someone will send it to you." A middle-aged man with a calm complexion started playing. In the ring, looked at him and nodded. Lin Meng heard this and knew that the other party was discussing important matters, and he was not qualified to participate in this kind of meeting, so he quickly saluted the people of Constance and backed out.

He had guessed in his heart that the few people in the room must be extremely sensitive to the spies he just mentioned. But he heard that the alliance has been prepared recently and is about to start a decisive battle with the orcs in the north. This is from Chrissy He heard the news from Tina, and since entering the stone city before, he felt a nervous breath, which was solemn before the war. Everyone looked nervous, unsmiling, and looked like a storm.

He deliberately revealed Simila and the orc woman to attract their attention. Don’t stare at his every move in the Chiyan Desert. The effect is good. He remembers when he said it just now. The three-level wizards of the Blair Alliance looked particularly ugly, black like the bottom of a pot, and the wizards nearby also looked gloomy.

   Just after he left, there were four third-level wizards in the house, sitting at one end of a long oval table.

"Constans, this is your "Dark Council" person. Do you think his words are credible?" The bearded wizard looked at Constance who was silent and asked, as if he didn't say that to Lin Meng. Believe.

"I'm afraid I have to ask your Lord Salis on this." Hearing that, Constance raised his eyes and looked at a woman who was sitting aside, and laughed at a woman who hadn't said a word from the beginning. The woman wore a white robe and was all over her body. The holy power was stirring, with a string of silver ornaments on his forehead, his face was noble and inviolable.

   "Huh, what do you mean, Constance?" The white-robed woman looked cold and looked at him angrily.

"I heard that Your Excellency Salis is the person in charge of the law enforcement team in the Holy Knight Academy. He is very good at mind-detecting witchcraft. I don't know what was wrong with Link just now?" He moved his face and looked at the white-robed woman. Pointed.

"Your Excellency, there is something in the words?" When Sharis heard the words, her phoenix eyebrows were raised, and a touch of sorrow appeared on her exquisite face. She stared at him closely. The two next to them couldn't help but feel a headache while watching them. They can only try their best to coordinate the opposition of the Dark Council, hoping that the two parties can temporarily put aside their prejudices and work together against the steppe orcs.

"It's just a matter of facts. Your Excellency Salis is too sensitive." Constance looked at the other person's disagreement and wanted to do something, and couldn't help but move his mouth with a smile. "The only one of us is Yours. With this kind of mind-detection secret technique, of course, I'm asking your Excellency." He didn't care, and he didn't even notice the gloomy face of the other party.

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