The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0041 Defensive Witchcraft

7 hours later, when Grimm rushed back to his residence excitedly, a wizard apprentice was waiting here.

What Grimm didn't expect was that after the sale information was posted, the first person to visit was Am, who managed the witchcraft practice room. Although Grimm was more of a loner, he also heard that this Am was not on the list of ten people staying in the swamp tower.

This also means that Am, as an intermediate apprentice, also needs to immediately bear the risks brought by the mandatory task.

"I heard that you have live eggs of swamp monitors?" As soon as they met, Am did not hide his purpose. Time is running out, and all the middle and low-level apprentices with a sense of crisis are racing against time to enrich and strengthen themselves. Those props, magic tools, potions, and scrolls that assist in small battles between apprentices have risen in price, and the price is so expensive that everyone feels painful.

Otherwise, Grimm would not have almost gone bankrupt because of the acquisition of some disposable spider web accessories.

But this is not all bad.

In the information of the items for sale from Danny, Grimm saw many rare materials that he would never see normally. These things must be the treasures of the apprentices in the tower, and many of them are the materials they prepared for their future advancement.

Unfortunately... when the mandatory mission that can determine their life and death comes, they can only give up the future and sell these things in exchange for items that can instantly enhance their personal combat power.

Grimm politely let Am into the house.

As soon as he entered the room, Am smelled the strong smell of blood and the pungent smell of preservative solution. In a corner of the room, there were large and small glassware piled up, and the light green solution was soaked with various monster organs. Heart, stomach sac, brain, eyeball... Many organs still had traces of blood overflowing, and they were fresh goods that had just been picked and harvested.


A burst of excited frog croaking, Am's poison dart frog companion suddenly appeared on his shoulder, and shouted at these materials manically. When Am tried to calm it down, it crouched beside Am's ear and whispered.

"It seems that you have got some fresh materials. How about selling them all to me?" Am almost couldn't wait to make his request.

"These are materials picked from the Swamp Crocodile King. I think those guys who are eager to improve their strength will not mind transplanting the heart of the Crocodile King to themselves. If you want to buy them, you must estimate the value!" Grimm reminded leisurely.

In this special period, any item that can improve individual combat power can no longer be traded at the usual price. As for how much the price exceeds, it is proportional to the quality of the item and the urgency of the buyer, so when facing an item that you urgently need, anyone must be prepared to go bankrupt.

"Swamp Crocodile King? That's even better!" After hearing this, Am's heart was burning like fire, but he immediately looked at Grimm in confusion: "Are you now capable of hunting the Swamp Crocodile King?"

Grimm shook his head gently and pointed to the next door.

Am nodded in sudden realization.

For a junior apprentice to challenge the giant crocodile king is simply courting death, but for a senior apprentice with the identity of a vampire, it is not so easy to say. Although there are still some doubts, it is not completely unacceptable.

In the following time, the two apprentices hid in the house and started a tug-of-war bargaining. Although one of them was eager to buy and the other was eager to sell, they were unwilling to give in easily on the price. Finally, after 2 hours of difficult negotiations, Grimm sold all the active materials for 17 knowledge points, 3 magic crystals, 1 screaming branch, and 1 bottle of invisibility potion (weak effect).

As for the dorsal scales, fangs, and claws of the giant crocodile king, Amm was not interested, but he could consider selling them to some apprentices who were preparing to take the route of body refining wizards.

If it were not for the rush of time, Grimm actually planned to extract the spine and long tendons of the giant crocodile king, which were the most sought-after materials among melee apprentices. But there was really no time. Even if he rushed back now, the corpse of the giant crocodile king would probably have been eaten by his own kind.

After Am moved all the materials away several times, Grimm immediately rushed to the library with these knowledge points that were not yet warm.

This time he came specifically for the fire defense witchcraft.

High temperature force field, a primary defense witchcraft of the fire system, forms a high temperature force field around the body, which bakes the enemies entering the range at high temperature and causes rapid water loss. Range of action: 10 meters. (Note: This is the precondition for the later flame barrier defense witchcraft.)

Flame shock, a primary defense witchcraft of the fire system, lays down fast-moving element nodes around, and any enemy that touches the element nodes will suffer 3-5 points of flame shock. Range of action: 8 meters. Number of element nodes: 17.

Body of fire, a primary defense witchcraft of the fire system, temporarily elementalizes part of the body to avoid fatal attacks and greatly improves the fire resistance of the caster. Range: 0 meters. (Note: This is the pre-requisite magic for the later transformation of the fire element.)

Flame Shield, a primary defensive witchcraft of the fire system, forms a small flame shield in front of the body, which can block most long-range witchcraft and melee attacks. Close enemies who attack the shield will suffer 1-2 points of fire damage. Range of action: 3 meters. Defense: 35 points. (Note: This is the late-stage flame shield pre-requisite witchcraft.)

Flame Shield, an intermediate defensive witchcraft of the fire system, forms three continuously rotating flame shields on the side of the body, which can block all long-range attacks and melee attacks before the shield is broken. Close enemies need to bear 3-5 points of fire damage. Range of action: 5 meters. Defense: 80 points. (Note: Fire Shield is required as a pre-requisite witchcraft.)

Flame enchantment is an intermediate defensive witchcraft of the fire system. It uses a large number of fire element nodes to create a flame enchantment around the body. Any enemy who steps into the flame enchantment will suffer 3-7 points of fire damage per second. Range of action: 15 meters. (Note: High temperature force field is required as a pre-requisite witchcraft.)

With so many fire-based defensive witchcrafts available to him, Grim also faced a difficult choice. Each of these defensive witchcraft has its own advantages and disadvantages, so if you want to choose the one that suits you, you really need to carefully identify their differences.

Moreover, most defensive witchcraft appear in systems. Some intermediate and advanced defensive witchcraft require certain primary defensive witchcraft as prerequisite abilities before you can continue to learn. Once you make a mistake at the beginning, you will need to spend more energy and time to correct it later.

Greem briefly analyzed it.

High-temperature force fields and flame enchantments are the same system, and they are both field-controlling enchantment witchcraft. It has no physical personal protection, so it has little protective effect against the enemy's long-range attacks. But in the face of close attacks from a large number of enemies, its field control effect is extremely significant.

Especially the 5-7 points of fire damage per second caused by the flame enchantment in the later stage is definitely an unbearable pain for some enemies who only have melee capabilities. As for Greem, his vitality is only 14 points now. If you are shrouded in such a flame barrier, you may be burned to coke and die in less than 3 seconds.

And what can he do in just 3 seconds? If he hadn't solidified some witchcraft, I'm afraid Greem would have been burned to death without even being able to cast a decent witchcraft.

As you can imagine, a quasi-witch with a flame enchantment suddenly appeared in the middle of a group of junior and middle-level apprentices. The scene of howling ghosts and wolves was simply not perfect! He doesn't even need to do anything, just the fire damage inside the barrier can kill a group of rookies who don't have up to standard fire resistance.

Whenever he thought of that exciting scene, Greem couldn't help but tremble all over. But when he thought that the flame barrier could not block the enemy's attack, he felt extremely painful!

In comparison, the Flame Shield and Flame Shield series are much more low-key.

Use the rich and substantial fire element to condense into the form of a shield, lingering around the body to protect against possible witchcraft and close attacks. If an enemy really dares to get close, he can inflict considerable fire damage on the opponent before the shield is broken.

Generally speaking, the group damage ability is not obvious, but the individual protection effect is excellent.

Therefore, it was no surprise that Greem chose to borrow the two sorcery books, Flame Shield and Flame Shield.

Here, purchasing the next Fire Shield wizardry book costs 15 knowledge points, while borrowing it once only costs 3 points. Therefore, most apprentices would rather borrow a few more books and copy them slowly by themselves, rather than buying the books with so many knowledge points.

This time also reflects the power of the chip capabilities.

You only need to borrow it once, and Greem can scan the chip to store all the information in the book, and then slowly understand and understand it. This can save a lot of knowledge points and borrow more books.

Moreover, defensive witchcraft cannot be learned just by using it. It requires borrowing a lot of prerequisite knowledge, so Greem gritted his teeth and borrowed them all in one go.

"The Effect of Fire Element Density on Witchcraft Effects"

"Elementary Flame Control Skills"

"Analysis of the use of flame shield"

"Elemental Characteristics of Distributed Flame"

Carrying a pile of borrowed books, Greem hurried back to his residence. But as soon as they reached the door, the wooden door next door opened with a creak, and Mary's pretty, cold and arrogant little face poked out.

"where is my present?"


Greem stood frozen on the spot.

I was only busy with my own summoning crystal core before, but I actually forgot about it!

Seeing Mary's face darken and looking like she was about to go berserk, Grim quickly shouted.

"One more hour. The gifts will be ready soon!"

After saying that, he hurried into the residence.

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