In the upper city, the influx of windrunners directly launched guerrilla warfare with the Europa army.

The city of Manning, originally an enemy city, has become their biggest reliance at this moment.

The windrunners who quickly figured out the terrain were caught in this piece of steel forest. The enemy could not lock their position at all, and even to some extent, they also played a home advantage.

Time passed by, the main force of the two sides remained stalemate across the Grand Canal, but the windbreakers who successfully invaded the Shangcheng District brought endless troubles to Kaz Passi.

The heavy casualty report that was sent up was taken on the desk in front of him, and Kazpasi’s face was obviously not good at this time.

Although the main army of the enemy has been restrained by the enemy's main army and cannot mobilize troops at will, this occupies a large part of the reason, but they are so embarrassed by a guerrilla force, this is still to let Kaz Passi There is a feeling that I can't lift my head.

Originally, according to his expectations, this intruding unit will soon be self-destructed due to insufficient ammunition and food replenishment, or it may be retreating.

However, it turns out that he is the continuous combat capability of the small enemy enemy.

Unlike bullets, the arrow can be recycled and reused after shooting the target. This can greatly improve the continuous combat capability of the windrunners.

As for the food problem, here is the urban area. Although the citizens have basically all evacuated, it is not easy to find some food supplies from house to house.

Not to mention the Elf Druids in the Expeditionary Forces, they will also find opportunities to send logistics supplies to the Windrunners on a regular basis.

As long as it is not a large-scale invasion of the air force, several eagle owls scattered from the height of the kilometer are not conspicuous. Even the celestial patrol in the air is hard to find.

According to the signal mark confirmed in advance, a group of elves Druid headed by Clade landed quietly.

Then they don't need to say more, the door in front of them has already opened.

Obviously, the windrunners hiding in the house at the time have already seen them, and naturally they do not need to doubt their identity.

Looking at the windrunners who came out of the house, Klad, who still maintains the attitude of the giant eagle, said directly...

"Additional arrows, as well as some supplies, are brought to you."

Without nonsense, the windrunners quickly began to help ‘unloading’.

After waiting for all the resources to be removed, the Elf Druids can finally change back to human form.

Although using the deformation technique, after becoming a giant eagle, I got the physique of the Warcraft level, but I carried so many, and at the same time, so heavy things flew in, still some tired and back pain.

"Working hard, Captain Clade."

While instructing the soldiers to move those resources into the house, Owenli expressed his gratitude to the members of the Elf Druid team headed by Clade.

In this regard, Clade is also a gift to return.

"Responsibility, Colonel."

Without too much politeness, after a simple return, the two quickly cut into the subject.

"Captain Clade, the weapons and equipment I applied for before, is the general approved?"

"I have already brought you here."

While talking, Clade quickly pointed to a pile of resource packs. Obviously, the weapons and equipment that Owen applied for were installed in those resource packs.

After a brief confirmation of the situation here, asked Owen, whether there is a need to bring back, or a report to help convey, Clade quickly left the team members with his majesty.

After all, it is in the enemy line, in order to reduce the risk of exposure, it is better not to wait.

And, next, Owen they estimated that they are also busy.

They sent Crad their Owen, quickly handed the resources of the weapons and equipment to the soldiers who were beside them, and then told them seriously...

"Hurry and distribute the weapons inside to you."

"Yes, Colonel!"

Klad, who returned to the lower city position, quickly reported to Zhou Yi and Gao Wen. After confirming the situation and report of the Windrunners, Zhou Yi did not seem to worry.

As a general in charge of the Southland, Zhou Yi is undoubtedly aware of the soldiers under his own hands. Owen’s own ability is excellent, and he is also a veteran in the military. His work has always been very measured, and he can’t think of anything, but Recently, he is worrying about another thing.

Some time ago, somehow, the food of the giant horned dragon lizard suddenly soared, and fell asleep after eating a lot of food.

This is nothing. In any case, they have sufficient food and food in the world. The annual grain output is much higher than that of the general grain-producing countries. It is not bad at all.

Not to mention a giant horned dragon lizard, and they can't eat them any more.

The problem is that after Cook fell asleep, he didn't wake up...

At that time, after learning about this situation, Zhou Yi was shocked. He quickly found a medical soldier and lizard patriarch Bakas who came to the army to ask to the diagnosis of medical personnel, Cook The body has no problems, but the heartbeat and pulse are slowing down, as if entering a dormant state.

In the face of this situation, Zhou Yi naturally turned to ask Bakas.

In this regard, Bakas did not have a bit of a clue, completely do not understand what this is, in the past, this guy Cook, there is no habit of hibernation? Not to mention that the season is already summer, and there is no abnormality before. How do you go to sleep?

By now, Cook’s body has directly formed a huge scorpion, which makes everyone feel awkward and completely unaware of what to do.

At this moment, Zhou Yi’s heart is called a cockroach. Now they are at the forefront of the battlefield. You are a big thing, you can’t sleep, what is this? In the event of any change in the battle, we can't move you!

During this time, because of this entanglement, Zhou Yi, who had lost a lot of hair, quickly sent the news back to the city of Der Spiegel.

At that time, Luo Jing of the Qingluo Temple, after receiving the emergency report from the front line, he could say that the tea that was drunk in his mouth was sprayed on the spot, and that was obviously dysfunctional. Ye Qingyi on the side felt a bit wrong.

"What's wrong with you?"

After hearing the words, Luo rubbed the tea stains on the corner of his mouth, and after hesitating again and again, Ye Qing, who stood there with a sigh of relief, said...

"Amount, I seem to accidentally give Zhou Yi a pit."


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