The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 319 Thank you!

"Go up and have a look."

Thomas looked calm. He stood up, put on his coat, and got out of the carriage. Before he went upstairs, he gave instructions to the entourage around him, "Go and inform the police and the demon hunter who is in charge of patrolling." Take Rafiq upstairs.


A burly man smashed through the wooden door and hit the wall opposite the corridor. The man snorted twice, then fell from the wall and passed out.

Thomas walked into the room, and there were a lot of people lying in the room, and in the middle of the room was Marianna who was trembling.

"Take away these guys who are in the way." Thomas casually ordered, and Thomas didn't care about what happened in front of him. He walked to the sofa and sat down. He even picked up the coffee that hadn't been spilled on the table and tasted it.

"It's a bit cold, adding a little more milk will taste better."

"Mr. Thomas." Mariana looked terrified.

She didn't expect that the woman who had been by Rebecca's side turned out to be a terrifying Transcendent. Before she could even be surprised, the battle in the room was over.

The woman was like a ghost, knocking down a person around her every time she appeared, with her bare hands and without using any weapons.

"Go on, it's none of your business here." Thomas waved his hand.

"Listen to my explanation, Mr. Thomas, we waited in the living room for a long time after we came in, but no one came, so..."

"Please leave, Ms. Mariana. My father once told me that it is extremely ungentlemanly to ask a lady to go away." Thomas didn't look up, and his tone didn't fluctuate too much, but Mariana couldn't help but hear his words. I was shaking all over.

She looked at Rafiq as if asking for help, the latter gave her a comforting look, said nothing, looked up at Rebecca, Mariana left with a sullen face.

"Sorry, Miss Rebecca." Thomas said kindly, "Please allow me to apologize to you for what they have done, and I am willing to pay five times the damages in the room."

"Then can we talk about the acquisition of shares calmly?"

"I don't think we need to talk." Rebecca shook her head coldly. "You are not welcome here. Please leave. I will not sell the shares of Henrik Telephone Company."

"100,000 gold pounds!"

Thomas suddenly said, "As long as you want, I can send the money to you tonight. I asked someone to inquire that your investment in this company should not exceed 50,000 gold pounds at most."

"In one month, the income will be doubled." He held out a finger, "This kind of income will make anyone crazy, at least in terms of money, I don't think you have any reason to refuse."

"As I said, I will not sell this share, even if you give me more money, I will not sell it." Rebecca's face turned cold, "Please leave, immediately!"

While she was speaking, Ashley on one side also took a step forward. At the same time, the shoulder muscles of a middle-aged man next to Thomas swelled, and the center of gravity of the body sank slightly.

"Don't be nervous, everyone relax." Thomas suddenly laughed, "We are all decent people, this is just business."

He picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, "No, the taste is too bad now." As he spoke, he turned his wrist and poured all the coffee in the cup onto the table.


The brown liquid soaked the documents on the table, and he raised his hand and handed the cup to Rafiq, "Thank you, two spoonfuls of milk, without sugar." After speaking, he raised his head and glanced at Rebecca who was sitting opposite.

"Miss Rebecca, do you need it?"

"What on earth do you want to do?" Rebecca suppressed her anger. She knew the true identity of this young man and the hidden energy behind it.

"Buy your shares."


"This is just a deal, don't rush to refuse it, at least listen to my bargaining chip before you say it." Thomas didn't care about Rebecca's attitude, and still had a confident smile on his face.

"Miss Rebecca, didn't you grow up in Abetus when you were young? I heard that it was a remote town with beautiful scenery. Although the people there were not rich, they were still quite happy. "

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Your mother's family lives in that town, am I right?" Hearing Thomas talking about her mother, Rebecca's face changed slightly.

"I heard that after she died, she was not buried in the Snow family's cemetery. Is it because of her status?" Rafik happened to put the good coffee on his table when he was talking. .

"Rafiq, I didn't expect our Viscount Snow to be a romantic person when he was young."

Hearing his teasing, Rafiq just smiled awkwardly and didn't make a sound.

Without touching the coffee cup on the table, Thomas glanced at Rebecca, "Miss Rebecca, when your mother died, although she was not buried in the Snow family cemetery, Mr. Viscount still buried her in the the place where they lived together."

"Violet Villa, I remember correctly, right?"

"What do you want to say?!" Rebecca asked coldly as her heart sank.

"When was the last time you went to pay homage to her?" Thomas had a smug expression on his face, "Remember to let me know the next time you go, and I'll send someone to open the door for you."

"What did you say?!"

"Violet Hill, together with half of the surrounding mountains, was sold to me by Viscount Snow. Now it is a private domain. If you want to enter there, you must get my permission." Thomas slowly sat up straight. .

"The kingdom's law protects private land. If you want to enter at will, you must get the owner's permission. As a former lawyer, do you have any questions about this issue?"

"Sold it?!" Rebecca suddenly raised her head and looked at Rafiq who was standing aside. The latter looked a little dazed, as if he had just heard the news.

"Do you need me to show you the deed?" Thomas smiled, "The environment is beautiful there. Viscount Snow has chosen a good place. I have sent someone to investigate. It is said that the climate there is very suitable for growing grapes, so I plan to go to The entire manor was flattened within a month..." Having said that, Thomas slowly stood up.

He looked down at Rebecca, who was sitting on the sofa.

"If you plan to visit your mother, hurry up, you may not be able to find her again in a month's time."

"You... how could he sell that place?!" Rebecca looked at Rafik and asked sharply.

"Miss Rebecca, about the shares of the telephone company, can we talk now?" Thomas had a winning smile on his face.

But at this moment, a strange voice came from the direction of the door, "How much is that manor, we will buy it!"

Everyone turned their heads, and then saw a tall man wearing a long windbreaker. The man's dark skin seemed to be the result of being exposed to the sun by the sea. He leaned half against the door frame and asked seriously.

"You..." Seeing that figure, Rebecca's eyes burst into unconcealable surprise, and even Ashley relaxed from her tense state.

"Haha, buy it?" Thomas laughed, "I bought the manor from Viscount Snow for 1,000 gold pounds, but if I sell it, I plan to..."

"Ten thousand gold..."

"Deal!" Before Thomas finished speaking, Sigmund agreed without hesitation.

"You look rich, so twenty thousand..."

"no problem!"

Interrupted by Sigmon twice in a row, Thomas' face became a little ugly. He sneered and looked at Sigmon, "I've changed my mind. I won't sell that manor."


Sigmund nodded slightly, but there was a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"Thank you for saving me a ton of money."

"What?" Thomas asked puzzled.

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