The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 346 Promotion to the Fifth Tier (3000 words)

A small island in the southern waters of Elam.

Vincent opened his eyes, rubbed his slightly numb cheeks, picked up the glass at hand but couldn't pour out a drop of wine, glanced around casually, and saw a group of drunks stumbling around. As the former captain of the Flyer, he had fantasized countless times about a peaceful life after leaving that legendary battleship.

But until all this happened in front of us, reality and imagination formed a huge gap.

He originally thought that he had lost the protection of his power. If he rashly appeared in a certain seaport, it would not be long before he would be hunted down by his enemies and captured by bounty hunters.

But in fact, without the protection of the Flyer, not only did his strength drop a lot, he also aged too much, his figure became thinner, his skin became loose, his face was covered with wrinkles, and his beard became gray. .

After setting foot on this land, he wandered around the taverns near the harbor for several times, but no one regarded him as a legendary pirate who was once majestic.

Vincent didn't know whether this should be luck or sorrow.

Standing up unsteadily, before leaving, he bought a bottle of low-quality malt wine, took a sip, then left the tavern, turned around and came to a hidden wooden door, knocked on it according to a specific rhythm Door.

"Come in, you're not being followed, right?" The one-eyed pirate who opened the door was once a famous captain, but not long ago, he rejected the olive branch offered by the legendary battleship. His pirate ship was bombarded by the Flyer. Breaking into pieces, my life was high, so I dived into the deep sea to escape the catastrophe.

Following the one-eyed pirate to a secret room, when Vincent entered, it was already full of people, with nearby charts hanging on the wall, some were discussing the supply ship battle, and some were moaning.

This is a reactionary organization active underground. It is ridiculous that the target of this group of guys' rebellion is not any official organization, but the five legendary warships that have been active in the southern waters recently.

In the beginning, Vincent just sneaked in for a strange reason. After learning about the true purpose of this so-called reactionary organization, he thought about reporting it directly to Robert or Solar.

But for some reason, after lurking in this organization for a few days, he gave up the idea of ​​reporting and instead joined it with a strange psychology.

Maybe deep in his heart, there is also a heart of resistance, but he understands the horror of that bald man better than anyone else, and he dare not say it with his mouth, nor dare to think it in his heart.

He can only find a little comfort by joining this group in a form similar to lurking. In this organization, he has not spoken much, listening to the group of people talking about where to plunder ships, recruit crew, how to integrate forces or sneak attack A legendary battleship.

A bunch of wretches.

Vincent usually sat in the corner, listening to those unrealistic and whimsical ideas, only at this moment, from the words of these poorer guys than him, he could find a little pride in the past.

More often he would fall into endless remorse.

"If I had been more determined back then, I would still be that prestigious and legendary pirate now, no, I would be more glorious than before!" Whenever he realized this problem, he would drink crazily, trying to use alcohol to numb himself.

"Did everyone notice something?" A burly beard stood up, "Recently, those five legendary battleships seem to have disappeared in the southern waters. Do you think they were besieged by some official force? ?”

"Impossible. Konos has always ignored them. Elam is too far away from here. There is no need to cross Konos to enter the Southern Islands. As for other countries, it is even more impossible." Someone retorted road.

"I heard a rumor. A few days ago, someone saw those legendary warships gathering together and sailing northward. It seems that they went to the waters near Akkad."

"What are they doing there?"

"Who knows? Maybe he wants to challenge the most powerful navy." Someone took a sip of wine and made a joke, and his words immediately aroused the laughter of everyone present.

The reputation of the Akkad Navy is forged by countless killings and blood. Anyone who wants to challenge the Akkad Navy will be regarded as a lunatic who is overwhelmed.

"These have nothing to do with us, but it is a rare opportunity for us to leave the southern waters for those ships, and we may take this opportunity to do something." Someone suggested.

"They are too powerful, we must unite and avoid colliding with them, this will be a protracted war, not for wealth, women, we love the sea and are born free!"

"Guys, let's contact other rebels and set fire to their base while they are away. Even if we can't get any supplies, let these proud guys understand that we will never surrender!"

"Yes, we will never give in!"

"Love the sea, be born free!" the crowd shouted.

Vincent sat in the corner, watching all this silently without making a sound.

"Does anyone know where their base is?" the burly beard asked loudly after the commotion.

"It should be in Blue Bay. A lot of supplies have been shipped there recently."

"Yes, that should be it!" Someone echoed.

A trace of surprise flashed in Vincent's eyes. He didn't expect that the mob he looked down upon actually found some clues.

Everyone chattered, and pieced together a general area from many fragmentary clues.

"We must act immediately. The five legendary battleships are not here. We have a large number of people. Gather all the rebels and rush up together. We will take away those who can be snatched, and burn those who cannot be taken away. In short, we must let those guys understand. Our attitude!"

"That's right!" Someone turned his head and saw Vincent sitting in the corner, "Old drunkard, are you participating?"

"Me?" Vincent opened his mouth, but before he could answer, there was a loud bang, the door was slammed open, and a thin man barged in sweating profusely.

Click click click!

Everyone subconsciously took out their guns and pointed in the direction of the door. After seeing the person coming, they couldn't help but curse: "Damn it, I almost shot your head off with one shot. Didn't you know the signal before you came in?"

"It's over, it's over!" The man's body trembled, holding a crumpled briefing in his hand, "It's over, everything is over!"

He pushed everyone away and rushed into the room, tearing up the map hanging on the wall like crazy, and throwing the information on the table everywhere.

"What are you doing?!" The burly man kicked him away, "Didn't I ask you to contact other rebels? Everyone has already planned to go to the Blue Bay together while the five legendary warships disappear..."

"It's useless!" The skinny man laughed hysterically, "There are no resisters anymore, no one dares to resist them!"

"What did you say?!" The burly man grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

"Look for yourself!" The thin man threw the briefing in his hand on the opponent's face, "Not long ago, De Moro led five legendary warships and destroyed three naval bases in Akkad in succession from south to north... "

"Then in the evening, I was attacked by the elite Akkad naval forces." The man stared at his scarlet eyes and shouted word by word:

"Seven of the eight Akkadian admirals who participated in the battle died and one escaped. Of the seven who died, six were fifth-rank and one was sixth-rank!"

"It was Henrik the Slayer who killed that sixth-level man!"

As soon as the man's voice fell, the room suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

"What? What did you say?!" A hoarse questioning voice came from the corner.

There was a buzzing in his head, and Vincent didn't know what was wrong with him. When he heard the news, the first thing that came to his heart was not excitement, but a great sense of loss.

"You said that De Moluo and the others left the southern waters to attack the Akkad navy? How is this possible?" The burly man picked up the dropped briefing in a panic, and tremblingly scanned the words on it.

"Impossible, is there a mistake in the information? Yes, it must be so!" He muttered softly.

Pirates and the navy have existed in opposition since their inception. It is too late for ordinary pirates to evade the navy. Occasionally, a stronger pirate can fight the navy in an encounter, which can be praised by many people.

Can take the initiative to attack the naval base? Or to destroy three buildings in a row, which was impossible in the past, but what did they hear just now?

Some people not only did it, but succeeded.

What's even more frightening is that after encountering an attack from the elite navy... they can still kill the other party!

"Where's the one who got away?" someone asked.

"It's also a Tier 6!"

"Two Tier 6s, six Tier 5s, plus the lieutenant general who was killed when the three naval bases were destroyed... all the generals of the Akkad Navy will not be dead, right?"


The room was terribly depressed, only the sound of everyone's heavy breathing.


Vincent slumped on the chair against the wall, his eyes were empty, he always felt that he should be the one enjoying the honor standing on the Flyer, instead of shrinking in the corner of a dilapidated and narrow room as he is now.

Listening to the honor that should belong to you as a bystander.

Endless remorse completely overwhelmed him.

"How about De Moro's casualties?" Vincent asked with difficulty.

"Zero casualties." The man's answer was like a gust of cold wind, chilling everyone's hearts.

"From now on, is there anyone in the sea who is their opponent?" A pirate asked everyone's aspirations.

"It's over, it's over, there are no more resistance groups." The thin man shook his head, "You don't know, when the news came back, I saw the same smile on every pirate's face. "

"It's a sense of honor and belonging, like the people of a country hearing that their army has won a battle."

"Although there is no territory or border, I think Demoro and their pirate kingdom should have been successfully established."

Vincent stood up, "The era of chaos in the southern seas is over."

The same situation took place in turn on various island ports in the southern waters, and everyone realized that the chaos was over and a new era had finally arrived.

At the same time, Sigmund also noticed the abnormality of his body, his consciousness sank, and he quickly found the problem.

"Did the promotion come so suddenly?" He smiled, stood at the bow of the Zhanshen, and let go of his thoughts, "Then let's get started!"

The next moment, with the gathering of spiritual power, he blasted open the door of the fifth step.

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