The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 325 Pirate Code

On the Ares, Sigmund looked at the light curtain in front of him, and De Moro was reporting to him.

After staying in Abetus for a few days, he concentrated on many things, the most important of which was to help the Duke wake up many demon hunters who were on the verge of losing control in the underground of the Duke's mansion.

During this process, Sigmund's spiritual power exploded, quickly reaching the lowest promotion standard, and then rising all the way, approaching the limit that the fourth level can bear.

Now, as long as he completes the transition from chaos to order, he can naturally advance to Tier 5 ┄ Son of Chaos.

Although the bigger the goal set, the more you will gain when you are promoted, but this kind of benefit is not superimposed without an upper limit, so after comprehensive consideration, Sigmund quickly gave up his original idea.

At the beginning, Sigmund set a fairly ambitious goal, and he planned to use it as a driving force for promotion after the chaos in the southern and western seas was completely resolved.

The reason why he set this goal at the beginning was because at that time, Sigmund's own spiritual power was still a long way from being promoted to the fifth level, and he needed some time to accumulate his own strength.

And the battle in the western waters allowed him to stimulate the growth of his spiritual power while completing the mission, which could be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

But after returning to Abetus, Sigmund raised his spiritual power to the limit that his body could bear in a short period of time because of the large amount of extra experience gained from the underground of the Duke's Mansion.

At this time, it would be a waste of time to continue to expand the target. The additional increase in strength is far inferior to his rapid improvement after promotion.

So after comprehensive consideration, Sigmund decided to be more pragmatic, lower his own standards, and find a balance of order in the chaos in the southern waters, so as to promote himself to the fifth level.

During his stay in Abetus, other people in the southern sea area were not idle. De Moro launched the power in his hands, and with the help of other legendary warships, he swept all the way.

The sea is different from the land, there is no process of siege, the ships move around, and it is impossible to gather all the forces together, but the method used by Demoro is very simple.

Starting from the top of the bounty list and going down in order, De Moluo led the fleet to visit one by one, joining their team if they agreed, and killing them all if they refused.

In a short period of time, the entire southern sea area was filled with blood and rain, and some small pirate groups fought desperately to form a group, but then they realized that De Moluo and others didn't care about the less powerful pirates.

Just when these pirates thought they could make a fortune in disorder, Konos's navy was dispatched, and these pirate groups without high-ranking superhumans were bloody cleaned.

Up and down, exerting force at the same time, soon the pirates found that they had no way to retreat, the weak attached to the strong, and the strong attached to the stronger.

In the end, all the forces will be gathered together, and after a while, De Moro will be able to complete the integration of all the pirates, but this step does not mean that the chaos in the southern sea area has been completely resolved.

Because the pirates themselves are profit-seeking, short-term integration is meaningless. Without sufficient interest support, the team that is barely integrated will soon split up.

Splitting and integrating and then splitting, on the whole, the entire southern sea area will be in a state of long-term turmoil. This is just another form of chaos, not the order that Sigmund pursues.

This is why many years have passed, and there have been many powerful people in the entire sea area, but no one has been able to integrate all the pirates together.

But for Sigmund, he already has all the conditions to solve this chaos, Elan and Knoss, these are the two most important links connecting the entire sea area.

Now, Sigmund has briefly opened up all the channels between the two.

Without the pirate attacks, the trade between Elam and the southern waters would be several times higher than before, and this part of the profit was enough for Sigmon to complete the final collection of this group of pirates.

There's only one thing he needs to do by then...

"You did a good job." Sigmund nodded at De Moro, "Speed ​​up the transformation of the island fishing village. When you finish all the cleaning work in the southern sea area, I will hold a pirate event there to determine our status, promulgate the Pirate Code!"

"The Code of Pirates?" De Moro looked excited, "This is the cornerstone of building a pirate kingdom!"

"Probably." Sigmund said vaguely, but De Moro was already lost in his imagination, confirming his identity and promulgating the guidelines, "Mr. Henryk, will I also be entrusted and recognized by then?"

"Of course, you are Tier 6. According to the corresponding level according to your strength, then you should also be an admiral!"


"Speed ​​up the progress, and at the same time pass the message out, you have to remember De Moluo, you are not an ordinary transcendent, all this is not the end but the beginning."

"Yes, Mr. Henrik!" De Molo's eyes were full of frenzy.

Turning off the communication light curtain, Sigmund turned around, only to find that the other people on board were also in a frenzy.

"Mr. Henrik, is what you said true? Are we going to build our own kingdom?" Robert looked excited, "You are the pirate king, and we are your generals! I am now level 4, But I will work hard, and I will definitely be promoted to the fifth rank as soon as possible, the fifth then, am I qualified to become a lieutenant general?"

"It's not to establish a kingdom, but to formulate a rule to end the chaos in the southern seas and let everyone get a better life." Sigmund explained.

"Almost, this is similar to the nature of a country." Solal on the other side also interjected.

"Captain, I can feel that I am not far from being promoted to the 6th rank. By that time, I don't need the status of an admiral, but I hope you can allow me to establish the Sun God Cult, so that the sun can shine on everyone heart!"

"The Sun God Religion?!" Sigmund's eyes twitched. He glanced at Solal, who was in a state of frenzy, without making a sound to interrupt the other party's imagination.

"That's right, Captain, the Oracle Church is wrong. We should believe in ourselves. What I have to do is to tell everyone the correct belief."

"Praise the sun!"

Can anyone tell me, have I created an angel, or unleashed a demon? Sigmund's face was messy, and he couldn't see through Solal's future at all.

In this case, continue to guide, and leave the rest to time.

All the way north along the west coast of the Kingdom of Elam, Sigmund sailed towards the naval headquarters. No one saw that there was an invisible carriage parked on the top of the God of War.

On the driver's seat of the carriage was the expressionless Abyss Lord. Although the others had left the ship, all the data on the God of War had been piled up to a perverted level just because of the presence of the Abyss Lord alone.

But as he continued to the north, the lord was getting farther and farther away from the abyss, and Sigmund could feel that his strength was declining rapidly, and soon fell below the seventh level.

When he came to the naval headquarters, the strength of the lord was only slightly stronger than Demoro.

The God of War stopped near the port, and Sigmund saw a group of people waiting there from a distance.

"Where is Marek, I want to take him and Juana out of here." After getting off the boat, Sigmund asked straight to the point.

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