After a few days passed, it was divided into several waves of windrunners, and successive transfers began.

In order to avoid the enemy's awareness, they even changed the transfer location.

However, even so, just one accident is still exposing their existence...

The sharp arrow that flew out of the air grabbed the enemy's life accurately before the other party made a sound.

But they know that from this moment on, their existence can no longer be hidden.

Sure enough, the news of the death of the patrol soldiers of the patrols quickly caused Kazpashi’s vigilance and searched in the entire Upper Town of Manning City.

On the other hand, Zhou Yi and Gao Wen, who are located in the temporary base of Xiacheng District, naturally learned the news.

The early exposure of the Windrunners is undoubtedly a variable in their plans.

However, this is no problem. A whole windrunner, with a total of 1,800 soldiers, is so small that the chance of being completely undetected by the enemy is small.

Therefore, before the implementation of the plan, Zhou Yi had already formulated the second plan in advance.

Today, this second program obviously needs to be activated.

It has been said earlier that the Windrunners are good at fighting in complex terrain. The lush forests undoubtedly meet this requirement, and the cities, especially the urban areas with buildings, also meet this requirement. After all, the city can also have 'steel forests. 'This is another name!

Now on the streets of the Upper Town of Manning City, the Euro bus soldiers are searched for on a small team size.

However, the winged people's air force did not move out. Apparently, Kaz Passai was on the other side of the river.

It must be said that even if the expeditionary army does nothing, it is just a pressure on the other side of the river. It can help them contain most of the troops of the Europa army.

This situation is undoubtedly a sigh of relief for the windrunners who invaded the upper city.

Hidden in the buildings on both sides of the street, the windrunners lurking around, both eyes fell to the top of the battlefield, Colonel Owen.

Feeling the sight of His Majesty's soldiers, Owen's emerald-colored scorpion faintly swept the team of Europa soldiers who had passed through the street below.

Then, I saw him take a hand.

The next second, the arrows that flew out of the buildings on both sides of the street, shot all the soldiers of the entire team on the spot!

Throughout the whole process, the other party could not even make a sound.

By the time the body of this small group of Eurobus soldiers was discovered, it was already ten minutes later.

"All the guards! The enemy may be nearby!"

The movement here has quickly attracted the surrounding patrols.

Looking at the sharp arrow that runs through the throats of their comrades-in-arms, the look on the faces of the Europa buskers reveals a glimmer of heart.

This unit invaded by the enemy is more horrible than the general guerrillas, because the bows and arrows in their hands can quietly shoot the target!

This amazing means, invisibly, has brought psychological pressure to the Euro bus soldiers.

Inside the buildings on both sides of the street, one after the other, the door was violently opened. One of the Euro bus soldiers carried the rifle in their hand, and the brain filled the picture of shooting the enemy into the room, but The result is often an empty one.

The enemy soldiers may have moved directly after shooting the patrol squad.

However, in order to prevent accidents, they still need to confirm. At the same time, this kind of rude confirmation is also a way for the Europas to vent their pressure.

And in such a process, accompanied by a wooden door that was opened by a foot, at that moment, the arrow that almost flew in the face ran through the throat of the Euro bus soldier.

The comrades-in-arms were shot on the spot. This situation caused the other Euro bus soldiers who were still outside the door to scream directly...

"Hell! Here, they are here!!!"

In the roar, the Euro bus soldier and another Euro bus soldier next to him quickly exchanged a look.

In the next second, the two men shot directly into the room while rushing out.

But unfortunately, the prospect was really poor, and the bullets that flew out of the air did not hurt Owen, who was half-squatting on the window sill. Instead, he was raised by Owen with two arrows and took his life.

After shooting two enemy soldiers again, Owen did not continue to stay more and left directly from the window.

Did not choose to jump to the street, but in an incomparably agile body, stepping on the edge of the window sill and jumping up, grabbed the clothes rail on the upper floor, after a borrowing, directly flew upstairs .

At that time, I was standing on the street outside the Euro bus, the first reaction was to shoot.

As a result, the rifle in this hand was just brought up, and the arrows from the building on the other side of the street had already taken their lives.

"This side! There are also here!"

"Damn, they went up! Is this guy a monkey?!"

Similar shouts spread throughout the entire block.

Then the Euro bus rushed into the house, almost seeing the windrunners stepping on the roof outside the window sill and jumping up the roof of the on the rooftop, go to the rooftop! ! ”

The Europa bus soldiers who heard the movement rushed to the rooftop for the first time.

One foot kicked open the door of the rooftop, and at that moment, they just saw Owen rushing all the way toward the edge of the building's rooftop.

The trigger was pulled, the muzzle spewed fire, the rushed shot failed to hit, and the reloading of the ammunition was too late, and the Euro bus soldier chased it directly!

Owen, who was rushing in front of him, had already stepped on the edge of the roof and jumped up. It was just a pair of stairs from the top of the building to the opposite side of the building.

In this regard, the Euro bus instinctive felt that he could do it too, until the distance between the two buildings caught his eye as the distance approached, let him directly come to an emergency brake.

It’s a hell, it’s at least ten meters, or even close to fifteen meters!

And there are eight floors here, and if you fall, you will definitely die if you die.

I almost didn't stop in time, thinking that the Euro bus guard who was going to fall directly from the eight-story rooftop scared a cold sweat on the spot.

The next second, along with a head-up action, I saw Owen, who was flying in midair, and even made an action of flipping in the air. At the same time, in the process of the flip, a sharp arrow from the string was taken directly. After going to his life, the Euro bus soldier finally failed to escape the fate of falling from the eight floors.

Owen, who completed an aerial shooting, fell steadily on the roof of the opposite building...

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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