The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 347 Sons of Chaos (3000 words)

Sigmund didn't expect this promotion to come so quickly. After solving Akkad's naval attack, he originally planned to lead the fleet back to the southern waters, completely clear all obstacles, and then use this as an opportunity to enter the fifth rank.

But at this time, the spiritual power was boiling like a tide, and there was a rare trace of order in the chaos. Sigmund understood that now was the best time.

He relaxes his mind, the spiritual power in his body gushes out, his consciousness keeps sinking, his whole body seems to be in a chaotic ocean of spiritual power, his thinking diverges, and at this moment, the chaos value of all the crew members on the God of War is perceived by him one by one arrive.

It's like a lake, which is connected in series with other lakes and rivers through fine tributaries. At this time, as long as someone drops a stone in the lake, the ripples can continue to spread.

"Looking for order in chaos, that's how it is." Sigmund understood in his heart that only by maintaining his own stability can he shake the chaos of others.

At this time, the nightmare carriage appeared in his consciousness, and suddenly all the chaos completely disappeared. At the same time, from the depths of his heart, in his own cognition, and in the external environment, it seemed that there were unknown forces pouring into him. , which made his spirit more stable.

The whole person has been completely transformed from the inside out.

The improvement brought about by being promoted to the fifth level is much greater than when entering the fourth level.

At this time, he suddenly heard a shout coming from his ear, opened his eyes subconsciously, and turned around, Juana was walking towards him with a puzzled expression.

"Sigmon, you..." Juana keenly noticed his difference.


Breathing out an extremely relaxed breath, Sigmund smiled, "I have entered the fifth level, just now."

"What?" Upon hearing his words, Marek also jumped out.

"How long ago? You mean just now?"

Sigmund nodded, "This time is very special, it seems that everything will come naturally." He looked down at his hands, feeling the new strengthened body and the power flowing in it.

"Our choice branches here, the new 5th order, what should I call myself?" Sigmund looked at Marek.

"Sons of Chaos." Marek replied solemnly, "Congratulations, Sigmund!"

"It seems that I really need to work hard, otherwise I won't even have the chance to fight side by side with you." Marek was both happy and melancholy.

Sigmund's promotion greatly stimulated Marek. He remembered that a few months ago, he had personally concluded a contract for the young man in front of him, leading him to the path of a hunter.

However, in less than half a year, the people who needed his protection and care at the beginning had already walked ahead of him.

His consciousness sank, and Sigmund was familiar with his growing strength and the new abilities he had acquired. After entering the fifth level, he completely embarked on the path of dominating chaos.

Son of Chaos: You can draw power from chaos, the more enemies around you, the more chaotic the situation, and the stronger your fighting power.

[Chaos Overture]: In a short period of time, exchange the chaos value of both parties. If your own chaos value is higher than that of the opponent, after the exchange, your own ability will be strengthened accordingly, and at the same time, one of the opponent's abilities will be deprived.

The enhancement of the ability depends on the difference between the two parties, and the deprived ability will disappear after the end of the chaos prelude. If the chaos value is lower than that of the opponent, the target character will instantly enter a state of frenzy.

In the state of Chaos Prelude, the target character will take more damage.

[Chaos Domination]: Awakens the beast buried deep in the target person's heart, erodes normal consciousness, and can have dominance for a period of time after success.

[Body of Divine Casting]: The body has been completely remodeled, and the resistance to various attacks in the hardened state has been greatly enhanced. Even if the hardened state is defeated, it will recover quickly.

[Silent Blank]: Continuously stimulating the target in a state of high chaos, the repeated changes in the chaos value will greatly stimulate the target's spirit, making most of the opponent's extraordinary abilities that need preparation before they can be released, so they will be invalid.

The higher the target's chaos value, the greater the impact and the longer the duration.

In addition to the new abilities obtained, the previous extraordinary abilities have also been improved to varying degrees. Ignition can take effect on group targets. Even the two abilities that Sigmon rarely uses, Edge of Chaos and Dying Beast, have also been improved.

Compared with the fifth-tier berserk warriors of the hunter contract, the Sons of Chaos have distinctive characteristics, which can almost be regarded as a new contract.

The Son of Chaos doesn't have any powerful offensive abilities, but all core abilities revolve around the control of chaos value, which is an ability that no other contract or even supernatural item has.

At this point, even high-level transcendents don't have much resistance, and it is even possible that the higher the level, the greater the damage they will suffer in the face of Sigmund's attack.

Sigmund didn't know the specific situation of Duke Dressel, but normally, after Marek was promoted to the fifth level, he shouldn't be able to maintain such a high level of confusion for a long time.

In Sigmund's current situation, Chaos Prelude combined with the upgraded Ignite may directly collapse a normal high-level transcendent.

If you are unlucky, you may even lose control and go crazy.

According to his understanding, the divinely cast body should normally be able to obtain the ability after entering the sixth level. Sigmund possessed this ability at the fifth level, and it is almost impossible for ordinary attacks of the same level to break through his defense, but compared to With the same level 5 berserk warrior, his recovery and survivability will be slightly worse.

Berserkers have an ability called blood recovery, which can quickly recover from their injuries in fierce battles. Coupled with their own hardening, their survivability is still very strong.

He also didn't know whether the ability he obtained now was all of the Son of Chaos's ability or just a part of it. He needed to ask the Duke for details.

"Very powerful." Sigmund opened his eyes, and then opened his left hand, the bones collided, and the arm of Amidala changed its shape, revealing its original ferocious and evil side.

The red blood mist enveloped his whole body. After Sigmund's promotion, the Arm of Amidala, which has become a part of his body, can also mobilize more power under normal conditions.

The current Sigmund should have no opponent in the fifth level. As for the sixth level, it depends on the specific situation, but compared to the past, at least he has no opponents without using the arm of Amidala. The power of a battle.

Taking a deep breath, the energy in the hourglass in his consciousness decreased, his heart was beating wildly, and the blood was sent to the joint between his arms and his body. He clenched his fists tightly, and a ferocious head loomed in the thick red mist.

Entering the fifth level, Sigmund's body has been fully evolved, and his blood can also be absorbed by the Arm of Amidala after being compressed and condensed, but at the same time, he needs to consume the energy in the hourglass to maintain This balance.

He did a simple test just now, and he could feel that it was also activating the awakened state. At this time, the Arm of Amidala was slightly weaker than when he fought in the western sea not long ago, but it was stronger than when he faced Bellegarde. a lot of.

Even so, Sigmund was very satisfied, which meant that during normal combat, as long as his physical condition allowed, he could use the awakened state of his arms at any time, thus increasing his attack power to the sixth level.

Coupled with the special ability of the Son of Chaos, he can also be regarded as a real sixth-level combat power.

"The attack power is still a bit weak." Swinging his left arm, the bone collision returned to normal. Sigmund took out the blue rose, and the blue pattern on the handle of the gun was activated, and the power of Amidala's arm was injected into it. Pull the trigger, and the bullets are fired, creating puddles that can only be formed by shells on the sea.

"You call this a gun?" Marek curled his lips enviously, "Is there a second one?" He looked at it with hot eyes.

"I like it, I'll give it to you." Sigmund threw it over with a smile. Marek took a gun and experimented happily for a few rounds, but the power of the bullet he fired was nothing compared to the damage Sigmund had just caused. Not far off.

"Give it back to you, it's a waste for me to use this thing." He returned the blue rose to Sigmund with a look of reluctance.

"When you really regain your strength, I will find a way to get you a good weapon." Sigmund smiled and put the blue rose away.

"I like thick and big ones." Marek was not polite to Sigmund. The relationship between the two was just the captain and the team members at first, and later they both became the Duke's students. Although Sigmund is stronger now, he has also become a had killed the leader of the plan, but Marek had no other thoughts.

They were partners, friends, and he was equally pleased with what Sigmund had achieved.

"No problem." Sigmund agreed. He himself has entered the fifth level, and he used all the energy in the hourglass to draw a lottery. He should be able to draw some good things anyway.

The power of Zhanlan Rose can still keep up with his growth, but another weapon...

The power of the cane is quite satisfactory, and its main advantage is portability and concealment. In battle, it is mainly used to break the hardening of the demon hunter. At present, it is only fused with Madaras' whistle.

After thinking about it, he took out the purple pendant he had snatched from the walker during the battle in the western sea not long ago. At the beginning, the walker probably planned to use this extraordinary item to escape.

Activate the ability that comes with the cane, [Call of the Starry Sky]

The thread-shaped eyeball on the handle seemed to come to life, the tip of the staff pierced the pendant, and suddenly the surrounding void was torn, and many pure spirits poured out of the crack, screaming and surrounding Sigmund.

Sigmund clenched his fist, and released a little breath from his arm to defeat the wraiths. He glanced at the tarnished pendant with a little surprise, but he didn't expect it to be a special taboo.

At the same time, after absorbing the energy in the pendant, a large purple pattern appeared near the handle, and a stable connection with the void was established between the flashing patterns.

"What did you do?" Marek asked curiously.

Sigmund smiled, clenched his cane and tapped the wooden board under his feet, a sudden light flashed in the next second, Marek's body disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was directly teleported into the air fifty or sixty meters away.

Immediately afterwards, Sigmund's body also disappeared in place, and then appeared next to Marek. In addition to teleporting himself and the enemy, he absorbed the energy in the pendant. Now the cane can also open a teleportation channel similar to the starry sky gate. It's just that the number and distance to open still need to be tried slowly.

"The mood is right, it's time to draw a wave of prizes!"

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