The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 326 Goodbye Marek

"It seems that you are doing well here." Seeing Marek Sigmund, he couldn't help joking. Although he was detained in name, after all, Marek was a student of Duke Dressel. Demon hunters who came to support.

So Admiral Garcia just sent someone to lock him up in a manor, he was not allowed to leave, he was not allowed to drink alcohol, and he was not allowed to find a woman. Everything else was normal.

So when Sigmund saw Marek, he found that his captain was a little fatter than when they parted last time.

"Why are you?" Marek was a little surprised.

"The Duke sent me here. If you don't want to leave, then I will leave now."

"No, I'll go crazy if I stay any longer." Marek quickly refused, and quickly ran to Sigmon, and then they found Juana who was also imprisoned.

"CEO, come with me, General Garcia wants to see you." Lieutenant General Paka said.

"CEO?" Marek's eyes widened, "You are the CEO now?!"

"Please call me Your Excellency." Sigmund nodded pretentiously, then patted Marek on the shoulder, "You must cooperate with me in the next stage of the mission."

"Damn it, this is outrageous!" Marek yelled strangely, "How long have you been a demon hunter, chief executive officer? What does the teacher think? Isn't he afraid of people's comments?"

"Or..." He squinted his eyes and looked at Sigmund with a strange expression on his face, "You took the upper route and slept our princess?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Sigmund said with a straight face, "I got this position based on my strength and merit, and you will know it later."

"Strength credit? It's nonsense, I don't know what level you are?" Marek was still a little bit aggrieved about Sigmund's promotion to CEO.

A few people chatted, and then entered the headquarters of the Navy Headquarters under the leadership of Lieutenant General Paka. When they went upstairs, Sigmund saw a familiar figure from a distance.

He was a little surprised at first, after all, according to his impression, this person should not appear here, but should be active in Abetus.

It was a handsome young man, with youthful vigor and confidence on his face, as if he had just walked out of Admiral Garcia's room, his steps were brisk and his face was full of smiles.

But suddenly, the young man's eyes swept over, and he caught a sudden glimpse of a group of people walking towards him. He noticed that Lieutenant General Paka nodded slightly, but then when he saw another face in the crowd.

The smile on his face froze completely, as if remembering something terrible, his body trembled uncontrollably, his eyes opened wide, and the blood on his face faded completely.

What a coincidence.

Sigmund raised his left hand and greeted casually, "Long time no see, Mr. Thomas!"


Unexpectedly, seeing Sigmund raising his left hand, Thomas subconsciously let out a scream, covered his lower body with his hands and fell down in response.

The whole movement was done in one go, as if the two had undergone countless rehearsals beforehand, which made Lieutenant General Paka, who was preparing to introduce the two sides, froze in place.

what's the situation?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, Thomas also found that his body was not bleeding, and there was no pain in his body, but even so, when he saw that peaceful face and seemingly harmless smile, he couldn't help but think of those days. Passing in the carriage at night.

"Mr. Henrik...haha, nice to meet you!" Thomas quickly got up from the ground, "Don't get me wrong, I'm just here for vacation, Abetus is too boring, there's nothing left." He He explained incoherently, listening to the other people around him at a loss.

But Sigmund understood the hidden meaning in Thomas' words.

Brother, I just came out to relax, and I didn't want to find anyone to mess with you, so don't be nervous, and don't react too much, I am innocent.

It's hard to imagine that so much information can be revealed in a person's eyes, and it's no wonder Thomas thinks too much. He just came out of Admiral Garcia's room and bumped into Sigmund head-on.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that you have come here to make a small report and wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

"I understand." Sigmund took a few steps forward and patted Thomas on the shoulder lightly. The latter trembled slightly and almost collapsed to the ground.

"Is Admiral Garcia here?"

"Yes, yes, I'll knock on the door for you." Thomas was as attentive as a servant.

That night in the carriage, he experienced the most painful injury since he was born, and only later did he realize that his lower body was seriously injured. Although the things had grown well, there were many rags that shouldn't have been mixed in.

It was cool to the touch, and seemed completely useless.

Fear, anger, and all kinds of emotions were intertwined. Just when Thomas was about to tell his father all this, he was unexpectedly taken to the study by the housekeeper.

Without any questioning, the second finance minister, his omnipotent father in his eyes, just told him indifferently, leave Abetus and don't cause trouble.

So disheartened, Thomas boarded the ship to the Navy headquarters. In the process, he found a special potion from the family's treasury.

Reluctantly smashed his tools with a hammer, picked out the blood-stained cloth strips, and then used potions to heal the wounds.

Thankfully, that thing is finally back in service.

His mood improved, and after arriving at the Navy Headquarters, he quickly threw himself into work.

This time out is not a complete vacation trip, because of the chaos in the southern waters, many goods are diverted to Akkad, but the ships to Akkad can only sail through a few special waterways.

Under the influence of Admiral Garcia, the Scalide family has controlled these shipping routes in a disguised form. The arrival of Thomas can help sort out the transportation of goods and maximize the profits for the family.

His working ability is very strong. Under his control, several routes are running to the extreme, and everything is developing in a good direction, but who knows that after a routine report, he will see him again in the corridor of the Navy Headquarters. that horrible person.

"Mr. Henrik, Admiral Garcia is waiting for you inside." Thomas' attitude surprised Lieutenant General Paka and others who knew him well.

The family is prominent and capable, and his own uncle is the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, so even if he is not an extraordinary person, most people in the Navy Headquarters need to maintain enough respect for Thomas.

But such a proud man with a strong background, when facing the newly promoted CEO, showed humility and fear that did not match his identity.

what happened? Is there any special secret hidden in this Henrik?

Walking into the room, Sigmund saw Admiral Garcia sitting on the large sharkskin sofa at a glance. Before he could say hello, he heard Garcia's questioning voice.

"You are Henrik?" Garcia sat on the sofa with his arms propped up, his eyes slightly raised, "Is there no one in the investigation bureau?"

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