The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0024 Enemies blocking the road

"Mary? You are Mary!" Grimm shouted after realizing it.

The huge human-shaped bat bared its teeth in a human-like manner, and threw Grimm to the ground with a dive. After rolling several times on the wet and soft soil, Grimm stood up with a grin. At this time, the huge human-shaped bat circled around and landed beside him.

Magically, as the human-shaped bat approached the ground, its peculiar body began to twist and deform strangely, and the fiery red fur on its body began to retreat, and then turned into a soft and gorgeous red gauze skirt. The pointed and protruding face kept shrinking and turned into a charming woman's face again.

When it walked in front of Grimm, the familiar red-dressed Mary came back again.

Bat Demon Transformation!

This... This seems to be a secondary transformation ability of vampires.

The ability of the newborn vampire is to suck blood and regenerate, which is already an extremely terrifying racial ability. If the newborn can go one step further, it will have the ability to transform into a bat demon. Whether it is turning into a huge bat flying in the air, or turning into hundreds of small bats and escaping, it is a very good way to save life.

When the vampire enters the mature body, it is time for them to frantically create blood slaves.

So if you want to fight a mature vampire, the first thing you need to face is the many blood slave guards it has collected with great effort.

These vampire-related witchcraft knowledge quickly flowed through Grimm's mind, making him feel in awe of the rapid growth of Mary in Red. It has only been a few days since she became a vampire, and she has even awakened her second racial ability.

"Who is that little girl? Why is she chasing you?" Mary in Red did not look at Grimm, but stared at the chaotic battlefield in the distance.

They were already five or six miles away from the center of the swamp at this time, and under the cover of thick water fog, they could hardly see anything. But even at a distance, the heart-shaking elemental fluctuations were still clearly audible.

The battle in the distance was even more intense!

"They are a group of outsiders! The three wizard apprentices are all as strong as senior apprentices. The little girl is called Alice. She has a talent for space and is terrifyingly strong..."

Grimm was introducing them softly, and suddenly the void in the distance began to tremble, mixed with the sharp and piercing ghost howls of the witches.

"No, let's go!" Grimm's face changed drastically: "That guy is about to escape!"

He had sensed such a terrifying spatial fluctuation once before, which was Alice's almost map-cannon-style indiscriminate spatial attack. Although the price paid was a bit high, as long as Alice released this move, Grimm dared to assert that the witch leader Simba would never be able to stop her from escaping.

"Is there any possibility that we can kill her if we work together?" Mary turned around suddenly, a bright red appeared in the middle of her green eyes, staring at Grimm closely.

"This... that... if we cooperate well... maybe... maybe..." Grimm was caught off guard by Mary's jumping thoughts. Facing a powerful senior apprentice, Grimm's mind was full of thoughts about how to escape, and the idea of ​​turning around and biting back did not exist at all.

After all, with his strength, even if Alice was seriously injured and dying, it would be easy for her to crush him to death.

Keeping a space distance of more than 50 meters from Alice, Grimm has an 80% chance of avoiding the opponent's space attack with the help of the chip. But if he wants to get within 30 meters, this chance is only 40%. And within 20 meters, Alice can kill Grimm at any time.

After all, the information fed back by the chip needs a certain amount of time to react. If there is no time buffer, Grimm is as fragile as a glass man in front of Alice.

He does not have the weird insect body of the evil insect Entik that can survive even if the heart is taken out. Once he is locked by Alice's mind, it can be said that he is doomed to die! So he instinctively wanted to refuse Mary's proposal in red.

But in front of Mary, it seemed that he never had any choice.

With her body twisted and deformed, Mary turned into a palm-sized miniature bat this time, flapping her wings and crawling into Grimm's arms. When she pulled open Grimm's clothes and crawled in, she did not forget to turn back and threaten: "You have to act well later! I must get the blood of that idiot!"

Looking at the "threatening" expression on Mary's furry face after the change, Grimm could only nod woodenly.

"Don't worry, if she really wants to kill you, I will try to protect you!" Listening to Mary's weak whisper in his arms, Grimm reluctantly relaxed his mind and turned to think about how to find Alice without making a sound.

However, when he turned around, his pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly, and his face was full of extreme surprise and horror.

A hazy and illusory figure was slowly condensing 10 meters behind him. Judging from the height, weight and thinness of the figure, it was the terrifying little loli Alice.

"Alice!" Grimm felt his mouth dry and he could hardly breathe.

This Alice was haunting him. He ran away, but she chased him. Just now, the witches forced him to cast a second large-scale space witchcraft. She didn't even know to find a place to recover her energy, and dared to chase him. I really don't know how to write the word death!

After the shock, Grimm immediately realized that he should run away.

But before he could lift his foot, a cold child's voice sounded in the field.

"If you dare to move, I promise to stuff your heart into your intestines... If you don't believe it, you can try it..."

Grimm looked up at the space shadow whose eyebrows and eyes could be seen clearly, and he didn't have the courage to take this step.

Damn, he was too close to this guy!

But he was immediately shocked by Alice's current appearance.

The previous battle with the evil insects had already cost Alice an eye, and there were also many defects on her body. But this time, the little loli was obviously more miserable.

The big hole in the right eye was still empty, and this time there were three more terrifying claw marks from the bottom of the right eye socket to the left corner of the mouth. The skin at the wound was rolled black, and the exposed flesh and blood had obviously rotted. Whenever Alice gritted her teeth and spoke, black dirty blood would slowly flow down along the wound.

The wounds on her body were several times more, and some of the exposed skin clearly had traces of being bitten by the witch. Looking around, the original cute little Lolita image has been replaced by a midnight nightmare-like voodoo doll shape, which is very sad.

A faint spatial fluctuation enveloped the whole scene. After a long time of effort, Alice finally got rid of the shackles of space and moved her body out of a certain alien space. Usually, she can easily complete such a simple space jump, but now, she has to use all her strength to barely complete it.

As soon as she got out of the space, Alice's one eye with flames glared fiercely at Grimm, who had a wooden face. Obviously, her height was not as high as Grimm's chest, but the fierce and domineering momentum had already suffocated him.

But what made Grimm even more frightened was the head hanging on Alice's waist.

Looking at the fierce and vicious look, it must be Simba, the unlucky guy. It seems that even Simba, the witch leader, has not escaped Alice's clutches.

"Hello... you are fine..." Alice kept muttering to herself, gnashing her teeth and hiding endless hatred and deep resentment.

When she first stepped into the magic swamp, she was so high-spirited and full of confidence. In her eyes, except for those high-ranking wizards, the rest were all mediocre people who were not even worthy of carrying her shoes. With the indestructible space protection and the weird space cutting, she was qualified to maintain her pride even in front of those quasi-wizards.

But who would have thought that in such an inconspicuous magic swamp, in an ordinary resource point of a third-class wizard family, she would suffer such a heavy setback. At this moment, the depression and anger in her heart could not be understood by outsiders! She was like an ancient beast that chose its prey, wishing to skin and pull out the bastard in front of her, crush all the bones one by one, grind all the flesh and blood into blood sauce, and then swallow it in one gulp.

Perhaps only in this way can she calm down the anger in her chest a little.

"Boy, tell me the truth. How did you find the loophole in my space barrier?" Alice's ferocious little face squeezed out a smile, and her two little hands gently grabbed and pulled, and a winding space crack appeared in her hands like a tame little snake: "As long as you tell the truth, I promise not to attack you again today. I, Alice, have always kept my word!"

Don't worry! If you don't hurt me, just throw me into a pile of monsters, I won't survive. Humph, I have a lot of such conspiracies and tricks to betray...

Grimm complained crazily in his heart, but looking at the docile space crack in the other party's white and tender little hand, he didn't dare to say a word. Although he looked calm on the surface, his heart was already in turmoil.

My goodness, a genius is a genius, he dares to play with the space rift in his hands! That's a space rift! That's a space rift that is comparable to the world's most sharp defense-breaking weapon! No matter if you are a steel-cast and iron-cast alloy shield, or a steel-reinforced iron bone that has been tempered a thousand times, as long as there is no magic protection, it is not much harder than a piece of paper in front of the space rift.

But such an extremely dangerous space rift was easily played with by a little loli, which further shows the importance of talent to a wizard apprentice.

"I can't see the space power beside you at all!" Grimm hesitated for a while, and finally spoke the truth.

"You're talking nonsense!" Alice almost went berserk: "If you can't see it, how did you find the loophole in my defense?"

"You have to know that the power of space does not have a specific elemental attribute. It is more like a part of the plane law. It is difficult for people without talent to observe it directly with the naked eye. But don't forget that there is great exclusivity between elemental particles, and the power of space you are good at is even more domineering. So..."

"So you use the elemental blank area left by the power of space to judge the shape and position of the space barrier? Then..." Alice drew inferences from one example and quickly found the source of the loophole: "Damn it, I shouldn't use the wind element to fill the loophole, but should use the same attributeless force field technique."

This book is first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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