
Sigmund had a harmless smile on his face, "Since you don't want to sell it, then I won't buy it. They are all decent people, and they won't do that kind of forced buying and selling."

"I just feel sorry for you. You missed a good opportunity to make a lot of money. Think about it, a manor bought for 1,000 gold pounds can be sold for 20,000 gold pounds. In just a few days, the income is nearly 20 times. .” Sigmund said with emotion.

"Who are you?" Thomas realized something at this moment, and frowned. It seemed that since this man appeared, the atmosphere in the room had become weird.

"You came to buy shares in this company, but you don't know who I am?" Sigmund couldn't help but feel a little funny, but it seems to make sense after thinking about it.

He didn’t appear in public at Abetus as Henrik very often. The last meeting was more than a month ago, but there were not many people attending the Royal Academy of Engineering meeting at that time, although the information about him afterwards It did go around for a while.

However, he himself has never appeared, and there is no way to corroborate a lot of news.

"Henrik Telephone Communication Company...you are Henrik!" Thomas responded quickly, and Sigmund thought of something after reminding him briefly.

"First time meeting, Mr. Henrik." There was a smile on his face, but even though Thomas tried to fake it, Sigmund could see his embarrassment at this moment.

"I think this company is very good, and I am willing to provide some financial support in the early stage of the company's development. I wonder if Mr. Henrik has the idea of ​​transferring part of the shares?" Thomas seemed to have forgotten the friction just now, and Thomas actually transferred the target on the spot .

"You are really a talent." Sigmund smiled, and then slowly walked to Thomas, "I want to buy Rebecca's shares for 100,000 gold pounds. You are not generous, you are bad."

"100,000 gold pounds is already a lot." Thomas still had a fake smile on his face, "Also, Mr. Henryk, if you don't want to sell your shares, please don't interfere with the relationship between me and Miss Rebecca. The transaction between us. I think the transaction between us should have nothing to do with you."

"It really doesn't matter." Sigmund nodded, "Rebecca's shares can be sold to whomever she wants, as long as the price is reasonable."

"I think 100,000 gold pounds is very reasonable, even a lot more," Thomas replied.

"But I don't think so. 500,000 gold pounds is a relatively reasonable price at this stage. Listen clearly, it is at this stage. After one month, this price will increase."

"Are you kidding me?" The smile on Thomas' face disappeared, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

"Henrik..." Rebecca was about to say something, but Sigmund patted her on the shoulder and gave her a comforting look.

"Don't worry, everything is mine."

Sigmund raised his head and pointed in the direction of the door, and glanced at Thomas casually, "The door is there, you can get out."

"What did you say?!" Thomas snorted coldly. He came from a noble family and grew up under the influence of his family.

It is true that either rich or noble, after he became an adult, he became the financial officer of the financial department, went to various occasions, and dealt with large and small affairs, whether it was because of his own ability or the power of the family behind him, everyone he came into contact with used the most Treat him with decent manners.

In his capacity, he couldn't remember how many years he hadn't heard someone say the word fuck to him.

"Mr. Henryk, my father is the Kingdom's second finance minister, and he and Mr. Newcomen are also good friends..."

"I didn't make it clear just now, or do you want to listen again?" Sigmund interrupted Thomas impatiently.

"Then I'll satisfy you. Say it again, listen carefully." He reached out and nodded Thomas.


"Get out now!"

Thomas' face was flushed, he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say a few words to vent his anger, but due to his status, he always felt that those foul words should not come out of a mouth like himself .

"Mr. Henrik, you may not be aware of the difficulties that the telephone company is facing now. In the entire Abertus, only we can provide you with a large bank loan." Thomas said with some reluctance.

At this time, what he wanted to discuss was no longer the purchase of shares, but just wanted to use some verbal suppression to restore the face he had just lost.

But he miscalculated. In the past, Sigmund may have been short of money, but after sweeping the treasure cave of the abyss lord and mastering all the power channels controlled by Demoro.

The current Sigmund can really proudly say that the country is as rich as an enemy, even if the economic strength of the island country of Konos is far from that of Elam.

But the wealth that Sigmund can currently mobilize is beyond Thomas' imagination.

"Who told you that we are short of money? I don't need any loans, don't threaten me with this, I only have one request now, please, sir, can you get away?" Sigmund was confused by Thomas I'm really a little annoyed.

The blood vessels on his forehead were throbbing, and his chest was heaving violently. Thomas wanted to say something to save the face he had lost, but at this moment his aura was completely suppressed by Sigmund, and he always felt that what he said was a bit worse.

At this moment, footsteps came from the corridor outside the door, and several figures in windbreakers and three-cornered hunting hats came in, followed by policemen in black uniforms.

"What's going on, someone reported that a battle of superhumans took place here?"

"Yes, sir, my companion was attacked while visiting this company." The arrival of the demon hunter team eased Thomas' embarrassment, and he quickly turned around and told what happened before.

In his description, Mariana and her party became complete victims, while Ashley became a violent superhuman with possible mental problems.

This happened to be something that the demon hunter team was very concerned about.

Standing not far away, Sigmund listened to all this quietly. He looked at Thomas with a hint of amusement. This is really an interesting guy. He makes full use of all the resources in his hands, even if he can only give his opponent cause a little trouble.

In a sense, Ashley has a certain responsibility in this extraordinary battle. Sigmund is very clear about the standard procedure for the execution of missions by the demon hunter team, which involves extraordinary combat and mental stability. Ashley Will definitely be taken back for a brief investigation.

Even if there is no problem in the final investigation result, the time lost during this period and the cross-examinations faced will be annoying.

After saying all this, Thomas stepped aside and said nothing, but the smugness in his eyes had already revealed his mood at this time.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, the leader of the demon hunters glanced at the surrounding combat environment, and walked up to Ashley on his own initiative.

"Ma'am, please show me your proof."

In Abetus, transcendents above the third level need to apply for a special official certificate, otherwise they will be regarded as potentially dangerous wanderers.

"If I remember correctly, aren't the nearby blocks under the responsibility of the Conan team?" Sigmund asked casually.

"Do you know Captain Conan?" The leader of the demon hunter was taken aback, but the expression on his face still did not relax.

"He invited me to dinner a few times." Sigmund smiled, and then took out the badge that Charlotte gave him.

"Secret mission, you don't have to worry about things here."

Seeing the badge in Sigmund's hand, the leading demon hunter was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head suddenly, "You...you are the newly appointed CEO?!"

"CEO?" Not far behind, Thomas' face changed when he heard this address.

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